802 resultados para screen-printed gold electrode
Das Protein Cytochrom c Oxidase (CcO) ist ein Enzym der mitochondrialen Atmungskette. Als letzter Komplex (Komplex IV) einer Elektronentransportkette katalysiert sie die Reduktion von molekularem Sauerstoff zu Wasser. Hierbei werden Elektronen von Cytochrom c (Cc) in das Enzym geleitet. Die durch den Redoxprozess freiwerdende freie Enthalpie wird dazu genutzt, einen Protonengradienten über die innere Mitochondrien-Membran aufzubauen. Die zurückwandernden Protonen treiben in der ATP-Synthase die Produktion von Adenosintriphosphat (ATP) an, dem universellen Energieträger in lebenden Organismen. Gegenstand dieser Dissertation sind zeitaufgelöste ATR-FTIR-Messungen des direkten Elektronentransfers in die CcO. Das Protein wird hierzu orientiert auf einer Goldelektrode immobilisiert und in eine künstliche Membran rekonstituiert (Protein-tethered Bilayer Lipid Membrane, ptBLM). Das ptBLM-System wird hinsichtlich einer möglichst hohen Protein-Aktivität optimiert. Elektronen werden durch elektrochemische Anregung von der Elektrode in die CcO injiziert. Die Goldoberfläche wird auf die reflektierende Oberfläche eines Silizium-ATR-Kristalls aufgebracht. Durch die Präparation einer rauen Oberfläche (RMS-Rauigkeit ca. 5 nm) wird eine Verstärkung der IR-Absorption erreicht. Die mit den Ladungstransferprozessen einhergehenden Konformationsänderungen der die Redoxzentren umgebenden Gruppen (CONH-Gerüst und Aminosäure-Seitenketten) können durch Infrarot-Spektroskopie nachgewiesen werden. Phasensensitive Detektion (PSD) wird zur Rauschminderung eingesetzt, um Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für die Redox-Übergänge zu bestimmen. Im Bereich der Amid-I-Bande werden etliche Peaks identifiziert, die sich mit dem Redoxzustand des Proteins ändern. Für das CuA-Zentrum, welches als erstes der vier Redoxzentren der CcO reduziert wird, wird die schnellste Geschwindigkeitskonstante ks=4870/s ermittelt. Für das Häm a3-Zentrum wird eine Geschwindigkeitskonstante von ks=13,8/s ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse sind konsistent zu elektrochemischen und Raman-Spektroskopie-Experimenten, welche ebenfalls in unserer Gruppe durchgeführt wurden. Weitere Themen dieser Dissertation sind der Nachweis der Anwendbarkeit des ptBLM-Systems für andere Membranproteine (Beispiel: bakterielles photosynthetisches Reaktionszentrum) und der Einsatz des ATR-FTIR-Setups für verschiedene künstliche Membransysteme (Aktivitätsnachweis des OR5-Geruchsrezeptors in einer peptidgestützten Membran, Eigenschaften eines Oligoethylenglycol-Spacers).
Electrochemical reactivity and structure properties of electrogenic bacteria, Geobacter sulfurreducens (Gs) were studied to explore the heterogeneous electron transfer at the bacteria/electrode interface using electrochemical and in-situ spectroscopic techniques. The redox behavior of Gs adsorbed on a gold electrode, which is modified with a ω-functionalized self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of alkanethiols, depends strongly on the terminal group. The latter interacts directly with outermost cytochromes embedded into the outer membrane of the Gs cells. The redox potential of bacterial cells bound electrostatically to a carboxyl-terminated SAM is close to that observed for bacteria attached to a bare gold electrode, revealing a high electronic coupling at the cell/SAM interface. The redox potentials of bacterial cells adsorbed on amino- and pyridyl-terminated SAMs are significantly different suggesting that the outermost cytochromes changes their conformation upon adsorption on these SAMs. No redox activity of Gs was found with CH3-, N(CH3)3+- and OH-terminated SAMs. Complementary in-situ spectroscopic studies on bacteria/SAMs/Au electrode assemblies were carried out to monitor structure changes of the bacterial cells upon polarization. Spectro-electrochemical techniques revealed the electrochemical turnover of the oxidized and reduced states of outer membrane cytochromes (OMCs) in Gs, providing evidence that the OMCs are responsible for the direct electron transfer to metal electrodes, such as gold or silver, during the electricity production. Furthermore, we observed spectroscopic signatures of the native structure of the OMCs and no conformational change during the oxidation/reduction process of the microorganisms. These findings indicate that the carboxyl-anchoring group provides biocompatible conditions for the outermost cytochromes of the Gs, which facilitate the heterogeneous electron transfer at the microorganism/electrode interface.
