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Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme that uses its internal RNA moiety as a template for synthesis of telomeric repeats at chromosome ends. Here we report the purification of telomerase from Euplotes aediculatus by affinity chromatography with antisense 2'-O-methyl oligonucleotides, a method that was developed for small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs). Elution of bound ribonucleoprotein from the antisense oligonucleotide under nondenaturing conditions was achieved by a novel approach, using a displacement oligonucleotide. Polypeptides of 120 kDa and 43 kDa (a doublet) copurify with the active telomerase and appear stoichiometric with telomerase RNA. A simple model for DNA end replication predicts that after semiconservative DNA replication, telomerase will extend the newly synthesized, blunt-ended leading strand. We show that purified Euplotes telomerase has no activity with blunt-ended primers. Instead, efficient extension requires 4 to 6 single-stranded nucleotides at the 3' end. Therefore, this model predicts the existence of other activities such as helicases or nucleases that generate a single-stranded 3' end from a blunt end, thus activating the end for telomerase extension.


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NK1.1+ T [natural killer (NK) T] cells express an invariant T cell antigen receptor alpha chain (TCR alpha) encoded by V alpha 14 and J alpha 281 segments in association with a limited number of V betas, predominantly V beta 8.2. Expression of the invariant V alpha 14/J alpha 281, but not V alpha 1, TCR in transgenic mice lacking endogenous TCR alpha expression blocks the development of conventional T alpha beta cells and leads to the preferential development of V alpha 14 NK T cells, suggesting a prerequisite role of invariant V alpha 14 TCR in NK T cell development. In V beta 8.2 but not B beta 3 transgenic mice, two NK T cells with different CD3 epsilon expressions, CD3 epsilon(dim) and CD3 epsilon(high), can be identified. CD3 epsilon(high) NK T cells express surface V alpha 14/V beta 8 TCR, indicating a mature cell type, whereas CD3 epsilon(dim) NK T cells express V beta 8 without V alpha 14 TCR and no significant CD3 epsilon expression (CD3 epsilon(dim)) on the cell surface. However, the latter are positive for recombination activating gene (RAG-1 and RAG-2) mRNA, which are only expressed in the precursor or immature T cell lineage, and also possess CD3 epsilon mRNA in their cytoplasm, suggesting that CD3 epsilon(dim) NK T cells are the precursor of V alpha 14 NK T cells.


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The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) acts as a processivity factor for replicative DNA polymerases and is essential for DNA replication. In vitro studies have suggested a role for PCNA-in the repair synthesis step of nucleotide excision repair, and PCNA interacts with the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21. However, because of the lack of genetic evidence, it is not clear which of the DNA repair processes are in fact affected by PCNA in vivo. Here, we describe a PCNA mutation, pol30-46, that confers ultraviolet (UV) sensitivity but has no effect on growth or cell cycle progression, and the mutant pcna interacts normally with DNA polymerase delta and epsilon. Genetic studies indicate that the pol30-46 mutation is specifically defective in RAD6-dependent postreplicational repair of UV damaged DNA, and this mutation impairs the error-free mode of bypass repair. These results implicate a role for PCNA as an intermediary between DNA replication and postreplicational DNA repair.


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In yeast, commitment to cell division (Start) is catalyzed by activation of the Cdc28 protein kinase in late G1 phase by the Cln1, Cln2, and Cln3 G1 cyclins. The Clns are essential, rate-limiting activators of Start because cells lacking Cln function (referred to as cln-) arrest at Start and because CLN dosage modulates the timing of Start. At or shortly after Start, the development of B-type cyclin Clb-Cdc28 kinase activity and initiation of DNA replication requires the destruction of p40SIC1, a specific inhibitor of the Clb-Cdc28 kinases. I report here that cln cells are rendered viable by deletion of SIC1. Conversely, in cln1 cln2 cells, which have low CLN activity, modest increases in SIC1 gene dosage cause inviability. Deletion of SIC1 does not cause a general bypass of Start since (cln-)sic1 cells remain sensitive to mating pheromone-induced arrest. Far1, a pheromone-activated inhibitor of Cln-Cdc28 kinases, is dispensable for arrest of (cln-)sic1 cells by pheromone, implying the existence of an alternate Far1-independent arrest pathway. These observations define a pheromone-sensitive activity able to catalyze Start only in the absence of p40SIC1. The existence of this activity means that the B-type cyclin inhibitor p40SIC1 imposes the requirement for Cln function at Start.


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Yeast RNA polymerase II holoenzymes have been described that consist of RNA polymerase II, a subset of general transcription factors, and nine SRB regulatory proteins. The feature that distinguishes the RNA polymerase II holoenzymes from other forms of RNA polymerase II in the cell is their tight association with SRB proteins. We investigated the fraction of genes that require SRB proteins in vivo by examining the effect of temperature-sensitive mutations in SRB genes on transcription by RNA polymerase II. Upon transfer to the restrictive temperature, there is a rapid and general shutdown of mRNA synthesis in srb mutant cells. These data, combined with the observation that essentially all of the SRB protein in cells is tightly associated with RNA polymerase II molecules, argue that SRB-containing holoenzymes are the form of RNA polymerase II recruited to most promoters in the cell.


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The human general transcription factor TFIIA is one of several factors involved in specific transcription by RNA polymerase II, possibly by regulating the activity of the TATA-binding subunit (TBP) of TFIID. TFIIA purified from HeLa extracts consists of 35-, 19-, and 12-kDa subunits. Here we describe the isolation of a cDNA clone (hTFIIA gamma) encoding the 12-kDa subunit. Using expression constructs derived from hTFIIA gamma and TFIIA alpha/beta (which encodes a 55-kDa precursor to the alpha and beta subunits of natural TFIIA), we have constructed a synthetic TFIIA with a polypeptide composition similar to that of natural TFIIA. The recombinant complex supports the formation of a DNA-TBP-TFIIA complex and mediates both basal and Gal4-VP16-activated transcription by RNA polymerase II in TFIIA-depleted nuclear extracts. In contrast, TFIIA has no effect on tRNA and 5S RNA transcription by RNA polymerase III in this system. We also present evidence that both the p55 and p12 recombinant subunits interact with TBP and that the basic region of TBP is critical for the TFIIA-dependent function of TBP in nuclear extracts.