963 resultados para proteins model


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A low-cost disposable was developed for rapid detection of the protein biomarker myoglobin (Myo) as a model analyte. A screen printed electrode was modified with a molecularly imprinted material grafted on a graphite support and incorporated in a matrix composed of poly(vinyl chloride) and the plasticizer o-nitrophenyloctyl ether. The protein-imprinted material (PIM) was produced by growing a reticulated polymer around a protein template. This is followed by radical polymerization of 4-styrenesulfonic acid, 2-aminoethyl methacrylate hydrochloride, and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate. The polymeric layer was then covalently bound to the graphitic support, and Myo was added during the imprinting stage to act as a template. Non-imprinted control materials (CM) were also prepared by omitting the Myo template. Morphological and structural analysis of PIM and CM by FTIR, Raman, and SEM/EDC microscopies confirmed the modification of the graphite support. The analytical performance of the SPE was assessed by square wave voltammetry. The average limit of detection is 0.79 μg of Myo per mL, and the slope is −0.193 ± 0.006 μA per decade. The SPE-CM cannot detect such low levels of Myo but gives a linear response at above 7.2 μg · mL−1, with a slope of −0.719 ± 0.02 μA per decade. Interference studies with hemoglobin, bovine serum albumin, creatinine, and sodium chloride demonstrated good selectivity for Myo. The method was successfully applied to the determination of Myo urine and is conceived to be a promising tool for screening Myo in point-of-care patients with ischemia.


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This work aimed to contribute to drug discovery and development (DDD) for tauopathies, while expanding our knowledge on this group of neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Using yeast, a recognized model for neurodegeneration studies, useful models were produced for the study of tau interaction with beta-amyloid (Aβ), both AD hallmark proteins. The characterization of these models suggests that these proteins co-localize and that Aβ1-42, which is toxic to yeast, is involved in tau40 phosphorylation (Ser396/404) via the GSK-3β yeast orthologue, whereas tau seems to facilitate Aβ1-42 oligomerization. The mapping of tau’s interactome in yeast, achieved with a tau toxicity enhancer screen using the yeast deletion collection, provided a novel framework, composed of 31 genes, to identify new mechanisms associated with tau pathology, as well as to identify new drug targets or biomarkers. This genomic screen also allowed to select the yeast strain mir1Δ-tau40 for development of a new GPSD2TM drug discovery screening system. A library of unique 138 marine bacteria extracts, obtained from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vents, was screened with mir1Δ-tau40. Three extracts were identified as suppressors of tau toxicity and constitute good starting points for DDD programs. mir1Δ strain was sensitive to tau toxicity, relating tau pathology with mitochondrial function. SLC25A3, the human homologue of MIR1, codes for the mitochondrial phosphate carrier protein (PiC). Resorting to iRNA, SLC25A3 expression was silenced in human neuroglioma cells, as a first step towards the engineering of a neural model for replicating the results obtained in yeast. This model is essential to understand the mechanisms of tau toxicity at the mitochondrial level and to validate PiC as a relevant drug target. The set of DDD tools here presented will foster the development of innovative and efficacious therapies, urgently needed to cope with tau-related disorders of high human and social-economic impact.


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Animal models of infective endocarditis (IE) induced by high-grade bacteremia revealed the pathogenic roles of Staphylococcus aureus surface adhesins and platelet aggregation in the infection process. In humans, however, S. aureus IE possibly occurs through repeated bouts of low-grade bacteremia from a colonized site or intravenous device. Here we used a rat model of IE induced by continuous low-grade bacteremia to explore further the contributions of S. aureus virulence factors to the initiation of IE. Rats with aortic vegetations were inoculated by continuous intravenous infusion (0.0017 ml/min over 10 h) with 10(6) CFU of Lactococcus lactis pIL253 or a recombinant L. lactis strain expressing an individual S. aureus surface protein (ClfA, FnbpA, BCD, or SdrE) conferring a particular adhesive or platelet aggregation property. Vegetation infection was assessed 24 h later. Plasma was collected at 0, 2, and 6 h postinoculation to quantify the expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin 1α (IL-1α), IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-10. The percentage of vegetation infection relative to that with strain pIL253 (11%) increased when binding to fibrinogen was conferred on L. lactis (ClfA strain) (52%; P = 0.007) and increased further with adhesion to fibronectin (FnbpA strain) (75%; P < 0.001). Expression of fibronectin binding alone was not sufficient to induce IE (BCD strain) (10% of infection). Platelet aggregation increased the risk of vegetation infection (SdrE strain) (30%). Conferring adhesion to fibrinogen and fibronectin favored IL-1β and IL-6 production. Our results, with a model of IE induced by low-grade bacteremia, resembling human disease, extend the essential role of fibrinogen binding in the initiation of S. aureus IE. Triggering of platelet aggregation or an inflammatory response may contribute to or promote the development of IE.


