970 resultados para renal transplantation


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The primary care physician is frequently consulted in first line for infectious complications in organ transplant recipients. Many infections without signs of severity can nowadays be managed on an outpatient basis. However, a number of clinical situations specific to transplant recipients may require special attention and knowledge. In particular, the general practitioner must be aware of the potential interactions between immunosuppressive and antimicrobial therapies, the risk of renal dysfunction as a consequence of diarrhea or urinary tract infection, and the diagnostic of CMV disease as a cause of fever without obvious source occurring several months after transplantation. Collaboration with the transplantation specialists is recommended in order to assure an optimal management of these patients.


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To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma arising from a renal graft. Transplantectomy was performed in a 47-year old woman presenting to the emergency room because of general weakness. Preoperative workup revealed a 5.5 cm malignant mass of the graft which was not present on routine ultrasound performed 12 months earlier. Following transplantectomy, local recurrence developed despite complete tumor resection and interruption of immunosuppression. Despite radiation therapy, the outcome was ultimately fatal. Genetic analysis revealed that the tumor had arisen from donor tissue. Annual ultrasound surveillance might not be enough effective to screen for these rare high grade neoplasms.


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L’apoptose endothéliale initie le processus menant au remodelage vasculaire et au développement de la néointima dans la vasculopathie du greffon. La formation de néointima résulte de l’accumulation de leucocytes, de matrice extracellulaire et de cellules positives pour l’actine musculaire lisse alpha (αSMA+) dans l’intima des artères, artérioles et capillaires du greffon. Les cellules αSMA+ dans la néointima sont des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLV) dérivées du donneur ainsi que des cellules souches dérivées du receveur, dont des cellules souches mésenchymateuses (CSM). L’acquisition d’un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez ces cellules est déterminante pour le développement de la néointima. Le laboratoire de Dre Hébert a démontré que les cellules endothéliales (CE) apoptotiques libèrent des médiateurs induisant une résistance à l’apoptose chez les CMLV et les fibroblastes. Notamment, les CE apoptotiques relâchent la cathepsine L qui clive le perlécan et ainsi libère un fragment C-terminal correspondant au troisième motif laminine G du domaine V du perlécan (LG3). Le LG3 est anti-apoptotique pour les fibroblastes. Nous avons donc émis l’hypothèse que le LG3 est un des médiateurs clés libéré par les CE apoptotiques favorisant le développement de la néointima via l’induction d’un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez les cellules néointimales αSMA+. Nous avons démontré que les médiateurs libérés par les CE apoptotiques induisent un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez les CSM dépendant de l’activation de la voie ERK1/2. De plus, le LG3 active la voie ERK1/2 via son interaction avec les intégrines beta 1 et induit une réponse anti-apoptotique chez ces cellules. Cependant l’activation de ERK1/2 par le LG3 est plus faible en comparaison de son activation par le milieu conditionné par des CE apoptotiques. Nos résultats suggèrent que les CE apoptotiques libèrent aussi de l’EGF qui agit de façon paracrine sur les CSM en coopération avec le LG3 pour induire un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez les CSM. Nous avons poursuivi l’étude de l’effet du LG3 in vivo sur le remodelage vasculaire en transplantation. Nous avons pour cela développé un modèle murin de rejet vasculaire qui consiste en une transplantation aortique entre des souris alloincompatibles. Nous avons ensuite injecté du LG3 chez les souris receveuses en post-transplantation. Nous avons observé dans ce modèle que des niveaux augmentés de LG3 sérique augmentent la formation de néointima, favorisent l’accumulation de cellules néointimales αSMA+ et diminuent le nombre de cellules CD31+ au niveau du greffon aortique. Parallèlement nous avons vérifié que le LG3 induit aussi un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez les CMLV et nous avons démontré un nouvel effet du LG3, soit une activité pro-migratoire, qui dépend de l’activation de la voie ERK1/2 chez les CMLV. Nous avons complété cette étude par l’analyse des niveaux de LG3 sérique dans une cohorte de patients receveurs d’allogreffe rénale. Nous avons observé chez ces patients, une association entre des niveaux élevés de LG3 sérique et un rejet vasculaire. Le LG3 contribue à la formation de néointima par son activité pro-migratoire et pro-survie chez les cellules néointimales et aussi de par son activité angiostatique. Nos résultats suggèrent que le LG3 est un nouveau médiateur important dans le remodelage vasculaire en transplantation


