858 resultados para offender rehabilitation programs


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Study Design. A comparative study of trunk and hip extensor muscle recruitment patterns in 2 subject groups. Objective. To examine for changes in recruitment of the hip and back extensor muscles during low level isometric trunk rotation efforts in chronic low back pain (CLBP) subjects by comparison with matched asymptomatic control subjects. Summary of Background Data. Anatomic and biomechanical models have provided evidence that muscles attaching to the thoracolumbar fascia (TLF) are important for providing stabilization to the lumbopelvic region during trunk rotation. This has guided rehabilitation programs. The muscles that link diagonally to the posterior layer of the TLF have not previously been examined individually and compared during low-level trunk rotation efforts in CLBP patients and matched controls. Methods. Thirty CLBP patients and 30 matched controls were assessed using surface electromyography (EMG) as they performed low-level isometric rotation efforts while standing upright. Muscles studied included latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, upper and lower gluteus maximus, and biceps femoris. Subjects performed the rotation exertion with various levels of external trunk support, related to different functional tasks. Results. EMG results demonstrated that subjects with CLBP had significantly higher levels of recruitment for the lower and upper gluteus maximus (P < 0.05), hamstrings (P < 0.05), and erector spinae muscles (P < 0.05) during rotation to the left compared with the control subjects. Conclusion. This study provided evidence of increased muscle recruitment in CLBP patients when performing a standardized trunk rotation task. These results may have implications for the design of therapeutic exercise programs for CLBP patients.


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Several determinants of fear of falling (FoF) and low balance confidence overlap with the consequences/complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). FoF is strongly associated with low balance confidence, and balance confidence mediates the relationship between FoF and balance and physical function. The purpose of this thesis was two-fold: (1) to examine the prevalence, severity and determinants of FoF in older adults (aged≥65) with DM, and (2) to evaluate the validity of the short version of the Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale (ABC-6) and its association with balance and postural control in older adults with DM. Three separate studies were conducted of older adults with DM (DM-group) and without DM (noDM-group). Study I revealed that although FoF prevalence adjusted for age and sex was not different between-groups, the DM-group had 8.8% fewer participants in the low and 8.4% more in the high Falls-Efficacy Scale International categories when compared to the noDM-group. Higher FoF severity in the DM-group was associated with poor physical performance, being female, fall history and clinical depressive symptoms. Study II provided evidence of convergent, discriminant and concurrent validity of the ABC-6 for use in older adults with DM with and without diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Notably, the ABC-6 was more sensitive in detecting subtle differences in balance confidence between the DM-group and noDM-group when compared to the original ABC scale (ABC-16), and can be administered in less time. Study III explored balance confidence (ABC-6) and its association with balance and postural control in older adults with DM. Subtle differences in axial segmental control (i.e., lower trunk roll velocity and higher head-trunk correlations) while walking and lower balance confidence were apparent in the DM-group, even in the absence of DPN, when compared to the noDM-group. Balance confidence partially explained the variance in head-trunk stiffening between-groups, and consequently low balance confidence in older adults with DM may contribute to the dependence on postural control strategies that are normally only utilized in high-risk situations. Findings from this thesis will help to guide the development of protocols for screening and intervention recommendations of patient education and targeted rehabilitation programs for older adults with DM.


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Pavements tend to deteriorate with time under repeated traffic and/or environmental loading. By detecting pavement distresses and damage early enough, it is possible for transportation agencies to develop more effective pavement maintenance and rehabilitation programs and thereby achieve significant cost and time savings. The structural health monitoring (SHM) concept can be considered as a systematic method for assessing the structural state of pavement infrastructure systems and documenting their condition. Over the past several years, this process has traditionally been accomplished through the use of wired sensors embedded in bridge and highway pavement. However, the use of wired sensors has limitations for long-term SHM and presents other associated cost and safety concerns. Recently, micro-electromechanical sensors and systems (MEMS) and nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS) have emerged as advanced/smart-sensing technologies with potential for cost-effective and long-term SHM. This two-pronged study evaluated the performance of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) MEMS sensors embedded in concrete pavement (Final Report Volume I) and developed a wireless MEMS multifunctional sensor system for health monitoring of concrete pavement (Final Report Volume II).


