986 resultados para post-deformation annealing


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Single-crystalline spinel (MgAl2O4) specimens were implanted with helium ions of 100 keV at three successively increasing fluences of (0.5, 2.0 and 8.0) x 10(16) ions/cm(2) at room temperature. The specimens were subsequently annealed in vacuum at different temperatures ranging from 500 to 1100 degrees C. Different techniques, including Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermal desorption spectrometry (TDS), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to investigate the specimens, It was found that the absorbance peak in the FTIR due to the stretching vibration of the Al-O bond shifts to smaller wave numbers with increasing fluence, shifting back to larger wave numbers with an increase of annealing temperature. The absorbance peak shift has a linear relationship with the fluence increase in the as-implanted state, while it does not have a linear relationship with the fluence increase after the annealing process. Surface deformation occurred in the specimens implanted with fluences of 2.0 and 8.0 x 10(16) ions/cm(2) in the annealing process. The phenomena described above can be attributed to differences in defect formation in the specimens. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structural evolution of high-density polyethylene subjected to uniaxial tensile deformation was investigated as a function of strain and after annealing at different temperatures using a scanning synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) technique. The results confirm that in the course of tensile deformation intralamellar block slips were activated at small deformations followed by a stress-induced fragmentation and recrystallization process yielding thinner lamellae with their normal parallel to the stretching direction. The original sheared lamellae underwent severe internal deformation so that they were even less stable than the newly developed thinner lamellae. Accordingly, annealing results in a melting of the original crystallites even at moderate strains where the stress-induced fragmentation and recrystallization just sets in and generates a distinctly different form of lamellar stacks aligned along the drawing direction. It was found that the lamellae newly formed during stretching at moderate strains remain stable at lower temperature. Only at a very high annealing temperature of 120 degrees C can they be melted, leading to an isotropic distribution of the lamellar structure.


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The theory and approach of the broadband teleseismic body waveform inversion are expatiated in this paper, and the defining the crust structure's methods are developed. Based on the teleseismic P-wave data, the theoretic image of the P-wave radical component is calculated via the convolution of the teleseismic P-wave vertical component and the transform function, and thereby a P-wavefrom inversion method is built. The applied results show the approach effective, stable and its resolution high. The exact and reliable teleseismic P waveforms recorded by CDSN and IRIS and its geodynamics are utilized to obtain China and its vicinage lithospheric transfer functions, this region ithospheric structure is inverted through the inversion of reliable transfer functions, the new knowledge about the deep structure of China and its vicinage is obtained, and the reliable seismological evidence is provided to reveal the geodynamic evolution processes and set up the continental collisional theory. The major studies are as follows: Two important methods to study crustal and upper mantle structure -- body wave travel-time inversion and waveform modeling are reviewed systematically. Based on ray theory, travel-time inversion is characterized by simplicity, crustal and upper mantle velocity model can be obtained by using 1-D travel-time inversion preliminary, which introduces the reference model for studying focal location, focal mechanism, and fine structure of crustal and upper mantle. The large-scale lateral inhomogeneity of crustal and upper mantle can be obtained by three-dimensional t ravel-time seismic tomography. Based on elastic dynamics, through the fitting between theoretical seismogram and observed seismogram, waveform modeling can interpret the detail waveform and further uncover one-dimensional fine structure and lateral variation of crustal and upper mantle, especially the media characteristics of singular zones of ray. Whatever travel-time inversion and waveform modeling is supposed under certain approximate conditions, with respective advantages and disadvantages, and provide convincing structure information for elucidating physical and chemical features and geodynamic processes of crustal and upper mantle. Because the direct wave, surface wave, and refraction wave have lower resolution in investigating seismic velocity transitional zone, which is inadequate to study seismic discontinuities. On the contrary, both the converse and reflected wave, which sample the discontinuities directly, must be carefully picked up from seismogram to constrain the velocity transitional zones. Not only can the converse wave and reflected wave study the crustal structure, but also investigate the upper mantle discontinuities. There are a number of global and regional seismic discontinuities in the crustal and upper mantle, which plays a significant role in understanding physical and chemical properties and geodynamic processes of crustal and upper mantle. The broadband teleseismic P waveform inversion is studied particularly. The teleseismic P waveforms contain a lot of information related to source time function, near-source structure, propagation effect through the mantle, receiver structure, and instrument response, receiver function is isolated form teleseismic P waveform through the vector rotation of horizontal components into ray direction and the deconvolution of vertical component from the radial and tangential components of ground motion, the resulting time series is dominated by local receiver structure effect, and is hardly irrelevant to source and deep mantle effects. Receiver function is horizontal response, which eliminate multiple P wave reflection and retain direct wave and P-S converted waves, and is sensitive to the vertical variation of S wave velocity. Velocity structure beneath a seismic station has different response to radial and vertical component of an accident teleseismic P wave. To avoid the limits caused by a simplified assumption on the vertical response, the receiver function method is mended. In the frequency domain, the transfer function is showed by the ratio of radical response and vertical response of the media to P wave. In the time domain, the radial synthetic waveform can be obtained by the convolution of the transfer function with the vertical wave. In order to overcome the numerical instability, generalized reflection and transmission coefficient matrix method is applied to calculate the synthetic waveform so that all multi-reflection and phase conversion response can be included. A new inversion method, VFSA-LM method, is used in this study, which successfully combines very fast simulated annealing method (VFSA) with damped least square inversion method (LM). Synthetic waveform inversion test confirms its effectiveness and efficiency. Broadband teleseismic P waveform inversion is applied in lithospheric velocity study of China and its vicinage. According to the data of high quality CDSN and IRIS, we obtained an outline map showing the distribution of Asian continental crustal thickness. Based on these results gained, the features of distribution of the crustal thickness and outline of crustal structure under the Asian continent have been analyzed and studied. Finally, this paper advances the principal characteristics of the Asian continental crust. There exist four vast areas of relatively minor variations in the crustal thickness, namely, northern, eastern southern and central areas of Asian crust. As a byproduct, the earthquake location is discussed, Which is a basic issue in seismology. Because of the strong trade-off between the assumed initial time and focal depth and the nonlinear of the inversion problems, this issue is not settled at all. Aimed at the problem, a new earthquake location method named SAMS method is presented, In which, the objective function is the absolute value of the remnants of travel times together with the arrival times and use the Fast Simulated Annealing method is used to inverse. Applied in the Chi-Chi event relocation of Taiwan occurred on Sep 21, 2000, the results show that the SAMS method not only can reduce the effects of the trade-off between the initial time and focal depth, but can get better stability and resolving power. At the end of the paper, the inverse Q filtering method for compensating attenuation and frequency dispersion used in the seismic section of depth domain is discussed. According to the forward and inverse results of synthesized seismic records, our Q filtrating operator of the depth domain is consistent with the seismic laws in the absorbing media, which not only considers the effect of the media absorbing of the waves, but also fits the deformation laws, namely the frequency dispersion of the body wave. Two post stacked profiles about 60KM, a neritic area of China processed, the result shows that after the forward Q filtering of the depth domain, the wide of the wavelet of the middle and deep layers is compressed, the resolution and signal noise ratio are enhanced, and the primary sharp and energy distribution of the profile are retained.