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Introducción: las terapias continuas de reemplazo renal son una importante medida a utilizar en los pacientes con lesión renal aguda que ingresan a la unidad de cuidado intensivo, la pérdida temprana del circuito por coagulación del mismo es una situación que afecta a este grupo de pacientes. Materiales y métodos: se realizo un estudio de casos y controles de una duración de tres meses tomando los pacientes que eran sometidos a terapia continua de reemplazo renal en la fundación Cardioinfantil, se eligieron como casos aquellos pacientes que no lograban completar 72 horas de terapia por perdida del circuito relacionada con coagulación, y aquellos que si se tomaron como controles, se analizaron ambos grupos en función de diferentes variables demográficas, clínicas y del circuito, tomando como análisis primario el primer filtro utilizado y haciendo un análisis secundario incluyendo todos los filtros. Resultados: se recolectaron 24 pacientes para el análisis primario y 101 filtros para el análisis secundario, el 37,5% de los filtros duró > 72 horas y 62,5%, menos de este tiempo. El puntaje APACHE II (OR: 0,76, p 0.003) y sitio de inserción femoral derecho (OR: 0.14, p 0.007) se encontraron protectoras para la disfunción temprana. Discusión: aunque no se alcanzó la muestra total, se encontró asociación protectora del acceso femoral derecho, que fue novedosa, pero requiere confirmación. El APACHE II, también protector, puede corresponder a un sesgo, se necesitan más estudios para aclarar estos hallazgos y determinar la presencia de otras variables que intervengan.


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Background. Obstructive nephropathy decreases renal blood flow (RBF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR), causing tubular abnormalities, such as urinary concentrating defect, as well as increasing oxidative stress. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on renal function, as well as on the protein expression of aquaporin 2 (AQP2) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), after the relief of bilateral ureteral obstruction (BUO). Methods. Adult male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: sham (sham operated); sham operated + 440 mg/kg body weight (BW) of NAC daily in drinking water, started 2 days before and maintained until 48 h after the surgery; BUO (24-h BUO only); BUO + NAC-pre (24-h BUO plus 440 mg/kg BW of NAC daily in drinking water started 2 days before BUO); and BUO + NAC-post (24-h BUO plus 440 mg/kg BW of NAC daily in drinking water started on the day of BUO relief). Experiments were conducted 48 h after BUO relief. Results. Serum levels of thiobarbituric reactive substances, which are markers of lipid peroxidation, were significantly lower in NAC-treated rats than in the BUO group rats. The administration of NAC provided significant protection against post-BUO GFR drops and reductions in RBF. Renal cortices and BUO rats presented decreased eNOS protein expression of eNOS in the renal cortex of BUO group rats, whereas it was partially recovered in BUO + NAC-pre group rats. Urine osmolality was significantly lower in BUO rats than in sham group rats or NAC-treated rats, the last also presenting less interstitial fibrosis. Post-BUO downregulation of AQP2 protein expression was averted in the BUO + NAC-pre group rats. Conclusions. This study demonstrates that NAC administration ameliorates the renal function impairment observed 48 h after the relief of 24-h BUO. Oxidative stress is important for the suppression of GFR, RBF, tissue AQP2 and eNOS in the polyuric phase after the release of BUO.


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Kidney transplantation improves the quality of life of end-stage renal disease patients. The quality of life benefits, however, pertain to patients on average, not to all transplant recipients. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with health-related quality of life after kidney transplantation. Population-based study with a cross-sectional design was carried out and quality of life was assessed by SF-36 Health Survey Version 1. A multivariate linear regression model was constructed with sociodemographic, clinical and laboratory data as independent variables. Two hundred and seventy-two kidney recipients with a functioning graft were analyzed. Hypertension, diabetes, higher serum creatinine and lower hematocrit were independently and significantly associated with lower scores for the SF-36 oblique physical component summary (PCSc). The final regression model explained 11% of the PCSc variance. The scores of oblique mental component summary (MCSc) were worse for females, patients with a lower income, unemployed and patients with a higher serum creatinine. The regression model explained 9% of the MCSc variance. Among the studied variables, comorbidity and graft function were the main factors associated with the PCSc, and sociodemographic variables and graft function were the main determinants of MCSc. Despite comprehensive, the final regression models explained only a little part of the heath-related quality of life variance. Additional factors, such as personal, environmental and clinical ones might influence quality of life perceived by the patients after kidney transplantation.