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An impaired glutathione (GSH) synthesis was observed in several multifactorial diseases, including schizophrenia and myocardial infarction. Genetic studies revealed an association between schizophrenia and a GAG trinucleotide repeat (TNR) polymorphism in the catalytic subunit (GCLC) of the glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL). Disease-associated genotypes of this polymorphism correlated with a decrease in GCLC protein expression, GCL activity and GSH content. To clarify consequences of a decreased GCL activity at the proteome level, three schizophrenia patients and three controls have been selected based on the GCLC GAG TNR polymorphism. Fibroblast cultures were obtained by skin biopsy and were challenged with tert-butylhydroquinone (t-BHQ), a substance known to induce oxidative stress. Proteome changes were analyzed by two dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and results revealed 10 spots that were upregulated in patients following t-BHQ treatment, but not in controls. Nine corresponding proteins could be identified by MALDI mass spectrometry and these proteins are involved in various cellular functions, including energy metabolism, oxidative stress response, and cytoskeletal reorganization. In conclusion, skin fibroblasts of subjects with an impaired GSH synthesis showed an altered proteome reaction in response to oxidative stress. Furthermore, the study corroborates the use of fibroblasts as an additional mean to study vulnerability factors of psychiatric diseases.


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OBJECTIVE: Fibrotic changes are initiated early in acute respiratory distress syndrome. This may involve overproliferation of alveolar type II cells. In an animal model of acute respiratory distress syndrome, we have shown that the administration of an adenoviral vector overexpressing the 70-kd heat shock protein (AdHSP) limited pathophysiological changes. We hypothesized that this improvement may be modulated, in part, by an early AdHSP-induced attenuation of alveolar type II cell proliferation. DESIGN: Laboratory investigation. SETTING: Hadassah-Hebrew University and University of Pennsylvania animal laboratories. SUBJECTS: Sprague-Dawley Rats (250 g). INTERVENTIONS: Lung injury was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats via cecal ligation and double puncture. At the time of cecal ligation and double puncture, we injected phosphate-buffered saline, AdHSP, or AdGFP (an adenoviral vector expressing the marker green fluorescent protein) into the trachea. Rats then received subcutaneous bromodeoxyuridine. In separate experiments, A549 cells were incubated with medium, AdHSP, or AdGFP. Some cells were also stimulated with tumor necrosis factor-alpha. After 48 hrs, cytosolic and nuclear proteins from rat lungs or cell cultures were isolated. These were subjected to immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation, electrophoretic mobility shift assay, fluorescent immunohistochemistry, and Northern blot analysis. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Alveolar type I cells were lost within 48 hrs of inducing acute respiratory distress syndrome. This was accompanied by alveolar type II cell proliferation. Treatment with AdHSP preserved alveolar type I cells and limited alveolar type II cell proliferation. Heat shock protein 70 prevented overexuberant cell division, in part, by inhibiting hyperphosphorylation of the regulatory retinoblastoma protein. This prevented retinoblastoma protein ubiquitination and degradation and, thus, stabilized the interaction of retinoblastoma protein with E2F1, a key cell division transcription factor. CONCLUSIONS: : Heat shock protein 70-induced attenuation of cell proliferation may be a useful strategy for limiting lung injury when treating acute respiratory distress syndrome if consistent in later time points.


