914 resultados para production of dry mass


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The amount of solar energy made available for the production of a sabid seed varied as a function of the time of the year, the face of the plant in which, the position in the plant on which and the position in the pod in which it was produced.Variation in solar energy availability as a consequence of the time of the year was a direct consequence of latitude. At 21degrees5'22 S the highest amounts of Global Solar Radiation (GSR) reaching the site where the experiment was conducted took place during the months from November through February. During these months there were no marked differences between any two of the amounts of GSR reaching faces North (N), South (S), West (W) East (E). From February through November (period during which the sabid plants of this study flowered and the resulting seeds matured and were harvested) the total GSR's were the lowest and marked differences were found between faces N and S, with face N receiving much more GSR than face S. During that period, faces W and E received practically the same amount of GSR and it was much less than that received by face N and much more than the one received by face S.The amount of biological energy made available for the development of a seed seemed also to vary according to a dry matter partitioning strategy by the plant -the central third of the plant seemed to be the one receiving the highest amounts of energy, followed either by the upper or the lower third of the plant- it was not very clear which third of the plant immediately followed the central one. The partitioning of biological energy at the pod level also seemed to follow a strategy by which the central seeds would be the ones to receive more, followed by the proximal seeds and these by the distal ones.This availability of energy seemed to have a direct effect on seed size, weight and on the percentage of seeds which showed a degree of dormancy deep enough to prevent their germinating under the conditions of a standard germination test.The implications of these results for the improvement of methods for the overcoming of dormancy of sabia seeds are discussed.


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Um experimento em casa de vegetação foi conduzido entre novembro de 2006 e abril de 2007, na FCAV/UNESP, Brasil, objetivando estudar a produção de massa seca, a distribuição e o acúmulo de macronutrientes por Ipomoea quamoclit, uma importante planta infestante de culturas anuais e perenes no Brasil. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos de 7 L com substrato de areia, que foram irrigados diariamente com solução nutritiva de Hoagland & Arnon. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos corresponderam às épocas de avaliação, em intervalos de 14 dias, iniciando-se 21 dias após a emergência (DAE). em cada avaliação, as plantas de quatro vasos foram analisadas quanto à produção de massa seca e ao conteúdo de macronutrientes. I. quamoclit apresentou pequeno acúmulo de massa seca e de macronutrientes no início da fase experimental. Esses acúmulos intensificaram-se após 77 DAE, atingindo o máximo valor teórico aos 146, 143, 140, 149, 142, 153 e 124 DAE, para massa seca, N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S, respectivamente. K e N foram os macronutrientes acumulados em maior quantidade por plantas de I. quamoclit.


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O empirismo no uso das soluções nutritivas é freqüente. Muitas vezes a mesma solução nutritiva é usada para diferentes espécies baseando-se apenas em semelhanças morfológicas. No entanto esta situação pode proporcionar desequilíbrio nutricional prejudicando tanto a produção quanto a qualidade do produto face o acúmulo de nitrato. Foi conduzido um trabalho em sistema hidropônico - NFT, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da concentração de nitrogênio na solução nutritiva na produção, nos teores de nutrientes e de nitrato em folhas de rúcula (Eruca sativa). O trabalho foi conduzido na primavera de 2003. Foram avaliadas quatro concentrações de nitrogênio na solução nutritiva (60,8; 121,6; 182,5; 243,5 mg L-1) e três cultivares de rúcula (Cultivada, Folha Larga e Selvática), sob delineamento de blocos ao acaso, fatorial 4 x 3, com quatro repetições. A cv. Cultivada apresentou maior estatura e fitomassa fresca de folhas, não diferindo da 'Folha Larga' quanto a número de folhas, teor de nitrato nas folhas e fitomassa seca e fresca da raiz. Houve incremento de NO3-, N, Ca e P e diminuição de Mg, K e S com o aumento da concentração de N na solução nutritiva. O cultivo da cv. Cultivada na concentração de 93 mg L-1 é a mais recomendada em função da maior produtividade e baixo teor de nitrato.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the growth of Tabebuia heptaphylla seedlings in distinct substrates with different amounts of urban waste compost and the relation between this growth and irrigation. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with a factorial arrangement of 15 substrates and 2 irrigation levels. The substrates were composed by the combination of different materials: urban waste, tanned cattle manure, vermiculite, soil and the commercial form Plantmax (R). For the study of the seedlings development, the following characteristics were evaluated: plant height, stem diameter at soil level, number of leaves, above ground dry matter, root system dry matter, relation between plant height and stem base diameter, Dickson quality index and relation between plant height and above ground dry matter. Evaluations of plant height, stem diameter at soil level and number of leaves were made at 75, 90, 105, 120, 135 and 150 days after sowing. According to the results, it was concluded that urban waste compost does not increase plant development. Significant differences in relation to the irrigation levels were found, with better results for the 150% irrigation level compared to 100% evapotranspiration.