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NiTi wires of 0.5 mm diameter were laser welded using a CW 100-W fiber laser in an argon shielding environment with or without postweld heat-treatment (PWHT). The microstructure and the phases present were studied by scanning-electron microscopy (SEM), transmission-electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The phase transformation behavior and the cyclic stress–strain behavior of the NiTi weldments were studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and cyclic tensile testing. TEM and XRD analyses reveal the presence of Ni4Ti3 particles after PWHT at or above 623 K (350 °C). In the cyclic tensile test, PWHT at 623 K (350 °C) improves the cyclic deformation behavior of the weldment by reducing the accumulated residual strain, whereas PWHT at 723 K (450 °C) provides no benefit to the cyclic deformation behavior. Welding also reduces the tensile strength and fracture elongation of NiTi wires, but the deterioration could be alleviated by PWHT.


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Post-weld heat-treatment (PWHT) has been established as one of the cost-effective ways to improve the functional properties, namely shape memory and super-elastic effects (SME and SE), of laser-welded NiTi alloys. However, the functional performance of the laser-welded joint at different working temperatures has not been explored yet. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of different working temperatures on the functional properties of the laser-welded NiTi alloys before and after PWHT by applying cyclic deformation tests. Two laser-welded samples: as-welded and heat-treated sample (after PWHT at 350 oC or 623 K) were tested in this work at room temperature, 50 oC (or 323 K) and 75 oC (or 348 K) respectively. The samples were cyclically loaded and unloaded for 10 cycles up to 4 % strain. The critical stress to induce the martensitic transformation and the residual strain after the cyclic tests were recorded. The results indicate that the heat-treated sample exhibited better functional properties than the as-welded sample at room temperature and 50 oC (or 323 K). However, both the as-welded and heat-treated samples failed in the cyclic tests at 75 oC (or 348 K). These findings are important to determine the feasible working temperature range for the laser-welded NiTi components to exhibit desirable functional properties in engineering applications involving cyclic loading.


