217 resultados para plaster
Heutzutage stehen zunehmend – z.B. durch den raschen Fortschritt bei den bildgebenden Verfahren – digitale Datensätze im Dentalbereich zur Verfügung. CAD/CAM-syteme gehören dabei in der Zahntechnik längst zum Stande der Technik. Für die Anwendung derartiger Systeme ist jedoch ein Gipsmodell nötig, welches zum Beginn der Prozesskette vom Zahntechniker mittels eines optischen Scanners digitalisiert wird. Die Weiterentwicklung intraoraler Scanner ermöglicht heutzutage außerdem die Digitalisierung ganzer Kiefer im Patientenmund durch den Zahnarzt. Insbesondere für z.B. die ästhetischen Restaurationen bildet hier das zahntechnische Modell nach wie vor die unersetzliche Arbeitsgrundlage für den Techniker. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird dazu ein Rapid Manufacturing Verfahren zur Herstellung von Dentalmodellen auf Basis der Stereolithographie vorgestellt. Dabei wird auf die besonderen Anforderungen hinsichtlich Präzision, Robustheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit von generativen Fertigungsverfahren für dentale Applikationen eingegangen und eine neu entwickelte Baustrategie vorgestellt, mittels derer die o.g. Anforderungen erfüllt werden
OBJECTIVES To evaluate the long-term development of labial gingival recessions during orthodontic treatment and retention phase. MATERIAL AND METHODS In this retrospective case-control study, the presence of gingival recession was scored (Yes or No) on plaster models of 100 orthodontic patients (cases) and 120 controls at the age of 12 (T12 ), 15 (T15 ), 18 (T18 ), and 21 (T21 ) years. In the treated group, T12 reflected the start of orthodontic treatment and T15 - the end of active treatment and the start of retention phase with bonded retainers. Independent t-tests, Fisher's exact tests and a fitted two-part "hurdle" model were used to identify the effect of orthodontic treatment/retention on recessions. RESULTS The proportion of subjects with recessions was consistently higher in cases than controls. Overall, the odds ratio for orthodontic patients as compared with controls to have recessions is 4.48 (p < 0.001; 95% CI: 2.61-7.70). CONCLUSIONS Within the limits of the present research design, orthodontic treatment and/or the retention phase may be risk factors for the development of labial gingival recessions. In orthodontically treated subjects, mandibular incisors seem to be the most vulnerable to the development of gingival recessions.
INTRODUCTION Our aim was to assess the prevalence of gingival recessions in patients before, immediately after, and 2 and 5 years after orthodontic treatment. METHODS Labial gingival recessions in all teeth were scored (yes or no) by 2 raters on initial, end-of-treatment, and posttreatment (2 and 5 years) plaster models of 302 orthodontic patients (38.7% male; 61.3% female) selected from a posttreatment archive. Their mean ages were 13.6 years (SD, 3.6; range, 9.5-32.7 years) at the initial assessment, 16.2 years (SD, 3.5; range, 11.7-35.1 years) at the end of treatment, 18.6 years (SD, 3.6; range, 13.7-37.2 years) at 2 years posttreatment, and 21.6 (SD, 3.5; range, 16.6-40.2 years) at 5 years posttreatment. A recession was noted (scored "yes") if the labial cementoenamel junction was exposed. All patients had a fixed retainer bonded to either the mandibular canines only (type I) or all 6 mandibular front teeth (type II). RESULTS There was a continuous increase in gingival recessions after treatment from 7% at end of treatment to 20% at 2 years posttreatment and to 38% at 5 years posttreatment. Patients less than 16 years of age at the end of treatment were less likely to develop recessions than patients more than 16 years at the end of treatment (P = 0.013). The prevalence of recessions was not associated with sex (P = 0.462) or extraction treatment (P = 0.32). The type of fixed retainer did not influence the development of recessions in the mandibular front region (P = 0.231). CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of gingival recessions steadily increases after orthodontic treatment. The recessions are more prevalent in older than in younger patients. No variable, except for age at the end of treatment, seems to be associated with the development of gingival recessions.