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La stabilité génomique, qui est essentielle à la vie, est possible grâce à la réplication et la réparation de l’ADN. Une des enzymes responsables de la réplication et de la réparation de l’ADN est la ribonucleotide reductase (RNR), qui est retrouvée chez la levure et chez l’humain. Cette enzyme catalyse la formation de déoxyribonucléotides et maintien le pool de dNTP requis pour la réparation et la réplication de l’ADN. L’enzyme RNR est un tétramère α2β2 constitué d’une grande (R1, α2) et d’une petite (R2, β2) sous-unité. Chez S. cerevisiae, les gènes RNR1 et RNR3 encodent la sous-unité α2 (R1). L’activité catalytique de RNR dépend d’une interaction avec le fer et de la formation d’un complexe entre R1 et R2. L’expression de toutes les sous-unités est inductible par les dommages causés à l’ADN. Dans cette étude, nous démontrons que des cellules qui n’expriment pas une des sous-unités, Rnr4, du complexe RNR sont sensibles à divers agents endommageant l’ADN, tels que le méthyl méthane sulfonate, la bléomycine, le péroxyde d’hydrogène et les rayons ultraviolets (UVC 254 nm). Au contraire, le mutant est résistant au 4-nitroquinoline-1- oxide (4-NQO), un composé qui engendre des lésions encombrantes. Par conséquent, le mutant rnr4Δ démontre une réduction marquée en mutations induites par le 4-NQO comparativement à la souche parentale. Nous voulions identifier la voie de réparation de l’ADN qui conférait cette résistance au 4-NQO ainsi que les protéines impliquées. Les voies BER, NER et MMR n’ont pas aboli la résistance au 4-NQO de la souche rnr4Δ. La protéine recombinante Rad51 ne joue pas un rôle critique dans la réparation de l’ADN et dans la résistance au 4-NQO. La délétion du gène REV3, qui encode une polymérase de contournement, impliquée dans la réparation post-réplication, a partiellement aboli la résistance au 4-NQO dans rnr4Δ. Ces résultats suggèrent que la polymérase Rev3 et possiblement d’autres polymérases translésion (Rev1, Rev7, Rad30) pourraient être impliquées dans la réparation de lésions encombrantes dans l’ADN dans des conditions de carence en dNTP. La réparation de l’ADN, un mécanisme complexe chez la levure, implique une vaste gamme de protéines, dont certaines encore inconnues. Nos résultats indiquent qu’il y aurait plus qu’une protéine impliquée dans la résistance au 4-NQO. Des investigations plus approfondies seront nécessaires afin de comprendre la recombinaison et la réparation post-réplication.


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BACKGROUND: The secretory basic amino acid-specific proprotein convertases (PCs) have often been associated with cancer/metastasis. By controlling the cleavage of cancer-associated proteins, PCs play key roles in multiple steps of cancer development. Most analyses of the implication of PCs in cancer/metastasis relied on the use of in vitro overexpression systems or inhibitors that can affect more than one PC. Aside from the role of furin in salivary gland tumorigenesis, no other in vivo genetic model of PC-knockout was reported in relation to cancer development. RESULTS: Since PC5/6 is highly expressed in the small intestine, the present study examined its in vivo role in intestinal tumorigenesis. Analysis of human intestinal tumors at various stages showed a systematic down-regulation of PC5/6 expression. Since gene inactivation of PC5/6 leads to lethality at birth, we generated mice lacking PC5/6 in enterocytes and analyzed the impact of the presence or absence of this PC in the mouse ApcMin/+ model that develops numerous adenocarcinomas along the intestinal tract. This resulted in viable mice with almost no expression of PC5/6 in small intestine, but with no overt phenotype. The data showed that by themselves ApcMin/+ tumors express lower levels of PC5/6 mRNA, and that the lack of PC5/6 in enterocytes results in a significantly higher tumor number in the duodenum, with a similar trend in other intestinal segments. Finally, the absence of PC5/6 is also associated with a premature mortality of ApcMin/+ mice. CONCLUSION: Overall, these data suggest that intestinal PC5/6 is protective towards tumorigenesis, especially in mouse duodenum, and possibly in human colon.


