316 resultados para pedestrians


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The objective of this work is to present an index which may synthesize a set of indicators of mobility for medium size cities urban centers. Three great areas were selected to compose the mobility index: pedestrians, motor vehicles and cycling. The Sampling Mobility Index is given by the sum of the punctuation the indicators selected and can to result in 700 points, the best result to mobility, and 0 points, the worse to mobility. The result obtained is given by the Sampling Mobility Index equal to 390. This result indicates a critical situation in Assis, as far as mobility is concerned. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: An epidemiological study of the mortality rates by injuries in São José do Rio Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil, has been carried out. The period considered is 1996-1998. Objectives: To show injuries mortality rates in São José do Rio Preto-SP in 1996-98. Methods: The study was based on official data from the Mortality Information Service of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, and in a survey based on data from medical forensic examiners (IML). Software Epinfo6.0 and Tabwin was utilized for data analises. Results: The results were compared to values obtained in the literature for the other cities of São Paulo and Brazil. In the case of São José do Rio Preto, was observed a decrease in the number of deaths associated with external causes in the period, but particularly in deaths due to traffic accidents with motor vehicles an increase in cases of pedestrians killed by hit-and-run drivers, that is much larger than the corresponding values for Brazil and for the State of São Paulo. The study showed increase in rates of homicides, mainly in the 15 to 39 years age group. Conclusion: This result suggests that is important to start programs to reduce the number of deaths by injuries, as well as the necessity of monitoring locally all these data.


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The disposal of solid waste can create environmental problems, in addition to the potential risk of instability even in planned geotechnical works, such as provisions in stacks or high ends of the landfill, because they represent mere adjustments in civil engineering works. The Leme city, SP, generates about 35 t/day of municipal waste, that are deposited in a landfill located in the Barro Preto neighborhood. This work conducted a geophysical survey, based on geotechnical instability evidence in area, for analysis of the conditioners that cause on the sides leachate resurgence landfill and its relationship to mass movements and ravines installation in cover soil, with consequent waste exposure. The results indicate horizons of low resistivity connected with resurgence points generated by the organic matter decomposition contained in the waste. Such horizons result in leachate concentration in some places, which, in turn, may lead to loss of cohesion of the materials constituting the residues mass. The results are areas with mass flow by rotational movements, which, together with the surface flow of rainwater, evolves into ravines and exposed residues, preferably at the resurgence point. The leachate flow on the surface affects areas beyond the limits at landfill with direct impact on local agriculture and risk to pedestrians using the highway bordered by the landfill beyond the soil and the local aquifer.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A Organizaçãao Mundial da Sáude caracteriza o trânsito como um problema de sáude pública, motivo pelo qual se justificam as preocupações e os esforços de diversos países em criar políticas que venham a frear os índices cada vez mais crescentes de acidentes de trânsito que trazem prejuízos sociais e financeiros a todos. Neste sentido, a conservação da infraestrutura das rodovias ganha um papel relevante nas discussões que tratam os acidentes e suas causas, vez que a infraestrutura de uma rodovia pode ser apontada como um fator determinante para tais ocorrências. Diante disto, esta dissertação tem como objetivo investigar de que forma a precariedade estrutural da Rodovia Federal BR 316, entre os quilômetros 0 ao 10, potencializou a ocorrência de acidentes de trânsito nos anos de 2009 a 2012. Para tanto, lançou-se mão de uma metodologia baseada em explorações teóricas aliadas a análise de informações provenientes do banco de dados da Polícia Rodoviária Federal e pesquisa de campo, materializada a partir da apresentação de fotos ilustrativas do trecho pesquisado, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de um novo Índice de Qualidade para a Rodovia. Os dados colhidos foram tratados a partir da aplicação das técnicas estatísticas análise descritiva e análise multivariada a fim de confirmar a hipótese suscitada. Destaque-se que, no trecho pesquisado o fluxo de veículos e pedestres é intenso e, além, é um intervalo quilométrico que apresenta diversos problemas estruturais como, por exemplo, o aumento e a diminuição do número de pistas de rolamento, a má qualidade dos retornos, a falta de segurança e higiene das passarelas, a descontinuidade dos acostamentos, a inadequação das paradas de ônibus, enfim. No que tange à acidentes e às suas causas, pôde-se constatar que no ano de 2010 houveram mais ocorrências, especialmente, do tipo colisão com bicicleta, colisão com objeto móvel, colisão frontal e colisão transversal, motivadas por desobediência à sinalização, velocidade incompatível, ingestão de álcool, dentre outros. Finalmente, deve-se ressaltar o fato de que nos trechos considerados ruins, além da falta de atenção, a principal causa de acidentes é o defeito na via, corroborando-se então, a hipótese que a precariedade da infraestrutura da rodovia potencializou as ocorrências de acidentes de trânsito, no período de 2009 a 2012. Diante disto, é possível afirmar que o acidente de trânsito é um fato social, consubstanciando como um problema que abarca aspectos sociopolíticos e culturais da sociedade moderna, mas que também é potencializado pelo estado de conservação estrutural das Rodovias.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article is the product of research that analyzed the work of bus drivers of a public transportation company that is considered a benchmark reference in its field of operations, in which it strives to achieve operating excellence. Within this context, the authors sought to understand how such a company has managed to maintain a policy that is capable of reconciling quality public transport while also providing working conditions compatible with the professional development, comfort and health of its workers. Ergonomic work analysis and activity analysis were the guiding elements used in this study. Initial analyses indicate that the activity of drivers includes serving a population and providing mobility for it, which depends on driving the vehicle itself and on relationships with colleagues, users, pedestrians, drivers and others.


