678 resultados para pellet combustione stufa emissioni
Bibliography: p. 32-33.
In questo lavoro di tesi verrà affrontato uno studio sugli ammassi di galassie che costituiscono le strutture virializzate più grandi dell’Universo. L’analisi delle emissioni provenienti dall’ICM (Intracluster Medium) consente di ottenere informazioni su alcuni dei processi che caratterizzano la dinamica degli ammassi di galassie, come merger e cooling flow, e in particolare di testare le attuali ipotesi sulla formazione ed evoluzione degli ammassi. Le radiazioni provenienti dal gas extragalattico possono essere sia di tipo termico che non termico: le prime causate dal meccanismo di Bremsstrahlung termica e appartenenti alla banda X, le seconde invece dovute prevalentemente dall’emissione di Sincrotrone in banda Radio. Durante lo studio degli ammassi di galassie verranno approfondite le principali radiosorgenti diffuse: Aloni, mini-Aloni e Relitti, focalizzando lo studio su questi ultimi e analizzando un campione di dati ad essi relativi, con lo scopo di trovare un’eventuale correlazione tra alcune delle loro proprietà. La ricerca sugli ammassi di galassie risulta importante in quanto, trattandosi delle più grandi strutture dell’Universo che abbiano raggiunto l’equilibrio viriale, il loro studio risulta un valido strumento per la verifica dell’attuale Modello Cosmologico.
The effects of temperature and food availability on feeding and egg production of the Arctic copepod Calanus hyperboreus were investigated in Disko Bay, western Greenland, from winter to spring 2009. The abundance of females in the near bottom layer and the egg production of C. hyperboreus prior to the spring bloom document that reproduction relies on lipid stores. The maximum in situ egg production (± SE) of 54 ± 8 eggs female/d was recorded in mid-February at chlorophyll a concentrations below 0.1 µg/l, whereas no egg production was observed in mid-April when the spring bloom developed. After reproduction, the females migrated to the surface layer to exploit the bloom and refill their lipid stores. In 2 laboratory experiments, initiated before and during the spring bloom, mature females were kept with and without food at 5 different temperatures ranging from 0 to 10°C and the fecal pellet and egg production were monitored. Food had a clear effect on fecal pellet production but no effect on egg production, while temperature did not have an effect on egg or fecal pellet production in any of the experiments. Analyses of carbon and lipid content of the females before and after the experiments did not reflect any effect of food or temperature in the pre-bloom experiment, whereas in the bloom experiment a clear positive effect of food was detected in female biochemical profiles. The lack of a temperature response suggests a future warmer ocean could be unfavorable for C. hyperboreus compared to smaller Calanus spp. which are reported to exploit minor temperature elevations for increased egg production.
Il presente elaborato di tesi si concretizza in un inquadramento generale relativo alle emissioni odorigene: cosa sono, i riferimenti normativi, come si misurano. Si è poi fatto riferimento a un caso reale, ovvero un impianto operante nella lavorazione dei semi oleosi che ha subito una modifica della propria configurazione impiantistica. Le emisisoni odorigene sono state modellate, mediante l'utilizzo del software Calpuff, in relazione a due stati: prima e dopo la modifica. Questo ha permesso di fare un confronto in termini di impatto sull'ambiente.
Le prestazioni dei motori a combustione interna sono fortemente influenzate dalla formazione di un film fluido, a seguito dell'impatto di uno spray con una parete. Nell'ottica di favorire la formazione della miscela e di ridurre le emissioni, lo studio approfondito di tale fenomeno deve essere supportato da un processo di simulazione assistita dal calcolatore. Pertanto, la Fluidodinamica Computazionale (Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD) ed i modelli ad essa associati rappresentano al giorno d'oggi uno strumento vantaggioso e sempre più utilizzato. In questo ambito si colloca il presente lavoro di tesi, che si propone di validare il modello di film fluido implementato nel software OpenFOAM-2.3.0, confrontando i risultati ottenuti, in termini di altezza del film fluido, con quelli del caso sperimentale di Le Coz et al.
