833 resultados para poedeiras leves


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Lightweight concrete has been the subject of several studies towards the development of new building materials. Emphasis has been given on the particle size effect and nature of aggregates used as raw materials. The present study includes an analysis of the materials that make this kind of concrete, analyzes of mechanical properties such as compressive and tensile strength, in addition to assessments of the interface concrete aggregate/matrix interface, porosity and absorption profile of chloride ions in lightweight concrete based on expanded clay. The experiments were carried out by molding cylindrical samples 100 mm in diameter and 200 mm in height. The dosage experiments were performed without additives or with the addition of minerals: (T1) 1: 2.01: 1.10: 0.78 (T2) 1: 2.00: 1.32 : 0.62 - (T3) 1 :1.93 :1.54: 0.47 (cement : sand : expanded clay 0500 : expanded clay 1506).The water to cement ratio was set to 0.43. Expanded clay minerals with different average particle sizes were used, i.e., 9.5 mm/0500 and 19 mm/1506. The larger aggregate was coated by a glassy layer, yielding lower water absorption characteristics to the concrete. The results showed that the use of light expanded clay aggregates is a technically interesting solution to the production of lightweight concrete for construction applications


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Grautes are dry mixes with hydraulic characteristics widely used in construction. This material comprises cement, mineral additives and dosed in accordance with the desired properties. The use of grautes in cementing oil wells potentially increases the precision in the composition of the mixture, since it is requires only the addition of the mixing water before its pumping. Such benefit may be availed in cementing wells since the formulations grautes meet the temperature and pressure characteristics typical of wells. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of adding different percentages of industrial minerals properties of light grautes for onshore oil wells. For the formulation of the employees were grautes light industrial minerals and waste minerals abundant in the Northeast, in addiction to Portland cement and chemical additives Special class. Grautes were formulated with densities between 1.55 g/cm3 (13.0 lb/gal) and 1.68 g/cm3 (14 lb/gal). Tests results showed that grautes with higher density in the range studied meet the specifications for cementation of shallow wells onshore. The compositions lighter can also be adjusted for applying the material in the cementation of oil wells


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The gas migration during the cementing of wells is one of the main problems of oil wells engineering. Its occurrence can cause severe problems since shortly to loss of control of the well after cementation. Recently, 20/04/2010 In an accident of major proportions in the Gulf of Mexico, among other factors, faulty cementing operation provided the gas migration, causing the accident, in which 11 people died and 17 were injured occurred. Besides the serious consequences that can be caused by gas migration, remediation of the problem, which is made by injecting cement in damaged areas, usually involves additional costs and is not always effective. Therefore, preventing gas migration to be preferred. Some methods are used to prevent the migration of the pressurized gas as the annular space, application of pressure pulses, reducing the height of the cement column compressible cement pastes of low permeability, pastes and to control free filtered water, and binders of thixotropic cement expandable and flexible. Thus, the cement pastes used to prevent gas migration must meet the maximum these methods. Thus, this study aimed to formulate a cement paste to prevent gas migration, using the expanded vermiculite, and evaluate the behavior of the folder trials necessary for use in oil wells. Free water content, rheological properties, compressive strength, loss of liquid phase sedimentation of solids, specific weight, thickening time and gas migration: The following tests were performed. The results show that meets the specifications paste formulated for use in oil wells and the use of expanded vermiculite contribute to the absorption of free water, thixotropy and low density. The absorption of free water is proven to result in zero percentage test free water content, thixotropy is observed with the high value of the initial gel strength (Gi) in testing rheological properties and low density is proven in test weight specific