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In the North of Minas Gerais it is cultivated basically 'Prata-Ana' banana, a cultivar that requires mainly Zn. The possibility of zinc supply, without this nutrient getting in contact with the soil, it is important for the region, since several factors take to the low availability of the element supplied by the soil, as: elevated organic matter content on the surface (from cultural residues); maintenance of high pH of the soil - above 6,00 - as strategy contrary to the proliferation of the causal agent of the Fusarium Wilt; frequent fertilizations with potassium and magnesium that, besides converting the medium into base, they reduce the participation of Zn in the balance cation/anion of the soil, hindering the absortion of this micronutrient by the plant. For determining the distribution of biomass and minerals in the Prata-Ana" banana, cultivated under irrigation in the North of Minas Gerais, when the zinc was supplied through thinned sprout, an experiment was carried out in the Irrigated Perimeter of Jaiba. The plants were fertilized with 0,00; 1,66 and 3,33 g.family-(1) of Zn, through thinned sprout. One month after the fertilizations from October 2007 and February 2008, the production of fresh mass (FM) and dry mass (DM) were evaluated, the contents and meanings of minerals in all the bananas "family" bodies composed by mother-plant with bunch + tall daughter-plant + granddaughter-plant. The doses of Zn did not influence on the production of FM and DM of the plants in the first evaluation, while in the second evaluation positive effect of the treatment was observed just for MF accumulated in the inferior leaves, in the portions of the medium third and inferior of the pseudostem, and in the mother-plant's rhizome. As much the content as the accumulation of nutrients in the mother-plants presented the following decreasing order: K > N > Ca > Mg > P > S > Fe > Zn > B > Cu. The Zn contents were affected by the dose of that micronutrient in the most of the studied situations. The zinc supplied through thinned sprout increased in the mother-plant, and then it was redistributed in the banana's "family".


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A.C.P. Rodrigues-Costa, D. Martins, N.V. Costa, and M.R.R. Pereira. 2011. Spray deposition on weeds of common bean crops. Cien. Inv. Agr. 38(3): 357-365. Weed control failure in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production may be related to inappropriate herbicide application techniques. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to evaluate the amount of spray solution deposition that occurred on the weeds, Bidens pilosa L. and Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitch., both within and between rows of common beans. The research was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. The following 6 spray nozzles were used: flat fan nozzles XR 110015 VS (150 L ha(-1)) and XR 11002 VS (200 L ha(-1)); cone nozzles TX VK 6 (150 L ha(-1)) and TX VK 8 (200 L ha(-1)); and twin flat fan nozzles TJ60 11002 VS (150 L ha(-1)) and TJ60 11002 VS (200 L ha-1). The results showed that the loss of the spray solution on the soil occurred mainly within the bean rows and with a high intensity when using a nozzle spraying 200 L ha(-1). At 30 days after sowing, the TX (150 L ha(-1)) nozzle was the only nozzle that promoted deposits of less than 210.0 mu L g(-1) of dry mass. The spray nozzles showed a good performance in the deposition of the spray solution on the weeds that occurred both within and between the rows. However, for both species there was great variation in individual deposits depending on their location in relationship to the plants.