We analyze a real data set pertaining to reindeer fecal pellet-group counts obtained from a survey conducted in a forest area in northern Sweden. In the data set, over 70% of counts are zeros, and there is high spatial correlation. We use conditionally autoregressive random effects for modeling of spatial correlation in a Poisson generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), quasi-Poisson hierarchical generalized linear model (HGLM), zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP), and hurdle models. The quasi-Poisson HGLM allows for both under- and overdispersion with excessive zeros, while the ZIP and hurdle models allow only for overdispersion. In analyzing the real data set, we see that the quasi-Poisson HGLMs can perform better than the other commonly used models, for example, ordinary Poisson HGLMs, spatial ZIP, and spatial hurdle models, and that the underdispersed Poisson HGLMs with spatial correlation fit the reindeer data best. We develop R codes for fitting these models using a unified algorithm for the HGLMs. Spatial count response with an extremely high proportion of zeros, and underdispersion can be successfully modeled using the quasi-Poisson HGLM with spatial random effects.
Iron ore concentrate pellets have the potential to fracture and abrade during transportation and handling, which produces unwanted fine particulates and dust. Consequently, pellet producers characterize the abrasion resistance of their pellets, using an Abrasion Index (AI), to indicate whether their products will produce unacceptable levels of fines. However, no one has ever investigated whether the AI correlates to pellet dustiness. During the course of this research, we investigated the relationship between AI and iron ore concentrate pellet dustiness using a wide range of industrial and laboratory pellet samples. The results showed that, in general, AI can be used to indicate high levels of dust. However, for good-quality pellets, there was no correlation between the two. Thus, dust generation from shipping and handling pellets will depend on the quantity of pellets handled and how much they are handled. These results also showed that the type of industrial furnace used to harden iron ore concentrate pellets may affect their fines generation and potential dustiness.
Il presente lavoro di tesi riguarda lo studio di un modello di stima delle emissioni per la previsione della contaminazione ambientale in aria. Il lavoro è stato svolto all’interno del DICAM dell’Università di Bologna attraverso il supporto del relatore Giacomo Antonioni e dei correlatori Ada Saracino e Gigliola Spadoni. L’applicazione modellistica, attraverso l’uso del software CALPUFF, ha trattato le emissioni del camino E312 della sezione Agglomerazione dello stabilimento siderurgico ILVA di Taranto nell’anno 2015. Gli inquinanti simulati sono quelli per i quali lo SME fornisce il flusso di massa: SO2, NOx, PM. Le polveri sono state considerate completamente costituite da polveri PM10 e per esse si è calcolata la concentrazione al suolo e la deposizione. A partire dai risultati per le polveri, ipotizzando che siano in parte veicolati da esse, sono state valutate anche le concentrazioni e le deposizioni di Diossine. Della configurazione modellistica “ottimale” sono stati presentati: ▪ Per i macroinquinanti le medie annue di concentrazione al suolo, e quindi, la dispersione degli inquinanti. ▪ Per i microinquinanti i valori massimi di concentrazione annua e di deposizione ottenuti nell’area di studio. Nel caso in esame, lo studio è stato riferito alla rete deposimetrica di gestione ILVA (per mancanza di dati deposimetrici della rete di gestione ARPA). In particolare è stato preso in considerazione il deposimetro del quartiere Tamburi a fronte delle criticità rilevate nei mesi di Novembre 2014 e Febbraio 2015, tale per cui, visti gli elevatissimi valori di deposizione, vista la notevole importanza che i dati deposimetrici hanno rispetto al rischio sanitario per ingestione, è stata aperta un’indagine della procura che ha affidato l’analisi a ARPA PUGLIA congiunta con l’ISPRA (che ne ha mandato ministeriale) e la Regione Puglia. A fronte di tali episodi, il seguente studio ha voluto fornire un resoconto deposimetrico per l’anno 2015.
Tecnologie per l'implementazione dell'iniezione diretta di benzina in motori ad accensione comandata
In questo elaborato sono stati analizzati i vantaggi di un motore benzina GDI rispetto ad un motore PFI, studiando in particolar modo le tecnologie per la formazione della miscela omogenea e stratificata, le configurazioni spray-guided, wall-guided e air-guided della camera di combustione, i principali iniettori utilizzati e le loro caratteristiche. Inoltre è stato eseguito un approfondimento sui parametri che influenzano maggiormente l'emissione di inquinanti come la fasatura delle valvole, la posizione dell'iniettore e l'iniezione multipla, cercando di ottimizzarli in funzione delle nuove normative europee relative alle emissioni per i motori benzina. Infine è stata verificata l'efficienza dell'applicazione del filtro antiparticolato per motori benzina ad iniezione diretta (GPF).
