926 resultados para reformulated fuels
This work describes the use of intermediate pyrolysis system to produce liquid, gaseous and solid fuels from pelletised wood and barley straw feedstock. Experiments were conducted in a pilot-scale system and all products were collected and analysed. The liquid products were separated into an aqueous phase and an organic phase (pyrolysis oil) under gravity. The oil yields were 34.1 wt.% and 12.0 wt.% for wood and barley straw, respectively. Analysis found that both oils were rich in heterocyclic and phenolic compounds and have heating values over 24 MJ/kg. The yields of char for both feedstocks were found to be about 30 wt.%, with heating values similar to that of typical sub-bituminous class coal. Gas yields were calculated to be approximately 20 wt.%. Studies showed that both gases had heating values similar to that of downdraft gasification producer gas. Analysis on product energy yields indicated the process efficiency was about 75%. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The combination of dwindling oil reserves and growing concerns over carbon dioxide emissions and associated climate change is driving the urgent development of routes to utilise renewable feedstocks as sustainable sources of fuel and chemicals. Catalysis has a rich history of facilitating energy-efficient selective molecular transformations and contributes to 90% of chemical manufacturing processes and to more than 20% of all industrial products. In a post-petroleum era, catalysis will be central to overcoming the engineering and scientific barriers to economically feasible routes to biofuels and chemicals. This chapter will highlight some of the recent developments in heterogeneous catalytic technology for the synthesis of fuels and chemicals from renewable resources, derived from plant and aquatic oil sources as well as lignocellulosic feedstocks. Particular attention will be paid to the challenges faced when developing new catalysts and importance of considering the design of pore architectures and effect of tuning surface polarity to improve catalyst compatibility with highly polar bio-based substrates.
Synthetic strategies to nanostructured photocatalysts for CO2 reduction to solar fuels and chemicals
Artificial photosynthesis represents one of the great scientific challenges of the 21st century, offering the possibility of clean energy through water photolysis and renewable chemicals through CO2 utilisation as a sustainable feedstock. Catalysis will undoubtedly play a key role in delivering technologies able to meet these goals, mediating solar energy via excited generate charge carriers to selectively activate molecular bonds under ambient conditions. This review describes recent synthetic approaches adopted to engineer nanostructured photocatalytic materials for efficient light harnessing, charge separation and the photoreduction of CO2 to higher hydrocarbons such as methane, methanol and even olefins.
Bioenergy is now accepted as having the potential to provide the major part of the projected renewable energy provisions of the future as biofuels in the form of gas, liquid or solid fuels or electricity and heat. There are three main routes to providing these biofuels — thermal conversion, biological conversion and physical conversion — all of which employ a range of chemical reactor configurations and process designs. This paper focuses on fast pyrolysis from which the liquid, often referred to as bio-oil, can be used on-site or stored or transported to centralised and/or remote user facilities for utilisation for example as a fuel, or further processing to biofuels and/or chemicals. This offers the potential for system optimisation, much greater economies of scale and exploitation of the concepts of biorefineries. The technology of fast pyrolysis is described, particularly the reactors that have been developed to provide the necessary conditions to optimise performance. The primary liquid product is characterised, as well as the secondary products of electricity and/or heat, liquid fuels and a considerable number of chemicals. The main technical and non-technical barriers to the market deployment of the various technologies are identified and briefly discussed.
As the largest contributor to renewable energy, biomass (especially lignocellulosic biomass) has significant potential to address atmospheric emission and energy shortage issues. The bio-fuels derived from lignocellulosic biomass are popularly referred to as second-generation bio-fuels. To date, several thermochemical conversion pathways for the production of second-generation bio-fuels have shown commercial promise; however, most of these remain at various pre-commercial stages. In view of their imminent commercialization, it is important to conduct a profound and comprehensive comparison of these production techniques. Accordingly, the scope of this review is to fill this essential knowledge gap by mapping the entire value chain of second-generation bio-fuels, from technical, economic, and environmental perspectives. This value chain covers i) the thermochemical technologies used to convert solid biomass feedstock into easier-to-handle intermediates, such as bio-oil, syngas, methanol, and Fischer-Tropsch fuel; and ii) the upgrading technologies used to convert intermediates into end products, including diesel, gasoline, renewable jet fuels, hydrogen, char, olefins, and oxygenated compounds. This review also provides an economic and commercial assessment of these technologies, with the aim of identifying the most adaptable technology for the production of bio-fuels, fuel additives, and bio-chemicals. A detailed mapping of the carbon footprints of the various thermochemical routes to second-generation bio-fuels is also carried out. The review concludes by identifying key challenges and future trends for second-generation petroleum substitute bio-fuels.