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A utilização de fertilizante organomineral da indústria produtora dos aminoácidos lisina e treonina pode melhorar a fertilidade de solos tropicais. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência de diferentes dosagens do fertilizante organomineral denominado Ajifer L-14 nos atributos químicos e no aumento de produção de forragem de um Latossolo Vermelho do noroeste paulista. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com sete tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram: T1- testemunha (sem aplicação de Ajifer L-14); T2- testemunha com vegetação natural; T3- adubação mineral de acordo com a necessidade da cultura e a análise do solo (usando 1,35 kg de ureia, 2,20 kg de superfosfato simples e 0,51 kg de KCl por parcela, o que corresponde a 60 kg de N, 40 kg de P2O5 e 30 kg ha-1 de K2O, respectivamente); T4- adubação com Ajifer L-14 de acordo com a recomendação da análise química do solo (40 L parcela-1, o que corresponde a 60 kg ha-1 N); T5- adubação com Ajifer L-14 em dosagem 50 % acima da recomendação (60 L parcela-1, o que corresponde a 90 kg ha-1 N; T6- adubação com Ajifer L-14 em dosagem 50 % abaixo da recomendação (20 L parcela-1, o que corresponde a 30 kg ha-1 N); T7- adubação com Ajifer L-14 em dosagem 25 % acima da recomendação (50 L parcela-1, o que corresponde a 75 kg ha-1 N); e T8- adubação com Ajifer L-14 em dosagem 25 % abaixo da recomendação (30 L parcela-1, o que corresponde a 45 kg ha-1 N). Nas profundidades de 0,0-0,1 e 0,1-0,2 m, avaliaram-se os seguintes atributos químicos do solo:, teor de matéria orgânica (MO), pH, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, capacidade de troca catiônica (CTC), acidez potencial e saturação por bases. A aplicação do fertilizante organomineral não influenciou os atributos químicos do solo. Na análise de regressão, houve relação polinomial entre as doses de aplicação do fertilizante organomineral e a produção de massa seca e proteína bruta de Bracharia brizantha.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are constantly produced by cells that promote cellular oxidative damage and are neutralized by an antioxidant system including superoxide dismutase, glutathione, peroxidase and catalase. Male volunteers were exercised for 20 minutes, three days (60, 70 and 80% of maximum heart rate). Catalase activity and plasma malondialdehyde concentration were measured. The mean age of the volunteers was 25 +/- 7 years, with body mass index 2 of 24.03 +/- 4.32 kg/m(2). Acute exercise training produced an increase of malondialdehyde concentration that was exercise intensity-dependent in young volunteers. However, catalase activity shows a great variability at baseline and the percentual of reduction was exercise intensity-independent in this particular population. Therefore, our study shows that acute cycling exercise promotes an increase of oxidative stress that was exercise intensity-dependent in young volunteers. Furthermore, the antioxidant system measured by catalase activity was effective to counterbalance the ROS production showing a saturation behavior at an intensity of 70% of maximum heart rate.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We search for the production of single top quarks via flavor-changing-neutral-current couplings of a gluon to the top quark and a charm (c) or up (u) quark. We analyze 230 pb(-1) of lepton+jets data from p (p) over tilde collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV collected by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We observe no significant deviation from standard model predictions, and hence set upper limits on the anomalous coupling parameters kappa(c)(g)/Lambda and kappa(u)(g)/Lambda, where kappa(g) define the strength of tcg and tug couplings, and Lambda defines the scale of new physics. The limits at 95% C.L. are kappa(c)(g)/Lambda < 0.15 TeV-1 and kappa(u)(g)/Lambda < 0.037 TeV-1.


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We report on a search for the pair production of second generation scalar leptoquarks (LQ(2)) in p (p) over bar collisions at the center-of-mass energy, root s = 1.96 TeV, using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 294 19 pb(-1) recorded with the DO detector. No evidence for a leptoquark signal in the LQ(2)LQ(2) -> mu q mu q channel has been observed, and upper bounds on the product of cross section times branching fraction were set. This yields lower mass limits of m(LQ2) > 247 GeV/c(2) for beta = B(LQ(2) -> mu q) = 1 and m(LQ2) > 182 GeV/c(2) for beta = 1/2. Combining these limits with previous DO results, the lower limits on the mass of a second generation scalar leptoquark are m(LQ2) > 251 GeV/c(2) and m(LQ2) > 204 GeV/c(2) for beta = I and beta = 1/2, respectively. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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lWe report on a search for second generation leptoquarks (LQ(2)) which decay into a muon plus quark in (p) over barp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of root s = 1.96 TeV in the DO detector using an integrated luminosity of about 300 pb(-1). No evidence for a leptoquark signal is observed and an upper bound on the product of the cross section for single leptoquark production times branching fraction into a quark and a muon was determined for second generation scalar leptoquaiks as a function of the leptoquark mass. This result has been combined with a previously published DO search for leptoquark pair production to obtain leptoquark mass limits as a function of the leptoquark-muon-quark coupling, lambda. Assuming lambda = 1, lower limits on the mass of a second generation scalar leptoquark coupling to a u quark and a muon are m(LQ2) > 274 GeV and m(LQ2) > 226 GeV for beta = 1 and beta = 1/2, respectively. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A search for direct production of scalar bottom quarks ((b) over bar) is performed with 310 pb(-1) of data collected by the D0 experiment in p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The topology analyzed consists of two b jets and an imbalance in transverse momentum due to undetected neutralinos (chi(0)(1)), with chi(0)(1) assumed to be the lightest supersymmetric particle. We find the data consistent with standard model expectations, and set a 95% C.L. exclusion domain in the (m(b), m(chi 1)(0)) mass plane, improving significantly upon the results from run I of the Tevatron.


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A search for the pair production of scalar top quarks, (t) over tilde, has been performed in 360 pb(-1) of data from pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV, collected by the D phi detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. The (t) over tilde decay mode considered is (t) over tilde -> c (chi) over tilde (0)(1), where (chi) over tilde (0)(1) is the lightest supersymmetric particle. The topology analyzed therefore consists of a pair of acoplanar heavy-flavor jets with missing transverse energy. The data and standard model expectation are in agreement, anda 95% C.L. exclusion domain in the (m((t) over tilde), m((chi) over tilde1)(0)) plane has been determined, extending the domain excluded by previous experiments. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.