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Nearly 3 x 1011 m3 of medium and light oils will remain in reservoirs worldwide after conventional recovery methods have been exhausted and much of this volume would be recovered by Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods. The in-situ combustion (ISC) is an EOR method in which an oxygen-containing gas is injected into a reservoir where it reacts with the crude oil to create a high-temperature combustion front that is propagated through the reservoir. The High Pressure Air Injection (HPAI) method is a particular denomination of the air injection process applied in light oil reservoirs, for which the combustion reactions are dominant between 150 and 300°C and the generation of flue gas is the main factor to the oil displacement. A simulation model of a homogeneous reservoir was built to study, which was initially undergone to primary production, for 3 years, next by a waterflooding process for 21 more years. At this point, with the mature condition established into the reservoir, three variations of this model were selected, according to the recovery factors (RF) reached, for study the in-situ combustion (HPAI) technique. Next to this, a sensitivity analysis on the RF of characteristic operational parameters of the method was carried out: air injection rate per well, oxygen concentration into the injected gas, patterns of air injection and wells perforations configuration. This analysis, for 10 more years of production time, was performed with assistance of the central composite design. The reservoir behavior and the impacts of chemical reactions parameters and of reservoir particularities on the RF were also evaluated. An economic analysis and a study to maximize the RF of the process were also carried out. The simulation runs were performed in the simulator of thermal processes in reservoirs STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The results showed the incremental RF were small and the net present value (NPV) is affected by high initial investments to compress the air. It was noticed that the adoption of high oxygen concentration into the injected gas and of the five spot pattern tends to improve the RF, and the wells perforations configuration has more influence with the increase of the oil thickness. Simulated cases relating to the reservoir particularities showed that smaller residual oil saturations to gas lead to greater RF and the presence of heterogeneities results in important variations on the RF and on the production curves


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The preparation of cement slurries for offshore well cementing involves mixing all solid components to be added to the mixing water on the platform. The aim of this work was to study the formulation of pre-prepared dry mixtures, or grouts, for offshore oilwell cementing. The addition of mineral fillers in the strength of lightweight grouts applied for depths down to 400 m under water depths of 500 m was investigated. Lightweight materials and fine aggregates were selected. For the choice of starting materials, a study of the pozzolanic activity of low-cost fillers such as porcelain tile residue, microsilica and diatomaceous earth was carried out by X-ray diffraction and mechanical strength tests. Hardened grouts containing porcelain tile residue and microsilica depicted high strength at early ages. Based on such preliminary investigation, a study of the mechanical strength of grouts with density 1.74 g/cm3 (14.5 lb/gal) cured initially at 27 °C was performed using cement, microsilica, porcelain tile residue and an anti-foaming agent. The results showed that the mixture containing 7% of porcelain tile residue and 7% of microsilica was the one with the highest compressive strength after curing for 24 hours. This composition was chosen to be studied and adapted for offshore conditions based on testes performed at 4 °C. The grout containing cement, 7% of porcelain tile residue, 7% of active silica and admixtures (CaCl2), anti-foaming and dispersant resulted satisfactory rheology and mechanical strength after curing for 24 hours of curing


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La diferencia de longitud de las extremidades, o anisomelia, se define como una condición en la que alguno de los miembros, bien superior o inferior, es notablemente desigual frente al otro. Cuando esta diferencia se detecta en las extremidades inferiores, se conoce como discrepancia en la longitud de las extremidades inferiores (DLEEII, en inglés: LLD, “Leg Length Discrepancy” o LLI, “Leg Length Inequality”) o también dismetría de piernas o del miembro inferior (DM). Las DLEEII son bastante frecuentes en la población adulta, con una prevalencia que se encuentra entre el 40% y el 70% y una magnitud media de desigualdad anatómica mayor de 2 cm en aproximadamente un 0,1% de la misma. Si bien diversas teorías establecen que una DLEEII altera la postura corporal de una persona afectando a determinadas actividades de la vida diaria y pueden ser causa de trastornos del aparato locomotor, no existe un criterio unánime sobre la magnitud de DLEEII necesaria para inducir una respuesta en la postura, así como suponer un impacto clínico. Por otro lado existen estudios que sugieren que la edad de inicio puede ser un factor determinante y que los niños pueden compensar una DLEEII más fácilmente que los adultos que han experimentado su repentina aparición...


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Os solos leves ocupam cerca de 8% do território brasileiro e são especialmente expressivos na nova e na última fronteira agrícola do país: a região de Matopiba, nos estados do Maranhão, do Tocantins, do Piauí e da Bahia, onde representam 20% da área. Esses solos enquadram-se nas classes texturais areia e areia franca ou francoarenosa, até a profundidade de 0,75 m ou mais, e são representados principalmente pelos Neossolos Quartzarênicos e, em parte, por Latossolos e Argissolos. O entendimento do funcionamento desses solos depende do estabelecimento de critérios distintivos sobre: dinâmica da matéria orgânica; teor e mineralogia da fração argila; teores de areia grossa e de areia total, em relação aos de areia fina; diâmetro médio da fração areia; e capacidade de retenção de água. Esses critérios podem contribuir para o zoneamento e para o manejo conservacionista e da fertilidade dos solos leves, bem como para estimação de seu potencial agrícola. Sistemas integrados de produção, como os de integração lavoura-pecuária e lavoura-pecuária-floresta, além do plantio direto com rotação de culturas, dos plantios florestais mistos com espécies leguminosas, e do uso de adubos verdes e cultivos de cobertura, são relevantes para o manejo adequado desses solos. O objetivo deste artigo de revisão foi caracterizar os solos leves e apontar os principais desafios em relação a seu potencial agrícola, a seu manejo e conservação e sua fertilidade, frente à expansão e à consolidação da nova fronteira agrícola.


