967 resultados para recombinant cellulase
A polyhistidine-tagged recombinant tegumental protein Schistosoma japonicum very lowdensity lipoprotein binding protein (SVLBP) from adult Schistosoma japonicum was expressed in Escherichia coli. The affinity purified rSVLBP was used to vaccinate mice. The worm numbers and egg deposition recovered from the livers and veins of the immunized mice were 33.5% and 47.6% less than that from control mice, respectively (p<0.05). There was also a marked increase in the antibody response in vaccinated mice: the titer of IgG1 and IgG2a, IgG2b in the vaccinated group was significantly higher than that in the controls (>1:6,400 in total IgG). In a comparison of the reactivity of sera from healthy individuals and patients with rSVLBP, recognition patterns against this parasite tegumental antigen varied among different groups of the individuals. Notably, the average titres of anti-rSVLBP antibody in sera from faecal egg-negative individuals was significantly higher than that in sera from the faecal egg-positives, which may be reflect SVLBP-specific protection. These results suggested that the parasite tegumental protein SVLBP was a promising candidate for further investigation as a vaccine antigen for use against Asian schistosomiasis.
Indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) based on recombinant major surface protein 5 (rMSP5) and initial body (IB) antigens from a Brazilian isolate of Anaplasma marginale were developed to detect antibodies against this rickettsia in cattle. Both tests showed the same sensitivity (98.2%) and specificities (100% for rMSP5 and 93.8% for IB ELISA) which did not differ statistically. No cross-reactions were detected with Babesia bigemina antibodies, but 5 (rMSP5 ELISA) to 15% (IB ELISA) of cross-reactions were detected with B. bovis antibodies. However, such difference was not statistically significant. Prevalences of seropositive crossbred beef cattle raised extensively in Miranda county, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, were 78.1% by rMSP5 ELISA and 79.7% by IB ELISA. In the analysis of sera from dairy calves naturally-infected with A. marginale, the dynamics of antibody production was very similar between both tests, with maternal antibodies reaching the lowest levels at 15-30 days, followed by an increase in the mean optical densities in both ELISAs, suggesting the development of active immunity against A. marginale. Results showed that all calves were seropositive by one-year old, characterizing a situation of enzootic stability. The similar performances of the ELISAs suggest that both tests can be used in epidemiological surveys for detection of antibodies to A. marginale in cattle.
The prevention of hepatitis B by vaccination is one of the most efficient tools to avoid the transmission of the virus. This study evaluated the immunogenicity of the national vaccine Butang® in children born in Campo Mourão City, state of Paraná, Brazil, aged 7 to 12 months, by determining the anti-HBsAg antibodies levels after completion of the National Immunization Program Protocol for hepatitis B. All 70 children evaluated by the MEIA method (immune-enzymatic micro particles) showed seroconversion to the Butang® vaccine. Nine children (12.9%) presented a low response, with anti-HBs titers between 11 and 100 mUI/ml; 39 children (55.7%) showed a good response to the vaccine, with titers between 101 and 1000 mUI/ml; and 22 children (31.4%) showed antibodies titers higher than 1000 mUI/ml. The mean titer of the anti-HBs antibody titers was 1408.1 ± 2870.26 mUI/ml (15.7 to 19560.0 mUI/ml). The levels of antibodies produced by the prematurely-born children were not statistically different from those found in the newborns. Fifty-five children were also evaluated through the ELFA method (ELISA with a final detection in fluorescence), which presented similar results. The results obtained in our study corroborated the effectiveness of the national vaccine Butang® in newborn children of Campo Mourão City, Paraná, even if they were premature.
Human pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a worldwide public health problem. In resistant individuals, control of the infection mainly requires development of a Th1 cell immune response with production of cytokines, of which interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)plays an important role. Several antigens from Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex has been described for use in vaccine development or for diagnostic purposes, however little evaluation has been done in endemic area for TB. The proliferative and IFN-gamma human T cell immune responses, to four recombinant proteins (MBP-3, NarL, MT-10.3, 16 kDa) and PPD, of 38 Brazilian TB patients (6 untreated and 32 treated) and 67 controls (38 positive and 29 negative tuberculin skin test - TST) were compared. The highest reactivity mean rate was obtained with PPD followed by 16 kDa in TB patients. While most of the patients (87%) and controls (> 64%) respond to the PPD, 16kDa was more specifically recognized (> 21%) although less sensitive (54%). When TB patients were divided according to treatment status, opposite to PPD, higher average level of IFN-gamma was induced by 16kDa in untreated (505 pg/ml) compared to treated TB patients and TST+ (269.8 pg/ml x 221.6pg/ml, respectively), although the difference was not significant. These data show that in contrast with the other recombinant proteins, the stimulatory potency of 16kDa to induce proliferative and INF-gamma response was more effective and is more recognized by active TB untreated patients, eliciting in control individuals a more selective immune response than PPD.
