858 resultados para pre-determined conditions
This project aimed to relate the efficiency of control of ACCase inhibiting herbicides applied post-emergence in Cenchrus echinatus under different soil water contents. The experiments were conducted in a greenhouse, with the application of three different herbicides (fluazifop-p-butyl, haloxyfop-methyl and sethoxydim + oil Assist) and the experimental design for each herbicide was completely randomized design with four replications, consisting a 3 x 4 factorial, with the combination of water management strategies (-0.03, -0.07 and -1.5 MPa) and four doses of these products (100, 50, 25 and 0% of the recommended dose). Herbicide application was made at vegetative stage of 2-3 tillers. The water management strategies were initiated in the development stage of two leaves, replacing the water until the soil reaches the potential of -0.01 MPa, when it came to severe pre-determined for each water management. The physiological parameters evaluated were: photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration, leaf temperature and plant dry matter. The visual assessments of phytotoxicity were performed at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application. The efficiency of these herbicides was influenced by soil management and water lowest in plants grown in the minimal potential of water in the soil of -1.5 MPa. All the herbicides were unsatisfactory controls in applications late (2-3 tiller plants).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A biofotogrametria é uma técnica difundida na área da saúde e, apesar dos cuidados metodológicos, há distorções nas leituras angulares das imagens fotográficas. OBJETIVO: Mensurar o erro das medidas angulares em imagens fotográficas com diferentes resoluções digitais em um objeto com ângulos pré-demarcados. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se uma esfera de borracha com 52 cm de circunferência. O objeto foi previamente demarcado com ângulos de 10º, 30º, 60º e 90º, e os registros fotográficos foram realizados com o eixo focal da câmera a três metros de distância e perpendicular ao objeto, sem utilização de zoom óptico e com resolução de 3, 5 e 10 Megapixels (Mp). Todos os registros fotográficos foram armazenados, e os valores angulares foram analisados por um experimentador previamente treinado, utilizando o programa ImageJ. As aferições das medidas foram realizadas duas vezes, com intervalo de 15 dias entre elas. Posteriormente, foram calculados os valores de acurácia, erro relativo e em graus, precisão e Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (ICC). RESULTADOS: Quando analisado o ângulo de 10º, a média da acurácia das medidas foi maior para os registros com resolução de 3 Mp em relação às resoluções de 5 e 10 Mp. O ICC foi considerado excelente para as três resoluções de imagem analisadas e, em relação aos ângulos analisados nos registros fotográficos, pôde-se verificar maior acurácia, menor erro relativo e em graus e maior precisão para o ângulo de 90º, independentemente da resolução da imagem. CONCLUSÃO: Os registros fotográficos realizados com a resolução de 3 Mp proporcionaram medidas de maiores valores de acurácia e precisão e menores valores de erro, sugerindo ser a resolução mais adequada para gerar imagem de ângulos de 10º e 30º.
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate tiller population density and the dynamics of the tillering process in marandu palisade grass subjected to strategies of rotational stocking management and nitrogen fertilization. Treatments corresponded to combinations between two targets of pre-grazing conditions (sward surface height of 25 and 35 cm) and two rates of nitrogen application (50 and 200 kg ha-1 year-1), and were allocated to experimental units according to a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement in a randomised complete block design, with four replications. The following response variables were studied: initial (TPDi), intermediate (TPDm) and final (TPDf) tiller population density as well as the rates of tiller appearance (TAR) and death (TDR) and the tiller population stability index (SI). TPDi was similar to all treatments, with differences in tiller population density becoming more pronounced as the experiment progressed, resulting in larger TPDf on swards managed at 25 cm pre-grazing height. Tiller death was larger on swards managed at 35 cm, with differences in tiller appearance being recorded only from February 2010 onwards. Stability of tiller population was higher on swards managed at 25 cm pre-grazing height. Overall, there was no effect of nitrogen on the studied variables, and the most adequate grazing strategy corresponded to the pre-grazing height of 25 cm, regardless of the nitrogen application rate used.