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The objective of this thesis is to find out how dominant firms in a liberalised electricity market will react when they face an increase in the level of costs due to emissions trading, and how this will effect the price of electricity. The Nordic electricity market is chosen as the setting in which to examine the question, since recent studies on the subject suggest that interaction between electricity markets and emissions trading is very much dependent on conditions specific to each market area. There is reason to believe that imperfect competition prevails in the Nordic market, thus the issue is approached through the theory of oligopolistic competition. The generation capacity available at the market, marginal cost of electricity production and seasonal levels of demand form the data based on which the dominant firms are modelled using the Cournot model of competition. The calculations are made for two levels of demand, high and low, and with several values of demand elasticity. The producers are first modelled under no carbon costs and then by adding the cost of carbon dioxide at 20€/t to those technologies subject to carbon regulation. In all cases the situation under perfect competition is determined as a comparison point for the results of the Cournot game. The results imply that the potential for market power does exist on the Nordic market, but the possibility for exercising market power depends on the demand level. In season of high demand the dominant firms may raise the price significantly above competitive levels, and the situation is aggravated when the cost of carbon dioixide is accounted for. Under low demand leves there is no difference between perfect and imperfect competition. The results are highly dependent on the price elasticity of demand.


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En el presente trabajo se evaluó EX-ante la factibilidad técnica y financiera de una propuesta de desarrollo ganadero para la finca "El Garabato" planteada por los socios de la Cooperativa Ezequiel N24 en el Municipio de Tola, Departamento de Rivas. Para ello se realizó un diagnóstico general de la finca, donde se determinó los recursos disponibles y las características propias del sistema productivo, basados en esto se estimaron los diferentes coeficientes técnicos así como las posibles fuentes de ingresos y egresos, permitiendo realizar las proyecciones del hato así como las proyecciones financieras, Dentro de los aspectos técnicos se determinó la composición de las pasturas donde el 69% de los pastos son naturalizados, el 23% son pastos mejorados y el 8% está conformado por pastos naturales. Los canales de comercialización en la zona del proyecto para la leche están representados por los manteros, el Proyecto Juan Agustín Guillén de la Tienda Campesina y el Centro de Acopio de La Selecta. En el caso de la carne por los intermediarios (matarifes) y productores dedicados a la crianza y engorde de novillos. Al considerar las inversiones en pastura que conlleva la propuesta, la distribución de pastos varia, ocupando los pastos mejorados el 41%, el 3% por pastos naturales y el 56% corresponden a pastos naturalizados. A la par de esto el área ganadera se incrementa en 64 mz. como consecuencia de la reducción del área agricola por la misma cantidad de mz. Las disponibilidades de pastos se ven mejoradas por las inversiones, disminuyendo el déficit de alimento a partir del segundo año. El uso de la Caña de Azúcar más urea, durante el verano permitirá mejorar la oferta de alimento para esta época, resultando menores pérdidas en la producción. Como efecto de la propuesta se producirá un incremento promedio anual de 7.18% del hato total, este incremento se da esperando que los índices de mortalidad de adultos y terneros disminuyan de un 4 al. 2% y de 14 al 7% respectivamente y que la tasa de descarte de vacas se mantenga en 12%1 considerando que la finca mantenga un 67% en tasa de natalidad. Al estructurar los gastos se encontró que en el año base los gastos de mano de obra representan el 71%, la suplementación el 8%, los gastos en manejo fueron de 8%, impuestos 7%, mantenimiento de equipo e infraestructura de 4% y gastos varios de 1%, con el proyecto esta estructura de gastos se ve un poco alterada al disminuir los gastos por mano de obra a un 63% e incrementarse los gastos por suplementacion y gastos varios a 12% y 6% respectivamente, el resto de los gastos presentan leves modificaciones. En los ingresos del año base la producción de leche representa el 46%, la producción de carne el 53% y el 1% corresponde a otros ingresos. Con el proyecto el aporte en los ingresos por producción de leche asciende a 62% y en producción de carne es de 34%, en otros ingresos representa el 4% al finalizar el sexto año. De las inversiones que se realizaran el 60% ésta destinado para pastos y el 40% corresponde a inversiones en infraestructura. El monto total de la inversión asciende a C$96,905.70 de los cuales el 71% será solicitado en préstamo y el restante 29% será asumido por la Cooperativa. Del análisis financiero resultó que la propuesta de los socios con uso de financiamiento para las inversiones a una tasa de interés del 12.5% presenta un VAN de C$41996.65 y una TIR de 15.16%. En cambió la realización de la propuesta con recursos propios presentó resultados superiores al anterior siendo el VAN de C$18,506.01 y una TIR de 18.01%•. Considerando estos resultados la propuesta es rentable, pero debido al déficit de efectivo que se presenta en los primeros años podría alterar la realización de las inversiones, ésta situación puede compensarse haciendo uso de otros recursos de la Cooperativa.