The work reported here shows a direct experimental comparison of the sensitivities of AlN solidly mounted resonators (SMR)-based biosensors fabricated with standard metal electrodes and with carbon nanotube electrodes. SMRs resonating at frequencies around 1.75 GHz have been fabricated, some devices using a thin film of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as the top electrode material and some identical devices using a chromium/gold electrode. Protein solutions with different concentrations were loaded on the top of the resonators and their responses to mass-load from physically adsorbed coatings were investigated. Results show that resonators using CNTs as the top electrode material exhibited higher frequency change for a given load due to the higher active surface area of a thin film of interconnecting CNTs compared to that of a metal thin film electrode and hence exhibited greater mass loading sensitivity. It is therefore concluded that the use of CNT electrodes on resonators for their use as gravimetric biosensors is viable and worthwhile.
In this work, electrochemical maltose biosensors based on mutants of the maltose binding protein (MBP) are developed. A ruthenium II complex (Ru II ), which is covalently attached to MBP, serves as an electrochemical reporter of MBP conformational changes. Biosensors were made through direct attachment of Ru II complex modified MBP to gold electrode surfaces. The responses of some individual mutants were evaluated using square wave voltammetry. A maltose-dependent change in Faradic current and capacitance was observed. It is therefore demonstrated that biosensors using generically this family of bacterial periplasmic binding proteins (bPBP) can be made lending themselves to facile biorecognition element preparation and low cost electrochemical transduction.
We demonstrate that in situ optical surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy can be used to monitor hybridization kinetics for unlabeled DNA in tethered monolayer nucleic acid films on gold in the presence of an applied electrostatic field. The dc field can enhance or retard hybridization and can also denature surface-immobilized DNA duplexes. Discrimination between matched and mismatched hybrids is achieved by simple adjustment of the electrode potential. Although the electric field at the interface is extremely large, the tethered single-stranded DNA thiol probes remain bound and can be reused for subsequent hybridization reactions without loss of efficiency. Only capacitive charging currents are drawn; redox reactions are avoided by maintaining the gold electrode potential within the ideally polarizable region. Because of potential-induced changes in the shape of the surface plasmon resonance curve, we account for the full curve rather than simply the shift in the resonance minimum.
A Espectroscopia Raman Intensificada pela Superfície (SERS) é um efeito de intensificação da intensidade Raman de uma molécula adsorvida numa superfície metálica nanoestruturada. Esta característica permite a utilização do SERS na caracterização vibracional de sistemas como junções moleculares (JM) (JM são sistemas constituídos de fios moleculares sintetizados em junções do tipo metal|fiomolecular|metal) e, no entendimento de quais características morfológicas de agregados metálicos mais influenciariam no sinal SERS obtido. Portanto, esta tese apresenta os seguintes objetivos: (a) síntese e caracterização de substratos SERS ativos, nanoesferas (AuNE) e nanobastões (AuNB) de ouro e eletrodo de ouro ativado eletroquimicamente; (b) síntese e caracterização SERS de fios moleculares em JM; (c) estudo do acoplamento plasmônico entre as superfícies metálicas em JM; (d) correlação entre SERS - morfologia de agregados individuais de AuNB. Os fios moleculares estudados foram os da família das oligofeniliminas (OPI) e, no melhor do nosso entendimento, esta foi a primeira vez que fios moleculares desta família foram caracterizados por Raman e SERS. As JM apresentaram um comportamento SERS não esperado. Enquanto para o modo vibracional, v(CS), a intensidade da banda se apresentou constante com o aumento do espaçamento entre as nanoestruturas metálicas (para distâncias de até 5 nm), o modo vibracional, β(CH), teve a intensidade de sua banda aumentada. Este comportamento foi explicado considerando a diferente natureza da interação dos plasmons nas JM, sendo estas interações do tipo, ressonância de plasmon de superfície (LSPR) - dipolo imagem, para ambos os modos. No entanto, para o modo β(CH) existe também uma intensificação extra devido ao aumento da polarizabilidade dos fios moleculares com o aumento do número de unidades. A correlação SERS - morfologia dos agregados de AuNB indicam que, para agregados onde predominam interações ponta a ponta, os espectros SERS apresentavam uma maior intensidade quando comparados com aqueles em que interações lado a lado predominavam. No entanto, este comportamento não foi observado para agregados contendo mais do que cinco nanopartículas onde estes dois tipos de interações ocorrem indicando que deve existir um acoplamento dos plasmons destes dois tipos de interações contribuindo para maiores valores de intensidade SERS.