Auf dem Gebiet der Teilchenbeschleunigung mittels Hochintensitäts-Lasern wurden in der letzten Dekade viele erfolgreiche Entwicklungen hin zu immer höheren Energien und größeren Teilchenzahlen veröffentlicht. In den meisten Fällen wurde der sogenannte TNSA-Prozess (engl. Target-Normal-Sheath-Acceleration (TNSA)) untersucht. Bei diesem Prozess erfolgt die Beschleunigung in dem an der Oberfläche durch Ladungstrennung erzeugten Potential. Ein kaum vermeidbares Problem ist hierbei das resultierende breite Energie-Spektrum der beschleunigten Teilchen. Diese Situation konnte in den letzten Jahren zwar verbessert, aber nicht vollständig gelöst werden. Für Intensitäten größer 10^(20..21) W/cm^2 sagen theoretische Modellrechnungen eine auf dem Lichtdruck basierende Beschleunigung (engl. Radiation-Pressure-Acceleration (RPA)) mit deutlich eingegrenztem, fast monoenergetischem Spektrum voraus. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Experiment zur Untersuchung dieses Prozesses bei Intensitäten von einigen 10^19 W/cm^2 durchgeführt. Dazu wurden zunächst spezielle Targets entwickelt und als Patent angemeldet, welche den Experimentbedingungen angepasst sind. Durch die Auslegung des experimentellen Aufbaus und der Diagnostiken auf hohe Repetitionsraten, in Verbindung mit einem geeigneten Lasersystem, konnte auf Basis einer Statistik von mehreren Tausend Schüssen ein großer Parameterraum untersucht werden. Untersucht wurden unter anderem die Abhängigkeit von Targetmaterial und Dicke, Intensität, Laserpolarisation und Vorplasmabedingungen. Aus den gewonnenen Daten und Vergleichen mit 2-dimensionalen numerischen Simulationen konnte ein Modell des Beschleunigungsprozesses aufgestellt und durch Vergleich mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen geprüft werden. Dabei wurden klare Indizien für die Existenz eines neuen, nicht feldinduzierten, Beschleunigungsprozesses gefunden. Darüber hinaus wurde zur Polarisationsbeeinflussung ein optisches System entwickelt, das ausschließlich mit reflexiven Elementen arbeitet. Damit konnten viele Nachteile bestehender, auf Verzögerungsplatten beruhender Elemente vermieden, und die Anwendbarkeit bei hohen Laserenergien erreicht werden.
Despite the many proposed advantages related to nanotechnology, there are increasing concerns as to the potential adverse human health and environmental effects that the production of, and subsequent exposure to nanoparticles (NPs) might pose. In regard to human health, these concerns are founded upon the plethora of knowledge gained from research relating to the effects observed following exposure to environmental air pollution. It is known that increased exposure to environmental air pollution can cause reduced respiratory health, as well as exacerbate pre-existing conditions such as cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Such disease states have also been associated with exposure to the NP component contained within environmental air pollution, raising concerns as to the effects of NP exposure. It is not only exposure to accidentally produced NPs however, which should be approached with caution. Over the past decades, NPs have been specifically engineered for a wide range of consumer, industrial and technological applications. Due to the inevitable exposure of NPs to humans, owing to their use in such applications, it is therefore imperative that an understanding of how NPs interact with the human body is gained. In vivo research poses a beneficial model for gaining immediate and direct knowledge of human exposure to such xenobiotics. This research outlook however, has numerous limitations. Increased research using in vitro models has therefore been performed, as these models provide an inexpensive and high-throughput alternative to in vivo research strategies. Despite such advantages, there are also various restrictions in regard to in vitro research. Therefore, the aim of this review, in addition to providing a short perspective upon the field of nanotoxicology, is to discuss (1) the advantages and disadvantages of in vitro research and (2) how in vitro research may provide essential information pertaining to the human health risks posed by NP exposure.