Experimental and analytical studies were conducted to explore thermo-acoustic coupling during the onset of combustion instability in various air-breathing combustor configurations. These include a laboratory-scale 200-kW dump combustor and a 100-kW augmentor featuring a v-gutter flame holder. They were used to simulate main combustion chambers and afterburners in aero engines, respectively. The three primary themes of this work includes: 1) modeling heat release fluctuations for stability analysis, 2) conducting active combustion control with alternative fuels, and 3) demonstrating practical active control for augmentor instability suppression. The phenomenon of combustion instabilities remains an unsolved problem in propulsion engines, mainly because of the difficulty in predicting the fluctuating component of heat release without extensive testing. A hybrid model was developed to describe both the temporal and spatial variations in dynamic heat release, using a separation of variables approach that requires only a limited amount of experimental data. The use of sinusoidal basis functions further reduced the amount of data required. When the mean heat release behavior is known, the only experimental data needed for detailed stability analysis is one instantaneous picture of heat release at the peak pressure phase. This model was successfully tested in the dump combustor experiments, reproducing the correct sign of the overall Rayleigh index as well as the remarkably accurate spatial distribution pattern of fluctuating heat release. Active combustion control was explored for fuel-flexible combustor operation using twelve different jet fuels including bio-synthetic and Fischer-Tropsch types. Analysis done using an actuated spray combustion model revealed that the combustion response times of these fuels were similar. Combined with experimental spray characterizations, this suggested that controller performance should remain effective with various alternative fuels. Active control experiments validated this analysis while demonstrating 50-70\% reduction in the peak spectral amplitude. A new model augmentor was built and tested for combustion dynamics using schlieren and chemiluminescence techniques. Novel active control techniques including pulsed air injection were implemented and the results were compared with the pulsed fuel injection approach. The pulsed injection of secondary air worked just as effectively for suppressing the augmentor instability, setting up the possibility of more efficient actuation strategy.
Following work exploring the low temperature electrolysis in alkaline media, using graphite consumable anodes, from which syngas was obtained1, laboratory studies have been conducted in acid media pursuing higher efficiency in the production of hydrogen and synthetic fuels. Experiments were conducted in an own designed undivided planar cell with 25 cm2 geometrical area electrodes using a 0.5 M H2SO4 solution with and without Fe(II) additions. Fe2+ oxidizes to Fe3+ at the anode surface. The redox couple Fe3+/ Fe2+ acts as an oxidation mediator not only oxidizing the bulk and detached graphite but also the surface functional groups. The practical experimental potential for graphite oxidation is within the range for the electroxidation of the Fe redox couple giving as a result a 4-fold increase in the amount of produced CO2 at near room temperature, when using 0.025 M FeSO4.
The dual problems of sustaining the fast growth of human society and preserving the environment for future generations urge us to shift our focus from exploiting fossil oils to researching and developing more affordable, reliable and clean energy sources. Human beings had a long history that depended on meeting our energy demands with plant biomass, and the modern biorefinery technologies realize the effective conversion of biomass to production of transportation fuels, bulk and fine chemicals so to alleviate our reliance on fossil fuel resources of declining supply. With the aim of replacing as much non-renewable carbon from fossil oils with renewable carbon from biomass as possible, innovative R&D activities must strive to enhance the current biorefinery process and secure our energy future. Much of my Ph.D. research effort is centered on the study of electrocatalytic conversion of biomass-derived compounds to produce value-added chemicals, biofuels and electrical energy on model electrocatalysts in AEM/PEM-based continuous flow electrolysis cell and fuel cell reactors. High electricity generation performance was obtained when glycerol or crude glycerol was employed as fuels in AEMFCs. The study on selective electrocatalytic oxidation of glycerol shows an electrode potential-regulated product distribution where tartronate and mesoxalate can be selectively produced with electrode potential switch. This finding then led to the development of AEMFCs with selective production of valuable tartronate or mesoxalate with high selectivity and yield and cogeneration of electricity. Reaction mechanisms of electrocatalytic oxidation of ethylene glycol and 1,2-propanediol were further elucidated by means of an on-line sample collection technique and DFT modeling. Besides electro-oxidation of biorenewable alcohols to chemicals and electricity, electrocatalytic reduction of keto acids (e.g. levulinic acid) was also studied for upgrading biomass-based feedstock to biofuels while achieving renewable electricity storage. Meanwhile, ORR that is often coupled in AEMFCs on the cathode was investigated on non-PGM electrocatalyst with comparable activity to commercial Pt/C. The electro-biorefinery process could be coupled with traditional biorefinery operation and will play a significant role in our energy and chemical landscape.