The bioelectrocatalytic (oxygen reduction reaction, ORR) properties of the multicopper oxidase CueO immobilized on gold electrodes were investigated. Macroscopic electrochemical techniques were combined with in situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy at the ensemble and at the single-molecule level. Self-assembled monolayer of mercaptopropionic acid, cysteamine, and p-aminothiophenol were chosen as redox mediators. The highest ORR activity was observed for the protein attached to amino-terminated adlayers. In situ STM experiments revealed that the presence of oxygen causes distinct structure and electronic changes in the metallic centers of the enzyme, which determine the rate of intramolecular electron transfer and, consequently, affect the rate of electron tunneling through the protein. Complementary Raman spectroscopy experiments provided access for monitoring structural changes in the redox state of the type 1 copper center of the immobilized enzyme during the CueO-catalyzed oxygen reduction cycle. These results unequivocally demonstrate the existence of a direct electronic communication between the electrode substrate and the type 1 copper center.
Polypyrrole (PPy) was synthesized by enzyme mediated oxidation of pyrrole using naturally occurring compounds as redox mediators. The catalytic mechanism is an enzymatic cascade reaction in which hydrogen peroxide is the oxidizer and soybean peroxidase, in the presence of acetosyringone, syringaldehyde or vanillin, acts as a natural catalysts. The effect of the initial reaction composition on the polymerization yield and electrical conductivity of PPy was analyzed. Morphology of the PPy particles was studied by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy whereas the chemical structure was studied by X-ray photoelectron and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopic techniques. The redox mediators increased the polymerization yield without a significant modification of the electronic structure of PPy. The highest conductivity of PPy was reached when chondroitin sulfate was used simultaneously as dopant and template during pyrrole polymerization. Electroactive properties of PPy obtained from natural precursors were successfully used in the amperometric quantification of uric acid concentrations. PPy increases the amperometric sensitivity of carbon nanotube screen-printed electrodes toward uric acid detection.
Liver-on-chip systems are widely seen as having the potential to replace animal testing for long-term liver toxicity assessments. However, such systems necessitate solutions, such as electrochemical microsensors, to provide information about the cells exposed to chemical compounds in a confined space. This study describes the development of microsensors for the detection of alanine-aminotransferase (ALT), an intracellular enzyme found in hepatocytes, for monitoring the viability of in-vitro hepatic cell cultures. The electrochemical sensors were developed by using screen printed electrodes functionalized by drop-casting. These technologies are intended to produce disposable and low-cost sensors that can easily be exchanged once their performance is degraded. The sensors are capable of measuring ALT in a microfluidic environment through the detection of changes in glutamate concentration. The microsensors were found to be stable for more than 60 days and were successfully tested using hepatocellular lysates to assess their capability to quantify ALT activity in a hepatic cell culture. These results open the way to their integration in liver bioreactors to assess hepatocellular toxicity in-vitro.
Membrane-like structure formed by surfactant molecules of didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB) on both HOPG and gold electrodes were studied with AFM and SPR techniques. The study shows that the thickness of the adsorbed layer of DDAB is strongly dependent on the concentration of the vesicle solution. We have also investigated the adsorption of redox protein, Cytochrome c, on graphite electrode with in situ tapping mode AFM. The protein adsorbs spontaneously onto the electrode covered with an adsorbed phosphate layer and forms a uniform monolayer. The adsorbed protein exhibits a reversible electron transfer at 0.17 V (Ag/AgCI) once the electrode potential has been increased to 0.75V. Using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy we have measured subtle conformational change in protein, Cyt c, due to electron transfer of a single electron on MPA-coated gold electrode. The electron transfer induced change in the resonant angle is about 0.006 deg., which corresponds to ~ 0.2 A decreases in the thickness. This is consistent with that reduced state is more compact than the oxidized state.
