233 resultados para rhinitis sicca


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Background: The effect of intranasal corticosteroids on the nasal epithelium mucosa is an important parameter of treatment safety. This study was designed to examine whether treatment with topical corticosteroids in patients with allergic rhinitis causes atrophic nasal mucosal changes, when compared with systemic corticosteroids, in rats. Methods: Male Wistar rats were treated daily during 7 weeks with topical administration with 10 microliters of normal saline (control group), 10 microliters of mometasone furoate group, 10 microliters of triamcinolone acetonide (T group), and 8 mg/kg of daily subcutaneous injections of methylprednisolone sodium succinate (MP group). Body weight was evaluated weekly. At the end of the treatment, rats were killed by decapitation to collect blood for determination of corticosterone levels and nasal cavities were prepared for histological descriptive analyses. Results: Treatment with T and MP decreased body weight. Plasma corticosterone concentration was significantly reduced by MP treatment and presented a clear tendency to decrease after T treatment. Histological changes observed in group T included ripples, cell vacuolization, increase in the number of nuclei, and decrease in the number of cilia in the epithelial cells. Conclusion: Growth and corticosterone concentration were impaired by T and MP at the same proportion, suggesting a role of this hormone in body gain. With the exception of T, intranasal or systemic treatment with the corticosteroids evaluated in this study did not affect nasal mucosa. (Am J Rhinol Allergy 26, e46-e49, 2012; doi: 10.2500/ajra.2012.26.3702)


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Purpose: To report the clinical outcome of the treatment of dry eyes using 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops (olive oil + tacrolimus 0.03%) (Ophthalmos, Sao Paulo, Brazil). Methods: Sixteen eyes of 8 patients with Sjogren syndrome dry eyes (age, 51.13 +/- 9.45 years) were enrolled in this study (prospective noncontrolled interventional case series). Patients were instructed to use topical 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops twice a day (every 12 hours) in the lower conjunctival sac. Schirmer I test, break-up time, corneal fluorescein, and rose bengal staining score were performed in all patients 1 day before, and 14, 28, and 90 days after treatment with 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops. Results: The average fluorescein staining and rose bengal staining scores improved statistically significantly after 14 days of treatment and improved even more after 28 and 90 days. The average Schirmer I test did not improve statistically significantly after 28 days of treatment, although we did observe a significant improvement after 90 days of treatment with 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops. The average break-up time did not improve statistically after 14 days of treatment, although we observed a significant improvement after 28 and 90 days of treatment with 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops. Conclusions: Topical 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops successfully improved tear stability and ocular surface status in patients with dry eyes.