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Résumé : Problématique : Le trouble de la personnalité limite (TPL) est une condition psychiatrique touchant environ 1 % de la population et 20 % de la clientèle recevant des services en psychiatrie (Gunderson et Links, 2008). L’un des domaines du fonctionnement dans la vie quotidienne le plus touché chez cette population est le travail (Gunderson et al., 2011; Larivière et al., 2010; Zanarini et al., 2012). À notre connaissance, aucune étude n’a décrit de façon approfondie la participation au travail des personnes présentant un TPL. Objectif : L’objectif général de cette étude vise à identifier et à décrire les obstacles, les facilitateurs de même que les solutions possibles de la participation au travail des personnes présentant un TPL selon leur point de vue et celui de leurs intervenants. Méthodologie : Une étude de cas multiples a été utilisée (Yin, 2009). Neuf cas ont été étudiés selon trois contextes socioprofessionnels de la participation au travail : A. Réintégration (personne en invalidité), B. Retour (personne en absence maladie) et C. Maintien au travail. Pour chacun des contextes, trois dyades incluant une personne avec un TPL (âgée de 18 à 55 ans) et son intervenant soutenant la participation au travail ont été interviewées. Résultats: Les résultats qualitatifs (n = 18) ont démontré que la participation au travail des personnes présentant un TPL est influencée par des facteurs individuels (p. ex., la réaction face à la pression et aux relations de travail, la régulation émotionnelle) ainsi que des facteurs liés aux acteurs et procédures des systèmes de l’assurance, organisationnel et de la santé (p. ex., la collaboration et la communication entre les acteurs, l’alliance de travail entre les acteurs et la personne présentant un TPL, les mesures d’accommodement et de soutien naturel dans le milieu de travail). Conclusions et implication clinique : Cette étude met en lumière le défi important et spécifique que représente la participation au travail pour les personnes présentant un TPL. Elle implique des facteurs personnels et environnementaux qui doivent être considérés par tous les acteurs impliqués (les utilisateurs de services, les professionnels de la santé, les assureurs et les employeurs). Les programmes de réadaptation au travail actuels devraient être bonifiés et coordonnés adéquatement avec les thérapies spécialisées afin d’aborder de manière optimale les enjeux liés à la participation au travail des personnes présentant un TPL.


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ntrodução: A cirurgia cardíaca pode ser definida como um processo de restauração e restituição das capacidades vitais, compatíveis com a capacidade funcional do coração dos pacientes que já apresentavam previamente doenças cardíacas. Dado o número crescente de pacientes submetidos a esta intervenção, torna-se pertinente a existência de programas de reabilitação para promoverem uma recuperação precoce após o evento cirúrgico. Objetivo: Identificar os efeitos da reabilitação na pessoa submetida a cirurgia cardíaca. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura com base na evidência científica encontrada. Foram utilizadas como referências publicações em inglês, português e castelhano, publicados desde janeiro de 2005 a dezembro de 2015, contidas nas seguintes bases de dados eletrónicas: CINAHL Plus with Full Text; MEDLINE with Full Text; MedicLatina; Pubmed; Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Academic Search Complete (via EBSCO); Scielo; no Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal (RCAAP). Resultados: Da análise dos 23 artigos é evidente a influência que os programas de reabilitação cardíaca têm para minimizar as complicações, em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca. A reabilitação permite uma melhor qualidade de vida após a cirurgia, melhora as alterações físicas e psíquicas, níveis de ansiedade e depressão, entre outros. Esta pode ser implementada de forma segura, em diferentes meios e nas suas distintas fases. Conclusões: Com base na evidência científica que é categórica na confirmação dos benefícios e dos efeitos preventivos, percebe-se que a intervenção da reabilitação permite diminuir as complicações dos pacientes submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca e melhora a capacidade funcional com benefícios fisiológicos e psicológicos, resultando em melhoria da qualidade de vida.