Nell'ambito dei motori ad accensione comandata, la comprensione del processo di accensione e delle prime fasi di sviluppo del kernel è di primaria importanza per lo studio dell'intero processo di combustione, dal momento che questi determinano lo sviluppo successivo del fronte di fiamma. Dal punto di vista fisico, l'accensione coinvolge un vasto numero di fenomeni di natura molto complessa, come processi di ionizzazione e passaggio di corrente nei gas: molti di questi avvengono con tempi caratteristici che ne impediscono la simulazione tramite le attuali tecniche CFD. Si rende pertanto necessario sviluppare modelli semplificati che possano descrivere correttamente il fenomeno, a fronte di tempi di calcolo brevi. In quest'ottica, il presente lavoro di tesi punta a fornire una descrizione accurata degli aspetti fisici dell'accensione, cercando di metterne in evidenza gli aspetti principali e le criticità. A questa prima parte di carattere prettamente teorico, segue la presentazione del modello di accensione sviluppato presso il DIN dell'Università di Bologna dal Prof. Bianche e dall'Ing. Falfari e la relativa implementazione tramite il nuovo codice CONVERGE CFD: la validazione è infine condotta riproducendo un caso test ben noto il letteratura, che mostrerà un buon accordo tra valori numerici e sperimentali a conferma della validità del modello.
The purpose of this study was to know the effect of utilization of various kinds of binders in the making of complete diet that was made of several species of forages that was viewed from its physical properties (hardness and durability). There were two formulations of complete feed and four kinds of binders a pelleting machine was used in this study. Factorially, based on Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used with feed formulation (A) with two levels namely elephant grass and the leaves of leucaena (a1) and rice straw and peanut straw (a2) as the sources of forage as the first factor, and the kinds of binders (B) with 3 % levels of each binders. Four levels of binders namely b0 (without binder), b1 (lignosulphonate), b2 (bentonite) and b3 (CMC) were as the second factor. There were 3 replications in each treatment combination. Based on the results of this study, it was conclude that the hardness of pellets of complete feed was affected by feed formulations based on different kinds of forage and pellets binders, but not for durability of the pellets. The highest value of hardness was achieved by a1b1 formulation. (Animal Production 6(1): 43-48 (2004) Key Words: Hardness, Durability, Complete Feed Pellet
To date, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from various tissues have been reported, but the yield and differentiation potential of different tissue-derived MSCs is still not clear. This study was undertaken in an attempt to investigate the multilineage stem cell potential of bone and cartilage explant cultures in comparison with bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). The results showed that the surface antigen expression of tissue-derived cells was consistent with that of mesenchymal stem cells, such as lacking the haematopoietic and common leukocyte markers (CD34, CD45) while expressing markers related to adhesion (CD29, CD166) and stem cells (CD90, CD105). The tissue-derived cells were able to differentiate into osteoblast, chondrocyte and adipocyte lineage pathways when stimulated in the appropriate differentiating conditions. However, compared with BMSCs, tissue-derived cells showed less capacity for multilineage differentiation when the level of differentiation was assessed in monolayer culture by analysing the expression of tissue-specific genes by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and histology. In high density pellet cultures, tissue-derived cells were able to differentiate into chondrocytes, expressing chondrocyte markers such as proteoglycans, type II collagen and aggrecan. Taken together, these results indicate that cells derived from tissue explant cultures reserved certain degree of differentiation properties of MSCs in vitro.
