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Time availability is a key concept in relation to volunteering, leading to organisations and governments targeting those outside paid work as a potential source of volunteers. It may be that factors such as a growth in female participation in the labour market and an increase in work hours will lead to more people saying they are simply too busy to volunteer This paper discusses how social and economic change, such as changing work patterns, are impacting on time availability. Using the 1997 ABS Time Use data, it identifies a predictive model of spare time by looking at demographic, life stage and employment related variables. Results confirm that those outside paid work, particularly the young, males and those without partners or children, are the groups most likely to have time to spare. These groups do not currently report high rates of volunteering. The paper concludes by questioning the premise that people will volunteer simply because they have time to spare. This is just one component of a range of motivations and factors that influence the decision to volunteer.
Analysis of charred plant macro-remains, including wood charcoals, cereals, seeds, tubers and fruits from the Neolithic site of Catalhoyuk has indicated complex patterns of plant resource use and exploitation in the Konya plain during the early Holocene. Evidence presented in this paper shows that settlement location was not dictated by proximity to high quality arable land and direct access to arboreal resources (firewood, timber, fruit producing species). A summary of the patterns observed in sample composition and species representation is outlined here together with preliminary interpretations of these results within their broader regional context.
The thermal ecology and structural habitat use of two closely related sympatric lizards, Carlia vivax (de Vis) and Lygisaurus foliorum de Vis, were examined in an open sclerophyll forest in subtropical Australia. Comparable mean body temperatures (T-b) and habitat temperatures (T-hab) at the point of capture were recorded for both species. However, sex- related differences in the thermal variables for C. vivax, with females displaying higher temperatures than males, resulted in some significant differences in T-b and T-hab between the species. Variation in T-b and T-hab within and between species was unrelated to time of capture. The difference in T-hab within C. vivax suggested that females were selecting warmer thermal environments than males. Both C. vivax and L. foliorum used most structural features of their habitat randomly as indicated by a similarity in canopy, shrub, ground, log and litter cover and litter depth between habitat surveys and random surveys. However, C. vivax displayed a preference for ground vegetation (height
The present study describes patterns of co-morbidity between alcohol use and other substance use problems in the Australian population using data from the 1997 National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being. Multiple regression analyses examined whether the observed associations between alcohol and other drug use disorders were explained by other variables, including demographic characteristics and neuroticism. We also assessed whether the presence of co-morbid substance use disorders affected treatment seeking for a mental health problem. Alcohol use was related strongly to the use of other substances. Those who did not report alcohol use within the past 12 months were less likely to report using tobacco, cannabis, sedatives, stimulants or opiates. Higher rates again were observed among those with alcohol use disorders: half (51%) of those who were alcohol-dependent were regular tobacco smokers, one-third had used cannabis (32%); 15% reported other drug use; 15% met criteria for a cannabis use disorder and 7% met criteria for another drug use disorder. These associations were not accounted for by the demographic and other variables considered here. Co-morbid substance use disorders (sedatives, stimulants or opioids) predicted a high likelihood of seeking treatment for a mental health problem among alcohol-dependent people.
