930 resultados para shared epitope
Este recurso del profesor proporciona varios textos de no ficción de diferentes géneros para ser utilizados en sesiones de escritura compartida, que, además, se ajustan al NLS. Se compone de veinte unidades de trabajo, cada una de las cuales cumple un objetivo de composición escrita del NLS y que se describen detalladamente en las notas del Libro del Profesor que le acompaña.
Recurso para motivar y desarrollar el aprendizaje interactivo de las ideas clave de matemáticas y mostrar a los alumnos cómo pueden usarlas en el mundo real.. Las actividades están diseñadas para promover discusiones matemáticas entre los niños. El equipo permite tener varios grupos de niños que trabajan al mismo tiempo. Aunque las instrucciones están escritas como para dos niños, puede desempeñar trabajo cooperativo.
Antología de textos para lectura compartida. Contiene 50 actividades fotocopiables de ficción, no ficción y poesía. Cada texto tiene una mini versión anotada que muestra cómo puede trabajarse en la lección. Las notas para el profesor muestran cómo pueden utilizarse para enseñar múltiples objetivos y se dan ideas para la lecto-escritura. Incluyen historias con configuración familiar, relatos significativos de cuentos infantiles, historias y poemas de otras culturas, poemas para jugar con el lenguaje, informes no cronológicos, instrucciones, extractos de diccionarios.
Antología de textos para lectura compartida. Contiene cincuenta actividades fotocopiables de ficción, no ficción y poesía. Cada texto tiene una mini versión anotada que muestra cómo puede trabajarse en la lección. Las notas para el profesor muestran cómo puede utilizarse para enseñar múltiples objetivos y se dan ideas para la lecto-escritura. Incluyen historias con configuración familiar, historias tradicionales y cuentos de hadas, historias fantásticas, rimas con patrones predecibles y repetitivos, poemas con temas similares, instrucciones, extractos de libros con información sencilla, e informes no cronológicos .
In domain of intelligent buildings, saving energy in buildings and increasing preferences of occupants are two important factors. These factors are the important keys for evaluating the performance of work environment. In recent years, many researchers combine these areas to create the system that can change from original to the modern work environment called intelligent work environment. Due to advance of agent technology, it has received increasing attention in the area of intelligent pervasive environments. In this paper, we review several issues in intelligent buildings, with respect to the implementation of control system for intelligent buildings via multi-agent systems. Furthermore, we present the MASBO (Multi-Agent System for Building cOntrol) that has been implemented for controlling the building facilities to reach the balancing between energy efficiency and occupant’s comfort. In addition to enhance the MASBO system, the collaboration through negotiation among agents is presented.
Although many examples exist for shared neural representations of self and other, it is unknown how such shared representations interact with the rest of the brain. Furthermore, do high-level inference-based shared mentalizing representations interact with lower level embodied/simulation-based shared representations? We used functional neuroimaging (fMRI) and a functional connectivity approach to assess these questions during high-level inference-based mentalizing. Shared mentalizing representations in ventromedial prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate/precuneus, and temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) all exhibited identical functional connectivity patterns during mentalizing of both self and other. Connectivity patterns were distributed across low-level embodied neural systems such as the frontal operculum/ventral premotor cortex, the anterior insula, the primary sensorimotor cortex, and the presupplementary motor area. These results demonstrate that identical neural circuits are implementing processes involved in mentalizing of both self and other and that the nature of such processes may be the integration of low-level embodied processes within higher level inference-based mentalizing.
Many clade C isolates of HIV-1 do not react with monoclonal antibody (MAb) 2G12, a broad-ranging human neutralizing MAb that recognizes high mannose carbohydrate groups attached to glycoprotein gp120. We reintroduced a partial and complete 2G12 epitope into a clade C background, HIV-1(CN54), and examined the antibody reactivity of the resulting recombinant molecules. Two glycosylation sites recovered 2G12 binding completely, but some binding was evident after the reintroduction of a single glycosylation site at Asn295.
We present argon predissociation vibrational spectra of the OH-.H2O and Cl-.H2O complexes in the 1000-1900 cm(-1) energy range, far below the OH stretching region reported in previous studies. This extension allows us to explore the fundamental transitions of the intramolecular bending vibrations associated with the water molecule, as well as that of the shared proton inferred from previous assignments of overtones in the higher energy region. Although the water bending fundamental in the Cl-.H2O spectrum is in very good agreement with expectations, the OH-.H2O spectrum is quite different than anticipated, being dominated by a strong feature at 1090 cm(-1). New full-diniensionality calculations of the OH-.H2O vibrational level structure using diffusion Monte Carlo and the VSCF/CI methods indicate this band arises from excitation of the shared proton.
Multi-agent systems have been adopted to build intelligent environment in recent years. It was claimed that energy efficiency and occupants' comfort were the most important factors for evaluating the performance of modem work environment, and multi-agent systems presented a viable solution to handling the complexity of dynamic building environment. While previous research has made significant advance in some aspects, the proposed systems or models were often not applicable in a "shared environment". This paper introduces an ongoing project on multi-agent for building control, which aims to achieve both energy efficiency and occupants' comfort in a shared environment.