381 resultados para soliton


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We report on an experimental observation of bound states of solitons in a passively mode-locked fiber soliton ring laser. The observed bound solitons are stable and have discrete, fixed soliton separations that are independent of the experimental conditions.


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We consider a possible technique for mode locking an atom laser, based on the generation of a dark soliton in a ring-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate, with repulsive atomic interactions. The soliton is a kink, with angular momentum per particle equal to (h) over bar /2. It emerges naturally when the condensate is stirred at the soliton velocity and cleansed with a periodic out coupler. The result is a replicating coherent field inside the atom laser, stabilized by topology. We give a numerical demonstration of the generation and stabilization of the soliton.


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We directly visualize the response of nematic liquid crystal drops of toroidal topology threaded in cellulosic fibers, suspended in air, to an AC electric field and at different temperatures over the N-I transition. This new liquid crystal system can exhibit non-trivial point defects, which can be energetically unstable against expanding into ring defects depending on the fiber constraining geometries. The director anchoring tangentially near the fiber surface and homeotropically at the air interface makes a hybrid shell distribution that in turn causes a ring disclination line around the main axis of the fiber at the center of the droplet. Upon application of an electric field, E, the disclination ring first expands and moves along the fiber main axis, followed by the appearance of a stable "spherical particle" object orbiting around the fiber at the center of the liquid crystal drop. The rotation speed of this particle was found to vary linearly with the applied voltage. This constrained liquid crystal geometry seems to meet the essential requirements in which soliton-like deformations can develop and exhibit stable orbiting in three dimensions upon application of an external electric field. On changing the temperature the system remains stable and allows the study of the defect evolution near the nematic-isotropic transition, showing qualitatively different behaviour on cooling and heating processes. The necklaces of such liquid crystal drops constitute excellent systems for the study of topological defects and their evolution and open new perspectives for application in microelectronics and photonics.


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We study, both theoretically and experimentally, the dynamical response of Turing patterns to a spatiotemporal forcing in the form of a traveling-wave modulation of a control parameter. We show that from strictly spatial resonance, it is possible to induce new, generic dynamical behaviors, including temporally modulated traveling waves and localized traveling solitonlike solutions. The latter make contact with the soliton solutions of Coullet [Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 724 (1986)] and generalize them. The stability diagram for the different propagating modes in the Lengyel-Epstein model is determined numerically. Direct observations of the predicted solutions in experiments carried out with light modulations in the photosensitive chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid reaction are also reported.


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A model of anisotropic fluid with three perfect fluid components in interaction is studied. Each fluid component obeys the stiff matter equation of state and is irrotational. The interaction is chosen to reproduce an integrable system of equations similar to the one associated to self-dual SU(2) gauge fields. An extension of the BelinskyZakharov version of the inverse scattering transform is presented and used to find soliton solutions to the coupled Einstein equations. A particular class of solutions that can be interpreted as lumps of matter propagating in empty space-time is examined.


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Some generalized soliton solutions of the cosmological EinsteinRosen type defined in the space-time region t2=z2 in terms of canonical coordinates are considered. Vacuum solutions are studied and interpreted as cosmological models. Fluid solutions are also considered and are seen to represent inhomogeneous cosmological models that become homogeneous at t?8. A subset of them evolve toward isotropic FriedmannRobertsonWalker metrics.


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We study, both theoretically and experimentally, the dynamical response of Turing patterns to a spatiotemporal forcing in the form of a traveling-wave modulation of a control parameter. We show that from strictly spatial resonance, it is possible to induce new, generic dynamical behaviors, including temporally modulated traveling waves and localized traveling solitonlike solutions. The latter make contact with the soliton solutions of Coullet [Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 724 (1986)] and generalize them. The stability diagram for the different propagating modes in the Lengyel-Epstein model is determined numerically. Direct observations of the predicted solutions in experiments carried out with light modulations in the photosensitive chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid reaction are also reported.


