402 resultados para staple yarns


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A new molecular probe based on an oxidized bis-indolyl skeleton has been developed for rapid and sensitive visual detection of cyanide ions in water and also for the detection of endogenously bound cyanide. The probe allows the naked-eye detection of cyanide ions in water with a visual color change from red to yellow ((max)=80nm) with the immediate addition of the probe. It shows high selectivity towards the cyanide ion without any interference from other anions. The detection of cyanide by the probe is ratiometric, thus making the detection quantitative. A Michael-type addition reaction of the probe with the cyanide ion takes place during this chemodosimetric process. In water, the detection limit was found to be at the parts per million level, which improved drastically when a neutral micellar medium was employed, and it showed a parts-per-billion-level detection, which is even 25-fold lower than the permitted limits of cyanide in water. The probe could also efficiently detect the endogenously bound cyanide in cassava (a staple food) with a clear visual color change without requiring any sample pretreatment and/or any special reaction conditions such as pH or temperature. Thus the probe could serve as a practical naked-eye probe for in-field experiments without requiring any sophisticated instruments.


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The evaluation of mechanical properties of carbon nanotube (CNT) fibers is inherently difficult. Here, Raman scattering-a generic methodology independent of mechanical measurements-is used to determine the interbundle strength and microscopic failure process for various CNT macroarchitectures. Raman data are used to predict the moduli of CNT films and fibers, and to illustrate the influences of the twisting geometries on the fibers' mechanical performances.


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[ES] La lírica arcaica ocupa un lugar especial en la historia de la literatura griega, pero es también al mismo tiempo un documento importantísimo para conocer aspectos de la vida diaria de esta época, entre ellos el relacionado con la alimentación. La elegía y el yambo dejan entrever una dieta vegetariana, complementada con carnes de animales domésticos y caza y con el vino como bebida fundamental, una dieta no muy diferente de la que nos mostrarán otros autores griegos a lo largo de toda la antigüedad.


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Since some time fishing gear scientists express their concern over an observed tendency of the commercial fishery to proceed from codend netting yarns of 3 to 4 mm to higher values or to switch to the use of double instead of single yarn. A recent large EU-financed project collected statistical evidence on the detrimental effect of such behaviour on the selectivity of the codends. In this context data on cod are very scarce. German-Polish experiments in the Baltic from 1999 to 2001 aimed at filling this gap. The investigations prove a clear evidence of a negativ ecorrelation between netting yarn diameter and selectivity factor and/or L50. In addition they demonstrate a clear negative effect on selectivity when switching from single to double yarn The effects are of an order of magnitude that counteracting effects as catch size are masked and support the decision of the IBSFC to define maximum yarn diameters both for single and double yarn netting. A measuring instrument for the enforcement of these new regulations was introduced right in time.


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Carbon nanotubes have unprecedented mechanical properties as defect-free nanoscale building blocks, but their potential has not been fully realized in composite materials due to weakness at the interfaces. Here we demonstrate that through load-transfer-favored three-dimensional architecture and molecular level couplings with polymer chains, true potential of CNTs can be realized in composites as Initially envisioned. Composite fibers with reticulate nanotube architectures show order of magnitude improvement in strength compared to randomly dispersed short CNT reinforced composites reported before. The molecular level couplings between nanotubes and polymer chains results in drastic differences in the properties of thermoset and thermoplastic composite fibers, which indicate that conventional macroscopic composite theory falls to explain the overall hybrid behavior at nanoscale.


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En fecha tan temprana como 1622 aparece en Inglaterra la primera publicación periódica. Ese mismo año Ben Jonson, escritor teatral contemporáneo de William Shakespeare, compone una mascarada, la primera obra literaria que alude al fenómeno del periodismo. Cuatro años después, en 1626, escribe y hace representar toda una comedia cuyo tema central y escenario es un periódico. Por primera vez en español damos ahora en traducción ambas obras, Noticias del Nuevo Mundo descubierto en la Luna (News from the New World discover’d in the Moon) y El comercio de noticias (The staple of news). Especialmente esta última es, además de una apreciable pieza dramática, un excelente retrato de un fenómeno emergente que no solamente describe las características del incipiente periodismo, sino además una reflexión sobre cuestiones tales como la democracia, la participación ciudadana, la monarquía, la estructura empresarial o los derechos de autor. La obra de Jonson es el retrato de una época oscura, apenas dos décadas de albores del periodismo, y su literatura es la única capaz de devolvernos algo de su efímero esplendor. Pero es también el retrato de una profesión cuyas principales características, que el escalpelo crítico de Jonson tan ácidamente pone de manifiesto, siguen siendo contemporáneas. Con sus casi cuatro siglos de solera, en la oficina de noticias que Jonson nos pinta está teniendo lugar una escena que no ha perdido su vigencia.