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Objective: Chronic rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy are the main causes of nasal obstruction in children and proper treatment of these factors seem essential for controlling nasal obstructive symptoms. This study aims to evaluate the effects of topical mometasone treatment on symptoms and size of adenoid tissue in children with complaints of nasal obstruction and to compare this approach to continuous nasal saline douching plus environmental control alone. Methods: Fifty-one children with nasal obstructive complaints were submitted to a semi-structured clinical questionnaire on nasal symptoms, prick test and nasoendoscopy. Nasoendoscopic images were digitalized, and both adenoid and nasopharyngeal areas were measured in pixels. The relation adenoid/nasopharyngeal area was calculated. Patients were subsequently re-evaluated in two different periods: following 40 days of treatment with nasal douching and environmental prophylaxis alone; and after an subsequent 40 day-period, when topical mometasone furoate (total dose: 100 mu g/day) was superposed. Results: Nasal symptoms and snoring significantly improved after nasal douching, and an additional gain was observed when mometasone furoate was included to treatment. Saline douching did not influence the adenoid area, whereas a significant reduction on adenoid tonsil was observed after 40 days of mometasone treatment (P < 0.0001). Conclusion: Nasal saline douching significantly improved nasal symptoms without interfering in adenoid dimension. In contrast, mometasone furoate significantly reduced adenoid tissue, and led to a supplementary improvement of nasal symptoms. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Allergische Erkrankungen, wie zum Beispiel die allergische Rhinitis oder das allergische Asthma haben im Verlauf der letzten vier Jahrzehnte stark zugenommen. So leidet heute jeder vierte bis fünfte Mensch an einer Allergie. Ausgelöst wird diese IgE-vermittelte Hypersensibilitätsreaktion des Typs I (Allergie vom Soforttyp) von Allergenen und beruht auf der Aktivierung von Mastzellen durch die Interaktion eines Antigens mit dem an eine Mastzelle über die Fc-Rezeptoren gebundenen IgE-Moleküls. Die degranulierende Mastzelle sezerniert Mediatoren, was zu einem Auftreten von allergischen Symptomen führt. Die Bildung von IgE wird durch das von TH2-Zellen produzierte Zytokin IL-4 induziert. Das von TH1-Zellen produzierte Zytokin IFN- ist in der Lage die Sekretion von IL-4 zu inhibieren, wie auch IL-4 hemmend auf die Produktion von IFN- wirkt. Dieses TH1-/ TH2-Gleichgewicht ist bei allergischen Erkrankungen in Richtung TH2 verschoben. Allergene werden von antigenpräsentierenden Zellen aufgenommen, prozessiert und auf der Zelloberfläche präsentiert. Die potentesten antigenpräsentierenden Zellen sind die dendritischen Zellen, die nach Kontakt mit einem Allergen in die benachbarten Lymphknoten wandern, ausreifen und kostimulatorische Moleküle exprimieren. Sie sind so in der Lage T-Zellen zu aktivieren und entweder in TH1- oder in TH2-Zellen differenzieren zu lassen. Die zytokinabhängige TH1- beziehungsweise TH2-Differenzierung führt zur Aktivierung der Januskinasen. Im aktiven Zustand phosphorylieren sie STAT-Moleküle, die dimerisieren und in den Zellkern translozieren, wo sie unter anderem als Transkriptionsfaktoren für Zytokingene dienen. Unreife humane dendritische Zellen von Allergikern zeigen nach Stimulation mit Proteinallergenen eine schnelle Phosphorylierung des mit der TH2-Entwicklung assoziierten STAT6. Dahingegen sind TH1-Antwort hervorrufende Kontaktallergene nicht in der Lage STAT6 oder andere STAT-Moleküle in dendritischen Zellen zu induzieren. Die Transkriptionsfaktoren T-bet und GATA3 sind ebenfalls von Bedeutung für die TH1-/TH2-Entwicklung, da T-bet ausschließlich in TH1-Zellen, GATA3 nur in TH2-Zellen exprimiert wird. Die Regulation des JAK/STAT-Weg unterliegt den Molekülen der intrazellulär vorkommenden Familie der SOCS-Proteine. SOCS3 ist in TH2-Zellen höher exprimiert als SOCS1, wohingegen SOCS1 in TH1-Zellen eine erhöhte Expression gegenüber SOCS3 aufweist. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von Proteinallergenen auf humane dendritische Zellen untersucht. Zunächst konnte eine morphologische Veränderung der unreifen dendritischen Zellen nach Kontakt mit dem Allergenextrakt beobachtet werden. Die beginnende Ausreifung der Zellen konnte mittels Durchflußzytometrie anhand der kostimulatorischen Moleküle CD80 und CD86, insbesondere aber über den Marker für reife dendritische Zellen CD83, nachgewiesen werden. Die zu beobachtende beginnende Ausreifung scheint ein Effekt des bakteriellen Lipopolysaccharids (LPS) zu sein, das in dem Allergenextrakt vorkommt, da sich durch Zugabe des kationischen Antibiotikums Polymyxin B die beginnende Reifung verhindern ließ. Auf RNA-Ebene war es im Rahmen dieser Arbeit möglich, den Einfluss verschiedener Allergene auf unreifen humanen dendritischen Zellen näher zu charakterisieren. So weisen unreife humane dendritische Zellen nach Kontakt mit Proteinallergenextrakt ein TH2-assoziiertes Genexpressionprofil auf, was sich durch eine erhöhte relative Expression der Gene SOCS3 und GATA3 auszeichnet. Im Gegensatz hierzu zeigen unreife humane dendritische Zellen nach Inkubation mit dem Kontaktallergen MCI/MI eine erhöhte relative Expression des Gens T-bet, was mit einer TH1-Antwort assoziiert ist. Nach Zugabe des „TH1-/ TH2-neutralen“ Tetanustoxoids konnten erhöhte relative Expressionen der Gene GATA3, T-bet und SOCS3 gemessen werden. Die Ergebnisse in dem in dieser Arbeit benutzten humanen in vitro System geben Anlass zur Hypothese, dass die Art der Immunantwort (TH1 versus TH2) sich bereits auf Ebene der dendritischen Zellen anbahnt. GeneChip-Analysen mittels High Density Micro Arrays von unreifen humanen dendritischen Zellen, die entweder mit Proteinallergenextrakt oder mit LPS in Berührung kamen, zeigten statistisch signifikant regulierte Gene, die allerdings keine Gemeinsamkeiten aufwiesen. Es konnten für die mit Alllergenextrakt gepulsten dendritischen Zellen insgesamt 10 Gene identifiziert werden, jedoch gelang es nicht, diese näher zu deuten oder in einen Zusammenhang mit der allergischen Erkrankung oder der dendritischen Zelle zu bringen. Für die mit LPS, dem stärkeren Stimulus, gepulsten dendritischen Zellen konnten 40 Gene identifiziert werden, die unter anderem für die Maturierung der dendritischen Zelle verantwortlich sind. Zudem war es möglich, die Daten der Arrays auf Proteinebene exemplarisch anhand des Chemokins CXCL2 (Gro-β) zu verifizieren.