Background Serologic testing algorithms for recent HIV seroconversion (STARHS) provide important information for HIV surveillance. We have previously demonstrated that a patient's antibody reaction pattern in a confirmatory line immunoassay (INNO-LIA™ HIV I/II Score) provides information on the duration of infection, which is unaffected by clinical, immunological and viral variables. In this report we have set out to determine the diagnostic performance of Inno-Lia algorithms for identifying incident infections in patients with known duration of infection and evaluated the algorithms in annual cohorts of HIV notifications. Methods Diagnostic sensitivity was determined in 527 treatment-naive patients infected for up to 12 months. Specificity was determined in 740 patients infected for longer than 12 months. Plasma was tested by Inno-Lia and classified as either incident (< = 12 m) or older infection by 26 different algorithms. Incident infection rates (IIR) were calculated based on diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of each algorithm and the rule that the total of incident results is the sum of true-incident and false-incident results, which can be calculated by means of the pre-determined sensitivity and specificity. Results The 10 best algorithms had a mean raw sensitivity of 59.4% and a mean specificity of 95.1%. Adjustment for overrepresentation of patients in the first quarter year of infection further reduced the sensitivity. In the preferred model, the mean adjusted sensitivity was 37.4%. Application of the 10 best algorithms to four annual cohorts of HIV-1 notifications totalling 2'595 patients yielded a mean IIR of 0.35 in 2005/6 (baseline) and of 0.45, 0.42 and 0.35 in 2008, 2009 and 2010, respectively. The increase between baseline and 2008 and the ensuing decreases were highly significant. Other adjustment models yielded different absolute IIR, although the relative changes between the cohorts were identical for all models. Conclusions The method can be used for comparing IIR in annual cohorts of HIV notifications. The use of several different algorithms in combination, each with its own sensitivity and specificity to detect incident infection, is advisable as this reduces the impact of individual imperfections stemming primarily from relatively low sensitivities and sampling bias.
BACKGROUND: Activation of the cytokine and the complement system is associated with disease progression in severe congestive heart failure (CHF). Magnitude and prognostic relevance of cytokine and complement activation remain uncertain in patients with moderate CHF. OBJECTIVES: Measurement of cytokine and complement activation in patients with moderate CHF and testing whether C-reactive protein (CRP) can serve as a surrogate marker of their activation, adding independent prognostic information when co-measured with B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP). METHODS: The 118 study participants were separated into three groups based on pre-determined CRP and BNP levels: Group I (n = 27; CRP > 5 mg/liter, BNP > or = 200 pg/ml); Group II (n = 46; CRP < or = 5 mg/liter, BNP > or = 200 pg/ml); and Group III (n = 45; CRP < or = 5 mg/liter, BNP < 200 pg/ml). RESULTS: Mortality was high in Group I (30%; log-rank p < 0.001) but low in Groups II and III (2% and 4%, respectively; log rank, p = 0.7). No differences were observed for left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD) between Groups I and II (31 +/- 16 vs 32 +/- 14% and 66 +/- 16 vs 65 +/- 11 mm, respectively), whereas in Group III LVEF was higher (42 +/- 17%, p = 0.002) with smaller LVEDD (57 +/- 13 mm, p = 0.012). Cytokine sCD14 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha levels were not different between the three groups. However, interleukin-6 levels (9.75 +/- 8.17 pg/ml, p = 0.001) and the terminal complement complex C5b-9 (109.9 +/- 68 ng/ml; p = 0.04) were elevated in Group I, both correlating with CRP (interleukin-6: r = 0.5, p < 0.001; C5b-9: r = 0.41, p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: CRP may be used as a surrogate parameter for interleukin-6 and complement activation in moderate CHF. CRP in combination with BNP identifies a high-risk group with a tendency for poor outcome not discriminated by cardiac function.
