943 resultados para recipient


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This paper investigates the optimal choice of foreign aid when trade policies are decided in a non-cooperative fashion. Three alternative scenarios, depending on the timing of the actions and on whether aid is tied, are analyzed. It is shown that, in the case where aid is decided before tariffs, untied aid can lead to the reduction of the recipient's optimal trade tax. When the donor can tie the aid to a reduction in the recipient's tariff, the optimal aid level is always positive and the world can always achieve a Pareto-efficient equilibrium.


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The effect of foreign aid on the welfare levels of both the recipient and the donor country has been a much analysed topic for research in both the theory of international trade and development economics. In the development economics literature, concerns have been raised since the 1960s on the possible adverse effect of foreign aid on domestic savings and growth.1 The trade theory literature in this respect is much older and dates back to the 1920s when Professors Keynes and Ohlin debated on the effect of foreign aid on international terms of trade.2 Ever since, the terms of trade effect has been the cornerstone in the analysis of the welfare effect of foreign aid in the trade theory literature.3 After some early confusion, it is now well established that in a Walrasian stable world economy with two countries, a necessary condition for foreign aid to have perverse effects is that there is some distortion in either of the two countries.4 It is also known that, under normality and substitutability of goods, untied aid cannot be strictly Pareto-improving in a tariff distorted world.5


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The paper examines the effects of tied-aid on the welfare of both the donor and the recipient countries. We depart from the previous literature by assuming preexistence of quantitative trade distortions. To mitigate these distortions the donor country provides aid that is tied to the rationed good. Conditions for the presence of the transfer paradox and of the enrichment of both countries are derived and interpreted under the stability of the system. Furthermore, we show that whereas untied aid cannot increase global welfare, tied-aid unambiguously does so.


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We are concerned with maximizing the lifetime of a data-gathering wireless sensor network consisting of set of nodes directly communicating with a base-station. We model this scenario as the m-message interactive communication between multiple correlated informants (sensor nodes) and a recipient (base-station). With this framework, we show that m-message interactive communication can indeed enhance network lifetime. Both worst-case and average-case performances are considered.


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Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are rare tumors of soft tissue occurring most frequently in the extremities. Modern treatment of extremity STS is based on limb-sparing surgery combined with radiotherapy. To prevent local recurrence, a healthy tissue margin of 2.5 cm around the resected tumor is required. This results in large defects of soft tissue and bone, necessitating the use of reconstructive surgery to achieve wound closure. When local or pedicled soft tissue flaps are unavailable, reconstruction with free flaps is used. Free flaps are elevated at a distant site, and have their blood flow restored at the recipient site through microvascular anastomosis. When limb-sparing surgery is made impossible, amputation is the only option. Proximal amputation such as forequarter amputation (FQA) causes considerable morbidity, but is nevertheless warranted for carefully selected patients for cure or palliation. 116 patients treated in 1985 - 2006 were included in the study. Of these, 93 patients treated with limb-sparing surgery and microvascular reconstructive surgery after resection of extremity STS. 25 patients who underwent FQA were also included. Patients were identified and their medical records retrospectively reviewed. In all, 105 free flap procedures were performed for 103 patients. A total of 95 curatively treated STS patients were included in survival analysis. The latissimus dorsi, used in 56% of cases, was the most frequently used free flap. Free flap success rate was 96%. There were 9% microvascular anastomosis complications and 15% wound complications. For curatively treated STS patients, local recurrence-free survival at 5 years was 73.1%, metastasis-free survival 58.3%, and overall disease-specific survival 68.9%. Functional results were good, with 75% of patients regaining normal or near-normal function after lower extremity, and 55% after upper extremity STS resection. Among curatively treated forequarter amputees, 5-year disease-free survival was 44%. In the palliatively treated group median time until disease death was 14 months. Microvascular reconstruction after extremity soft tissue sarcoma resection is safe and reliable, and produces well-healing wounds allowing early oncological treatment. Oncological outcome after these procedures is comparable to that of other extremity sarcoma patients. Functional results are generally good. Forequarter amputation is a useful treatment option for soft tissue tumors of the shoulder girdle and proximal upper extremity. When free flap coverage of extended forequarter amputation is required, the preferable flap is a fillet flap from the amputated extremity. Acceptable oncological outcome is achieved for curatively treated FQA patients. In the palliatively treated patient considerable periods of increased quality of life can be achieved.