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Allergie gegen Schaben ist eine der Hauptursachen für das Auftreten von allergischem Asthma und allergischer Rhinitis. Verursacht werden diese Krankheiten durch die Schabenallergene. Obwohl bisher zahlreiche Allergene identifiziert wurden, ist bisher nicht bekannt, was ein Protein tatsächlich zu einem Allergen macht. Um die intrinsischen Eigenschaften von Allergenen besser verstehen zu können, wurden in dieser Arbeit Reinigungsprotokolle für die zwei Allergenklassen Per a 3 und Per a 9 aus der Amerikanischen Schabe entwickelt und die Allergene biochemisch und immunologisch charakterisiert. Die Besonderheit der Per a 3-Allergene liegt zum einen darin, dass bisher keine kreuzreagierenden Allergene bekannt sind und zum anderen, dass es sich um -hinsichtlich Temperatur, Harnstoff und Hydrolyse- sehr stabile hexamere Proteine handelt. Zudem sind sie in ihrer nativen hexameren Oligomerisierung stärkere Allergene und in dissoziierter Form könnten sie geeignete Kandidaten für eine Immuntherapie sein. Proteinbiochemisch sind die Per a 3-Allergene als Hexamerine einzustufen. Bei Per a 9 handelt es sich um eine monomere Arginin-Kinase mit allergenem Potential. Aufgrund der weiten Verbreitung der Arginin-Kinasen, den hohen Sequenzidentitäten zu weiteren Invertebraten-Arginin-Kinasen und den bisher bekannten Kreuzreaktionen sind diese Proteine aus Invertebraten wahrscheinlich als Pan-Allergene einzustufen.


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Microparticelle a base di complessi polielettrolitici di Chitosano/Pectina per il rilascio nasale di Tacrina cloridrato. Lo scopo di questo studio è stata la ricerca di nuove formulazioni solide per la somministrazione nasale di Tacrina cloridrato allo scopo di ridurre l’eccessivo effetto di primo passaggio epatico ed aumentarne la biodisponibilità a livello del Sistema Nervoso Centrale. La Tacrina è stata incapsulata in microparticelle mucoadesive a base di complessi elettrolitici di chitosano e pectina. Le microparticelle sono state preparate mediante due diversi approcci tecnologici (spray-drying e spray-drying/liofilizzazione) e analizzate in termini di caratteristiche dimensionali, morfologiche e chimico-fisiche. Nanoparticelle di Chitosano reticolate con Sodio Cromoglicato per il trattamento della rinite allergica. Il Sodio Cromoglicato è uno dei farmaci utilizzati per il trattamento della rinite allergica. Come noto, la clearance mucociliare provoca una rapida rimozione dei farmaci in soluzione dalla cavità nasale, aumentando così il numero di somministrazioni giornaliere e, di conseguenza, riducendo la compliance del paziente. Per ovviare a tale problema, si è pensato di includere il sodio cromoglicato in nanoparticelle di chitosano, un polimero capace di aderire alla mucosa nasale, prolungare il contatto della formulazione con il sito di applicazione e ridurre il numero di somministrazioni giornaliere. Le nanoparticelle ottenute sono state caratterizzate in termini di dimensioni, resa, efficienza di incapsulazione e caricamento del farmaco, potenziale zeta e caratteristiche mucoadesive. Analisi quantitativa di Budesonide amorfa tramite calorimetria a scansione differenziale. È stato sviluppato un nuovo metodo quantitativo allo stato solido basato sulla Calorimetria a Scansione Differenziale (DSC) in grado di quantificare in modo selettivo e accurato la quantità di Budesonide amorfa presente in una miscela solida. Durante lo sviluppo del metodo sono stati affrontati problemi relativi alla convalida di metodi analitici su campioni solidi quali la miscelazione di polveri solide per la preparazione di miscele standard e il calcolo della precisione.