Alternative and clean energy generation research has been intensified in last decades. Among the alternatives, fuel cells are one of the most important. There are different types of fuel cells, among which stands out intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell (IT-SOFC) matter of the present work. For application as cathode on this type of devices, the ceramic Ba0.5Sr0.5C0.8Fe0.2O3-δ doped with rare earth ions (Nd, Sm) have been quite promising because they show good ionic conductivity and operate at relatively low temperatures (500 - 800°C). In this work, Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ, (BaSr)0.5Sm0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ and (BaSr)0.5Nd0.5C0.8Fe0.2O3-δ were obtained by modified Pechini method, making use of gelatin as polymerizing agent. The powders were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The perovskite phase was observed in all X-ray patterns for the materials Ba0.5Sr0.5C0.8Fe0.2O3-δ doped with rare earth ions (Nd, Sm). The SEM images showed that the materials have a characteristics porous, with very uniform pore distribution, which are favorable for application as cathodes. Subsequently, screen-printed assymmetrical cells were studied by impedance spectroscopy, to assess the kinetics of the cathode for the reduction reaction of oxygen. The best resistance to the specific area was found for the cathode BSSCF sintered at 1050 °C for 4 hours with around 0.15 Ω.cm2 at 750 °C as well as cathodes BSNCF and BSCF obtained resistances specific area of 0.2 and 0.73 Ω.cm2, respectively, for the same conditions. The polarization curves showed similar behavior to the best cathodes BSSCF and BSNCF, such combination of properties indicates that the film potentially depict good performance as IT-SOFC cathodes
© 2015. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
Negli ultimi anni i biosensori enzimatici sono diventati sempre più popolari nel campo delle determinazioni rapide di analiti di interesse industriale ed ambientale. L’utilizzo di tali biosensori consente di evitare, o comunque limitare, l’impiego di metodi analitici basati su tecniche più complesse e dispendiose in termini economici e temporali. Un grande obbiettivo della ricerca negli ultimi anni è quello di costruire biosensori reagentless, ossia dispositivi pronti all’uso da parte degli analisti, indipendentemente dalla loro esperienza. In questo lavoro di tesi sono stati sviluppati dei biosensori amperometrici reagentless che sfruttano l’enzima fosfatasi alcalina (ALP), come elemento di riconoscimento biologico, ed un elettrodo screen-printed (SPE) commerciale, come trasduttore. Per gli elettrodi SPE commerciali sono stati testati modificanti a base di nanomateriali carboniosi e del polimero conduttore PEDOT:ClO4. Sono inoltre stati messi a punto diversi biosensori costruiti utilizzando sia l’enzima ALP immobilizzato che lo stesso enzima in soluzione. I test sono stati eseguiti utilizzando il substrato enzimatico “ascorbil-fosfato di sodio (AAP)” ed alcuni inibitori enzimatici. I dispositivi reagentless sono stati fabbricati mediante stampa 3D e sono stati realizzati appositamente per gli elettrodi SPE commerciali utilizzati. Tali dispositivi sono stati utilizzati per effettuare la determinazione dell’AAP in campo cosmetico e la determinazione dell’enzima ALP in campo alimentare.
The monitoring and control of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) level is of great interest for a wide range of application areas including food quality control, defense and antiterrorist applications and air quality monitoring e.g. in mines. H2S is a very poisonous and flammable gas. Exposure to low concentrations of H2S can result in eye irritation, a sore throat and cough, shortness of breath, and fluid retention in the lungs. These symptoms usually disappear in a few weeks. Long-term, low-level exposure may result in fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, irritability, poor memory, and dizziness. Higher concentrations of 700 - 800 ppm tend to be fatal. H2S has a characteristic smell of rotten egg. However, because of temporary paralysis of olfactory nerves, the smelling capability at concentrations higher than 100 ppm is severely compromised. In addition, volatile H2S is one of the main products during the spoilage of poultry meat in anaerobic conditions. Currently, no commercial H2S sensor is available which can operate under anaerobic conditions and can be easily integrated in the food packaging. This thesis presents a step-wise progress in the development of printed H2S gas sensors. Efforts were made in the formulation, characterization and optimization of functional printable inks and coating pastes based on composites of a polymer and a metal salt as well as a composite of a metal salt and an organic acid. Different processing techniques including inkjet printing, flexographic printing, screen printing and spray coating were utilized in the fabrication of H2S sensors. The dispersions were characterized by measuring turbidity, surface tension, viscosity and particle size. The sensing films were characterized using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy and an electrical multimeter. Thin and thick printed or coated films were developed for gas sensing applications with the aim of monitoring the H2S concentrations in real life applications. Initially, a H2S gas sensor based on a composite of polyaniline and metal salt was developed. Both aqueous and solvent-based dispersions were developed and characterized. These dispersions were then utilized in the fabrication of roll-to-roll printed H2S gas sensors. However, the humidity background, long term instability and comparatively lower detection limit made these sensors less favourable for real practical applications. To overcome these problems, copper acetate based sensors were developed for H2S gas sensing. Stable inks with excellent printability were developed by tuning the surface tension, viscosity and particle size. This enabled the formation of inkjet-printed high quality copper acetate films with excellent sensitivity towards H2S. Furthermore, these sensors showed negligible humidity effects and improved selectivity, response time, lower limit of detection and coefficient of variation. The lower limit of detection of copper acetate based sensors was further improved to sub-ppm level by incorporation of catalytic gold nano-particles and subsequent plasma treatment of the sensing film. These sensors were further integrated in an inexpensive wirelessly readable RLC-circuit (where R is resistor, L is inductor and C is capacitor). The performance of these sensors towards biogenic H2S produced during the spoilage of poultry meat in the modified atmosphere package was also demonstrated in this thesis. This serves as a proof of concept that these sensors can be utilized in real life applications.
In this work, a sensor was built up with smart material based on polymer brush and gold nanoparticles. The modified electrode functionalized with polyacrylic acid (PAA) tethered to indium tin oxide (ITO) and covered with gold nanoparticle (ITO/PAA/Au) demonstrated switchable interfacial properties discriminating different pHs. The switchable electrochemical and plasmonic process was characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemistry impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR).