799 resultados para réseaux de neurones


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This study investigated sex differences in the stress-induced activation of neurons containing corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP) and enkephalin in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of gonadectomized male and female sheep. Groups (n=3) of both sexes were either subjected to 90 min isolation and restraint stress (stress group) or were not stressed. Blood samples were taken every 10 min for 90 min prior to and after stress to monitor cortisol levels in plasma. Brains were harvested after 90 min of stress. Stress caused elevation of plasma cortisol levels to a similar extent in both sexes. Double-labeling immunohistochemistry for Fos and either CRH, AVP or enkephalin was undertaken to quantify the numbers of neurons staining for CRH, AVP and enkephalin that also immunostained for Fos. Stress increased Fos immunostaining in all cell types. There was a greater proportion of CRH than AVP neurons activated in stressed animals. There were no sex differences in the activation of CRH and AVP neurons although females had a greater proportion of enkephalin cells staining for Fos than males in both control and stressed animals. There were no differences between control and stressed animals in the proportion of cells co-staining for CRH and AVP. We conclude that isolation and restraint stress activates neurons producing CRH, AVP and enkephalin in sheep and that CRH may play a greater role than AVP in regulating adrenocorticotrophic hormone secretion in response to this stressor in sheep. Finally, isolation and restraint stress does not influence co-localization of CRH and AVP in sheep.


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The β-amyloid protein (Aβ) is the major protein component of amyloid plaques found in the Alzheimer brain. Although there is a loss of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from both cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurones in the brain of Alzheimer patients, the level of AChE is increased around amyloid plaques. Previous studies using P19 cells in culture and transgenic mice which overexpress human Aβ have suggested that this increase may be due to a direct action of Aβ on AChE expression in cells adjacent to amyloid plaques. The aim of the present study was to examine the mechanism by which Aβ increases levels of AChE in primary cortical neurones. Aβ1−42 was more potent than Aβ1−40 in its ability to increase AChE in primary cortical neurones. The increase in AChE was unrelated to the toxic effects of the Aβ peptides. The effect of Aβ1−42 on AChE was blocked by inhibitors of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (α7 nAChRs) as well as by inhibitors of L- or N-type voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs), whereas agonists of α7 nAChRs (choline, nicotine) increased the level of AChE. The results demonstrate that the effect of Aβ1−42 on AChE is due to an agonist effect of Aβ1−42 on the α7 nAChR.


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Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis activation is a hallmark of the stress response. In the case of physical stressors, there is considerable evidence that medullary catecholamine neurones are critical to the activation of the paraventricular nucleus corticotropin-releasing factor cells that constitute the apex of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. In contrast, it has been thought that hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis responses to emotional stressors do not involve brainstem neurones. To investigate this issue we have mapped patterns of restraint-induced neuronal c-fos expression in intact animals and in animals prepared with either paraventricular nucleus-directed injections of a retrograde tracer, lesions of paraventricular nucleus catecholamine terminals, or lesions of the medulla corresponding to the A1 or A2 noradrenergic cell groups. Restraint-induced patterns of neuronal activation within the medulla of intact animals were very similar to those previously reported in response to physical stressors, including the fact that most stressor-responsive, paraventricular nucleus-projecting cells were certainly catecholaminergic and probably noradrenergic. Despite this, the destruction of paraventricular nucleus catecholamine terminals with 6-hydroxydopamine did not alter corticotropin-releasing factor cell responses to restraint. However, animals with ibotenic acid lesions encompassing either the A1 or A2 noradrenergic cell groups displayed significantly suppressed corticotropin-releasing factor cell responses to restraint. Notably, these medullary lesions also suppressed neuronal responses in the medial amygdala, an area that is now considered critical to hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis responses to emotional stressors and that is also known to display a significant increase in noradrenaline turnover during restraint.

We conclude that medullary neurones influence corticotropin-releasing factor cell responses to emotional stressors via a multisynaptic pathway that may involve a noradrenergic input to the medial amygdala. These results overturn the idea that hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis response to emotional stressors can occur independently of the brainstem.