Recently, we generated two bacterial recombinant proteins expressing 89 amino acids of the C-terminal domain of the Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein-1 and the hexa-histidine tag (His6MSP1(19)). One of these recombinant proteins contained also the amino acid sequence of the universal pan allelic T-cell epitope (His6MSP1(19)-PADRE). In the present study, we evaluated the immunogenic properties of these antigens when administered via the intra-nasal route in the presence of distinct adjuvant formulations. We found that C57BL/6 mice immunized with either recombinant proteins in the presence of the adjuvants cholera toxin (CT) or the Escherichia coli heat labile toxin (LT) developed high and long lasting titers of specific serum antibodies. The induced immune responses reached maximum levels after three immunizing doses with a prevailing IgG1 subclass response. In contrast, mice immunized by intranasal route with His6MSP1(19)-PADRE in the presence of the synthetic oligonucleotides adjuvant CpG ODN 1826 developed lower antibody titers but when combined to CT, CpG addition resulted in enhanced IgG responses characterized by lower IgG1 levels. Considering the limitations of antigens formulations that can be used in humans, mucosal adjuvants can be a reliable alternative for the development of new strategies of immunization using recombinant proteins of P. vivax.
In previous immuno-epidemiological studies of the naturally acquired antibody responses to merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) of Plasmodium vivax, we had evidence that the responses to distinct erythrocytic stage antigens could be differentially regulated. The present study was designed to compare the antibody response to three asexual erythrocytic stage antigens vaccine candidates of P. vivax. Recombinant proteins representing the 19 kDa C-terminal region of MSP-1(PvMSP19), apical membrane antigen n-1 ectodomain (PvAMA-1), and the region II of duffy binding protein (PvDBP-RII) were compared in their ability to bind to IgG antibodies of serum samples collected from 220 individuals from the state of Pará, in the North of Brazil. During patent infection with P. vivax, the frequency of individuals with IgG antibodies to PvMSP1(19), PvAMA-1, and PvDBP-RII were 95, 72.7, and 44.5% respectively. Although the frequency of responders to PvDBP-RII was lower, this frequency increased in individuals following multiple malarial infections. Individually, the specific antibody levels did not decline significantly nine months after treatment, except to PvMSP1(19). Our results further confirm a complex regulation of the immune response to distinct blood stage antigens. The reason for that is presently unknown but it may contribute to the high risk of re-infection in individuals living in the endemic areas.
Anaplasma marginale is an important vector-borne rickettsia of ruminants in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Immunization with purified outer membranes of this organism induces protection against acute anaplasmosis. Previous studies, with proteomic and genomic approach identified 21 proteins within the outer membrane immunogen in addition to previously characterized major surface protein1a-5 (MSP1a-5). Among the newly described proteins were VirB9, VirB10, and elongation factor-Tu (EF-Tu). VirB9, VirB10 are considered part of the type IV secretion system (TFSS), which mediates secretion or cell-to-cell transfer of macromolecules, proteins, or DNA-protein complexes in Gram-negative bacteria. EF-Tu can be located in the bacterial surface, mediating bacterial attachment to host cells, or in the bacterial cytoplasm for protein synthesis. However, the roles of VirB9, VirB10, and TFSS in A. marginale have not been defined. VirB9, VirB10, and EF-Tu have not been explored as vaccine antigens. In this study, we demonstrate that sera of cattle infected with A. marginale, with homologous or heterologous isolates recognize recombinant VirB9, VirB10, and EF-Tu. IgG2 from naturally infected cattle also reacts with these proteins. Recognition of epitopes by total IgG and by IgG2 from infected cattle with A. marginale support the inclusion of these proteins in recombinant vaccines against this rickettsia.
This study compared the humoral immune response against the nucleocapsid-(N) protein of canine distemper virus (CDV) of dogs vaccinated with a multivalent vaccine against parvo-, adeno-, and parainfluenza virus and leptospira combined with either the attenuated CDV Onderstepoort strain (n = 15) or an expression plasmid containing the N-gene of CDV (n = 30). The vaccinations were applied intramuscularly three times at 2-week intervals beginning at the age of 6 weeks. None of the pre-immune sera recognized the recombinant N-protein, confirming the lack of maternal antibodies at this age. Immunization with DNA vaccine for CDV resulted in positive serum N-specific IgG response. However, their IgG (and IgA) titres were lower than those of CDV-vaccinated dogs. Likewise, DNA-vaccinated dogs did not show an IgM peak. There was no increase in N-specific serum IgE titres in either group. Serum titres to the other multivalent vaccine components were similar in both groups.