SUMMARY A recent systematic review demonstrated that, overall, orthodontic treatment might result in a small worsening of periodontal status. The aim of this retrospective study was to test the hypothesis that a change of mandibular incisor inclination promotes development of labial gingival recessions. One hundred and seventy-nine subjects who met the following inclusion criteria were selected: age 11-14 years at start of orthodontic treatment (TS), bonded retainer placed immediately after treatment (T₀), dental casts and lateral cephalograms available pre-treatment (TS), post-treatment (T₀), 2 years post-treatment (T₂), and 5 years post-treatment (T₅). Depending on the change of lower incisor inclination during treatment (ΔInc_Incl), the sample was divided into three groups: Retro (N = 34; ΔInc_Incl ≤ -1 degree), Stable (N = 22; ΔInc_Incl > -1 degree and ≤1 degree), and Pro (N = 123; ΔInc_Incl > 1 degree). Clinical crown heights of mandibular incisors and the presence of gingival recessions in this region were assessed on plaster models. Fisher's exact tests, one-way analysis of variance, and regression models were used for analysis of inter-group differences. The mean increase of clinical crown heights (T₀ to T₅) of mandibular incisors ranged from 0.6 to 0.91 mm in the Retro, Stable, and Pro groups, respectively; the difference was not significant (P = 0.534). At T₅, gingival recessions were present in 8.8, 4.5, and 16.3 per cent patients from the Retro, Stable, and Pro groups, respectively. The difference was not significant (P = 0.265). The change of lower incisors inclination during treatment did not affect development of labial gingival recessions in this patient group.
Plaster death mask. Goal To design a box that can store and exhibit the death mask without requiring the removal or re-positioning of the mask. Treatment A custom, cloth-covered box with a drop-front was constructed to fit the dimensions of the mask and foam filler. Foam was carved to accommodate the mask and then covered with unbleached muslin.
BACKGROUND We report on the design and implementation of a study protocol entitled Acupuncture randomised trial for post anaesthetic recovery and postoperative pain - a pilot study (ACUARP) designed to investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture therapy performed in the perioperative period on post anaesthetic recovery and postoperative pain. METHODS/DESIGN The study is designed as a randomised controlled pilot trial with three arms and partial double blinding. We will compare (a) press needle acupuncture, (b) no treatment and (c) press plaster acupressure in a standardised anaesthetic setting. Seventy-five patients scheduled for laparoscopic surgery to the uterus or ovaries will be allocated randomly to one of the three trial arms. The total observation period will begin one day before surgery and end on the second postoperative day. Twelve press needles and press plasters are to be administered preoperatively at seven acupuncture points. The primary outcome measure will be time from extubation to 'ready for discharge' from the post anaesthesia care unit (in minutes). The 'ready for discharge' end point will be assessed using three different scores: the Aldrete score, the Post Anaesthetic Discharge Scoring System and an In-House score. Secondary outcome measures will comprise pre-, intra- and postoperative variables (which are anxiety, pain, nausea and vomiting, concomitant medication). DISCUSSION The results of this study will provide information on whether acupuncture may improve patient post anaesthetic recovery. Comparing acupuncture with acupressure will provide insight into potential therapeutic differences between invasive and non-invasive acupuncture techniques. TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT01816386 (First received: 28 October 2012).