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Hintergrund: Die koronare Herzkrankheit (KHK) ist eine häufige und potenziell tödliche Erkrankung mit einer Lebenszeitprävalenz von über 20%. Allein in Deutschland wird die Zahl der durch die ischämische Herzerkrankung und des akuten Myokardinfarkts jährlich verursachten Todesfälle auf etwa 140.000 geschätzt. Ein Zusammenhang eng mit dem Lebensstil verbundener Risikofaktoren mit Auftreten und Prognose der KHK ist nachgewiesen. Durch Maßnahmen der nichtmedikamentösen Sekundärprävention wird versucht, diese Risikofaktoren positiv zu verändern sowie die KHK im Gegensatz zu palliativen interventionellen Therapiestrategien kausal zu behandeln. Zur Wirksamkeit der nichtmedikamentösen sekundärpräventiven Maßnahmen liegt eine ganze Reihe von Einzelstudien und -untersuchungen vor, eine systematische Analyse, die die Evidenz aller hauptsächlich angewandten Sekundärpräventionsstrategien zusammenfasst, fehlt unseres Wissens nach bislang jedoch. Auch eine Auswertung vorhandener Studien zur Kosten-Effektivität der Maßnahmen ist hierbei zu integieren. Fragestellung: Ziel dieses HTA-Berichts (HTA=Health Technology Assessment) ist die Erstellung einer umfassenden Übersicht der aktuellen Literatur zu nichtmedikamentösen Sekundärpräventionsmaßnahmen in der Behandlung der KHK, um diese Maßnahmen und deren Komponenten bezüglich ihrer medizinischen Wirksamkeit sowie Wirtschaftlichkeit zu beurteilen. Weiterhin sollen die ethischen, sozialen und rechtlichen Aspekte der nichtmedikamentösen Sekundärprävention und die Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse auf den deutschen Versorgungsalltag untersucht werden. Methodik: Relevante Publikationen werden über eine strukturierte und hochsensitive Datenbankrecherche sowie mittels Handrecherche identifiziert. Die Literaturrecherche wird in vier Einzelsuchen zu medizinischen, gesundheitsökonomischen, ethischen und juristischen Themen am 18.09.2008 durchgeführt und erstreckt sich über die vergangenen fünf Jahre. Die methodische Qualität der Publikationen wird von jeweils zwei unabhängigen Gutachtern unter Beachtung von Kriterien der evidenzbasierten Medizin (EbM) systematisch geprüft. Ergebnisse: Von insgesamt 9.074 Treffern erfüllen 43 medizinische Publikationen die Selektionskriterien, mit einem Nachbeobachtungszeitraum zwischen zwölf und 120 Monaten. Insgesamt ist die Studienqualität zufriedenstellend, allerdings berichtet nur ca. die Hälfte der Studien differenziert die Gesamtmortalität, während die übrigen Studien andere Outcomemaße verwenden. Die Wirksamkeit einzelner Sekundärpräventionsmaßnahmen stellt sich als sehr heterogen dar. Insgesamt kann langfristig eine Reduktion der kardialen sowie der Gesamtmortalität und der Häufigkeit kardialer Ereignisse sowie eine Erhöhung der Lebensqualität beobachtet werden. Vor allem für trainingsbasierte und multimodale Interventionen ist eine effektive Reduktion der Mortalität zu beobachten, während psychosoziale Interventionen besonders in Bezug auf eine Erhöhung der Lebensqualität effektiv zu sein scheinen. Für die ökonomischen Auswertungen werden 26 Publikationen identifiziert, die von ihrer Themenstellung und Studienart dem hier betrachteten Kontext zugeordnet werden können. Insgesamt kann festgestellt werden, dass sich die Studienlage zur multimodalen Rehabilitation sowohl bezüglich ihrer Menge als auch Qualität der Analysen besser darstellt, als dies für Evaluationen von Einzelmaßnahmen beobachtet werden kann. Die internationale Literatur bestätigt den multimodalen Ansätzen dabei zwar ein gutes Verhältnis von Kosten und Effektivität, untersucht jedoch nahezu ausschließlich ambulante oder häuslichbasierte Maßnahmen. Die Auswertung der Studien, die einzelne sich mit präventiven Maßnahmen in Hinblick auf ihre Kosten-Effektivität beschäftigen, ergibt lediglich positive Tendenzen für Interventionen der Raucherentwöhnung und des körperlichen Trainings. Im Hinblick auf psychosoziale Maßnahmen sowie auch die Ernährungsumstellung können aufgrund der unzureichenden Studienlage jedoch keine Aussagen über die Kosten-Effektivität getroffen werden. Insgesamt werden im Rahmen der Betrachtung sozialer Aspekte der nichtmedikamentösen Sekundärprävention elf Publikationen einbezogen. Die relativ neuen Studien bestätigen, dass Patienten mit niedrigem sozioökonomischen Status insgesamt schlechtere Ausgangsbedingungen und demnach einen spezifischen Bedarf an rehabilitativer Unterstützung haben. Gleichzeitig sind sich die Forscher jedoch uneinig, ob gerade diese Patientengruppe relativ häufiger oder seltener an den Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen teilnimmt. Bezüglich der Barrieren, die Patienten von der Teilnahme an den präventiven Maßnahmen abhalten, werden psychologische Faktoren, physische Einschränkungen aber auch gesellschaftliche und systemisch-orientierte Einflüsse genannt. Diskussion: Nichtmedikamentöse Sekundärpräventionsmaßnahmen sind sicher und in der Lage eine Reduktion der Mortalität sowie der Häufigkeit kardialer Ereignisse zu erzielen sowie die Lebensqualität zu erhöhen. Da nur wenige der methodisch verlässlichen Studien Teilnehmer über einen längeren Zeitraum von mindestens 60 Monaten nachverfolgen, müssen Aussagen über die Nachhaltigkeit als limitiert angesehen werden. Verlässliche Angaben in Bezug auf relevante Patientensubgruppen lassen sich nur sehr eingeschränkt machen ebenso wie im Hinblick auf die vergleichende Beurteilung verschiedener Maßnahmen der Sekundärprävention, da diese von eingeschlossenen Studien nur unzureichend erforscht wurden. Zukünftige methodisch verlässliche Studien sind notwendig, um diese Fragestellungen zu untersuchen und zu beantworten. Bezogen auf die Kosten-Effektivität nichtmedikamentöser sekundärpräventiver Maßnahmen kann aus den internationalen Studien eine insgesamt positive Aussage zusammengefasst werden. Einschränkungen dieser resultieren jedoch zum einen aus den Besonderheiten des deutschen Systems der stationären Rehabilitationsangebote, zum anderen aus den qualitativ mangelhaften Evaluationen der Einzelmaßnahmen. Studien mit dem Ziel der Bewertung der Kosten-Effektivität stationärer Rehabilitationsangebote sind ebenso erforderlich wie auch qualitativ hochwertige Untersuchungen einzeln erbrachter Präventionsmaßnahmen. Aus sozialer Perspektive sollte insbesondere untersucht werden, welche Patientengruppe aus welchen Gründen von einer Teilnahme an Rehabilitations- bzw. präventiven Maßnahmen absieht und wie diesen Argumenten begegnet werden könnte. Schlussfolgerung: Nichtmedikamentöse sekundärpräventive Maßnahmen sind in der Lage eine Reduktion der Mortalität und der Häufigkeit kardialer Ereignisse zu erzielen sowie die Lebensqualität zu erhöhen. Eine Stärkung des Stellenwerts nichtmedikamentöser Maßnahmen der Sekundärprävention erscheint vor diesem Hintergrund notwendig. Auch kann für einige Interventionen ein angemessenes Verhältnis von Effektivität und Kosten angenommen werden. Es besteht allerdings nach wie vor erheblicher Forschungsbedarf bezüglich der Wirksamkeitsbeurteilung nichtmedikamentöser Maßnahmen der Sekundärprävention in wichtigen Patientensubgruppen und der Effizienz zahlreicher angebotener Programme. Darüber hinaus ist weitere Forschung notwendig, um die Nachhaltigkeit der Maßnahmen und Gründe für die Nichtinanspruchnahme detailliert zu untersuchen. Vor allem gilt es jedoch den Versorgungsalltag in Deutschland, wie er sich für Ärzte, Patienten und weitere Akteure des Gesundheitswesens darstellt, zu untersuchen und den heutigen Stellenwert nichtmedikamentöser Maßnahmen aufzuzeigen.