The present work, where additional value-creating processes in existing combined heat and power (CHP) structures have been examined, is motivated by a political- and consumer-driven strive towards a bioeconomy and a stagnation for the existing business models in large parts of the CHP sector. The research is based on cases where the integration of flash pyrolysis for co-production of bio-oil, co-gasification for production of fuel gas and synthetic biofuels as well as leaching of extractable fuel components in existing CHP plants have been simulated. In particular, this work has focused on the CHP plants that utilize boilers of fluidized bed (FB) type, where the concept of coupling a separate FB reactor to the FB of the boiler forms an important basis for the analyses. In such dual fluidized bed (DFB) technology, heat is transferred from the boiler to the new rector that is operating with other fluidization media than air, thereby enabling other thermochemical processes than combustion to take place. The result of this work shows that broader operations at existing CHP plants have the potential to enable production of significant volumes of chemicals and/or fuels with high efficiency, while maintaining heat supply to external customers. Based on the insight that the technical preconditions for a broader operation are favourable, the motivation and ability among the incumbents in the Swedish CHP sector to participate in a transition of their operation towards a biorefinery was examined. The result of this assessment showed that the incumbents believe that a broader operation can create significant values for their own operations, the society and the environment, but that they lack both a strong motivation as well as important abilities to move into the new technological fields. If the concepts of broader production are widely implemented in the Swedish FB based CHP sector, this can substantially contribute in the transition towards a bioeconomy.
The research activity was focused on the transformation of methyl propionate (MP) into methyl methacrylate (MMA), avoiding the use of formaldehyde (FAL) thanks to a one-pot strategy involving in situ methanol (MeOH) dehydrogenation over the same catalytic bed were the hydroxy-methylation/dehydration of MP with FAL occurs. The relevance of such research line is related to the availability of cheap renewable bio-glycerol from biodiesel production, from which MP can be obtained via a series of simple catalytic reactions. Moreover, the conventional MMA synthesis (Lucite process) suffers from safety issues related to the direct use of carcinogenic FAL and depends on non-renewable MP. During preliminary studies, ketonization of carboxylic acids and esters has been recognized as a detrimental reaction which hinders the selective synthesis of MMA at low temperature, together with H-transfer hydrogenation with FAL or MeOH as the H-donor at higher temperatures. Therefore, ketonization of propionic acid (PA) and MP was investigated over several catalysts (metal oxides and metal phosphates), to obtain a better understanding of the structure-activity relationship governing the reaction and to design a catalyst for MMA synthesis capable to promote the desired reaction while minimizing ketonization and H-transfer. However, ketonization possesses scientific and industrial value itself and represents a strategy for the upgrade of bio oils from fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic materials, a robust and versatile technology capable to transform the most abundant biomass into liquid biofuels. The catalysts screening showed that ZrO2 and La2O3 are the best catalysts, while MgO possesses low ketonization activity, but still, H-transfer parasitic hydrogenation of MMA reduces its yield over all catalysts. Such study resulted in the design of Mg/Ga mixed oxides that showed enhanced dehydrogenating activity towards MeOH at low temperatures. It was found that the introduction of Ga not only minimize ketonization, but also modulates catalyst basicity reducing H-transfer hydrogenations.
Solar fuels from CO2 is a topic of current large scientific and industrial interest. In particular, photo-electrochemical cells (PECs) represent today one of the most promising technology for storing sun energy as chemical bonds exploiting carbon dioxide as starting reagent. In this thesis, the possibility of using Aurivillius-type compounds for the production of solar fuels was deeply investigated. Aurivillius-type perovskites, with general formula Bi(n+1)Fe(n-3)Ti3O(3n+3), were synthesized and fully characterized to study the influence of the number of perovskite layers as well as of the synthesis parameters onto their final properties. In particular, 8 different systems were considered increasing the amount of iron and, as a consequence, the number of perovskite layers. These compounds were synthesized through a standard solid-state reaction method as well as via a sol-gel technique and characterized by XRD, SEM and BET analyses. The band gap value and the photocatalytic activity towards Rhodamine B decomposition were assessed as well. For each system, a screen-printing ink was formulated to be deposited as photo-electrodes onto transparent conducting supports. The photo-electrodes were morphologically characterized by XRD and SEM analysis, and their electrochemical properties (cyclic and linear voltammetry, EIS, Mott-Schottky analysis) were determined. Finally, the most promising materials were tested as photo-cathode inside PEC cell under different illumination conditions, to quantify their ability to convert CO2. The obtained results show the potentiality of Aurivillius-type compounds as innovative material for carbon dioxide photo-electrochemical reduction.