The purpose of this long-term follow-up study was twofold-firstly, to assess prevalence of relapse after treatment of deep bite malocclusion and secondly, to identify risk factors that predispose patients with deep bite malocclusion to relapse. Sixty-one former patients with overbite more than 50% incisor overlap before treatment were successfully recalled. Clinical data, morphometrical measurements on plaster casts before treatment, after treatment and at long-term follow-up, as well as cephalometric measurements before and after treatment were collected. The median follow-up period was 11.9 years. Patients were treated by various treatment modalities, and the majority of patients received at least a lower fixed retainer and an upper removable bite plate during retention. Relapse was defined as increase in incisor overlap from below 50% after treatment to equal or more than 50% incisor overlap at long-term follow-up. Ten per cent of the patients showed relapse to equal or larger than 50% incisor overlap, and their amount of overbite increase was low. Among all cases with deep bite at follow-up, gingival contact and palatal impingement were more prevalent in partially corrected noncompliant cases than in relapse cases. In this sample, prevalence and amount of relapse were too low to identify risk factors of relapse.
Operationsziel Geschlossene, anatomische Reposition und sichere Fixation von problematischen suprakondylären Typ-III- und Typ-IV-Humerusfrakturen, die mit den herkömmlichen Operationsmethoden nur schwierig geschlossen zu behandeln sind. Indikationen Gemäß der AO-Kinderklassifikation der suprakondylären Humerusfrakturen vom Typ III und IV: Frakturen, welche nicht geschlossen mittels üblicher Repositionsmethoden reponierbar sind sowie Frakturen, die nicht mittels der üblichen, gekreuzten perkutanen Kirschner-Draht-Technik zu fixieren sind. Bei schweren Schwellungszuständen, offener Fraktur oder initial neurologischen und/oder vaskulären Problemen („pulseless pink hand“) sowie bei mehrfachverletzten Kindern, welche eine optimale Rehabilitation benötigen und die Extremität gipsfrei sein sollte. Bei Kindern mit Komorbiditäten (z. B. Anfälle, Spastizität), die eine bessere Stabilität benötigen. Kontraindikationen Prinzipiell keine Kontraindikationen Operationstechnik Im nichtreponierten Zustand unter Durchleuchtungskontrolle Einbringen einer einzelnen Schanz-Schraube in den lateralen (radialen) Aspekt des distalen Fragments, welches sich in der streng seitlichen Röntgenprojektion als „Sand-Uhr“- bzw. Kreisform des Capitulum humeri darstellt. Je nach Größe dieses distalen Fragments kann die Schanz-Schraube rein epiphysär oder metaphysär liegen. Danach in absolut streng seitlicher Projektion des distalen Humerus im Bereich des meta-diaphysären Übergangs Einbohren einer 2. Schanz-Schraube unabhängig von der Ersten, die möglichst rechtwinklig zur Längsachse des Humerus in der a.-p.-Ebene zu liegen kommen sollte, um spätere Manipulationen mittels „Joy-Stick“-Technik zu erleichtern. Sind die beiden Schanz-Schrauben mehr oder weniger in beiden Ebenen parallel, so ist die Fraktur praktisch anatomisch reponiert. Nach erreichter Reposition Feinjustierung aller Achskomponenten. Sicherung der Flexion/Extension mittels einem von radial, distal eingebrachten sog. Anti-Rotations-Kirschner-Drahts, der die Stabilität signifikant erhöht und eine Drehung des distalen Fragments um die einzelne Schanz-Schraube verhindert. Postoperative Behandlung Keine zusätzliche Gipsruhigstellung notwendig. Es sollte eine funktionelle Nachbehandlung erfolgen. Ergebnisse Gemäß unserer Langzeitstudien bewegen die meisten Kinder bereits zum Zeitpunkt der ambulanten Pin-Entfernung in der Frakturambulanz ihren Ellbogen weitgehend normal. Bei einer Follow-up-Zeit über 40 Monate hatten 30/31 Kindern eine seitengleiche Achse und Beweglichkeit.