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Since 1966 especially recent decade, Caspian trout (Salmo trutta caspius Kessler, 1877) considered as a strategic endemic species for Caspian Sea fisheries resources also coldwater aquaculture in Iran. Nowadays habitat condition effects on this subspecies during life stages, artificial breeding and incubation period noticed by research and execution sessions of fisheries in Iran. Incubation duration of Caspian trout from artificial fertilization followed by green egg and eyed egg, hatching and yolk sac absorption identified as most sensitive stages for fish and any pollution, stress and deviation by natural life conditions of embryo up to larvae could provide possible mortalities and observable or hidden alterations. Among all vital factors for Caspian trout welfare even in conservation plans and stocks rehabilitation programs or recent attempts for domestication of this fish for introduction to cold water aquaculture industry, water temperature as the most important physical factor which might conserve or induce stress to rearing environment condition is not considered yet. In hatcheries activities, the temperature for incubation and rearing Caspian trout eggs is determining by available water temperature and wide range of temperatures in governmental or private farms is using depend on the water resources availability. Also global climate change consideration and increase temperature trend accompany with group of physical and chemical factors provided by fish farm discharges and other source points entered to the migration pathway of Caspian trout in spawning season were not investigated before. Natural spawning migration pathway is upstream of Caspian tout south and south west rivers especially in Cheshmehkileh upstream in Tonekabon, Iran directed this research focus on the mentioned location. For simulation of natural spawning bed for Caspian trout, water supplied from the upstream of Daryasar branch as headwater of Cheshmehkileh River which provided REDD water condition for in vitro incubation. Green eggs treatments of wild and F1 cultured brooders both 3+ were incubated. Incubation implemented in dark, constant temperature (4, 8, 12 degree centigrade) and DO–pH–temperature digital monitoring in 3 recycling incubators ended to yolk sac absorption and entering larval stage. Hatching success, possible genome alterations by HSP70 gene expression and comet assay implemented as diagnostic tools in 3 life stages of eyed egg– Alevin and Larvae. Numbers and diameters of larvae white fiber muscles measured by histology experiment and Hematoxylin–eosine staining. Results stated significant effect of incubation temperature on hatching success, genome and white fiber muscles of wild and F1 samples. Hatching success measured as 31% and 38% for cultured and wild cold treatments, 79% and 91% for normal and 64% and 73% for warm cultured and wild treatments respectively. Considerable mortality occurred for cold treatment and 8 degree centigrade stated the best thermal condition in normal incubator according to hatching success in wild Caspian trout samples.