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O aumento no volume de rejeitos industriais e a contínua produção de resíduos de naturezas diversas causam muitas preocupações no âmbito ambiental. Neste contexto, o descarte de embalagens e garrafas de poli(tereftalato de etileno) (PET) tem se tornado um grande problema por conta da pequena atenção que se dá à sua destinação final. Assim sendo, essa pesquisa propõe a análise técnica da utilização de resíduos de PET, oriundos de reciclagem primária, como matéria-prima para a indústria têxtil. Fios de PET reciclado foram comparados aos fios comerciais de poliéster através de diversos ensaios como, por exemplo, resistência à tração e ensaios para solidificação da cor. Ao mesmo tempo, a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foi usada para a investigação da morfologia dos fios e melhor interpretação dos resultados. Pôde ser verificado que os fios de PET reciclado apresentam satisfatório desempenho, embora a resistência mecânica e a solidez a cor à luz sejam inferiores àquelas dos fios convencionais de poliéster.


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[ES] Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto en el que se estudian dos poblaciones de cárabo común (Strix aluco); una en Durango (Bizkaia) y otra en Burceña (Burgos). Este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo en Burceña y en él se muestran los primeros resultados del uso del espacio de estas rapaces nocturnas y su disponibilidad de alimento en los bosques de esta zona. Para ello hemos obtenido localizaciones de diez cárabos durante un año para conocer los territorios de cada uno y hemos capturado en vivo la dieta principal de esta ave, micromamíferos. Estos resultados los hemos relacionado entre sí para saber si influye el uso del espacio en las capturas de micromamíferos. Estas dos variables también las hemos relacionado con el tipo y la edad de los bosques muestreados. Según los resultados obtenidos podemos afirmar que sí existe una influencia del uso en las capturas, demostrando una relación negativa; es decir, donde se han capturado más micromamíferos es en los bosques que menos frecuentan los cárabos, que a su vez, son los bosques menos accesibles para estas rapaces. ABSTRACT This investigation is part of a work project whereby two Tawny owl (Strix aluco) populations are studied. One of them lives in Durango, Biscay and the other one in Burceña, Burgos. This specific work took place in Burceña and lasted one year. It shows the first results of the study on the use of the space of the Tawny owls and the food availability in their woodland range area. We spotted and traced the home range of ten different tawny owls, and also trapped small mammals which are the staple diet of these owls. We compared both the results obtained in order to know if the use of the area is related to the capture of small mammals. These two variables (space-capture) were also related to the type and age of the sampled forests. The results obtained show that it is true there is an influence of the use of space upon the captures proving to be a negative relation, that is, the largest numbers of micromammals were captured in the woodlands where there are fewer owls, because they are the least accessible forests for these birds of prey.


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A indústria têxtil tem como característica a geração de grandes volumes de resíduos, principalmente corantes oriundos do tingimento de fios e tecidos. Os tratamentos convencionais de efluentes têxteis são ineficazes na degradação da maioria dos corantes. A fotocatálise heterogênea vem surgindo como alternativa promissora no tratamento desses poluentes. Neste trabalho, estudou-se a degradação fotocatalítica de duas soluções, simuladas em laboratório, compostas pelos corantes ácidos Blue 74, Red 51 e Yellow 3 (efluente I) e pelos reativos Black 5, Red 239 e Yellow 17 (efluente II), além de outros produtos químicos. Testes preliminares foram realizados para otimizar o pH e a massa de catalisador (TiO2) utilizados. Além da fotocatálise, experimentos de fotólise e adsorção também foram realizados. Através de espectrofotometria UV-VIS, verificou-se um descoramento por fotocatálise de 96% em 240 min e 97% em 30 min dos efluentes I e II, respectivamente. A mineralização do efluente I foi baixa (37%) e a do efluente II desprezível, nos tempos utilizados. No banho com corantes ácidos, foram realizadas ainda análises de toxicidade com sementes de alface (Lactuca sativa). A CE50 inicial estimada foi igual a 19,28 %, sendo a toxicidade totalmente removida após 63 min de processo fotocatalítico. A fotólise não obteve a mesma eficiência da fotocatálise, mostrando a importância do catalisador na degradação. A adsorção não foi significativa para os efluentes estudados. As cinéticas de degradação fotocatalítica de todos os corantes seguiram um modelo de pseudo-primeira ordem


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Reliability of the measuring devices is very important problem. Optical fibre sensors are very efficient. The use of optical fibre sensors for monitoring the physical and chemical parameters has been expanding over resent years. These sensors are applied for monitoring the structural integrity of long, parallel lay synthetic ropes. Such ropes are corrosion free, however, their operational lifetime under cyclic load is not well understood and premature failure can occur due to slippage and breakage of yarns within the rope. The monitoring system has been proposed which is based on acoustic detection of yarn breakage. Monitoring the strain and temperature is performed using the array of fibre gratings distributed along the rope length.