CONTEXT Chemical eye injuries are ophthalmological emergencies with a high risk of secondary complications and severe visual loss. Only limited epidemiological data for such injuries are available for many countries. PATIENTS AND METHODS We performed two independent studies. The cause of chemical eye injuries was assessed with a prospective questionnaire study. Questionnaires were sent to all ophthalmologists in Switzerland. A total of 163 patients (205 eyes) were included, between December 2012 and October 2014. Independent of the questionnaire study, the incidence of chemical eye injuries was assessed with a retrospective cohort study design using the database of the mandatory accident insurance. RESULTS Ophthalmological questionnaires revealed that plaster/cement (20.5%), alkaline (12.2%) and acid (10.2%) solutions caused the highest number of chemical injuries. Only 2% of all injuries were classified as grade III and none as grade IV (Roper-Hall classification). The official toxicological information phone-hotline was contacted in 4.3% of cases. Using data from the accident insurance, an incidence of chemical eye injuries of about 50/100 000/year was found in the working population. CONCLUSION Here, we present data on the involved agents of chemical eye injuries in Switzerland, and also the incidence of such injuries in the working population. This may also help to assess the need for further education programs and to improve and direct preventive measures.
INTRODUCTION A prerequisite for development of gingival recession is the presence of alveolar bone dehiscence. Proclination of mandibular incisors can result in thinning of the alveolus and dehiscence formation. OBJECTIVE To assess an association between proclination of mandibular incisor and development of gingival recession. METHODS One hundred and seventeen subjects who met the following inclusion criteria were selected: 1. age 11-14 years at start of orthodontic treatment (TS), 2. bonded retainer placed immediately after treatment (T0), 3. dental casts and lateral cephalograms available pre-treatment (TS), post-treatment (T0), and 5 years post-treatment (T5), and 4. post-treatment (T0) lower incisor inclination (Inc_Incl) <95° or >100.5°. Two groups were formed: non-proclined (N = 57; mean Inc_Incl = 90.8°) and proclined (N = 60; mean Inc_Incl = 105.2°). Clinical crown heights of mandibular incisors and the presence of gingival recession sites in this region were assessed on plaster models. Fisher's exact tests, t-tests, and regression models were computed for analysis of inter-group differences. RESULTS The mean increase of clinical crown heights (from T0 to T5) of mandibular incisors ranged from 0.75 to 0.83mm in the non-proclined and proclined groups, respectively (P = 0.273). At T5, gingival recession sites were present in 12.3% and 11.7% patients from the non-proclined and proclined groups, respectively. The difference was also not significant (P = 0.851). CONCLUSIONS The proclination of mandibular incisors did not increase a risk of development of gingival recession during five-year observation in comparison non-proclined teeth.
Desde la creación del Virreinato del Perú, en el siglo XVI, los arcos, bóvedas y cúpulas se acostumbraban a levantar con piedra y fábrica. Sin embargo estas tierras eran sacudidas periodicamente por terremotos, produciendo el colapso de la mayoría de estas edificaciones. Para el siglo XVII los alarifes ya habían experimentado diversas maneras de levantar bóvedas, sin haberse encontrado una respuesta razonable en términos de tiempo, economía y estabilidad frente a los sismos. En medio de este panorama se produjo la introducción de las bóvedas encamonadas a mediados del siglo XVII, consolidandose en el resto de la centuria hasta el punto de terminar convirtiéndose en un recurso tradicional y de estimada elaboración dentro de la arquitectura virreinal peruana. Las bóvedas encamonadas se realizaban con tablas de madera (camones) que se solapaban entre sí para formar arcos (cerchas), los cuales definían la forma que tendrían las bóvedas, y eran estabilizados lateralmente mediante correas. Sobre los arcos y correas se colocaba un cerramiento que podía ser un entablado, unos listones de madera o simplemente un tendido a base de cañas. En la mayoría de casos se finalizaba con un recubrimiento aislante de barro por el extradós y otro decorativo de yeso por el intradós. Precisamente estas bóvedas constituyen el objeto de la presente tesis, específicamente en su devenir histórico entre los siglos XVII y XVIII en el ámbito territorial del Virreinato del Perú, partiendo del examen de los tratados de arquitectura coetáneos y del estudio