Aim: We investigate the response of vegetation composition and plant diversity to increasing land clearance, burning and agriculture at the Mesolithic–Neolithic transition (c. 6400–5000 bc) when first farming was introduced. Location: The Valais, a dry alpine valley in Switzerland. Methods: We combine high-resolution pollen, microscopic charcoal and sedimentological data to reconstruct past vegetation, fire and land use. Pollen evenness, rarefaction-based and accumulation-based palynological richness analyses were used to reconstruct past trends in plant diversity. Results: Our results show that from c. 5500 cal. yr bc, slash-and-burn activities created a more open landscape for agriculture, at the expense of Pinus and Betula forests. Land clearance by slash-and-burn promoted diverse grassland ecosystems, while on the long term it reduced woodland and forest diversity, affecting important tree species such as Ulmus and Tilia. Main conclusions: Understanding the resilience of Alpine ecosystems to past disturbance variability is relevant for future nature conservation plans. Our study suggests that forecasted land abandonment in the Alps will lead to pre-Neolithic conditions, with significant biodiversity losses in abandoned grassland ecosystems. Thus, management measures for biodiversity, such as ecological compensation areas, are needed in agricultural landscapes with a millennial history of human impact, such as the non-boreal European lowlands. Our study supports the hypothesis that species coexistence is maximized at an intermediate level of disturbances. For instance, species richness decreased when fire exceeded the quasi-natural variability observed during the Mesolithic times. Under a more natural disturbance regime, rather closed Pinus sylvestris and mixed oak forests would prevail.
The responses of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other climate variables to an emission pulse of CO2 into the atmosphere are often used to compute the Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Global Temperature change Potential (GTP), to characterize the response timescales of Earth System models, and to build reduced-form models. In this carbon cycle-climate model intercomparison project, which spans the full model hierarchy, we quantify responses to emission pulses of different magnitudes injected under different conditions. The CO2 response shows the known rapid decline in the first few decades followed by a millennium-scale tail. For a 100 Gt-C emission pulse added to a constant CO2 concentration of 389 ppm, 25 ± 9% is still found in the atmosphere after 1000 yr; the ocean has absorbed 59 ± 12% and the land the remainder (16 ± 14%). The response in global mean surface air temperature is an increase by 0.20 ± 0.12 °C within the first twenty years; thereafter and until year 1000, temperature decreases only slightly, whereas ocean heat content and sea level continue to rise. Our best estimate for the Absolute Global Warming Potential, given by the time-integrated response in CO2 at year 100 multiplied by its radiative efficiency, is 92.5 × 10−15 yr W m−2 per kg-CO2. This value very likely (5 to 95% confidence) lies within the range of (68 to 117) × 10−15 yr W m−2 per kg-CO2. Estimates for time-integrated response in CO2 published in the IPCC First, Second, and Fourth Assessment and our multi-model best estimate all agree within 15% during the first 100 yr. The integrated CO2 response, normalized by the pulse size, is lower for pre-industrial conditions, compared to present day, and lower for smaller pulses than larger pulses. In contrast, the response in temperature, sea level and ocean heat content is less sensitive to these choices. Although, choices in pulse size, background concentration, and model lead to uncertainties, the most important and subjective choice to determine AGWP of CO2 and GWP is the time horizon.