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Introduction: TLR-4 has also been identified as a receptor for endogenous alarmins, which are increased post transplantation. TLR-4 has also been associated with a polymorphism that could impact graft outcome. Objective: To assess the expression of TLR-4 in kidney transplant patients carrying or not a polymorphism. Methods: TLR-4 polymorphism (A299G/T399I) was studied in 200 renal transplant patients. Healthy volunteers were also enrolled as control group. The polymorphism analysis was performed using restriction enzymes technique (RFLP). Functionality of TLR-4 polymorphism was assessed in samples from controls by quantification of TNF-alpha after LPS stimulus. TLR-4 and -2 expressions were also analyzed by flow cytometry. Results: TLR-4 polymorphism was present in 8.5% of renal transplant patients. This polymorphism was associated with impairment in TNF-alpha secretion. In general, in renal transplant patients, TLR-4 expression in monocytes and in neutrophils was lower than in health volunteers. TLR-2 and TLR-4 expressions in healthy volunteers with A299G/T399I TLR-4 polymorphism was higher than in wild-type genotype healthy volunteers (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively), and also higher than A299G/T399I TLR-4 polymorphism renal transplant patients (p<0.05). TLR-2 expression on neutrophils in wild-type genotype renal transplant patients was higher compared to wild-type genotype healthy volunteers, and was also higher in relation to A299G/T399I kidney transplanted patients (p<0.01). Conclusion: Stable renal transplant patients with TLR-4 polymorphism have a lower expression of TLR-4 and TLR-2 receptors in peripheral mononuclear cells, which ultimately indicate a less responsiveness for alarmins. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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P>Renal transplant patients with stable graft function and proximal tubular dysfunction (PTD) have an increased risk for chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN). In this study, we investigated the histologic pattern associated with PTD and its correlation with graft outcome. Forty-nine transplant patients with stable graft function were submitted to a biopsy. Simultaneously, urinary retinol-binding protein (uRBP) was measured and creatinine clearance was also determined. Banff`s score and semi-quantitative histologic analyses were performed to assess tubulointerstitial alterations. Patients were followed for 24.0 +/- 7.8 months. At biopsy time, mean serum creatinine was 1.43 +/- 0.33 mg/dl. Twelve patients (24.5%) had uRBP >= 1 mg/l, indicating PTD and 67% of biopsies had some degree of tubulointerstitial injury. At the end of the study period, 18 (36.7%) patients had lost renal function. uRBP levels were not associated with morphologic findings of interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IF/TA), interstitial fibrosis measured by Sirius red or tubulointerstitial damage. However, in multivariate analysis, the only variable associated with the loss of renal function was uRBP level >= 1 mg/l, determining a risk of 5.290 of loss of renal function (P = 0.003). Renal transplant patients who present PTD have functional alteration, which is not associated with morphologic alteration. This functional alteration is associated to progressive decrease in renal function.


