883 resultados para self-organizing maps (SOM)
Grid cells in the dorsal segment of the medial entorhinal cortex (dMEC) show remarkable hexagonal activity patterns, at multiple spatial scales, during spatial navigation. How these hexagonal patterns arise has excited intense interest. It has previously been shown how a selforganizing map can convert firing patterns across entorhinal grid cells into hippocampal place cells that are capable of representing much larger spatial scales. Can grid cell firing fields also arise during navigation through learning within a self-organizing map? A neural model is proposed that converts path integration signals into hexagonal grid cell patterns of multiple scales. This GRID model creates only grid cell patterns with the observed hexagonal structure, predicts how these hexagonal patterns can be learned from experience, and can process biologically plausible neural input and output signals during navigation. These results support a unified computational framework for explaining how entorhinal-hippocampal interactions support spatial navigation.
This paper describes a methodology for deploying flexible dynamic configuration into embedded systems whilst preserving the reliability advantages of static systems. The methodology is based on the concept of decision points (DP) which are strategically placed to achieve fine-grained distribution of self-management logic to meet application-specific requirements. DP logic can be changed easily, and independently of the host component, enabling self-management behavior to be deferred beyond the point of system deployment. A transparent Dynamic Wrapper mechanism (DW) automatically detects and handles problems arising from the evaluation of self-management logic within each DP and ensures that the dynamic aspects of the system collapse down to statically defined default behavior to ensure safety and correctness despite failures. Dynamic context management contributes to flexibility, and removes the need for design-time binding of context providers and consumers, thus facilitating run-time composition and incremental component upgrade.
A inovação é considerada pelos economistas como fator determinante para o crescimento económico e social sustentável. No contexto da atual economia, global e marcada por uma profunda crise, torna-se imperativo compreender os padrões de inovação para suportar melhores políticas e respostas aos desafios que se impõem. Este entendimento conduz à ilação de que os desvios significativos no crescimento económico observado entre diferentes regiões são também explicados por diferenças espaciais nos padrões de inovação. Na sequência do exposto tem-se assistido a um renovado e crescente interesse no estudo da inovação numa perspetiva territorial e a uma crescente produção e disponibilização de dados para estudo e compreensão das suas dinâmicas. O objectivo principal da presente dissertação é demonstrar a utilidade de uma técnica de Data Mining, a rede neuronal Self Organizing Map, na exploração destes dados para estudo da inovação. Em concreto pretende-se demonstrar a capacidade desta técnica tanto para identificar perfis regionais de inovação bem como para visualizar a evolução desses perfis no tempo num mapa topológico virtual, o espaço de atributos do SOM, por comparação com um mapa geográfico. Foram utilizados dados Euronext relativos a 236 regiões europeias para os anos compreendidos entre 2003 e 2009. O Self Organizing Map foi construído com base no GeoSOM, software desenvolvido pelo Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação. Os resultados obtidos permitem demonstrar a utilidade desta técnica na visualização dos padrões de inovação das regiões europeias no espaço e no tempo.
La monografía presenta la auto-organización sociopolítica como la mejor manera de lograr patrones organizados en los sistemas sociales humanos, dada su naturaleza compleja y la imposibilidad de las tareas computacionales de los regímenes políticos clásico, debido a que operan con control jerárquico, el cual ha demostrado no ser óptimo en la producción de orden en los sistemas sociales humanos. En la monografía se extrapola la teoría de la auto-organización en los sistemas biológicos a las dinámicas sociopolíticas humanas, buscando maneras óptimas de organizarlas, y se afirma que redes complejas anárquicas son la estructura emergente de la auto-organización sociopolítica.