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This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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HIV-1 viral protein R (Vpr) induces a cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase by a mechanism involving the activation of the DNA damage sensor ATR. We and others recently showed that Vpr performs this function by subverting the activity of the DDB1-CUL4A (VPRBP) E3 ubiquitin ligase. Vpr could thus act as a connector between the E3 ligase and an unknown cellular factor whose ubiquitination would induce G2 arrest. While attractive, this model is solely based on the indirect observation that some mutants of Vpr retain their interaction with the E3 ligase but fail to induce G2 arrest. Using a tandem affinity purification approach, we observed that Vpr interacts with ubiquitinated cellular proteins and that this association requires the recruitment of an active E3 ligase given that depletion of VPRBP by RNA interference or overexpression of a dominant-negative mutant of CUL4A decreased this association. Importantly, G2-arrest-defective mutants of Vpr in the C-terminal putative substrate-interacting domain displayed decreased association with ubiquitinated proteins. We also found that inhibition of proteasomal activity increased this association and that the ubiquitin chains were at least in part constituted of classical K48 linkages. Interestingly, inhibition of K48 polyubiquitination specifically impaired Vpr-induced phosphorylation of H2AX, an early target of ATR, but did not affect UV-induced H2AX phosphorylation. Overall, our results provide direct evidence that association of Vpr with the DDB1-CUL4A (VPRBP) E3 ubiquitin ligase induces the K48-linked polyubiquitination of yet-unknown cellular proteins resulting in their proteasomal degradation and ultimately leading to activation of ATR and G2 arrest.


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Pendant la grossesse, les hormones stéroïdes jouent un rôle indispensable dans la régulation des principales manifestations physiologiques telles que la reconnaissance maternelle de la gestation, la réceptivité de l'endomètre, le début du développement embryonnaire ainsi que le maintien de la gestation. Cependant, on sait très peu sur la production de ces hormones et les principaux facteurs des voies intracellulaires impliqués dans le processus de stéroïdogenèse dans le placenta bovin pendant les stades initiaux et plus avancés de la gestation. Par ailleurs, certaines anomalies du placenta chez les bovins suite à une mauvaise production de stéroïdes n'ont pas encore été démontrées. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient donc de : 1) déterminer la présence et la localisation des principales protéines stéroïdiennes dans le placenta de bovins provenant de gestations de 50 à 120 jours, 2) comparer l'expression placentaire d'une série de gènes et de protéines stéroïdiennes entre une gestation impliquant un transfert de noyaux de cellules somatiques (SCNT) et une gestation non-clonale; 3) étudier l'impact des hormones trophiques et des seconds messagers sur la stéroïdogenèse dans le placenta bovin à 140 +10 jours de gestation. L’utilisation de techniques d’immunohistochimie, d’immunobuvardage et de PCR quantitatif nous a permis d’évaluer la présence d'un large éventail de gènes stéroïdiens (STAR, CYP11A1, HSD3B1, CYP17A1 et SCARB1) qui participent au transport du cholestérol et dans la production de différents types de stéroïdes. Dans cette thèse, nous avons démontré la capacité du placenta bovin d’initier la stéroïdogenèse au début de la gestation et nous avons également déterminé les principales cellules impliquées dans ce processus. Nous avons constaté que les tissus maternels expriment les principaux marqueurs de stéroïdogenèse suggérant une plus grande capacité stéroïdogénique que les tissus fœtaux. En outre, un modèle d'expression des protéines complémentaires stéroïdogéniques entre la caroncule et le cotylédon a été observé, indiquant que la stéroïdogenèse placentaire exige une communication cellule à cellule entre les cellules de la mère et du fœtus. Après avoir démontré les principales cellules impliquées dans la synthèse des hormones stéroïdiennes dans le placenta bovin en début de gestation, nous avons ensuite étudié les modifications possibles de la stéroïdogenèse dans les tissus SCNT cotylédonaires à 40 jours de gestation. Nous avons identifié d'importantes modifications dans l'expression des gènes STAR, CYP11A1, HSD3B1, CYP17A1, et SULT1E1. Conséquemment, nous postulons que l'expression réduite des gènes stéroïdiens peut provoquer une insuffisance de la biosynthèse des hormones stéroïdiennes, ce qui pourrait contribuer à un développement anormal du placenta et du fœtus dans les gestations SCNT à court ou long terme. Finalement, nous avons développé un modèle efficace de culture d’explants de placentome qui nous a permis d'explorer les mécanismes sous-jacents spécifiques à la stéroïdogenèse placentaire. Nous avons exploré l'effet stimulant des hormones trophiques et différents messagers secondaires sur l'expression de différentes protéines stéroïdogéniques ainsi que le taux de progestérone (P4) dans les explants de placentome. En utilisant les techniques de RIA et de PCR quantitatif, nous avons constaté que même si les analogues de l'hormone lutéinisante (hCG) ont un effet stimulant sur plusieurs gènes stéroïdiens, le calcium ionophore est le principal modulateur dans la synthèse de la P4. Ces résultats suggèrent que dans le placenta bovin, la synthèse de la P4 est modulée principalement par l'afflux de calcium intracellulaire, et apparemment les nucléotides cycliques ne semblent pas contrôler ce processus. En conclusion, cette étude contribue de manière significative à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes d'entraînement de la synthèse des stéroïdes placentaires au début de la gestation et permet aussi d’apporter de nouveaux éclairages sur l'importance des stéroïdes placentaires dans la régulation du développement du placenta et du fœtus.