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The diet and feeding ecology of a wild subpopulation of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) were studied at Xiaochangdu in Honglaxueshan Nature Reserve, Tibet. This region is climatologically harsher than any other inhabited by non-human primates. Black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys fed on 48 parts of 25 plant species, at least three species of lichens and seven species of invertebrates. The number of food items exploited varied markedly among seasons, with dietary diversity being greatest in spring and summer. In winter, black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys had to subsist on fallback foods such as dried grass and bark. Ubiquitous lichens formed a major dietary constituent throughout the year, contributing about 75% of feeding records. Even though lichens act as a staple, our findings signify that the monkeys at Xiaochangdu prefer feeding on foliage, which is higher in protein content than the former. We provide evidence that black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys are able to cope with an array of food items other than lichens and hence can be regarded as feeding generalists. We discuss the results with reference to previous studies on other subpopulations living in habitats that are floristically more diverse and offer more plant food items than the marginal habitat at Xiaochangdu.


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This article presents results from conventional creep tests (CCT) and two accelerated test methods (the stepped isothermal method (SIM) and the stepped isostress method (SSM)) to determine the creep and creep-rupture behavior of two different aramid fibers, Kevlar 49 and Technora. CCT are regarded as the true behavior of the yarn, but they are impractical for long-term use where failures are expected only after many years. All the tests were carried out on the same batches of yarns, and using the same clamping arrangements, so the tests should be directly comparable. For both materials, SIM testing gives good agreement with CCT and gave stress-rupture lifetimes that followed the same trend. However, there was significant variation for SSM testing, especially when testing Technora fibers. The results indicate that Kevlar has a creep strain capacity that is almost independent of stress, whereas Technora shows a creep strain capacity that depends on stress. Its creep strain capacity is approximately two to three times that of Kevlar 49. The accelerated test methods give indirect estimates for the activation energy and the activation volume of the fibers. The activation energy for Technora is about 20% higher than that for Kevlar, meaning that it is less sensitive to the effects of increasing temperature. The activation volume for both materials was similar, and in both cases, stress dependent. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Creep tests at ambient conditions have been carried out on Kevlar 49 and Technora yarns covering a wide stress spectrum (10-70% average breaking load) for a long period of time (up to a year). The results confirm that Kevlar 49 and Technora yarns show a nonlinear behavior at stresses below 40% of the breaking load and a linear behavior at stresses above 40%. The strength retention following creep for Kevlar 49 and Technora has also been examined. The results show a significant difference in the behavior of the two materials. Kevlar 49 appears to lose strength almost linearly with time, while Technora seems to lose strength much more rapidly. These results would have significant implications for design. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012 Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Worldwide commercial interest in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is reflected in a production capacity that presently exceeds several thousand tons per year. Currently, bulk CNT powders are incorporated in diverse commercial products ranging from rechargeable batteries, automotive parts, and sporting goods to boat hulls and water filters. Advances in CNT synthesis, purification, and chemical modification are enabling integration of CNTs in thin-film electronics and large-area coatings. Although not yet providing compelling mechanical strength or electrical or thermal conductivities for many applications, CNT yarns and sheets already have promising performance for applications including supercapacitors, actuators, and lightweight electromagnetic shields.


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The effect of strain rate upon the uniaxial response of Ultra High Molecular-weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibres, yarns and laminates of lay-up [0/90]48 has been measured in both the 0/90 and ±45 configurations. The tensile strength of the matrix-dominated ±45 laminate is two orders of magnitude less than that of the fibre-dominated 0/90 laminate, and is more sensitive to strain rate. A piezoelectric force sensor device was developed to obtain the high strain rate data, and this achieved a rise time of less than 1 μs. It is found that the failure strength (and failure strain) of the yarn is almost insensitive to strain rate within the range (10 -1-103 s-1). At low strain rates (below 10 -1 s-1), creep of the yarn dominates and the failure strain increases with diminishing strain rate. The tensile strength of the dry yarn exceeds that of the laminate by about 20%. Tests on single fibres exceed the strength of the yarn by 20%. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.