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Background:  Several cross-sectional studies during the past 10 years have observed an increased risk of allergic outcomes for children living in damp or mouldy environments. Objective:  The objective of this study was to investigate whether reported mould or dampness exposure in early life is associated with the development of allergic disorders in children from eight European birth cohorts. Methods:  We analysed data from 31 742 children from eight ongoing European birth cohorts. Exposure to mould and allergic health outcomes were assessed by parental questionnaires at different time points. Meta-analyses with fixed- and random-effect models were applied. The number of the studies included in each analysis varied based on the outcome data available for each cohort. Results:  Exposure to visible mould and/or dampness during first 2 years of life was associated with an increased risk of developing asthma: there was a significant association with early asthma symptoms in meta-analyses of four cohorts [0–2 years: adjusted odds ratios (aOR), 1.39 (95%CI, 1.05–1.84)] and with asthma later in childhood in six cohorts [6–8 years: aOR, 1.09(95%CI, 0.90–1.32) and 3–10 years: aOR, 1.10 (95%CI, 0.90–1.34)]. A statistically significant association was observed in six cohorts with symptoms of allergic rhinitis at school age [6–8 years: aOR, 1.12 (1.02–1.23)] and at any time point between 3 and 10 years [aOR, 1.18 (1.09–1.28)]. Conclusion:  These findings suggest that a mouldy home environment in early life is associated with an increased risk of asthma particularly in young children and allergic rhinitis symptoms in school-age children.


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Objective To examine the associations between pet keeping in early childhood and asthma and allergies in children aged 6–10 years. Design Pooled analysis of individual participant data of 11 prospective European birth cohorts that recruited a total of over 22,000 children in the 1990s. Exposure definition Ownership of only cats, dogs, birds, rodents, or cats/dogs combined during the first 2 years of life. Outcome definition Current asthma (primary outcome), allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis and allergic sensitization during 6–10 years of age. Data synthesis Three-step approach: (i) Common definition of outcome and exposure variables across cohorts; (ii) calculation of adjusted effect estimates for each cohort; (iii) pooling of effect estimates by using random effects meta-analysis models. Results We found no association between furry and feathered pet keeping early in life and asthma in school age. For example, the odds ratio for asthma comparing cat ownership with “no pets” (10 studies, 11489 participants) was 1.00 (95% confidence interval 0.78 to 1.28) (I2 = 9%; p = 0.36). The odds ratio for asthma comparing dog ownership with “no pets” (9 studies, 11433 participants) was 0.77 (0.58 to 1.03) (I2 = 0%, p = 0.89). Owning both cat(s) and dog(s) compared to “no pets” resulted in an odds ratio of 1.04 (0.59 to 1.84) (I2 = 33%, p = 0.18). Similarly, for allergic asthma and for allergic rhinitis we did not find associations regarding any type of pet ownership early in life. However, we found some evidence for an association between ownership of furry pets during the first 2 years of life and reduced likelihood of becoming sensitized to aero-allergens. Conclusions Pet ownership in early life did not appear to either increase or reduce the risk of asthma or allergic rhinitis symptoms in children aged 6–10. Advice from health care practitioners to avoid or to specifically acquire pets for primary prevention of asthma or allergic rhinitis in children should not be given.