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UNE EXPOSITION NÉONATALE À L’OXYGÈNE MÈNE À DES MODIFICATIONS DE LA FONCTION MITOCHONDRIALE CHEZ LE RAT ADULTE Introduction: L’exposition à l’oxygène (O2) des ratons nouveau-nés a des conséquences à l’âge adulte dont une hypertension artérielle (HTA), une dysfonction vasculaire, une néphropénie et des indices de stress oxydant. En considérant que les reins sont encore en développement actif lors des premiers jours après la naissance chez les rats, jouent un rôle clé dans le développement de l’hypertension et qu’une dysfonction mitochondriale est associé à une augmentation du stress oxydant, nous postulons que les conditions délétères néonatales peuvent avoir un impact significatif au niveau rénal sur la modulation de l’expression de protéines clés du fonctionnement mitochondrial et une production mitochondriale excessive d’espèces réactives de l’ O2. Méthodes: Des ratons Sprague-Dawley sont exposés à 80% d’O2 (H) ou 21% O2 (Ctrl) du 3e au 10e jr de vie. En considérant que plusieurs organes des rats sont encore en développement actif à la naissance, ces rongeurs sont un modèle reconnu pour étudier les complications d’une hyperoxie néonatale, comme celles liées à une naissance prématurée chez l’homme. À 4 et à 16 semaines, les reins sont prélevés et les mitochondries sont extraites suivant une méthode d’extraction standard, avec un tampon contenant du sucrose 0.32 M et différentes centrifugations. L’expression des protéines mitochondriales a été mesurée par Western blot, tandis que la production d’ H202 et les activités des enzymes clés du cycle de Krebs ont été évaluées par spectrophotométrie. Les résultats sont exprimés par la moyenne ± SD. Résultats: Les rats mâles H de 16 semaines (n=6) présentent une activité de citrate synthase (considéré standard interne de l’expression protéique et de l’abondance mitochondriales) augmentée (12.4 ± 8.4 vs 4.1 ± 0.5 μmole/mL/min), une diminution de l’activité d’aconitase (enzyme sensible au redox mitochondrial) (0.11 ± 0.05 vs 0.20 ± 0.04 μmoles/min/mg mitochondrie), ainsi qu’une augmentation dans la production de H202 (7.0 ± 1.3 vs 5.4 ± 0.8 ρmoles/mg protéines mitochondriales) comparativement au groupe Ctrl (n=6 mâles et 4 femelles). Le groupe H (vs Ctrl) présente également une diminution dans l’expression de peroxiredoxin-3 (Prx3) (H 0.61±0.06 vs. Ctrl 0.78±0.02 unité relative, -23%; p<0.05), une protéine impliquée dans l’élimination d’ H202, de l’expression du cytochrome C oxidase (Complexe IV) (H 1.02±0.04 vs. Ctrl 1.20±0.02 unité relative, -15%; p<0.05), une protéine de la chaine de respiration mitochondriale, tandis que l’expression de la protéine de découplage (uncoupling protein)-2 (UCP2), impliquée dans la dispersion du gradient proton, est significativement augmentée (H 1.05±0.02 vs. Ctrl 0.90±0.03 unité relative, +17%; p<0.05). Les femelles H (n=6) (vs Ctrl, n=6) de 16 semaines démontrent une augmentation significative de l’activité de l’aconitase (0.33±0.03 vs 0.17±0.02 μmoles/min/mg mitochondrie), de l’expression de l’ATP synthase sous unité β (H 0.73±0.02 vs. Ctrl 0.59±0.02 unité relative, +25%; p<0.05) et de l’expression de MnSOD (H 0.89±0.02 vs. Ctrl 0.74±0.03 unité relative, +20%; p<0.05) (superoxide dismutase mitochondriale, important antioxidant), tandis que l’expression de Prx3 est significativement réduite (H 1.1±0.07 vs. Ctrl 0.85±0.01 unité relative, -24%; p<0.05). À 4 semaines, les mâles H (vs Ctrl) présentent une augmentation significative de l’expression de Prx3 (H 0.72±0.03 vs. Ctrl 0.56±0.04 unité relative, +31%; p<0.05) et les femelles présentent une augmentation significative de l’expression d’UCP2 (H 1.22±0.05 vs. Ctrl 1.03±0.04 unité relative, +18%; p<0.05) et de l’expression de MnSOD (H 1.36±0.01 vs. 1.19±0.06 unité relative, +14%; p<0.05). Conclusions: Une exposition néonatale à l’O2 chez le rat adulte mène à des indices de dysfonction mitochondriale dans les reins adultes, associée à une augmentation dans la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène, suggérant que ces modifications mitochondriales pourraient jouer un rôle dans l’hypertension artérielle et d’un stress oxydant, et par conséquent, être un facteur possible dans la progression vers des maladies cardiovasculaires. Mots-clés: Mitochondries, Reins, Hypertension, Oxygène, Stress Oxydant, Programmation