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Objetivo: Investigar o efeito de dois programas de reabilitação psicomotora (atividade contínua versus atividade intervalada) na capacidade neuromotora de idosos institucionalizados. Metodologia: A amostra integrou 17 participantes (85,81±6,26 anos) que, numa fase inicial, mantiveram as atividades durante 6 semanas (período de controlo) e, posteriormente, 9 integraram um programa com intervenção intervalada (GI) e 8 um programa com intervenção contínua (GC). Ambos os programas tiveram a duração de 12 semanas, com uma periodicidade de 2 sessões por semana e duração de 60 minutos. Foram avaliadas as variáveis atenção (Trail Making Test), capacidade de planeamento (Torre de Londres), o desempenho em situação de dupla tarefa (Timed Up and Go modificado) e equilíbrio (Timed Up and Go e Índice de Tinetti). Resultados: O GI evidenciou melhorias significativas nas variáveis da atenção, da capacidade de planeamento, dupla tarefa e equilíbrio (p<0,05), enquanto que o GC apenas o evidenciou na variável capacidade de planeamento (p<0,05). Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que o programa de reabilitação psicomotora com atividade intervalada será mais benéfico para os idosos institucionalizados que programa com atividade contínua, particularmente na atenção, no desempenho em situação de dupla tarefa e no equilíbrio; ABSTRACT: Objective: To research the effect of two psychomotor rehabilitation programs (continuous activity against intervealed activity) in the neuromotor ability of institutionalized elderly people. Metodology: The sample had 17 participants (85.81 ± 6.26 years), that in an initial phase retained activity for 6 weeks (control period) and then, 9 integrated a program with intervealed intervention (GI) and 8 a program with continuous intervention (GC). ). Both of the programs had 12 weeks, 2 sessions per week and 60 minutes per session. Was evaluated the variables attention (Trail Making Test); planning capacity (London Tower); dual task capacity (modified Timed Up and Go) and balance (Timed Up and Go and Tinetti Index). Results: The GI showed significant improvements in the variables attention, performance in dual task ability and balance (p<0,05), while GC revealed significant improvements in planning capacity (p<0,05). Conclusion: The results suggest that the psychomotor rehabilitation program with intervealed activity will be more beneficial for the institutionalized elderly than the program with continuous activity, particularly in the attention, planning capacity, performance in dual task ability and balance.