de las bóvedas de madera en España, para finalizar con el análisis de las características geométricas y constructivas que lograron definir en ellas los alarifes peruanos. Since the creation of the Viceroyalty of Peru, in the sixteenth century, arches, vaults and domes were accustomed to build with stone and masonry. However, these lands were periodically shaken by earthquakes, causing the collapse of most of these buildings. For the seventeenth century the master masons had already experienced several ways to build vaults, without having found a reasonable response in terms of time, economy and stability against earthquakes. Into this context the master carpenters introduced the wooden vaults since seventeenth century, and this constructive system was consolidated around the rest of the century to the end point of becoming a traditional and estimated resource of the Peruvian colonial architecture. The wooden vaults were made with timber planks (camones) that overlapped each other to form arches (cerchas), which defined the shape of the vaults, and were stabilized laterally by purlins. Above the arches and purlins placed planks, wooden strips or just cane. In most cases ended with a mud plaster insulating the extrados and a decorative gypsum plaster on the intrados. Precisely these vaults are the subject of this thesis, specifically in its historical way between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in the territory of the Viceroyalty of Peru. Since an examination of the architectural treatises and the Spanish wooden vaults, and concluding with the analysis of the geometric and constructive system that Peruvian builders were able to define on them.
Several types of prefabricated elements for partitions and extrados, which improve the similar systems presently in the market, are presented in this research. These elements, manufactured with cork and lightened plaster, can be classified in two well defined groups. The first group is formed by lightened plaster panels for partitions of dimensions 60 x 265 cm (width, height) and of 7cm and 10 cm thickness. In the second group, panels for extrados with the same dimensions are included but with a thickness of 9.5 and 5 cm, including the 3 cm thickness of the incorporated high density expanded polystyrene sheet.
Previously degradation studies carried out, over a number of different mortars by the research team, have shown that observed degradation does not exclusively depend on the solution equilibrium pH, nor the aggressive anions relative solubility. In our tests no reason was found that could allow us to explain, why same solubility anions with a lower pH are less aggressive than others. The aim of this paper is to study cement pastes behavior in aggressive environments. As observed in previous research, this cement pastes behaviors are not easily explained only taking into account only usual parameters, pH, solubility etc. Consequently the paper is about studying if solution physicochemical characteristics are more important in certain environments than specific pH values. The paper tries to obtain a degradation model, which starting from solution physicochemical parameters allows us to interpret the different behaviors shown by different composition cements. To that end, the rates of degradation of the solid phases were computed for each considered environment. Three cement have been studied: CEM I 42.5R/SR, CEM II/A-V 42.5R and CEM IV/B-(P-V) 32.5 N. The pastes have been exposed to five environments: sodium acetate/acetic acid 0.35 M, sodium sulfate solution 0.17 M, a solution representing natural water, saturated calcium hydroxide solution and laboratory environment. The attack mechanism was meant to be unidirectional, in order to achieve so; all sides of cylinders were sealed except from the attacked surface. The cylinders were taking out of the exposition environments after 2, 4, 7, 14, 30, 58 and 90 days. Both aggressive solution variations in solid phases and in different depths have been characterized. To each age and depth the calcium, magnesium and iron contents have been analyzed. Hydrated phases evolution studied, using thermal analysis, and crystalline compound changes, using X ray diffraction have been also analyzed. Sodium sulphate and water solutions stabilize an outer pH near to 8 in short time, however the stability of the most pH dependent phases is not the same. Although having similar pH and existing the possibility of forming a plaster layer near to the calcium leaching surface, this stability is greater than other sulphate solutions. Stability variations of solids formed by inverse diffusion, determine the rate of degradation.