Aim: To model the impact of rising rates of cannabis use on the incidence and prevalence of psychosis under four hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis. Methods: The study modelled the effects on the prevalence of schizophrenia over the lifespan of cannabis in eight birth cohorts: 1940-1944, 1945-1949, 1950-1954, 1955-1959, 1960-1964, 1965-1969, 1970-1974, 1975-1979. It derived predictions as to the number of cases of schizophrenia that would be observed in these birth cohorts, given the following four hypotheses: (1) that there is a causal relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia; (2) that cannabis use precipitates schizophrenia in vulnerable persons; (3) that cannabis use exacerbates schizophrenia; and (4) that persons with schizophrenia are more liable to become regular cannabis users. Results: There was a steep rise in the prevalence of cannabis use in Australia over the past 30 years and a corresponding decrease in the age of initiation of cannabis use. There was no evidence of a significant increase in the incidence of schizophrenia over the past 30 years. Data on trends the age of onset of schizophrenia did not show a clear pattern. Cannabis use among persons with schizophrenia has consistently been found to be more common than in the general population. Conclusions: Cannabis use does not appear to be causally related to the incidence of schizophrenia, but its use may precipitate disorders in persons who are vulnerable to developing psychosis and worsen the course of the disorder among those who have already developed it. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
A local cultural practice that may enhance sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV transmission is vaginal douching and vaginal substance use. These activities also have potential implications for the acceptability of HIV-prevention strategies such as the use of condoms and vaginal microbicides. We aimed to establish the prevalence, determinants and reasons for these practices among sex workers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. A structured questionnaire was administered to 150 sex workers, who were being screened for a vaginal microbicide-effectiveness trial in the province. The questionnaire sought information on the frequency, reasons for and nature of vaginal douching and vaginal substance use and was drawn up on the basis of findings from a pilot study. Seventy per cent (95% CI: 62.0-77.2%) of the sex workers were HIV positive and on average they had five sexual partners per day. Vaginal douching and vaginal substance use were common among the sex workers. Vaginal douching was reported by 97% (n = 146) of the respondents and 94% reported vaginal substance use for 'dry sex'. A combination of traditional remedies, patent medicines, antiseptics and household detergents was used to clean and make the vagina dry and tight. The primary reasons reported for dry sex were to increase men's sexual pleasure (53%) and to attract clients and generate more money (20%). Sixty-five per cent of the women reported the practice of douching mainly for hygienic purposes and 13% for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. Douching and dry-sex practices may increase women's risk of HIV and STI infection, and may have implications for the acceptability and development of HIV-prevention barrier methods such as microbicides and the use of condoms. These barrier methods may enhance or reduce sexual pleasure for men and women who engage in the practice of vaginal douching and vaginal substance use for 'dry sex'.
Fifth-grade children were given a series of word reading tasks. First, two sets of 16 disyllabic words with medial VCV spellings, and with a long initial vowel were selected, varying in frequency but with similar word-initial segments. Nonwords were derived from these sets of words by exchanging initial onsets. Children read these nonwords in a first testing session. In a second test session, children were given the Woodcock Word Identification Test and the set of analogue words from which the nonwords were derived. Initial analyses examined only nonwords derived from words that were correctly read. Both sets of nonwords were more likely to be read with a long initial vowel than a short initial vowel, although this tendency was stronger in nonwords derived from high frequency words. Furthennore, Word Identification ability showed a strong relationship with the preference for long initial vowels in this type of disyllabic nonword, both for nonwords derived from known analogues and for nonwords derived from words that children could not read correctly. This preference was also correlated with the preference for context-sensitive grapheme-phoneme correspondences in the reading of ambiguous monosyllabic nonwords.These results have strong implications for current theories of word reading.
The co-occurrence of problem drinking and binge eating and purging has been well documented. However, there has been relatively little investigation of etiological models that may influence the development of this co-occurrence. This study tests the hypotheses that impulsivity is heightened in eating disordered women compared with controls, and that women with comorbid bulimia and alcohol use disorders show higher impulsivity than bulimic-only women. The Impulsivity scale, BIS/BAS scales, State Anxiety Inventory, and a behavioural measure of reward responsiveness (CARROT) were administered to 22 women with bulimia, 23 women with comorbid bulimia and alcohol abuse/dependence, and 21 control women. As hypothesised, eating disordered women scored higher than controls on several self-report measures of impulsivity and sorted cards faster during a financially rewarded trial on the behavioural task. Also, as predicted, comorbid women scored higher than bulimic women on the Impulsivity scale. These findings suggest that individual differences in impulsiveness and a tendency to approach rewarding stimuli may contribute to developing these disorders. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper is part of a large study to assess the adequacy of the use of multivariate statistical techniques in theses and dissertations of some higher education institutions in the area of marketing with theme of consumer behavior from 1997 to 2006. The regression and conjoint analysis are focused on in this paper, two techniques with great potential of use in marketing studies. The objective of this study was to analyze whether the employement of these techniques suits the needs of the research problem presented in as well as to evaluate the level of success in meeting their premisses. Overall, the results suggest the need for more involvement of researchers in the verification of all the theoretical precepts of application of the techniques classified in the category of investigation of dependence among variables.