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Early in the 1990s, several case series described adults suffering from dysphagia and children with refractory reflux symptoms, both accompanied by an eosinophil-predominant infiltration, thereby conclusively distinguishing it from gastroesophageal reflux disease. Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) was recognized as its own entity in the adult and in the pediatric literature. In the last decade, evidence has accumulated that EoE represents a T-helper (Th)2-type inflammatory disease. Remodeling of the esophagus is a hallmark of EoE, leading to esophageal dysfunction and bolus impaction. Familial occurrence and disease association with single-nucleotide polymorphisms underscore the influence of genetics in this disease. Eosinophilic esophagitis may affect individuals at any age, although the clinical presentation is highly age dependent. There is a significant allergic bias in the EoE population, with the majority of patients having concurrent allergic rhinitis, asthma, eczema, and/or a history of atopy. One noteworthy difference is that in children, EoE seems to be primarily a food antigen-driven disease, whereas in adults, mainly aeroallergen sensitization has been observed. Treatment modalities for EoE include the 3Ds: drugs, diet, and dilation. The crucial question of whether adult and pediatric EoE are different phenotypes of one single entity or whether we are confronted with two different diseases is still open. Here, we review similarities and differences between EoE in adults and children.


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Allergies to animals are behind the house-dust mite allergy the most frequent cause for indoor allergic respiratory symptoms. In case of persistent allergen exposure symptoms like rhinitis, itch of the skin or asthma are usually not perceived intensively and, thus, can not assigned to an animal or an animal source. In many cases animal allergies are based on a perennial allergen exposure. Although most likely all animals may be the cause of a respiratory allergy, cats, dogs, and horses are the most frequent elicitors. The diagnosis of an allergy to an animal needs to be set with due care, since it often causes emotional reactions, diverse conflicts, but also lack of understanding. Rarer are allergies to fungi even though fungi as allergen sources since decades belong to the differential diagnosis in respiratory allergies particularly in case of late summer asthma. Fungi are ubiquitous and present indoors as well as outdoors. Unfortunately the field of fungal allergy is not well explored and diagnostic possibilities are limited. The most promising therapy in both allergy to animals and fungi would be complete avoiding of contact with the respective allergen source. Indeed many preventive recommendations are given; however, realization is often not successful. In selected cases specific immunotherapy for both animal and fungal allergies is a potential therapeutic option.


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BACKGROUND: Petasin (Ze 339) was recently introduced on the market as a potent herbal antiallergic drug for treatment of respiratory allergies such as hay fever. Few clinical studies have been performed so far addressing the clinical effectiveness of Ze 339. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the antiallergic properties of Ze 339 using skin prick tests with different stimuli, such as codeine, histamine, methacholine, and a relevant inhalant allergen. METHODS: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was performed in which Ze 339 was compared to acrivastine, a short-acting antihistamine, in 8 patients with respiratory allergy and in 10 nonatopic, healthy volunteers. Antiallergic activity of Ze 339 was determined by analyzing inhibitory potency in skin prick tests with codeine, histamine, methacholine, and an inhalant allergen. Wheal-and-flare reactions were assessed 90 minutes after a double dose of Ze 339, acrivastine, or placebo. An interval of at least 3 days was left between the skin tests. RESULTS: Acrivastine was identified as the only substance that significantly inhibited skin test reactivity to all solutions analyzed in all study subjects. In contrast, no significant inhibition could be demonstrated for Ze 339 with any test solution. Moreover, the results of Ze 339 did not differ significantly from placebo. CONCLUSIONS: In this study we found no antiallergic, particularly antihistaminic, effect of Ze 339 in skin tests using a variety of stimuli often used to evaluate immediate skin test reactivity. The mechanism by which Ze 339 is effective in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis still needs to be elucidated.


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BACKGROUND: Many studies showing effects of traffic-related air pollution on health rely on self-reported exposure, which may be inaccurate. We estimated the association between self-reported exposure to road traffic and respiratory symptoms in preschool children, and investigated whether the effect could have been caused by reporting bias. METHODS: In a random sample of 8700 preschool children in Leicestershire, UK, exposure to road traffic and respiratory symptoms were assessed by a postal questionnaire (response rate 80%). The association between traffic exposure and respiratory outcomes was assessed using unconditional logistic regression and conditional regression models (matching by postcode). RESULTS: Prevalence odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for self-reported road traffic exposure, comparing the categories 'moderate' and 'dense', respectively, with 'little or no' were for current wheezing: 1.26 (1.13-1.42) and 1.30 (1.09-1.55); chronic rhinitis: 1.18 (1.05-1.31) and 1.31 (1.11-1.56); night cough: 1.17 (1.04-1.32) and 1.36 (1.14-1.62); and bronchodilator use: 1.20 (1.04-1.38) and 1.18 (0.95-1.46). Matched analysis only comparing symptomatic and asymptomatic children living at the same postcode (thus exposed to similar road traffic) showed similar ORs, suggesting that parents of children with respiratory symptoms reported more road traffic than parents of asymptomatic children. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that reporting bias could explain some or even all the association between reported exposure to road traffic and disease. Over-reporting of exposure by only 10% of parents of symptomatic children would be sufficient to produce the effect sizes shown in this study. Future research should be based only on objective measurements of traffic exposure.