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Ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) is a potential contributor for the development of chronic allograft nephropathy. T cells are important mediators of injury, even in the absence of alloantigens. We performed a depletion of TCD4(+)CTLA4(+)Foxp3(+) cells with anti-CD25(PC61), a treatment with anti-GITR (DTA-1) and rat-IgG, followed by 45 min of ischemia and 24/72 h of reperfusion, and then analyzed blood urea, kidney histopathology and gene expression in kidneys by QReal Time PCR. After 24 h of reperfusion, depletion of TCD4(+)CTLA4(+)Foxp3(+) cells reached 30.3%(spleen) and 67.8%(lymph nodes). 72 h after reperfusion depletion reached 43.1%(spleen) and 90.22%(lymph nodes) and depleted animals presented with significantly poorer renal function, while DTA-1 (anti-GITR)-treated ones showed a significant protection, all compared to serum urea from control group (IgG: 150.10 +/- 50.04; PC61: 187.23 +/- 31.38; DTA-1: 64.53 +/- 25.65, mg/dL, p<0.05). These data were corroborated by histopathology. We observed an increase of HO-1 expression in animals treated with DTA-1 at 72 h of reperfusion with significant differences. Thus, our results suggest that PC61 (anti-CD25) mAb treatment is deleterious, while DTA-1 (anti-GITR) mAb treatment presents a protective role in the renal IRI, indicating that some regulatory populations of T cells might have a role in IRI. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study we evaluated whether administration of stem cells of neural origin (neural precursor cells, NPCs) could be protective against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). We hypothesized that stem cell outcomes are not tissue-specific and that NPCs can improve tissue damage through paracrine mechanisms, especially due to immunomodulation. To this end, Wistar rats (200-250 g) were submitted to 1-hour ischemia and treated with NPCs (4 x 10(6) cells/animal) at 4 h of reperfusion. To serve as controls, ischemic animals were treated with cerebellum homogenate harvested from adult rat brain. All groups were sacrificed at 24 h of reperfusion. NPCs were isolated from rat fetus telencephalon and cultured until neurosphere formation (7 days). Before administration, NPCs were labeled with carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimydylester (CFSE). Kidneys were harvested for analysis of cytokine profile and macrophage infiltration. At 24 h, NPC treatment resulted in a significant reduction in serum creatinine (IRI + NPC 1.21 + 0.18 vs. IRI 3.33 + 0.14 and IRI + cerebellum 2.95 + 0.78mg/dl, p < 0.05) and acute tubular necrosis (IRI + NPC 46.0 + 2.4% vs. IRI 79.7 + 14.2%, p < 0.05). NPC-CFSE and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-positive cells (astrocyte marker) were found exclusively in renal parenchyma, which also presented GFAP and SOX-2 (an embryonic neural stem cell marker) mRNA expression. NPC treatment resulted in lower renal proinflammatory IL1-beta and TNF-alpha expression and higher anti-inflammatory IL-4 and IL-10 transcription. NPC-treated animals also had less macrophage infiltration and decreased serum proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha and INF-gamma). Our data suggested that NPC therapy improved renal function by influencing immunological responses. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Ischemic-reperfusion injury (IRI) triggers an inflammatory response involving neutrophils/macrophages, lymphocytes and endothelial cells. Galectin-3 is a multi-functional lectin with a broad range of action such as promotion of neutrophil adhesion, induction of oxidative stress, mastocyte migration and degranulation, and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The aim of this study was evaluate the role of galectin-3 in the inflammation triggered by IRI. Galectin-3 knockout (KO) and wild type (wt) mice were subjected to 45 min of renal pedicle occlusion. Blood and kidney samples were collected at 6, 24, 48 and 120 h. Blood urea was analyzed enzymatically, while MCP-1, IL-6 and IL-1 beta were studied by real-time PCR. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) was investigated by flow cytometry. Morphometric analyses were performed at 6, 24, 48 and 120 h after reperfusion. Urea peaked at 24 h, being significantly lower in knockout animals (wt = 264.4 +/- 85.21 mg/dl vs. gal-3 KO = 123.74 +/- 29.64 mg/dl, P = 0.001). Galectin-3 knockout animals presented less acute tubular necrosis and a more prominent tubular regeneration when compared with controls concurrently with lower expression of MCP-1, IL-6, IL-1 beta, less macrophage infiltration and lower ROS production at early time points. Galectin-3 seems to play a role in renal IRI involving the secretion of macrophage-related chemokine, pro-inflammatory cytokines and ROS production.


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Ischemia-reperfusion injury is the major cause of organ dysfunction or even nonfunction following transplantation. It can attenuate the long-term survival of transplanted organs. To evaluate the severity of renal ischemia injury determined by histology, we applied laser(442 nm and 532 nm) induced fluorescence (LIF), mitochondria respiration, and membrane swelling to evaluate 28 Wistar rats that underwent left kidney warm ischemia for 20, 40, 60, or 80 minutes. LIF performed before ischemia (control) was repeated at 20, 40, 60, and 80 minutes thereafter. We harvested left kidney tissue samples immediately after LIF determination for histology and mitochondrial analyses: state 3 and 4 respiration, respiration control rate (RCR), and membrane swelling. The association of optic spectroscopy with histological damage showed: LIF, 442 nm (r(2) = 0.39, P < .001) and 532 nm, (r(2) = 0.18, P = .003); reflecting laser/fluorescence-induced, 442 nm (r(2) = 0.20, P = .002) and 532 nm (r(2) = 0.004, P = .67). The associations between mitochondria function and tissue damage were: state 3 respiration (r(2) = 0.43, P = .0004), state 4 respiration (r(2) = 0.03, P = 0.38), RCR (r(2) = 0.28, P = .007), and membrane swelling (r(2) = 0.02, P = .43). The intensity of fluorescence emitted by tissue excited by laser, especially at a wave length of 442 nm, was determined in real time. Mitochondrial state 3 respiration and respiratory control ratio also exhibited good correlations with the grade of ischemic tissue damage.