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[ES] Si educar es transmitir experiencias vividas para favorecer la convivencia social, esa labor se puede llevar a cabo en numerosos campos sociales, constituyendo el de la Seguridad Vial, uno de ellos. [EN] To speak of education is to speak of culture, of transmission of knowledge and health habits for coexistence but, the meaning that locks up this term goes beyond what in principle could seem: it includes different fields, particularly the one from Road Security which is about the norms that regulate drivers and pedestrians’ conduct. It is in this scope where education plays an excellent role in the sense that it constitutes a suitable instrument to teach road norms and values favouring coexistence in road behavior.


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Road traffic accidents (RTA) are an important cause of premature death. We examined socio-demographic and geographical determinants of RTA mortality in Switzerland by linking 2000 census data to RTA mortality records 2000-2005 (ICD-10 codes V00-V99). Data from 5.5 million residents aged 18-94 years, 1744 study areas, and 1620 RTA deaths were analyzed, including 978 deaths (60.4%) in motor vehicle occupants, 254 (15.7%) in motorcyclists, 107 (6.6%) in cyclists, and 259 (16.0%) in pedestrians. Weibull survival models and Bayesian methods were used to calculate hazard ratios (HR), and standardized mortality ratios (SMR) across study areas. Adjusted HR comparing women with men ranged from 0.04 (95% CI 0.02-0.07) in motorcyclists to 0.43 (95% CI 0.32-0.56) in pedestrians. There was a u-shaped relationship with age in motor vehicle occupants and motorcyclists. In cyclists and pedestrians, mortality increased after age 55 years. Mortality was higher in individuals with primary education (HR 1.53; 95% CI 1.29-1.81), and higher in single (HR 1.24; 95% CI 1.05-1.46), widowed (HR 1.31; 95% CI 1.05-1.65) and divorced individuals (HR 1.62; 95% CI 1.33-1.97), compared to persons with tertiary education or married persons. The association with education was particularly strong for pedestrians (HR 1.87; 95% CI 1.20-2.91). RTA mortality increased with decreasing population density of study areas for motor vehicle occupants (test for trend p<0.0001) and motorcyclists (p=0.0021) but not for cyclists (p=0.39) or pedestrians (p=0.29). SMR standardized for socio-demographic and geographical variables ranged from 82 to 190. Prevention efforts should aim to reduce inequities across socio-demographic and educational groups, and across geographical areas, with interventions targeted at high-risk groups and areas, and different traffic users, including pedestrians.


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The examination of traffic accidents is daily routine in forensic medicine. An important question in the analysis of the victims of traffic accidents, for example in collisions between motor vehicles and pedestrians or cyclists, is the situation of the impact. Apart from forensic medical examinations (external examination and autopsy), three-dimensional technologies and methods are gaining importance in forensic investigations. Besides the post-mortem multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the documentation and analysis of internal findings, highly precise 3D surface scanning is employed for the documentation of the external body findings and of injury-inflicting instruments. The correlation of injuries of the body to the injury-inflicting object and the accident mechanism are of great importance. The applied methods include documentation of the external and internal body and the involved vehicles and inflicting tools as well as the analysis of the acquired data. The body surface and the accident vehicles with their damages were digitized by 3D surface scanning. For the internal findings of the body, post-mortem MSCT and MRI were used. The analysis included the processing of the obtained data to 3D models, determination of the driving direction of the vehicle, correlation of injuries to the vehicle damages, geometric determination of the impact situation and evaluation of further findings of the accident. In the following article, the benefits of the 3D documentation and computer-assisted, drawn-to-scale 3D comparisons of the relevant injuries with the damages to the vehicle in the analysis of the course of accidents, especially with regard to the impact situation, are shown on two examined cases.


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In traffic accidents with pedestrians, cyclists or motorcyclists, patterned impact injuries as well as marks on clothes can be matched to the injury-causing vehicle structure in order to reconstruct the accident and identify the vehicle which has hit the person. Therefore, the differentiation of the primary impact injuries from other injuries is of great importance. Impact injuries can be identified on the external injuries of the skin, the injured subcutaneous and fat tissue, as well as the fractured bones. Another sign of impact is a bone bruise. The bone bruise, or occult bone lesion, means a bleeding in the subcortical bone marrow, which is presumed to be the result of micro-fractures of the medullar trabeculae. The aim of this study was to prove that bleeding in the subcortical bone marrow of the deceased can be detected using the postmortem noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging. This is demonstrated in five accident cases, four involving pedestrians and one a cyclist, where bone bruises were detected in different bones as a sign of impact occurring in the same location as the external and soft tissue impact injuries.