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We provide a new unified framework, called "multiple correlated informants - single recipient" communication, to address the variations of the traditional Distributed Source Coding (DSC) problem. Different combinations of the assumptions about the communication scenarios and the objectives of communication result in different variations of the DSC problem. For each of these variations, the complexities of communication and computation of the optimal solution is determined by the combination of the underlying assumptions. In the proposed framework, we address the asymmetric, interactive, and lossless variant of the DSC problem, with various objectives of communication and provide optimal solutions for those. Also, we consider both, the worst-case and average-case scenarios.


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Liver transplantation is an established therapy for both acute and chronic liver failure. Despite excellent long-term outcome, graft dysfunction remains a problem affecting up to 15-30% of the recipients. The etiology of dysfunction is multifactorial, with ischemia-reperfusion injury regarded as one of the most important contributors. This thesis focuses on the inflammatory response during graft procurement and reperfusion in liver transplantation in adults. Activation of protein C was examined as a potential endogenous anti-inflammatory mechanism. The effects of inflammatory responses on graft function and outcome were investigated. Seventy adult patients undergoing liver transplantation in Helsinki University Central Hospital, and 50 multiorgan donors, were studied. Blood samples from the portal and the hepatic veins were drawn before graft procurement and at several time points during graft reperfusion to assess changes within the liver. Liver biopsies were taken before graft preservation and after reperfusion. Neutrophil and monocyte CD11b and L-selectin expression were analysed by flow cytometry. Plasma TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, sICAM-1, and HMGB1 were determined by ELISA and Western-blotting. HMGB1 immunohistochemistry was performed on liver tissue specimens. Plasma protein C and activated protein C were determined by an enzyme-capture assay. Hepatic IL-8 release during graft procurement was associated with subsequent graft dysfunction, biliary in particular, in the recipient. Biliary marker levels increased only 5 7 days after transplantation. Thus, donor inflammatory response appears to influence recipient liver function with relatively long-lasting effects. Hepatic phagocyte activation and sequestration, with concomitant HMGB1 release, occurred during reperfusion. Neither phagocyte activation nor plasma cytokines correlated with postoperative graft function. Thus, activation of the inflammatory responses within the liver during reperfusion may be of minor clinical significance. However, HMGB1 was released from hepatocytes and were also correlated with postoperative transaminase levels. Accordingly, HMGB1 appears to be a marker of hepatocellular injury.


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With an objective to replace a water droplet from a steel surface by oil we study here the impact of injecting a hydrophilic/lipophilic surfactant into the droplet or into the surrounding oil reservoir. Contact angle goniometery, Grazing angle FTIR spectroscopy and Atomic force microscopy are used to record the oil/water interfacial tension, surface energetics of the substrate under the oil and water phases as well as the corresponding physical states of the substrates. Such energetics reflect the rate at which the excess surfactant molecules accumulate at the water/oil interface and desorb into the phases. The molecules diffuse into the substrate from the phases and build up specific molecular configurations which, with the interfacial tension, control the non-equilibrium progress of and the equilibrium status of the contact line. The study shows that the most efficient replacement of water by the surrounding oil happens when a surfactant is sparingly soluble in the supplier oil phase and highly soluble in the recipient water phase.


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Despite thirty years of research in interorganizational networks and project business within the industrial networks approach and relationship marketing, collective capability of networks of business and other interorganizational actors has not been explicitly conceptualized and studied within the above-named approaches. This is despite the fact that the two approaches maintain that networking is one of the core strategies for the long-term survival of market actors. Recently, many scholars within the above-named approaches have emphasized that the survival of market actors is based on the strength of their networks and that inter-firm competition is being replaced by inter-network competition. Furthermore, project business is characterized by the building of goal-oriented, temporary networks whose aims, structures, and procedures are clarified and that are governed by processes of interaction as well as recurrent contracts. This study develops frameworks for studying and analysing collective network capability, i.e. collective capability created for the network of firms. The concept is first justified and positioned within the industrial networks, project business, and relationship marketing schools. An eclectic source of conceptual input is based on four major approaches to interorganizational business relationships. The study uses qualitative research and analysis, and the case report analyses the empirical phenomenon using a large number of qualitative techniques: tables, diagrams, network models, matrices etc. The study shows the high level of uniqueness and complexity of international project business. While perceived psychic distance between the parties may be small due to previous project experiences and the benefit of existing relationships, a varied number of critical events develop due to the economic and local context of the recipient country as well as the coordination demands of the large number of involved actors. The study shows that the successful creation of collective network capability led to the success of the network for the studied project. The processes and structures for creating collective network capability are encapsulated in a model of governance factors for interorganizational networks. The theoretical and management implications are summarized in seven propositions. The core implication is that project business success in unique and complex environments is achieved by accessing the capabilities of a network of actors, and project management in such environments should be built on both contractual and cooperative procedures with local recipient country parties.


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Länsimaat ovat rahoittaneet kehitysyhteistyöhankkeita jo lähes kuuden vuosikymmenen ajan, mutta kehitysavun tehokkuudesta ei olla edelleenkään päästy yksimielisyyteen. Yksi avunantajamaiden tapa vaikuttaa kehitysavun tehokkuuteen, eli avun vaikutukseen vastaanottajamaan taloudellisen kasvun kiihdyttäjänä, on sitoa ne julkisen sektorin infrastruktuurihankkeisiin. Joissain tapauksissa tämä vaikuttaa avun vastaanottajan käytökseen ja asenteisiin kehitysapua kohtaan. Tutkielmassa käsitellään kehitysavun tehokkuutta tilanteessa, jossa se on sidottu julkisen sektorin investointeihin kehitysmaassa. Tutkimus pohjaa Kalaitzidakisin ja Kalyvitisin (2008) malliin, jossa osa kehitysmaan julkisen talouden investoinneista rahoitetaan kehitysavulla. Seuraavaksi tarkastellaan ylijäämää tavoittelevan käyttäytymisen (rent- seeking) vaikutusta kehitysavun tehokkuuteen pohjaten Economidesin, Kalyvitisin ja Philippopoulosin (2008) malliin. Tutkielmassa referoidaan lisäksi tutkimuskysymystä sivuavia empiirisiä tutkimuksia, esitellään aluksi tavallisimmat kehitysyhteistyön muodot, sekä esitellään talousteoreettisia näkökulmia kehitysyhteistyön tehokkuuden määrittelylle. Tutkielma perustuu puhtaasti teoreettisiin malleihin ja niissä sovelletut menetelmät ovat matemaattisia. Tutkielmassa käsitellään ensin tapaus, jossa kehitysyhteistyöllä rahoitetaan julkisen sektorin investointihankkeita. Jossain tapauksissa kehitysavun kasvu lasku siirtää vastaanottajamaan kulutusta julkisista investoinneista kulutukseen, jolloin kehitysyhteistyövaroin osittain rahoitettujen hankkeiden koko pienenee, ja suhteellinen tehokkuus laskee. Seuraavaksi tarkastellaan tilannetta, jossa kehitysyhteistyövaroista vain osa päätyy hankkeen rahoittamiseen, ja todetaan, että kehitysavun tehokkuus ja vaikutus maan kansantulon kasvuun vähenee talouden toimijoiden ylijäämää tavoittelevan käyttäytymisen (mukaan lukien korruptio) myötä entisestään. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että kehitysapu vaikuttaa kehittyvän maan talouden kasvuun tapauksessa, jossa julkisia infrastruktuurihankkeita rahoitetaan osittain maan omin verovaroin ja osittain kehitysyhteistyövaroin. Ylijäämää tavoitteleva käyttäytyminen vaikuttaa kehitysavun tehokkuuteen negatiivistesti vähentäen kehitysavun positiivisia kasvuvaikutuksia.


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Antiserum to the beta-subunit of ovine luteinizing hormone (oLH-beta) raised in monkeys (Macaca radiata) has been tested by a variety of criteria both in vivo and in vitro to establish its ability to neutralize oLH, hLH, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Passive administration of this antiserum caused inhibition of ovulation and termination of pregnancy in recipient monkeys as indicated by premature vaginal bleeding and a significant reduction in serum progesterone and estrogen levels. The results suggest that antiserum raised in monkeys against oLH-beta can neutralize monkey LH as well as monkey CG.


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Bacteria growing in paper machines can cause several problems. Biofilms detaching from paper machine surfaces may lead to holes and spots in the end product or even break the paper web leading to expensive delays in production. Heat stable endospores will remain viable through the drying section of paper machine, increasing the microbial contamination of paper and board. Of the bacterial species regularly found in the end products, Bacillus cereus is the only one classified as a pathogen. Certain B. cereus strains produce cereulide, the toxin that causes vomiting disease in food poisonings connected to B. cereus. The first aim of this thesis was to identify harmful bacterial species colonizing paper machines and to assess the role of bacteria in the formation of end product defects. We developed quantitative PCR methods for detecting Meiothermus spp. and Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis. Using these methods I showed that Meiothermus spp. and Psx. taiwanensis are major biofoulers in paper machines. I was the first to be able to show the connection between end product defects and biofilms in the wet-end of paper machines. I isolated 48 strains of primary-biofilm forming bacteria from paper machines. Based on one of them, strain K4.1T, I described a novel bacterial genus Deinobacterium with Deinobacterium chartae as the type species. I measured the transfer of Bacillus cereus spores from packaging paper into food. To do this, we constructed a green fluorescent protein (GFP) labelled derivative of Bacillus thuringiensis and prepared paper containing spores of this strain. Chocolate and rice were the recipient foods when transfer of the labelled spores from the packaging paper to food was examined. I showed that only minority of the Bacillus cereus spores transferred into food from packaging paper and that this amount is very low compared to the amount of B. cereus naturally occurring in foods. Thus the microbiological risk caused by packaging papers is very low. Until now, the biological function of cereulide for the producer cell has remained unknown. I showed that B. cereus can use cereulide to take up K+ from environment where K+ is scarce: cereulide binds K+ ions outside the cell with high affinity and transports these ions across cell membrane into the cytoplasm. Externally added cereulide increased the growth rate of cereulide producing strains in medium where potassium was growth limiting. In addition, cereulide producing strains outcompeted cereulide non-producing B. cereus in potassium deficient environment, but not when the potassium concentration was high. I also showed that cereulide enhances biofilm formation of B. cereus.


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Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) is the gene mutated in the human polyglandular autoimmune disease called Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy, candidiasis, and ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) that belongs to the Finnish disease heritage. Murine Aire has been shown to be important in the generation of the T cell central tolerance in the thymus by promoting the expression of ectopic tissue-specific antigens in the thymic medulla. Aire is also involved in the thymus tissue organization during organogenesis. In addition to the thymus, AIRE/Aire is expressed in the secondary lymphoid organs. Accordingly, a role for AIRE/Aire in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance has been suggested. Peripheral tolerance involves mechanisms that suppress immune responses in secondary lymphoid organs. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are an important suppressive T cell population mediating the peripheral tolerance. Tregs are generated in the thymus but also in the peripheral immune system T cells can acquire the Treg-phenotype. The aim of this study was to characterize Tregs in APECED patients and in the APECED mouse model (Aire-deficient mice). In the mouse model, it was possible to separate Aire expression in the thymus and in the secondary lymphoid organs. The relative importance of thymic and peripheral Aire expression in the maintenance of immunological tolerance was studied in an experimental model that was strongly biased towards autoimmunity, i.e. lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP) of lymphocytes. This experimental model was also utilised to study the behaviour of T cells with dual-specific T cell receptors (TCR) during the proliferation. The Treg phenotype was studied by flow cytometry and relative gene expression with real-time polymerase chain reaction. TCR repertoires of the Tregs isolated from APECED patients and healthy controls were also compared. The dual-specific TCRs were studied with the TCR repertoire analysis that was followed with sequencing of the chosen TCR genes in order to estimate changes in the dual-specific TCR diversity. The Treg function was tested with an in vitro suppression assay. The APECED patients had normal numbers of Tregs but the phenotype and suppressive functions of the Tregs were impaired. In order to separate Aire functions in the thymus from its yet unknown role in the secondary lymphoid organs, the phenomenon of LIP was utilised. In this setting, the lymphocytes that are adoptively transferred to a lymphopenic recipient proliferate to stimuli from self-originating antigens. This proliferation can result in autoimmunity if peripheral tolerance is not fully functional. When lymphocytes that had matured without Aire in the thymus were transferred to lymphopenic Aire-sufficient recipients, no clinical autoimmunity followed. The Aire-deficient donor-originating lymphocytes hyperproliferated, and other signs of immune dysregulation were also found in the recipients. Overt autoimmunity, however, was prevented by the Aire-deficient donor-originating Tregs that hyperproliferated in the recipients. Aire-deficient lymphopenic mice were used to study whether peripheral loss of Aire had an impact on the maintenance of peripheral tolerance. When normal lymphocytes were transferred to these Aire-deficient lymphopenic recipients, the majority of recipients developed a clinically symptomatic colitis. The colitis was confirmed also by histological analysis of the colon tissue sections. In the Aire-deficient lymphopenic recipients Tregs were proliferating significantly less than in the control group s recipients that had normal Aire expression in their secondary lymphoid organs. This study shows that Aire is not only important in the central tolerance but is also has a significant role in the maintenance of the peripheral tolerance both in mice and men. Aire expressed in the secondary lymphoid organs is involved in the functions of Tregs during an immune response. This peripheral expression appears to be relatively more important in some situations since only those lymphopenic recipients that had lost peripheral expression of Aire developed a symptomatic autoimmune disease. This AIRE-related Treg defect could be clinically important in understanding the pathogenesis of APECED.


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Altruism is defined as any behaviour that lowers the Darwinian fitness of the actor while increasing that of the recipient. Such altruism (especially in the form of lifetime sterility exhibited by sterile workers in eusocial insects such as ants, bees, wasps and termites) has long been considered a major difficulty for the theory of natural selection. In the 1960s W. D. Hamilton potentially solved this problem by defining a new measure of fitness that he called inclusive fitness, which also included the effect of an individual's action on the fitness of genetic relatives. This has come to be known as inclusive fitness theory, Hamilton's rule or kin selection. E. O. Wilson almost single-handedly popularized this new approach in the 1970s and thus helped create a large body of new empirical research and a large community of behavioural ecologists and kin selectionists. Adding thrill and drama to our otherwise sombre lives, Wilson is now leading a frontal attack on Hamilton's approach, claiming that the inclusive fitness theory is not as mathematically general as the standard natural selection theory, has led to no additional biological insights and should therefore be abandoned. The world cannot but sit up and take notice.


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Engl. summary: The effect of waste water on lake recipient