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In this study, the stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) behaviour of laser-welded NiTi wires before and after post-weld heat-treatment (PWHT) was investigated. The samples were subjected to slow strain rate testing (SSRT) under tensile loading in Hanks’ solution at 37.5 °C (or 310.5 K) at a constant anodic potential (200 mVSCE). The current density of the samples during the SSRT was captured by a potentiostat, and used as an indicator to determine the susceptibility to SCC. Fractography was analyzed using scanning-electron microscopy (SEM). The experimental results showed that the laser-welded sample after PWHT was immune to the SCC as evidenced by the stable current density throughout the SSRT. This is attributed to the precipitation of fine and coherent nano-sized Ni4Ti3 precipitates in the welded regions (weld zone, WZ and heat-affected zone, HAZ) after PWHT, resulting in (i) enrichment of TiO2 content in the passive film and (ii) higher resistance against the local plastic deformation in the welded regions.


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The quartzite microfabric found in the Lorrain Formation was studied across the La Cloche syncline, along a regional north-south transect along highway 6, near Whitefish Falls, Ontario. The complete stratigraphic sequence across the syncline is preserved, and is present on each fold limb. The lithostratigraphic units with the smallest grains size and lowest mica content are located close to the core of the fold, while coarser grained mica and feldspar rich units are situated at the northern and southern most extent of the transect. Deformation mechanisms vary with lithology and with position across the fold. Pressure solution appears to be the dominant deformation mechanism in the feldspathic, micaceous and ferruginous units. In the finer grained, mica poor white medium grained and cherty sandstone units, grain boundary migration (GBM) characteristics show dominance over those of pressure solution and show high amounts of fracturing which cut migrated boundaries and therefore post date GBM. All samples across the fold display a preferred orientation of quartz c-axes. The senses of asymmetry of fabrics are found to be similar across the syncline, with the exception of the ferruginous sandstone unit. Formation of these similar fabrics synmietries can not be the result of strain related to first order folding. The mica content appears to be related to the percentage of quartz lost due to pressure solution as a result of strain; the more mica present, the less quartz was lost. Calculations based on the shape of initial grains suggest that conservatively 30% of the quartz volume has been dissolved out of the Lorrain quartzite, and potentially migrated hundreds of meters to other members of the Huronian Supergroup as there was no meso or macroscopic evidence observed in outcrop.


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On Mars, interior layered deposits (ILD) provide evidence that water was once stable at the surface of the planet and present in large quantities. In West Candor Chasma, the ILD and their associated landforms record the depositional history of the chasma, and the deformation of those deposits provide insight into the stresses acting on them and the chasma as a whole. The post ILD structural history of West Candor is interpreted by analyzing the spatial relationships and orientation trends of structural features within the ILD. Therecording of stresses through brittle deformation of ILDs implies that the ILD had been lithified before the stress was imposed. Based on the prominent orientation trends of deformation features, the orientation of the stress regime acting upon the ILD appears to be linked to the regime that initially created the chasma-forming faults. An additional minor stress orientation was also revealed and may be related to large structures outside west Candor Chasma. The late depositional history of Ceti Mensa is herein investigated by examining the attributes and spatial relationship between unique corrugated, linear formations (CLF). The CLFs appear to be aeolian in origin but display clear indications of brittle deformation, indicating they have been Iithified. Evidence of lithification and the mineral composition of the surrounding material support the interpretation of circulating water in the area.


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During many lava dome-forming eruptions, persistent rockfalls and the concurrent development of a substantial talus apron around the foot of the dome are important aspects of the observed activity. An improved understanding of internal dome structure, including the shape and internal boundaries of the talus apron, is critical for determining when a lava dome is poised for a major collapse and how this collapse might ensue. We consider a period of lava dome growth at the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from August 2005 to May 2006, during which a 100 × 106 m3 lava dome developed that culminated in a major dome-collapse event on 20 May 2006. We use an axi-symmetrical Finite Element Method model to simulate the growth and evolution of the lava dome, including the development of the talus apron. We first test the generic behaviour of this continuum model, which has core lava and carapace/talus components. Our model describes the generation rate of talus, including its spatial and temporal variation, as well as its post-generation deformation, which is important for an improved understanding of the internal configuration and structure of the dome. We then use our model to simulate the 2005 to 2006 Soufrière Hills dome growth using measured dome volumes and extrusion rates to drive the model and generate the evolving configuration of the dome core and carapace/talus domains. The evolution of the model is compared with the observed rockfall seismicity using event counts and seismic energy parameters, which are used here as a measure of rockfall intensity and hence a first-order proxy for volumes. The range of model-derived volume increments of talus aggraded to the talus slope per recorded rockfall event, approximately 3 × 103–13 × 103 m3 per rockfall, is high with respect to estimates based on observed events. From this, it is inferred that some of the volumetric growth of the talus apron (perhaps up to 60–70%) might have occurred in the form of aseismic deformation of the talus, forced by an internal, laterally spreading core. Talus apron growth by this mechanism has not previously been identified, and this suggests that the core, hosting hot gas-rich lava, could have a greater lateral extent than previously considered.