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BACKGROUND: Quality and effectiveness of care can be enhanced through the use of condition-specific measures of satisfaction with treatment. The aim of the present study was to design and develop a measure of satisfaction with treatment for patients with chronic kidney failure (CKF) for use in routine clinical care and clinical trials. The Renal Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (RTSQ) was designed to be suitable for people using any of the various treatment modalities for CKF. Items measure satisfaction with aspects of treatment, including convenience, flexibility, freedom, and satisfaction to continue with present form of treatment.

METHODS: A 12-item RTSQ was investigated at a UK hospital-based renal unit, using data from 140 outpatients undergoing renal replacement therapy (hemodialysis, n = 35; continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, n = 57; transplantation, n = 46).

RESULTS: An 11-item scale was developed from the original 12-item version, with a single factor accounting for 59% of the variance and item loadings greater than 0.58. Scale reliability was excellent (alpha = 0.93) in the full sample and proved robust to analysis in separate treatment subgroups. As expected, RTSQ scores differed significantly ( P < 0.0001) between the transplantation and other treatment groups. Those who had received a transplant expressed greater overall satisfaction, with specific advantages of transplantation shown by all individual items, including convenience, time, lifestyle, freedom, and satisfaction to continue current treatment.

CONCLUSION: The RTSQ provides a brief reliable measure of satisfaction with treatment for patients with CKF that is suitable for use in routine clinical care and clinical trials.


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Background: The increasing prevalence of chronic kidney disease, the relative shortage of kidney donors and the economic- and health-related costs of kidney transplant rejection make the prevention of adverse outcomes following transplantation a healthcare imperative. Although strict adherence to immunosuppressant medicine regimens is key to preventing kidney rejection, evidence suggests that adherence is sub-optimal. Strategies need to be developed to help recipients of kidney transplants adhere to their prescribed medicines. Findings: This review has found that a number of factors contribute to poor adherence, for example, attitudes towards medicine taking and forgetfulness. Few investigations have been conducted, however, on strategies to enhance medicine adherence in kidney transplant recipients. Strategies that may improve adherence include pharmacist-led interventions (incorporating counselling, medicine reviews and nephrologist liaison) and nurse-led interventions (involving collaboratively working with recipients to understand their routines and offering solutions to improve adherence). Strategies that have shown to have limited effectiveness include supplying medicines free of charge and providing feedback on a participant's medicine adherence without any educational or behavioural interventions. Conclusion: Transplantation is the preferred treatment option for people with end-stage kidney disease. Medicine non-adherence in kidney transplantation increases the risk of rejection, kidney loss and costly treatments. Interventions are needed to help the transplant recipient take all their medicines as prescribed to improve general well-being, medicine safety and reduce healthcare costs. © 2014 European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association/European Renal Care Association.


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RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The shortage of kidney donors and benefits of kidney transplantation make graft success imperative. Medication adherence is critical to prevent the risk of graft rejection. This paper examines how adults are prepared and supported by renal transplant co-ordinators and pharmacists to take their medications as prescribed in kidney transplantation. METHODS: Renal transplant co-ordinators and pharmacists of all five hospitals offering adult kidney transplantation in Victoria, Australia, were interviewed between November 2013 and February 2014. All data underwent qualitative descriptive analysis. RESULTS: Nine renal transplant co-ordinators and six pharmacists were interviewed. Although there was no standardized approach to education or other evidence-based strategies to facilitate medication adherence, there were similarities between sites. These similarities included printed information, pre-transplant education sessions, the use of medication lists and medication administration aids, intensive education in hospital and ensuring an adequate supply of medications post-discharge. CONCLUSIONS: Renal transplant co-ordinators and pharmacists recognized the importance of early patient education concerning immunosuppressant medication. However, each site had developed their own way of preparing a patient for kidney transplantation and follow-up in the acute hospital setting based on experience and practice. Other non-educational strategies involving behavioural and emotional aspects were less common. Differences in usual care reinforce the necessity for evidence-based health care for best patient outcomes.