Structure and dynamics of supramolecular assemblies studied by advanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Aufklärung von Struktur und Dynamik komplexer supramolekularer Systeme mittels Festkörper NMR Spektroskopie. Die Untersuchung von pi-pi Wechselwirkungen, welche einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die strukturellen und dynamischen Eigenschaften supra- molekularer Systeme haben, hilft dabei, die Selbst- organisationsprozesse dieser komplexen Materialien besser zu verstehen. Mit dipolaren 1H-1H and 1H-13C Wiedereinkopplungs NMR Methoden unter schnellem MAS können sowohl 1H chemische Verschiebungen als auch dipolare 1H-1H und 1H-13C Kopplungen untersucht werden, ohne dass eine Isotopenmarkierung erforderlich ist. So erhält man detaillierte Informationen über die Struktur und die Beweglichkeit einzelner Molekül- segmente. In Verbindung mit sogenannten nucleus independent chemical shift (NICS) maps (berechnet mit ab-initio Methoden) lassen sich Abstände von Protonen relativ zu pi-Elektronensystemen bestimmen und so Strukturvorschläge ableiten. Mit Hilfe von homo- und heteronuklearen dipolaren Rotationsseitenbandenmustern könnenaußerdem Ordnungs- parameter für verschiedene Molekülsegmente bestimmt werden. Die auf diese Weise gewonnenen Informationen über die strukturellen und dynamischen Eigenschaften supramolekularer Systeme tragen dazu bei, strukturbestimmende Molekül- einheiten und Hauptordnungsphänomene zu identifizieren sowie lokale Wechselwirkungen zu quantifizieren, um so den Vorgang der Selbstorganisation besser zu verstehen.
We investigated the defensive behavior of honeybees under controlled experimental conditions. During an attack on two identical targets, the spatial distribution of stings varied as a function of the total number of stings, evincing the classic “pitchfork bifurcation” phenomenon of nonlinear dynamics. The experimental results support a model of defensive behavior based on a self-organizing mechanism. The model helps to explain several of the characteristic features of the honeybee defensive response: (i) the ability of the colony to localize and focus its attack, (ii) the strong variability between different hives in the intensity of attack, as well as (iii) the variability observed within the same hive, and (iv) the ability of the colony to amplify small differences between the targets.
When individual amoebae of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum are starving, they aggregate to form a multicellular migrating slug, which moves toward a region suitable for culmination. The culmination of the morphogenesis involves complex cell movements that transform a mound of cells into a globule of spores on a slender stalk. The movement has been likened to a “reverse fountain,” whereby prestalk cells in the upper part form a stalk that moves downwards and anchors to the substratum, while prespore cells in the lower part move upwards to form the spore head. So far, however, no satisfactory explanation has been produced for this process. Using a computer simulation that we developed, we now demonstrate that the processes that are essential during the earlier stages of the morphogenesis are in fact sufficient to produce the dynamics of the culmination stage. These processes are cAMP signaling, differential adhesion, cell differentiation, and production of extracellular matrix. Our model clarifies the processes that generate the observed cell movements. More specifically, we show that periodic upward movements, caused by chemotactic motion, are essential for successful culmination, because the pressure waves they induce squeeze the stalk downwards through the cell mass. The mechanisms revealed by our model have a number of self-organizing and self-correcting properties and can account for many previously unconnected and unexplained experimental observations.
Comunicación presentada en el 2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, Alicante, April, 2002.
"Translation of the ... collection of reports" [entitled]: Print︠s︡ipy postroenii︠a︡ samoobuchaiushchikhsia sistem (romanized form) Kiev, 1962.
Self-awareness and self-expression are promising architectural concepts for embedded systems to be equipped with to match them with dedicated application scenarios and constraints in the avionic and space-flight industry. Typically, these systems operate in largely undefined environments and are not reachable after deployment for a long time or even never ever again. This paper introduces a reference architecture as well as a novel modelling and simulation environment for self-aware and self-expressive systems with transaction level modelling, simulation and detailed modelling capabilities for hardware aspects, precise process chronology execution as well as fine timing resolutions. Furthermore, industrial relevant system sizes with several self-aware and self-expressive nodes can be handled by the modelling and simulation environment.