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We study the gravitational dual of a high-energy collision in a confining gauge theory. We consider a linearized approach in which two point particles traveling in an AdS-soliton background suddenly collide to form an object at rest (presumably a black hole for large enough center-of-mass energies). The resulting radiation exhibits the features expected in a theory with a mass gap: late-time power law tails of the form t −3/2, the failure of Huygens" principle and distortion of the wave pattern as it propagates. The energy spectrum is exponentially suppressed for frequencies smaller than the gauge theory mass gap. Consequently, we observe no memory effect in the gravitational waveforms. At larger frequencies the spectrum has an upward-stairway structure, which corresponds to the excitation of the tower of massive states in the confining gauge theory. We discuss the importance of phenomenological cutoffs to regularize the divergent spectrum, and the aspects of the full non-linear collision that are expected to be captured by our approach.


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The dynamical properties ofshaken granular materials are important in many industrial applications where the shaking is used to mix, segregate and transport them. In this work asystematic, large scale simulation study has been performed to investigate the rheology of dense granular media, in the presence of gas, in a three dimensional vertical cylinder filled with glass balls. The base wall of the cylinder is subjected to sinusoidal oscillation in the vertical direction. The viscoelastic behavior of glass balls during a collision, have been studied experimentally using a modified Newton's Cradle device. By analyzing the results of the measurements, using numerical model based on finite element method, the viscous damping coefficient was determinedfor the glass balls. To obtain detailed information about the interparticle interactions in a shaker, a simplified model for collision between particles of a granular material was proposed. In order to simulate the flow of surrounding gas, a formulation of the equations for fluid flow in a porous medium including particle forces was proposed. These equations are solved with Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique using a subgrid-model originally proposed for compressible turbulent flows. For a pentagonal prism-shaped container under vertical vibrations, the results show that oscillon type structures were formed. Oscillons are highly localized particle-like excitations of the granular layer. This self-sustaining state was named by analogy with its closest large-scale analogy, the soliton, which was first documented by J.S. Russell in 1834. The results which has been reportedbyBordbar and Zamankhan(2005b)also show that slightly revised fluctuation-dissipation theorem might apply to shaken sand, which appears to be asystem far from equilibrium and could exhibit strong spatial and temporal variations in quantities such as density and local particle velocity. In this light, hydrodynamic type continuum equations were presented for describing the deformation and flow of dense gas-particle mixtures. The constitutive equation used for the stress tensor provides an effective viscosity with a liquid-like character at low shear rates and a gaseous-like behavior at high shear rates. The numerical solutions were obtained for the aforementioned hydrodynamic equations for predicting the flow dynamics ofdense mixture of gas and particles in vertical cylindrical containers. For a heptagonal prism shaped container under vertical vibrations, the model results were found to predict bubbling behavior analogous to those observed experimentally. This bubbling behavior may be explained by the unusual gas pressure distribution found in the bed. In addition, oscillon type structures were found to be formed using a vertically vibrated, pentagonal prism shaped container in agreement with computer simulation results. These observations suggest that the pressure distribution plays a key rolein deformation and flow of dense mixtures of gas and particles under vertical vibrations. The present models provide greater insight toward the explanation of poorly understood hydrodynamic phenomena in the field of granular flows and dense gas-particle mixtures. The models can be generalized to investigate the granular material-container wall interactions which would be an issue of high interests in the industrial applications. By following this approach ideal processing conditions and powder transport can be created in industrial systems.


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Electron scattering on a thin layer where the potential depends self-consistently on the wave function has been studied. When the amplitude of the incident wave exceeds a certain threshold, a soliton-shaped brightening (darkening) appears on the layer causing diffraction of the wave. Thus the spontaneously formed transverse pattern can be viewed as a self-induced nonlinear quantum screen. Attractive or repulsive nonlinearities result in different phase shifts of the wave function on the screen, which give rise to quite different diffraction patterns. Among others, the nonlinearity can cause self-focusing of the incident wave into a beam, splitting in two "beams," single or double traces with suppressed reflection or transmission, etc.