Morphogenesis is the process by which the 3-dimensional structure of the developing embryo takes shape. We are studying xlcaax-1, a gene whose product can be used as a molecular marker for several morphogenetic events. We report here the cellular and subcellular localization of the xlcaax-1 protein during development of Xenopus laevis. Whole mount immunocytochemistry and immunoperoxidase staining of tissue sections showed that during development the xlcaax-1 protein accumulation was coincident with the differentiation of the epidermis, pronephros and mesonephros. In the pronephros and mesonephros the xlcaax-1 protein was localized to the basolateral membrane of differentiated tubule epithelial cells. Thus, the xlcaax-1 protein served as a marker for tubule formation and polarization during Xenopus kidney development. Xlcaax-1 may also be used as a marker for the functional differentiation of the epidermis and the epidermally derived portions of the lens and some cranial nerves. The xlcaax-1 protein was most abundant in kidney and immunogold EM analysis showed that the xlcaax-1 protein was highly enriched in the basal infoldings of the basolateral membrane of the epithelial cells in adult kidney distal tubules. The xlcaax-1 protein was also localized in other ion transporting epithelia. The localization pattern and preliminary functional assays of xlcaax-1 suggest that the protein may function in association with an ion transport channel or pump.^ Cell migration and cell-cell interactions play important roles in numerous processes during morphogenesis. One of these is the formation of the pronephric (wolffian) duct (PD), which connects the pronephros to the cloaca. It is currently accepted that in most amphibians the pronephric duct is formed by active migration of the pronephric duct rudiment (PDR) cells along a pre-determined pathway. However, there is evidence that in Xenopus, the PD may be formed entirely by in situ segregation of cells out of the lateral mesoderm. In this study, we showed, using PDR ablation and X. laevis - X. borealis chimeras, that PD elongation in Xenopus required both active cell migration and an induced recruitment of cells from the posterior lateral plate mesoderm. We also showed that PDR cell migration was limited to only a few stages during development and that this temporal control is due, at least in part, to changes in the competence of the PD pathway to support cell migration. In addition, our data suggested that an alkaline phosphatase (APase) adhesion gradient may be involved in determining this competence. ^
The role of therapeutic processes in predicting premature termination of psychotherapy has been a particular focus of recent research. The purpose of this study was to contrast outpatients who completed therapy and those who dropped out with respect to their self-reported in-session experiences of self-esteem, mastery, clarification and the therapeutic alliance. The 296 patients with mixed disorders were treated with an integrative form of cognitive–behavioural therapy without pre-determined time limit (M = 20.2 sessions). Multilevel analyses indicated that patients who did not completetreatment reported, on average, lower levels of self-esteem, mastery and clarification and lower ratings of their therapeutic alliance in treatment in contrast to patients who completed therapy. Patient-reported change in self-esteem experiences over the course of treatment turned out to be the strongest predictor of dropout from psychotherapy or successful completion. When dropout occurred before the average treatment length was reached, patients reported fewer clarifying experiences as early as the first session and their ratings of the therapeutic alliance were characterized by an absence of positive development. Both of these aspects seem to be involved in patients' decisions to leave treatment early. The findings underscore the importance of the therapeutic process in understanding the mechanisms behind treatment dropout. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) is a form of accelerated atherosclerosis, which represents the leading cause of late morbidity and mortality after heart transplantation. The recent bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS) technology represents a potential novel therapeutic tool, in the context of CAV, by allowing transient scaffolding and concomitant vessel healing. Eligible subjects will be treated by using the Absorb Everolimus-Eluting BVS (Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, CA, USA), and evaluated at pre-determined time points, up to 3 years since the index procedure. Both clinical and imaging data will be collected in dedicated case report forms (CRF). All imaging data will be analyzed in an independent core laboratory. The primary aim of the study is to evaluate the angiographic performance at 1 year of second-generation Absorb BVS, in heart transplant recipients affected by CAV.