Osteophytes form through the process of chondroid metamorphosis of fibrous tissue followed by endochondral ossification. Osteophytes have been found to consist of three different mesenchymal tissue regions including endochondral bone formation within cartilage residues, intra-membranous bone formation within fibrous tissue and bone formation within bone marrow spaces. All these features provide evidence of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) involvement in osteophyte formation; nevertheless, it remains to be characterised. MSC from numerous mesenchymal tissues have been isolated but bone marrow remains the “ideal” due to the ease of ex vivo expansion and multilineage potential. However, the bone marrow stroma has a relatively low number of MSC, something that necessitates the need for long-term culture and extensive population doublings in order to obtain a sufficient number of cells for therapeutic applications. MSC in vitro have limited proliferative capacity and extensive passaging compromises differentiation potential. To overcome this barrier, tissue derived MSC are of strong interest for extensive study and characterisation, with a focus on their potential application in therapeutic tissue regeneration. To date, no MSC type cell has been isolated from osteophyte tissue, despite this tissue exhibiting all the hallmark features of a regenerative tissue. Therefore, this study aimed to isolate and characterise cells from osteophyte tissues in relation to their phenotype, differentiation potential, immuno-modulatory properties, proliferation, cellular ageing, longevity and chondrogenesis in in vitro defect model in comparison to patient matched bone marrow stromal cells (bMSC). Osteophyte derived cells were isolated from osteophyte tissue samples collected during knee replacement surgery. These cells were characterised by the expression of cell surface antigens, differentiation potential into mesenchymal lineages, growth kinetics and modulation of allo-immune responses. Multipotential stem cells were identified from all osteophyte samples namely osteophyte derived mesenchymal stem cells (oMSC). Extensively expanded cell cultures (passage 4 and 9 respectively) were used to confirm cytogenetic stability and study signs of cellular aging, telomere length and telomerase activity. Cultured cells at passage 4 were used to determine 84 pathway focused stem cell related gene expression profile. Micro mass pellets were cultured in chondrogenic differentiation media for 21 days for phenotypic and chondrogenic related gene expression. Secondly, cell pellets differentiated overnight were placed into articular cartilage defects and cultured for further 21 days in control medium and chondrogenic medium to study chondrogenesis and cell behaviour. The surface antigen expression of oMSC was consistent with that of mesenchymal stem cells, such as lacking the haematopoietic and common leukocyte markers (CD34, CD45) while expressing those related to adhesion (CD29, CD166, CD44) and stem cells (CD90, CD105, CD73). The proliferation capacity of oMSC in culture was superior to that of bMSC, and they readily differentiated into tissues of the mesenchymal lineages. oMSC also demonstrated the ability to suppress allogeneic T-cell proliferation, which was associated with the expression of tryptophan degrading enzyme indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase (IDO). Cellular aging was more prominent in late passage bMSC than in oMSC. oMSC had longer telomere length in late passages compared with bMSC, although there was no significant difference in telomere lengths in the early passages in either cell type. Telomerase activity was detectable only in early passage oMSC and not in bMSC. In osteophyte tissues telomerase positive cells were found to be located peri vascularly and were Stro-1 positive. Eighty-four pathway-focused genes were investigated and only five genes (APC, CCND2, GJB2, NCAM and BMP2) were differentially expressed between bMSC and oMSC. Chondrogenically induced micro mass pellets of oMSC showed higher staining intensity for proteoglycans, aggrecan and collagen II. Differential expression of chondrogenic related genes showed up regulation of Aggrecan and Sox 9 in oMSC and collagen II in bMSC. The in vitro defect models of oMSC in control medium showed rounded and aggregated cells staining positively for proteoglycan and presence of some extracellular matrix. In contrast, defects with bMSC showed fragmentation and loss of cells, fibroblast-like cell morphology staining positively for proteoglycans. For defects maintained in chondrogenic medium, rounded, aggregated and proteoglycan positive cells were found in both oMSC and bMSC cultures. Extracellular matrix and cellular integration into newly formed matrix was evident only in oMSC defects. For analysis of chondrocyte hypertrophy, strong expression of type X collagen could be noticed in the pellet cultures and transplanted bMSC. In summary, this study demonstrated that osteophyte derived cells had similar properties to mesenchymal stem cells in the expression of antigen phenotype, differential potential and suppression of allo-immune response. Furthermore, when compared to bMSC, oMSC maintained a higher proliferative capacity due to a retained level of telomerase activity in vitro, which may account for the relatively longer telomeres delaying growth arrest by replicative senescence compared with bMSC. oMSC behaviour in defects supported chondrogenesis which implies that cells derived from regenerative tissue can be an alternative source of stem cells and have a potential clinical application for therapeutic stem cell based tissue regeneration.