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MHCII molecules expose a weave of antigens, which send survival or activation signals to T lymphocytes. The ongoing process of peptide binding to the MHC class II groove implicates three accessory molecules: the invariant chain, DM and DO. The invariant chain folds and directs the MHCII molecules to the endosomal pathway. Then, DM exchanges the CLIP peptide, which is a remnant of the degraded invariant chain, for peptides of better affinity. Expressed in highly specialized antigen presenting cells, DO competes with MHCII molecules for DM binding and favors the presentation of receptor-internalized antigens. Altogether, these molecules exhibit potential immunomodulatory properties that can be exploited to increase the potency of peptide vaccines. DO requires DM for maturation and to exit the ER. Interestingly, it is possible to monitor this interaction through a conformation change on DOβ that is recognized by the Mags.DO5 monoclonal antibody. Using Mags.DO5, we showed that DM stabilizes the interactions between the DO α1 and β1 chains and that DM influences DO folding in the ER. Thus, the Mags.DO5+ conformation correlates with DO egress from the ER. To further evaluate this conformation change, directed evolution was applied to DO. Of the 41 unique mutants obtained, 25% were localized at the DM-DO binding interface and 12% are at the solvent-exposed β1 domain, which is thought to be the Mags.DO5 epitope. In addition, I used the library to test the ability of HLA-DO to inhibit HLA-DM and sorted for the amount of CLIP. Interestingly, most of the mutants showed a decrease inhibitory effect, supporting the notion that the intrinsic instability of DO is a required for its function. Finally, these results support the model in which DO competes against classical MHCII molecules by sequestering DM chaperone’s function. MHCII molecules are also characterized by their ability to present superantigens, a group of bacterial or viral toxins that coerces MHCII-TCR binding in a less promiscuous fashion than what is observed in a canonical setting. While the mechanism of how bacterial superantigens form trimeric complexes with TCR and MHCII is well understood, the mouse mammary tumor virus superantigens (vSAG) are poorly defined. In the absence of a crystal structure, I chose a functional approach to examine the relation between vSAG, MHCII and TCR with the goal of uncovering the overall trimolecular architecture. I showed that TCR concomitantly binds both the MHCII α chain and the vSAG and that TCR-MHCII docking is almost canonical when coerced by vSAGs. Because many peptides may be tolerated in the MHCII groove, the pressure exerted by vSAG seems to tweak conventional TCR-MHCII interactions. Furthermore, my results demonstrate that vSAG binding to MHCII molecules is conformation-dependent and abrogated by the CLIP amino-terminal residues extending outside the peptide-binding groove. In addition, they also suggest that vSAGs cross-link adjacent MHCIIs and activate T cells via a TGXY motif.