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Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) measurements of surface deformation at Nyamuragira Volcano between 1996 and 2010 reveal a variety of co-eruptive and inter-eruptive signals. During 7 of the 8 eruptions in this period deformation was measured that is consistent with the emplacement of shallow near-vertical dykes feeding the eruptive fissures and associated with a NNW-trending fissure zone that traverses the summit caldera. Between eruptions the caldera and the summit part of this fissure zone subsided gradually (b3–5 cm/year). We also find evidence of post-eruption subsidence around the sites of the main vents of some flank eruptions (2002, 2004, 2006, and 2010). In the 6 months prior to the 2010 eruption a10-km wide zone centred on the caldera inflated by 1–2 cm. The low magnitude of this signal suggests that the presumed magma reservoir at 3–8 km depth contains highly compressible magma with little stored elastic strain energy. To the north of the caldera the fissure zone splits into WNW and NE branches around a zone that has a distinct InSAR signal. We interpret this zone to represent an elevated, 'stable' block of basement rocks buried by lavas within the Rift Zone.


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Fe-Pd alloy films have been prepared by electrochemical deposition from an alkaline electrolyte containing Fe sulfate, Pd chloride and 5-sulfosalicylic acid onto polycrystalline titanium substrates. The as-deposited films were nanocrystalline and magnetically soft (coercivity similar to 25 Oe). L1(0) Fe-Pd films with a (111) preferred orientation were obtained by post-deposition thermal annealing of films with composition about 37 at% Fe in an (Ar + 5% H-2) gas flow at 500 degrees C. Such films exhibit hard magnetic properties, with a coercivity up to 1880 Oe, and a slightly anisotropic magnetic response, with a larger in-plane remanence. Preliminary magnetic investigations support magnetization switching through pinning of domain walls. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microstructure and deformation behavior of the commercial aluminum-based Al7.5%Zn–2.7%Mg–2.3%Cu–0.15%Zr alloy subjected to high pressure torsion (HPT) were studied in the present work. A small grain size less than 100 nm, high level of internal stresses and presence of second phase nanoparticles were revealed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The nanostructured alloy processed by HPT exhibits tensile strength of 800 MPa and ductility of 20% at optimal temperature-strain rate conditions. Unusual influence of a short pre-annealing on tensile strength and ductility of as-processed alloy is discussed.


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In order to improve the understanding of the dynamic and post-dynamic recrystallization behaviours of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel, a series of hot torsion test have been performed under a range of deformation conditions. The mechanical and microstructural features of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) were characterized to compare and contrast them with those of the post-dynamic recrystallization. A necklace type of dynamically recrystallized microstructure was observed during hot deformation at 900 °C and at a strain rate of 0.01 s−1. Following deformation, the dependency of time for 50% recrystallization, t50, changed from “strain dependent” to “strain independent” at a transition strain (ε*), which is significantly beyond the peak. This transition strain was clearly linked to the strain for 50% dynamic recrystallization during deformation. The interrelations between the fraction of dynamically recrystallized microstructure, the evolution of post-dynamically recrystallized microstructure and the final grain size have been established. The results also showed an important role of grain growth on softening of deformed austenite.


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The effect of grain size on the mechanical properties and deformation twinning behaviour in high manganese steel was investigated. In order to generate different grain sizes, the samples were subjected to hot rolling, cold rolling and annealing. Room temperature tensile testing of the steel with different grain sizes (5-50 µm) indicated the occurrence of twinning induced plasticity (TWIP) in all the samples. Also, changes in work-hardening behaviour accompanied changes in the grain size. The results are discussed in terms of the enhanced sensitivity of twinning to the grain size.


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A novel mechanism of post-dynamic softening during annealing of a fully dynamically recrystallized (DRX) austenitic Ni–30Fe alloy is proposed. The initial softening stage involves rapid growth of the dynamically formed nuclei and migration of the mobile boundaries. The sub-boundaries within DRX grains progressively disintegrate through dislocation climb and dislocation annihilation, which ultimately leads to the formation of dislocation-free grains, and the grain boundary migration gradually becomes slower. As a result, the DRX texture largely remains preserved throughout the annealing process.