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Several findings suggest that catecholaminergic neurones in the caudal ventrolateral medulla (CVLM) contribute to body fluid homeostasis and cardiovascular regulation. The present study sought to determine the effects of lesions of these neurones on the cardiovascular responses induced by changes in circulating volume. All experiments were performed in male Wistar rats (320-360 g). Medullary catecholaminergic neurones were lesioned by microinjection of anti-dopamine beta-hydroxylase-saporin (6.3 ng in 60 nl; SAP rats, n = 14) into the CVLM, whereas sham rats received microinjections of free saporin (1.3 ng in 60 nl, n = 15). Two weeks later, rats were anaesthetized (urethane, 1.2 g kg(-1), I.V..), instrumented for measurement of mean arterial pressure (MAP), renal blood flow (RBF) and renal vascular conductance (RVC), and infused with hypertonic saline (HS; 3 M NaCl, 0.18 ml (100 g body weight)(-1), I.V.) or an isotonic solution (volume expansion, VE; 4% Ficoll, 1% of body weight, I.V.). In sham rats, HS induced sustained increases in RBF and RVC (155 +/- 7 and 145 +/- 6% of baseline, at 20 min after HS). In SAP rats, RBF responses to HS were blunted (125 +/- 6%) and RVC increases were abolished (108 +/- 5%) 20 min after HS. Isotonic solution increased RBF and RVC in sham rats (149 +/- 10 and 145 +/- 12% of baseline, respectively, at 20 min). These responses were reduced in SAP rats (131 +/- 6 and 126 +/- 5%, respectively, at 20 min). Pressor responses to HS were larger in SAP rats than in sham rats (17 +/- 5 versus 9 +/- 2 mmHg, at 20 min), whereas during VE these responses were similar in both groups (6 +/- 3 versus 4 +/- 6 mmHg, at 20 min). Immunohistochemical analysis indicates that microinjections of anti-D beta H-saporin produced extensive destruction within the A1/C1 cell groups in the CVLM. These results suggest that catecholaminergic neurones mediate the cardiovascular responses to VE or increases in plasma sodium levels.


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A growing body of evidence indiates that carbon monoxide (CO) acts as a gas neurotransmitter within the central nervous system. Although CO has been shown to affect neurohypophyseal hormone release in response to osmotic stimuli, the precise sources, targets and mechanisms underlying the actions of CO within the magnocellular neurosecretory system remain largely unknown. In the present study, we combined immunohistochemistry and patch-clamp electrophysiology to study the cellular distribution of the CO-synthase enzyme heme oxygenase type 1 (HO-1), as well as the actions of CO on oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (VP) magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs), in euhydrated (EU) and 48-h water-deprived rats (48WD). Our results show the expression of HO-1 immunoreactivity both in OT and VP neurones, as well as in a small proportion of astrocytes, both in supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei. HO-1 expression, and its colocalisation with OT and VP neurones within the SON and PVN, was significantly enhanced in 48WD rats. Inhibition of HO activity with chromium mesoporphyrin IX chloride (CrMP; 20 mu m) resulted in a slight membrane hyperpolarisation in SON neurones from EU rats, without significantly affecting their firing activity. In 48WD rats, on the other hand, CrMP resulted in a more robust membrane hyperpolarisation, significantly decreasing neuronal firing discharge. Taken together, our results indicate that magnocellular SON and PVN neurones express HO-1, and that CO acts as an excitatory gas neurotransmitter in this system. Moreover, we found that the expression and actions of CO were enhanced in water-deprived rats, suggesting that the state-dependent up-regulation of the HO-1/CO signalling pathway contributes to enhance MNCs firing activity during an osmotic challenge.


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Les réseaux d'entreprises formatrices constituent un modèle du système de formation professionnelle en alternance Suisse. Petites et moyennes entreprises peuvent ainsi mutualiser la formation des apprentis. Quelles raisons poussent les entreprises à participer à ce nouveau type d’organisation ? Quels conflits et tensions naissent au sein de ces réseaux ? Les analyses s’appuient sur quatre cas de réseaux et sur la théorie de l'économie des conventions. Ces réseaux naissent d’une pluralité de motifs de participation, source d’insatisfaction dans les entreprises et de conflits dans les réseaux tout au long du parcours de formation.


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Archive institutionnelle de l'Université de Genève - Institutional Repository of the University of Geneva


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