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Several disease predispositions of Irish Wolfhounds are mentioned in the veterinary literature, but these lists vary greatly between different publications. This article reviews findings on lifespan as well as disease predispositions that have been reported in the literature. Hereditary mechanisms found so far are discussed, including their implications for breeding healthier dogs, the ethical necessity of which is stressed under the aspect of animal welfare. An open health registry, combined with the estimation of breeding values, seems to be the most promising approach. Furthermore, routine male castration is discouraged as being associated with an increased osteosarcoma risk. Mean lifespan estimates in Irish Wolfhounds vary between 4.95 and 8.75 years, but bias due to right censored data is common. The diseases reported to occur most frequently are dilated cardiomyopathy, osteogenic sarcoma, gastric dilation and volvulus and diseases of the osteochondrosis spectrum. Furthermore, intrahepatic portosystemic shunt plays an important role. Several other diseases have been reported in the literature, including rhinitis, epilepsy, progressive retinal atrophy, von Willebrand's Disease, and juvenile fibrocartilaginous embolism.


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In a number of diseases with eosinophilia, elevated interleukin (IL)-5 levels are detected in the peripheral blood and/or tissues. IL-5 plays an important role in regulating the production, differentiation, recruitment, activation, and survival of eosinophils. Therefore, neutralizing IL-5 by blocking antibodies seems a promising approach in the treatment of eosinophilic diseases. Clinical trials have demonstrated that anti-IL-5 therapy results in a rapid decrease in peripheral blood eosinophil numbers. Moreover, improvement of symptoms in patients with lymphocytic variants of hypereosinophilic syndromes, in eosinophilic esophagitis and chronic rhinitis with nasal polyposis has been observed. In contrast, in patients with bronchial asthma or atopic eczema, anti-IL-5 therapy showed only moderate or no clinical effects. Future studies will have to identify those eosinophilic diseases in which anti-IL-5 antibodies are effective, perhaps with the help of newly developed biomarkers.


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INTRODUCTION: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare hereditary recessive disease with symptoms of recurrent pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and chronic sinusitis. Chronic rhinitis is often the presenting symptom in newborns and infants. Approximately half of the patients show visceral mirror image arrangements (situs inversus). In this study, we aimed 1) to determine the number of paediatric PCD patients in Austria, 2) to show the diagnostic and therapeutic modalities used in the clinical centres and 3) to describe symptoms of children with PCD. PATIENTS, MATERIAL AND METHODS: For the first two aims, we analysed data from a questionnaire survey of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) task force on Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia in children. All paediatric respiratory units in Austria received a questionnaire. Symptoms of PCD patients from Vienna Children's University Hospital (aim 3) were extracted from case histories. RESULTS: In 13 Austrian clinics 48 patients with PCD (36 aged from 0-19 years) were identified. The prevalence of reported cases (aged 0-19 yrs) in Austria was 1:48000. Median age at diagnosis was 4.8 years (IQR 0.3-8.2), lower in children with situs inversus compared to those without (3.1 vs. 8.1 yrs, p = 0.067). In 2005-2006, the saccharine test was still the most commonly used screening test for PCD in Austria (45%). Confirmation of the diagnosis was usually by electron microscopy (73%). All clinics treated exacerbations immediately with antibiotics, 73% prescribed airway clearance therapy routinely to all patients. Other therapies and diagnostic tests were applied very inconsistently across Austrian hospitals. All PCD patients from Vienna (n = 13) had increased upper and lower respiratory secretions, most had recurring airway infections (n = 12), bronchiectasis (n = 7) and bronchitis (n = 7). CONCLUSION: Diagnosis and therapy of PCD in Austria are inhomogeneous. Prospective studies are needed to learn more about the course of the disease and to evaluate benefits and harms of different treatment strategies.