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La presente investigación se realizó dentro del marco de la FUNDACION NAKAWE con el objetivo de realizar un estudio preliminar de la cría de gallinas de patio y la influencia que ejerce la dedicación de las productoras sobre el aspecto productivo y reproductivo de las gallinas. El estudio se hizo en las comarcas de Veracruz y El Portillo. Se utilizaron para este estudio las parvadas de gallinas de patio sin alterar su manejo y mantenidas en evaluación durante un periodo de 10 meses. Las productoras que participaron en este estudio estaban interesadas en conocer el comportamiento productivo y reproductivo de sus gallinas. Entre los indicadores sociales-técnicos encontrados en la zona según resultado de la Encuesta estática, se determinó que las gallinas son importante para las mujeres: autoconsumo 93%, ahorro 74%, comercio y prolificidad un 71% respectivamente, ventajas de las gallinas para las mujeres: pagan su comida un 50% y producción diaria un 36%, grupos raciales ( porrocas 100%, chiricanas 64.28%, finas 57.14% e híbridas 35.71%), experiencia en la actividad de 3 a 20 años, la edad de la primera postura es 5.5 y 7.5 meses, número de huevos por postura es de 10 a 15, número de huevos echados por nido de 9 a 13, número de postura por ave/ano es 4 a 7 veces, duración de la crianza de 1.5 a 2.5 meses. Entre los índices técnicos-económicos encontrados en la cría de gallinas de patio, según resultados de las Encuestas de seguimiento por un periodo de 10 meses son: parvadas de 28 a 119 aves y con un promedio de 55 aves, la entradas de aves a la parvada fueron: cambios positivos 51%, nacimiento 45% y compra 4%; salidas de aves fueron: cambios negativos 42.5%, muerte 18.8%, pérdidas 17.6%, venta 12.5%, consumo 8.6%, el incremento fue negativo en un 19.31%, la cantidad huevos por gallina fue de 44 a 120 y un promedio de 85, porcentaje de producción de 26.76% en invierno, 28.72% en verano y el promedio fue de 27.76%, destino huevos: consumo 57%, venta 26%, huevos echados 10%, regalo 5%, compra 1 %, pérdida 1%, el número de huevos echados por nido osciló de 8 a 13 y su promedio fue 11, número de veces echada por gallina oscila de 0.44 a 1.4 veces y su promedio fue de 0.81 veces, incubabilidad obtenida en invierno fue de 46.63% y en verano fue de 58.55% para un promedio de 52.59%, cantidad de pollos nacidos por gallina oscila de 2.51 a 8 con un promedio de 4.68 pollos, el 69.47% del alimento suplementado proviene de la parcela y 30.53% proviene de la compra, el consumo por unidad ave fue de 13.72 a 44.44 libras con un promedio de 31.55 libras, cargas de parásitos internos leves, los costos de alimentación oscilan de 88 a 91% y los costos de salud del 9 a 12% del total de costos variables y la utilidad bruta oscila de 1715.3 córdobas a (86.65) córdobas y con una utilidad promedio para todas las familias estudiadas de 512 córdobas.