974 resultados para sistemi precipitantiradar polarimetricodisdrometroidrometeorenubi convettive


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La tesi, che si articola in tre capitoli, analizza la rilevanza della professionalità del lavoratore nell’ambito del rapporto di lavoro subordinato con particolare riferimento all’interesse mostrato da parte della contrattazione collettiva nel settore privato e pubblico nella definizione dei sistemi classificatori e di inquadramento del personale. Nel primo capitolo, si dà conto dei fattori che hanno determinato l’emersione della professionalità quale bene giuridico meritevole di tutela da parte dell’ordinamento: si analizzano in particolare le trasformazioni organizzative e produttive, nonché le indicazioni provenienti dal testo costituzionale che si riverberano di poi nella legislazione ordinaria. Nel secondo si analizza quanto la professionalità, o le singole voci che la compongono, rilevi a fini classificatori: dunque in che termini le competenze, le conoscenze del lavoratore rilevino quali criteri classificatori. Nel terzo capitolo, viceversa, si pone maggiore attenzione rispetto all’ “importanza” della professionalità quale fattore che incide su meccanismi di progressione retributiva e in genere professionale (assumendosi tale espressione come una sorta di sinonimo del termine carriera, rispetto al quale si differenzia quanto al contesto organizzativo e produttivo in cui si svolge) del lavoratore. In un assetto simile, centrale è il rilievo della valutazione del lavoratore. I contratti collettivi analizzati sono per il settore privato quelli delle categorie chimici, terziario e tessile; per il settore pubblico, quelli del comparto sanità e regioni ed autonomie locali.


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Polymeric adhesives have been used for many applications like suture and embolization, instead of classic surgical methods or as for dental uses. In this work both subjects have been investigated and the results separated in two parts. In the first, new dentinal adhesives with different polymerizable groups (methacrylic or vinyl-ethereal) were synthesized. A low sensitivity to hydrolysis and equal or enhanced properties, compared to existing commercial products, were considered essentials. Moreover, these monomers need to polymerize by radical photopolymerization and functional groups of different characteristics were tested. All these products were characterized by microtensile bond strength test to determine the bonding strength between the adhesive and tooth. Concerning embolization, cyanoacrylates are nowadays the most-used adhesives in surgery. Thus, they must respond to several requirements. For instance, polymerization time and adhesive strength need to be low, to avoid diffusion of the products in the body and adhesion to the catheter. In order to overcome these problems we developed new cyanoacrylates, which practically instantly polymerize upon contact with blood but do not demonstrate strong adhesion to the catheter, thank to the presence of fluorine atoms, linked to the ester chain. The synthesis of these products was carried out in several steps, such as the depolymerization of the corresponding oligomers at high temperature in acid conditions. Two types of adhesion strengths were determined. Bonding strength between human veins and a microcatheter was determined in vitro by using organic materials as the most realistic model. Another test, on two layers of skin, was conducted to verify the possible use of these new cyanoacrylates as a glue for sutures. As a conclusion, we were able to demonstrate that some of the prepared monomers posses adhesive strength and polymerization time lower than the commercial product Glubran2.


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The assessment of the RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) performances of system generally includes the evaluations of the “Importance” of its components and/or of the basic parameters of the model through the use of the Importance Measures. The analytical equations proposed in this study allow the estimation of the first order Differential Importance Measure on the basis of the Birnbaum measures of components, under the hypothesis of uniform percentage changes of parameters. The aging phenomena are introduced into the model by assuming exponential-linear or Weibull distributions for the failure probabilities. An algorithm based on a combination of MonteCarlo simulation and Cellular Automata is applied in order to evaluate the performance of a networked system, made up of source nodes, user nodes and directed edges subjected to failure and repair. Importance Sampling techniques are used for the estimation of the first and total order Differential Importance Measures through only one simulation of the system “operational life”. All the output variables are computed contemporaneously on the basis of the same sequence of the involved components, event types (failure or repair) and transition times. The failure/repair probabilities are forced to be the same for all components; the transition times are sampled from the unbiased probability distributions or it can be also forced, for instance, by assuring the occurrence of at least a failure within the system operational life. The algorithm allows considering different types of maintenance actions: corrective maintenance that can be performed either immediately upon the component failure or upon finding that the component has failed for hidden failures that are not detected until an inspection; and preventive maintenance, that can be performed upon a fixed interval. It is possible to use a restoration factor to determine the age of the component after a repair or any other maintenance action.


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Nanomedicine is a science based on the preparation of nanosystems for biomedical application. The drugs can be entrapped inside the nanocarriers to improve the drug concentration in the diseased issue through a drug delivery approach; polimeric materials as PLGA-b-PEG has been revealed good properties for this purpose. To improve the nanosystem efficiency it is possible to bind a targeting agent on the carrier surface. In this thesis work silver nanoparticles or drugs as Temsirolimus and Alisertib have been entrapped in PLGA-b-PEG carriers. Chlorotoxin has been linked on the carrier surface as a specific targeting agent for brain tumors. Citotoxicity in vitro of the nanosystems on Glioblastoma cells has been studied.


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Questa tesi affronta lo sviluppo di sistemi elettronici per il collaudo automatizzato di centraline elettroniche per sistemi automotive. Viene illustrato lo sviluppo di un simulatore per il collaudo basato su ambiente Labview. Inoltre, viene presentata un'analisi di fattibiltà del rilevamento di malfunzionamenti basata sull'elaborazione di immagini termografiche.