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In this Thesis, we study various aspects of ring dark solitons (RDSs) in quasi-two-dimensional toroidally trapped Bose-Einstein condensates, focussing on atomic realisations thereof. Unlike the well-known planar dark solitons, exact analytic expressions for RDSs are not known. We address this problem by presenting exact localized soliton-like solutions to the radial Gross-Pitaevskii equation. To date, RDSs have not been experimentally observed in cold atomic gases, either. To this end, we propose two protocols for their creation in experiments. It is also currently well known that in dimensions higher than one, (ring) dark solitons are susceptible, in general, to an irreversible decay into vortex-antivortex pairs through the snake instability. We show that the snake instability is caused by an unbalanced quantum pressure across the soliton's notch, linking the instability to the Bogoliubov-de Gennes spectrum. In particular, if the angular symmetry is maintained (or the toroidal trapping is restrictive enough), we show that the RDS is stable (long-lived with a lifetime of order seconds) in two dimensions. Furthermore, when the decay does take place, we show that the snake instability can in fact be reversible, and predict a previously unknown revival phenomenon for the original (many-)RDS system: the soliton structure is recovered and all the point-phase singularities (i.e. vortices) disappear. Eventually, however, the decay leads to an example of quantum turbulence; a quantum example of the laminar-to-turbulent type of transition.


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Various researches in the field of econophysics has shown that fluid flow have analogous phenomena in financial market behavior, the typical parallelism being delivered between energy in fluids and information on markets. However, the geometry of the manifold on which market dynamics act out their dynamics (corporate space) is not yet known. In this thesis, utilizing a Seven year time series of prices of stocks used to compute S&P500 index on the New York Stock Exchange, we have created local chart to the corporate space with the goal of finding standing waves and other soliton like patterns in the behavior of stock price deviations from the S&P500 index. By first calculating the correlation matrix of normalized stock price deviations from the S&P500 index, we have performed a local singular value decomposition over a set of four different time windows as guides to the nature of patterns that may emerge. I turns out that in almost all cases, each singular vector is essentially determined by relatively small set of companies with big positive or negative weights on that singular vector. Over particular time windows, sometimes these weights are strongly correlated with at least one industrial sector and certain sectors are more prone to fast dynamics whereas others have longer standing waves.


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Dans ce travail, j’étudierai principalement un modèle abélien de Higgs en 2+1 dimensions, dans lequel un champ scalaire interagit avec un champ de jauge. Des défauts topologiques, nommés vortex, sont créés lorsque le potentiel possède un minimum brisant spontanément la symétrie U(1). En 3+1 dimensions, ces vortex deviennent des défauts à une dimension. Ils ap- paraissent par exemple en matière condensée dans les supraconducteurs de type II comme des lignes de flux magnétique. J’analyserai comment l’énergie des solutions statiques dépend des paramètres du modèle et en particulier du nombre d’enroulement du vortex. Pour le choix habituel de potentiel (un poly- nôme quartique dit « BPS »), la relation entre les masses des deux champs mène à deux types de comportements : type I si la masse du champ de jauge est plus grande que celle du champ sca- laire et type II inversement. Selon le cas, la dépendance de l’énergie au nombre d’enroulement, n, indiquera si les vortex auront tendance à s’attirer ou à se repousser, respectivement. Lorsque le flux emprisonné est grand, les vortex présentent un profil où la paroi est mince, permettant certaines simplifications dans l’analyse. Le potentiel, un polynôme d’ordre six (« non-BPS »), est choisi tel que le centre du vortex se trouve dans le vrai vide (minimum absolu du potentiel) alors qu’à l’infini le champ scalaire se retrouve dans le faux vide (minimum relatif du potentiel). Le taux de désintégration a déjà été estimé par une approximation semi-classique pour montrer l’impact des défauts topologiques sur la stabilité du faux vide. Le projet consiste d’abord à établir l’existence de vortex classi- quement stables de façon numérique. Puis, ma contribution fut une analyse des paramètres du modèle révélant le comportement énergétique de ceux-ci en fonction du nombre d’enroulement. Ce comportement s’avèrera être différent du cas « BPS » : le ratio des masses ne réussit pas à décrire le comportement observé numériquement.