Rhoptry-associated protein 2 (RAP2) is known to be discharged from rhoptry onto the membrane surface of infected and uninfected erythrocytes (UEs) ex vivo and in vitro and this information provides new insights into the understanding of the pathology of severe anemia in falciparum malaria. In this study, a hexahistidine-tagged recombinant protein corresponding to residues 5-190 of the N-terminal of Plasmodium falciparum RAP2 (rN-RAP2) was produced using a new method of solubilization and purification. Expression was induced with D-lactose, a less expensive alternative inducer to the more common isopropyl-²-D-thio-galactopyranosidase. The recombinant protein was purified using two types of commercially-available affinity columns, iminodiacetic and nitrilotriacetic. rN-RAP2 had immunogenic potential, since it induced high titers of anti-RAP2 antibodies in mice. These antibodies recognized full-length RAP2 prepared from Triton X-100 extracts from two strains of P. falciparum. In fact, the antibody recognized a 29-kDa product of RAP2 cleavage as well as 82 and 70-kDa products of RAP1 cleavage. These results indicate that the two antigens share sequence epitopes. Our expressed protein fragment was shown to contain a functional epitope that is also present in rhoptry-derived ring surface protein 2 which attaches to the surface of both infected and UEs and erythroid precursor cells in the bone marrow of malaria patients. Serum from malaria patients who developed anemia during infection recognized rN-RAP2, suggesting that this protein fragment may be important for epidemiological studies investigating whether immune responses to RAP2 exacerbate hemolysis in falciparum malaria patients.
To assess reinfection of BALB/c mice with different Toxoplasma gondii strains, the animals were prime infected with the non-virulent D8 strain and challenged with virulent recombinant strains. Thirty days after challenge, brain cysts were obtained from surviving BALB/c mice and inoculated in Swiss mice to obtain tachyzoites for DNA extraction and PCR-RFLP analysis to distinguish the different T. gondii strains present in possible co-infections. Anti-Toxoplasma immune responses were evaluated in D8-primed BALB/c mice by detecting IFN-³ and IL-10 produced by T cells and measuring immunoglobulin levels in serum samples. PCR-RFLP demonstrated that BALB/c mice were reinfected with the EGS strain at 45 days post prime infection (dpi) and with the EGS and CH3 strains at 180 dpi. High levels of IFN-³ were detected after D8 infection, with no significant difference between 45 and 180-day intervals. However, higher IL-10 levels and higher plasmatic IgG1 and IgA were detected from samples obtained 180 days after infection. BALB/c mice were susceptible to reinfection with different recombinant T. gondii strains and this susceptibility correlated with enhancement of IL-10 production.
BACKGROUND: A randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing highly purified human Choriogonadotrophin (HP-hCG) and recombinant hCG (r-hCG) both administered subcutaneously for triggering ovulation in controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). METHODS: Multi-centre (n = 4), prospective, controlled, randomized, non-inferiority, parallel group, investigator blind design, including 147 patients. The trial was registered with www.clinicaltrials.gov, using the identifier: NCT00335569. The primary endpoint is the number of oocytes retrieved, while the secondary endpoints include embryo implantation, pregnancy and delivery rates as well as safety parameters. RESULTS: The number of retrieved oocytes was not inferior when HP-hCG was used as compared to r-hCG: the mean number was 13.3 (6.8) in HP-hCG and 12.5 (5.8) in the r-hCG group (p = 0.49) with a 95% CI (-1.34, 2.77). Regarding the secondary outcomes, there were also no differences in fertilization rate at 57.3% (467/815) vs. 61.3% (482/787) (p = 0.11), the number of embryos available for transfer and cryopreservation (2PN stage) and implantation, pregnancy and delivery rates. Furthermore, there were no differences in the number and type of adverse events reported. HP-hCG was therefore not inferior to r-hCG. CONCLUSIONS: HP-hCG and r-hCG are equally efficient and safe for triggering ovulation in ART and, both being administered subcutaneously, equally practical and well tolerated by patients.