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Foreseeing functional recovery after stroke plays a crucial role in planning rehabilitation programs. Objectives: To assess differences over time in functional recovery assessed through the Barthel Index (BI) rate of change (BIRC) between admission and discharge in stroke patients. Methods: This is a retrospective hospital-based study of consecutive patients with acute stroke admitted to a hospital in the Northeast Portugal between 2010 and 2014. BIRC was computed as the difference between the admission and discharge BI scores divided by time in days between these assessments. General linear model analysis stratiied by gender was used to know whether there was an increase in BIRC during time period under study. Adjusted regression coeficients and respective 95% conidence interval (95%CI) were obtained. Results: From 483 patients included in this analysis 59% (n = 285) were male. Among women, mean BIRC was 1.8 (± 1.88) units/ day in 2010 and reached 3.7 (± 2.80) units/day in 2014. Among men the mean BIRC in 2010 and in 2014 were similar being 3.2 (± 3.19) and 3.1 (± 3.31) units/day, respectively. After adjustment for age, BI at admission, type and laterality of stroke we observed an increase in BIRC over time among women such that mean BIRC in 2014 was 0.82 (95%: 0.48; 3.69) units higher than the one observed in 2010. No such increase in BIRC over time was observed among men. Conclusions: We observed an improvement in functional recovery after stroke but only among women. Our results suggest differences over time in clinical practice toward rehabilitation of women after stroke.


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The aim has been to review the literature about the risk factors of hamstring injury in soccer from a biomechanical point of view. METHODOLOGY. Data bases of bibliography references were Medline, Scopus and SportDiscuss. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Many prospective studies have shown that the previous injury is the greatest risk factor of sustaining the injury. However the primary causes of the injury are unclear in soccer. A lack of hamstring flexibility has been one of the main injury risk factors with controversies on the results. Imbalance of isokinetic force is a risk factor but electrical coactivation of all muscles participating during knee flexion and extension are unknown in football. While the importance of lumbopelvic-hamstrings muscles synchronization during running seems to be crucial for understanding the risk of injury, no research has been developed in this topic in football. CONCLUSIONS. More research using new data recording procedures as Dynamic Scanners, Surface EMG, Inverse Dynamic Analysis are needed. The analysis of more specific movements as running, kicking or jumping is clearly required. Managers, coaches, physical trainers, physiotherapists, sport physicians and researchers should work together in order to improve the injury prevention and rehabilitation programs of football players. Key Words: sports biomechanics, soccer, hamstring injury, risk factors


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Purpose: there are many studies reporting the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation, but few of them exhibit the behavior and activities of these services. This article presents the characteristics of services, parts management and training level of team members, in addition to the variables or instruments used to measure the effectiveness and impact in these programs. Method: it was made a cross sectional convenience sample which included seven pulmonary rehabilitation services in four Colombian cities (Bogotá, Medellín, Manizales and Cali), selected by the coverage, for having at least one year of experience and for being formally established and recognized nationwide. The interdisciplinary team of each service answered a survey that was validated through a pilot test and expert consensus. Participation was voluntary. Results: labor onset pulmonary rehabilitation services correspond to an average of a decade, with COPD and asthma pathologies of attention. The programs are characterized by an outpatient treatment with an average duration of eight to twelve weeks, with a frequency of an hour three times a week. Also, the director of the service is regularly a pulmonologist and the coordinator a physiotherapist (57.14%). The posgradual training of these professionals is notable, and they report to have procedural, administrative and communicative skills, but qualify regular there research skills. The physical and technological resources are well tested. 71.42% have done impact studies, but only 28.57% have been published. All have in common training in upper limbs, lower limbs, respiratory muscles, counseling, functional assessment and quality of life. The effectiveness and impact of programs is measured by the walking test, quality of life questionnaires and activities of daily living.


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Report presented at the Sixth Institute on Rehabilitation Services, held May 20-22, 1968, at University Park, Pa.


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"This reprint includes TN no. 1 through 22. TN no. 20; transmitted a new chapter, chapter 23."