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Dans cette thèse, nous présentons quelques analyses théoriques récentes ainsi que des observations expérimentales de l’effet tunnel quantique macroscopique et des tran- sitions de phase classique-quantique dans le taux d’échappement des systèmes de spins élevés. Nous considérons les systèmes de spin biaxial et ferromagnétiques. Grâce à l’approche de l’intégral de chemin utilisant les états cohérents de spin exprimés dans le système de coordonnées, nous calculons l’interférence des phases quantiques et leur distribution énergétique. Nous présentons une exposition claire de l’effet tunnel dans les systèmes antiferromagnétiques en présence d’un couplage d’échange dimère et d’une anisotropie le long de l’axe de magnétisation aisé. Nous obtenons l’énergie et la fonc- tion d’onde de l’état fondamentale ainsi que le premier état excité pour les systèmes de spins entiers et demi-entiers impairs. Nos résultats sont confirmés par un calcul utilisant la théorie des perturbations à grand ordre et avec la méthode de l’intégral de chemin qui est indépendant du système de coordonnées. Nous présentons aussi une explica- tion claire de la méthode du potentiel effectif, qui nous laisse faire une application d’un système de spin quantique vers un problème de mécanique quantique d’une particule. Nous utilisons cette méthode pour analyser nos modèles, mais avec la contrainte d’un champ magnétique externe ajouté. La méthode nous permet de considérer les transitions classiques-quantique dans le taux d’échappement dans ces systèmes. Nous obtenons le diagramme de phases ainsi que les températures critiques du passage entre les deux régimes. Nous étendons notre analyse à une chaine de spins d’Heisenberg antiferro- magnétique avec une anisotropie le long d’un axe pour N sites, prenant des conditions frontière périodiques. Pour N paire, nous montrons que l’état fondamental est non- dégénéré et donné par la superposition des deux états de Néel. Pour N impair, l’état de Néel contient un soliton, et, car la position du soliton est indéterminée, l’état fondamen- tal est N fois dégénéré. Dans la limite perturbative pour l’interaction d’Heisenberg, les fluctuations quantiques lèvent la dégénérescence et les N états se réorganisent dans une bande. Nous montrons qu’à l’ordre 2s, où s est la valeur de chaque spin dans la théorie des perturbations dégénérées, la bande est formée. L’état fondamental est dégénéré pour s entier, mais deux fois dégénéré pour s un demi-entier impair, comme prévu par le théorème de Kramer


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This thesis deals with the study of light beam propagation through different nonlinear media. Analytical and numerical methods are used to show the formation of solitonS in these media. Basic experiments have also been performed to show the formation of a self-written waveguide in a photopolymer. The variational method is used for the analytical analysis throughout the thesis. Numerical method based on the finite-difference forms of the original partial differential equation is used for the numerical analysis.In Chapter 2, we have studied two kinds of solitons, the (2 + 1) D spatial solitons and the (3 + l)D spatio-temporal solitons in a cubic-quintic medium in the presence of multiphoton ionization.In Chapter 3, we have studied the evolution of light beam through a different kind of nonlinear media, the photorcfractive polymer. We study modulational instability and beam propagation through a photorefractive polymer in the presence of absorption losses. The one dimensional beam propagation through the nonlinear medium is studied using variational and numerical methods. Stable soliton propagation is observed both analytically and numerically.Chapter 4 deals with the study of modulational instability in a photorefractive crystal in the presence of wave mixing effects. Modulational instability in a photorefractive medium is studied in the presence of two wave mixing. We then propose and derive a model for forward four wave mixing in the photorefractive medium and investigate the modulational instability induced by four wave mixing effects. By using the standard linear stability analysis the instability gain is obtained.Chapter 5 deals with the study of self-written waveguides. Besides the usual analytical analysis, basic experiments were done showing the formation of self-written waveguide in a photopolymer system. The formation of a directional coupler in a photopolymer system is studied theoretically in Chapter 6. We propose and study, using the variational approximation as well as numerical simulation, the evolution of a probe beam through a directional coupler formed in a photopolymer system.