EEn este proyecto se propone un método de ensayo experimental adecuado para diferenciar los morteros de yeso respecto de los de yeso y cal, estableciendo su porcentaje de Ca(OH)2. Se han empleado 3 métodos de ensayo diferentes, siendo el más adecuado el método de determinación del hidróxido de calcio para cales de construcción, contemplado en la norma española UNE-EN 459-2:2010, aunque se han añadido modificaciones para mejorar su aplicabilidad. El método de ensayo experimental propuesto permite calcular el contenido de hidróxido de calcio en porcentaje. ABSTRACT The objective of this project is to find a method from differentiate plaster mortar or lime and plaster mortar, since currently there is not any method to determine this difference. Then, normative methods used on other construction products are analyzed for prove their sensibility to determinate calcium hydroxide, evaluating its repeatability with the existing normative. Too, is evaluating alteration in the method of determination calcium sulfate by adding to the slaked lime, key component in the hydratation of plaster. Following with this work, it is waiting the modification of existing regulation in material plaster. Proposed method, must be approved for prescribers, manufacturers and final clients.
Esta Tesis trata sobre el diseño y desarrollo de un material constructivo de fachada (tras ventilada), empleando plástico reciclado (granza de caucho, de neumáticos fuera de uso) para su elaboración. El uso de materiales reciclados para la elaboración de nuevos materiales constructivos, es a día de hoy, un valor agregado que contribuye tanto a la disminución de desechos tóxicos, como a la fabricación de productos de alta calidad. La investigación partió de la necesidad de comprender qué es un plástico, cómo son producidos, cuáles son los factores que permitían su reciclaje y qué propiedades podrían ser aprovechadas para desarrollar un nuevo material constructivo. En el estado del arte, fueron analizados los aspectos del plástico relacionados a su composición, propiedades, tipologías, producción, consumo, legislación europea y española, reciclaje y valorización energética. Para analizar más profundamente los materiales desarrollados a partir de plásticos reciclados, desde textiles hasta elementos constructivos. Con el conocimiento adquirido mediante este análisis previo, se diseñó una metodología de experimentación, utilizando caucho reciclado y derivados del yeso como agregados, en una matriz de resinas poliméricas reforzada con fibras naturales y sintéticas. Los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos físicos y térmicos, con los elementos producidos, demostraron que el material tiene una excelente resistencia a tensión así como una baja conductividad térmica. Esta investigación, servirá como precedente para el desarrollo de nuevos materiales y sistemas constructivos, utilizando agregados de plástico reciclado, en los procesos de fabricación. Ya que ha comprobado el enorme potencial que ofrecen, creando nuevos materiales, y contribuyendo a reducir la contaminación medio ambiental. "La mayor recompensa de nuestro trabajo no es lo que nos pagan por él, sino aquello en lo que nos convierte". John Ruskin Material compuesto (Composite) de caucho reciclado, fibras y resinas poliméricas. ABSTRACT This thesis deals with the design and development of a new facade construction material using recycled plastic (rubber pellets from used tires) for processing. The use of recycled materials for the development of new building materials, today is an added value which contributes both to the reduction of toxic waste, as well as the processing of products of good quality. The research derives from the need to understand what a plastic is, how they are produced, what the factors that allowed recycling are and what properties can be exploited to develop a new building material. In the prior art, were analyzed plastic aspects related to its composition, properties, typologies, production, consumption, European and Spanish legislation, recycling and energy recovery. To further analyze the materials developed from recycled plastics, from textiles to construction elements. With the knowledge gained from this previous analysis, we designed an experimental approach using recycled rubber and plaster derivatives as aggregates in a polymeric resin matrix reinforced with natural and synthetic fibers. The results obtained in physical and thermal testing, with the elements produced, showed that the material has excellent tensile strength and a low thermal conductivity. This research will serve as a precedent for the development of new materials and building systems, using recycled plastic aggregates in the manufacturing processes. Since it was found the enormous potential, creating new materials, and helping reduce environmental pollution. "The greatest reward of our work is not what we get paid for it, but what they make us."