Novel computing systems are increasingly being composed of large numbers of heterogeneous components, each with potentially different goals or local perspectives, and connected in networks which change over time. Management of such systems quickly becomes infeasible for humans. As such, future computing systems should be able to achieve advanced levels of autonomous behaviour. In this context, the system's ability to be self-aware and be able to self-express becomes important. This paper surveys definitions and current understanding of self-awareness and self-expression in biology and cognitive science. Subsequently, previous efforts to apply these concepts to computing systems are described. This has enabled the development of novel working definitions for self-awareness and self-expression within the context of computing systems.
Floods represent the most devastating natural hazards in the world, affecting more people and causing more property damage than any other natural phenomena. One of the important problems associated with flood monitoring is flood extent extraction from satellite imagery, since it is impractical to acquire the flood area through field observations. This paper presents a method to flood extent extraction from synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) images that is based on intelligent computations. In particular, we apply artificial neural networks, self-organizing Kohonen’s maps (SOMs), for SAR image segmentation and classification. We tested our approach to process data from three different satellite sensors: ERS-2/SAR (during flooding on Tisza river, Ukraine and Hungary, 2001), ENVISAT/ASAR WSM (Wide Swath Mode) and RADARSAT-1 (during flooding on Huaihe river, China, 2007). Obtained results showed the efficiency of our approach.
When visual sensor networks are composed of cameras which can adjust the zoom factor of their own lens, one must determine the optimal zoom levels for the cameras, for a given task. This gives rise to an important trade-off between the overlap of the different cameras’ fields of view, providing redundancy, and image quality. In an object tracking task, having multiple cameras observe the same area allows for quicker recovery, when a camera fails. In contrast having narrow zooms allow for a higher pixel count on regions of interest, leading to increased tracking confidence. In this paper we propose an approach for the self-organisation of redundancy in a distributed visual sensor network, based on decentralised multi-objective online learning using only local information to approximate the global state. We explore the impact of different zoom levels on these trade-offs, when tasking omnidirectional cameras, having perfect 360-degree view, with keeping track of a varying number of moving objects. We further show how employing decentralised reinforcement learning enables zoom configurations to be achieved dynamically at runtime according to an operator’s preference for maximising either the proportion of objects tracked, confidence associated with tracking, or redundancy in expectation of camera failure. We show that explicitly taking account of the level of overlap, even based only on local knowledge, improves resilience when cameras fail. Our results illustrate the trade-off between maintaining high confidence and object coverage, and maintaining redundancy, in anticipation of future failure. Our approach provides a fully tunable decentralised method for the self-organisation of redundancy in a changing environment, according to an operator’s preferences.
Smart cameras perform on-board image analysis, adapt their algorithms to changes in their environment, and collaborate with other networked cameras to analyze the dynamic behavior of objects. A proposed computational framework adopts the concepts of self-awareness and self-expression to more efficiently manage the complex tradeoffs among performance, flexibility, resources, and reliability. The Web extra at http://youtu.be/NKe31-OKLz4 is a video demonstrating CamSim, a smart camera simulation tool, enables users to test self-adaptive and self-organizing smart-camera techniques without deploying a smart-camera network.
One of the objectives of this study is to perform classification of socio-demographic components for the level of city section in City of Lisbon. In order to accomplish suitable platform for the restaurant potentiality map, the socio-demographic components were selected to produce a map of spatial clusters in accordance to restaurant suitability. Consequently, the second objective is to obtain potentiality map in terms of underestimation and overestimation in number of restaurants. To the best of our knowledge there has not been found identical methodology for the estimation of restaurant potentiality. The results were achieved with combination of SOM (Self-Organized Map) which provides a segmentation map and GAM (Generalized Additive Model) with spatial component for restaurant potentiality. Final results indicate that the highest influence in restaurant potentiality is given to tourist sites, spatial autocorrelation in terms of neighboring restaurants (spatial component), and tax value, where lower importance is given to household with 1 or 2 members and employed population, respectively. In addition, an important conclusion is that the most attractive market sites have shown no change or moderate underestimation in terms of restaurants potentiality.