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Lipid droplets (LDs) are the universal storage form of fat as a reservoir of metabolic energy in animals, plants, bacteria and single celled eukaryotes. Dictyostelium LD formation was investigated in response to the addition of different nutrients to the growth medium. LDs were induced by adding exogenous cholesterol, palmitic acid (PA) as well as growth in bacterial suspension, while glucose addition fails to form LDs. Among these nutrients, PA addition is most effective to stimulate LD formation, and depletion of PA from the medium caused LD degradation. The neutral lipids incorporated into the LD-core are composed of triacylglycerol (TAG), steryl esters, and an unknown neutral lipid (UKL) species when the cells were loaded simultaneously with cholesterol and PA. In order to avoid the contamination with other cellular organelles, the LD-purification method was modified. The isolated LD fraction was analysed by mass spectrometry and 100 proteins were identified. Nineteen of these appear to be directly involved in lipid metabolism or function in regulating LD morphology. Together with a previous study, a total of 13 proteins from the LD-proteome were confirmed to localize to LDs after the induction with PA. Among the identified LD-proteins, the localization of Ldp (lipid droplet membrane protein), GPAT3 (glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3) and AGPAT3 (1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate-acyltransferase 3) were further verified by GFP-tagging at the N-termini or C-termini of the respective proteins. Fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that PA-treatment stimulated the translocation of the three proteins from the ER to LDs. In order to clarify DGAT (diacylglycerol acyltransferase) function in Dictyostelium, the localization of DGAT1, that is not present in LD-proteome, was also investigated. GFP-tagged DGAT1 localized to the ER both, in the presence and absence of PA, which is different from the previously observed localization of GFP-tagged DGAT2, which almost exclusively binds to LDs. The investigation of the cellular neutral lipid level helps to elucidate the mechanism responsible for LD-formation in Dictyostelium cells. Ldp and two short-chain dehydrogenases, ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) and Ali (ADH-like protein), are not involved in neutral lipid biosynthesis. GPAT, AGPAT and DGAT are three transferases responsible for the three acylation steps of de novo TAG synthesis. Knock-out (KO) of AGPAT3 and DGAT2 did not affect storage-fat formation significantly, whereas cells lacking GPAT3 or DGAT1 decreased TAG and LD accumulation dramatically. Furthermore, DGAT1 is responsible for the accumulation of the unknown lipid UKL. Overexpression of DGAT2 can rescue the reduced TAG content of the DGAT1-KO mutant, but fails to restore UKL content in these cells, indicating that of DGAT1 and DGAT2 have overlapping functions in TAG synthesis, but the role in UKL formation is unique to DGAT1. Both GPAT3 and DGAT1 affect phagocytic activity. Mutation of GPAT3 increases it but a DGAT1-KO decreases phagocytosis. The double knockout of DGAT1 and 2 also impairs the ability to grow on a bacterial lawn, which again can be rescued by overexpression of DGAT2. These and other results are incorporated into a new model, which proposes that up-regulation of phagocytosis serves to replenish precursor molecules of membrane lipid synthesis, whereas phagocytosis is down-regulated when excess fatty acids are used for storage-fat formation.  


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Background Plasmodium vivax is one of the five species causing malaria in human beings, affecting around 391 million people annually. The development of an anti-malarial vaccine has been proposed as an alternative for controlling this disease. However, its development has been hampered by allele-specific responses produced by the high genetic diversity shown by some parasite antigens. Evaluating these antigens’ genetic diversity is thus essential when designing a completely effective vaccine. Methods The gene sequences of Plasmodium vivax p12 (pv12) and p38 (pv38), obtained from field isolates in Colombia, were used for evaluating haplotype polymorphism and distribution by population genetics analysis. The evolutionary forces generating the variation pattern so observed were also determined. Results Both pv12 and pv38 were shown to have low genetic diversity. The neutral model for pv12 could not be discarded, whilst polymorphism in pv38 was maintained by balanced selection restricted to the gene’s 5′ region. Both encoded proteins seemed to have functional/structural constraints due to the presence of s48/45 domains, which were seen to be highly conserved.