Gene therapy approaches using recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (rAAV2) and serotype 8 (rAAV8) have achieved significant clinical benefits. The generation of rAAV Reference Standard Materials (RSM) is key to providing points of reference for particle titer, vector genome titer, and infectious titer for gene transfer vectors. Following the example of the rAAV2RSM, here we have generated and characterized a novel RSM based on rAAV serotype 8. The rAAV8RSM was produced using transient transfection, and the purification was based on density gradient ultracentrifugation. The rAAV8RSM was distributed for characterization along with standard assay protocols to 16 laboratories worldwide. Mean titers and 95% confidence intervals were determined for capsid particles (mean, 5.50×10(11) pt/ml; CI, 4.26×10(11) to 6.75×10(11) pt/ml), vector genomes (mean, 5.75×10(11) vg/ml; CI, 3.05×10(11) to 1.09×10(12) vg/ml), and infectious units (mean, 1.26×10(9) IU/ml; CI, 6.46×10(8) to 2.51×10(9) IU/ml). Notably, there was a significant degree of variation between institutions for each assay despite the relatively tight correlation of assay results within an institution. This outcome emphasizes the need to use RSMs to calibrate the titers of rAAV vectors in preclinical and clinical studies at a time when the field is maturing rapidly. The rAAV8RSM has been deposited at the American Type Culture Collection (VR-1816) and is available to the scientific community.
Natural killer (NK) cells are at the crossroad between innate and adaptive immunity and play a major role in cancer immunosurveillance. NK cell stimulation depends on a balance between inhibitory and activating receptors, such as the stimulatory lectin-like receptor NKG2D. To redirect NK cells against tumor cells, we designed bifunctional proteins able to specifically bind tumor cells and to induce their lysis by NK cells, after NKG2D engagement. To this aim, we used the 'knob into hole' heterodimerization strategy, in which 'knob' and 'hole' variants were generated by directed mutagenesis within the CH3 domain of human IgG1 Fc fragments fused to an anti-CEA or anti-HER2 scFv or to the H60 murine ligand of NKG2D, respectively. We demonstrated the capacity of the bifunctional proteins produced to specifically coat tumor cells surface with H60 ligand. Most importantly, we demonstrated that these bifunctional proteins were able to induce an NKG2D-dependent and antibody-specific tumor cell lysis by murine NK cells. Overall, the results show the possibility to redirect NK cytotoxicity to tumor cells by a new format of recombinant bispecific antibody, opening the way of potential NK cell-based cancer immunotherapies by specific activation of the NKG2D receptor at the tumor site.
Compared to total allergenic extracts, recombinant allergens available for specific IgE measurement represent an important advance in the diagnosis and treatment of IgE-mediated allergies. Recombinant allergens lead to define the sensitization profile of allergic patients, to identify markers of sensitization and to understand better polysensitivities related to cross-reactions and markers of severity of allergic reactions. They also contribute to the decision to establish tolerance induction (allergen specific immunotherapy) and the optimal selection of the allergenic composition of the vaccine.
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a well-known tumor marker, consisting of a single heavily glycosylated polypeptide chain (mol. wt 200 kD), bound to the cell surface by a phosphatidylinositol-glycan anchor. The hydrophobic domain, encoded by the 3' end of the open reading frame of the CEA gene is not present in the mature protein. This domain is assumed to play an important role in the targeting and attachment of CEA to the cell surface. To verify this hypothesis, a recombinant CEA cDNA lacking the 78 b.p. of the 3' region, encoding the 26 a.a. hydrophobic domain, was prepared in a Rc/CMV expression vector containing a neomycin resistance gene. The construct was transfected by the calcium phosphate technique into CEA-negative human and rat colon carcinoma cell lines. Geneticin-resistant transfectants were screened for the presence of CEA in the supernatant and positive clones were isolated. As determined by ELISA, up to 13 micrograms of recombinant CEA per 10(6) cells was secreted within 72 hr by the human transfected cells and about 1 microgram by the rat cells. For comparison, two human carcinoma cell lines, CO112 and LS174T, selected for high CEA expression, shed about 45 and 128 ng per 10(6) cells within 72 hr, respectively. Western blot analysis showed that the size of the recombinant CEA secreted by the transfected human cells is identical to that of reference CEA purified from human colon carcinomas metastases (about 200 kD). The recombinant CEA synthesized by the transfected rat carcinoma cells has a smaller size (about 144 kD, possibly due to incomplete glycosylation), as has already been observed for CEA produced by rat colon carcinoma cells transfected with full-length CEA cDNA. The 100-fold increase in secretion of rCEA encoded by truncated CEA cDNA transfected in human cells confirms the essential role of this domain in the targeting and anchoring of the glycoprotein. These results suggest a new approach for the in vitro production of large amounts of CEA needed in research laboratories and for immunoassay kits.