Objective: Colorectal cancer (CRC) can be largely prevented or effectively treated in its early stages, yet disparities exist in timely screening. The aim of this study was to explore the disparities in CRC screening on the basis of health insurance status including private, Medicare, Medicaid, and State Administered General Assistance (SAGA). Methods: A retrospective chart review for the period January 2000 to May 2007 (95 records) was conducted at two clinic sites; a private clinic and a university hospital clinic. All individuals at these sites who met study criteria (>50 years old with screening colonoscopy) were included. Age, gender, date of first clinic visit when screening referral was made, and date of completed procedure (screening colonoscopy) were recorded. Groups were dichotomized between individuals with private health insurance and individuals with public health insurance. Individuals with any history of CRC, known pre-cancerous conditions as well as family history of CRC requiring frequent colonoscopy were excluded from the study. Linear model analysis was performed to compare the average waiting time to receiving screening colonoscopy between the groups. T-test was performed to analyze age or gender related differences between the two groups as well as within each group. Results: The average waiting time (33 days) for screening colonoscopy in privately insured individuals was significantly lower than publicly insured individuals (200 days). The time difference between the first clinic visit and the procedure was statistically significant (p < 0.0001) between the two groups. There was no statistical difference (p=0.089) in gender between these groups (public vs. private). There were also no statistically significant gender or age related differences found within each group. Conclusions: Disparities exist in timely screening for CRC and one of the barriers leading to delayed CRC screening includes health insurance status of an individual. Even within the insured group, type of insurance plays major role. There is a negative correlation between public health insurance status and timely screening. Differences in access to medical care and delivery of care experienced by patients who are publicly insured through Medicaid, Medicare, and SAGA, suggests that the State of Connecticut needs to implement changes in health care policies that would provide timely screening colonoscopy. It is evident that health insurance coverage facilitates timely access to healthcare. Therefore, there is a need for increased efforts in advocacy for policy, payment and physician participation in public insurance programs. A state-wide comprehensive program involving multiple components targeting different levels of change such as provider, patients and the community should help reduce some of the observed causes of healthcare disparities based on the insurance status.
The variability in microbial communities (abundance and biomass), bacterial production and ectoaminopeptidase activity, particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC, DOC), and particulate and dissolved lipids was examined in spring 1995 in the northwestern Mediterranean, where a transition from the end of a bloom to pre-oligotrophic conditions was observed. Four time series of 36 h each and 4 h sampling intervals were performed at 5 m and at the chlorophyll maximum (30 m) between 11 and 31 May. Simultaneous measurements of pigments, abundance of hetero- and autotrophic flagellates, bacteria and POC enabled the estimation of living POC (defined as autotrophic-C plus heterotrophic-C biomass), and thus the detrital organic carbon. During the first 2 time series (11 to 15 May), the bacterial-C biomass was higher than the autotrophic-C biomass at 5 m (ratio 1.4 and 1.7), whereas the opposite trend was observed in the chlorophyll peak (ratio 0.7 for the first cycle). However, at the end of May, autotrophic-C biomass was equivalent to bacterial-C biomass at both depths studied. The detrital pool remained a more or less constant fraction of the POC (52, 53 and 47% on 11-12 May, 14-15 May and 30-31 May) at the chlorophyll peak, whereas it decreased significantly with time (62 to 53%) at 5 m. Relationships between bacterial activities and evolution of available resources were not systematically evidenced from our 36 h diel cycle data. Nevertheless, at the monthly scale, comparison of bacterial carbon demand (BCD) to potential carbon resources (detrital POC and DOC) showed that bacteria fed differently on the various pools. From ectoaminopeptidase turnover rates and detrital POC, the potential hydrolysis rate of detritus was calculated. Depending on the choice of conversion factors for bacterial production and estimates of hydrolysis turnover rates, it was shown that bacterial hydrolysis of detritus could be one of the DOC accumulation sources. We observed that the percentage of BCD supplied by detrital POC hydrolysis increased in the surface and decreased in the chlorophyll peak. An index of lipid degradation in POC, the lipolysis index, increased during the month at 5 m, also indicating a higher hydrolysis of POC. The opposite trend was observed in the chlorophyll maximum layer. The selective decrease in dissolved lipids in DOC in the chlorophyll maximum layer, particularly free fatty acids, also suggests that bacteria utilized increased fractions of carbon sources from the DOC. We concluded that partitioning between DOC and detritus as resources for bacteria can change during the rapid transition period from mesotrophy to oligotrophy in the northwestern Mediterranean.