987 resultados para nutrition assessment


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Two controlled microcosm experiments aimed at a critical re-assessment of the contributions of divergent arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi to plant mineral nutrition were established that specifically targeted Plantago lanceolata–Glomus intraradices (B.B/E) and –Gigaspora margarita (BEG 34) symbioses developed in a native, nutrient limited, coastal dune soil. Plant tissue nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) status as well as plant growth parameters and levels of mycorrhizal colonization were assessed at harvest. In addition to the general well-established mycorrhizal facilitation of P uptake, the study was able to demonstrate a G. intraradices-specific contribution to improved plant nitrogen and potassium nutrition. In the two respective experiments, G. intraradices-inoculated plants had 27.8% and 40.8% more total N and 55.8% and 23.3% more total K when compared to Gi. margarita inoculated counterparts. Dissimilar overall contribution of the two isolates to plant nutrition was identified in AM-genus specific differences in plant tissue N:P:K ratios. G. intraradices inoculated and non-mycorrhizal plants generally exhibited N:P:K ratios indicative of P limitation whereas for Gi.margarita mycorrhizal plants, corresponding ratios strongly implied either N or K limitation. The study provides further evidence highlighting AM functional biodiversity in respect to plant nutrient limitation experienced by mycorrhizal P. lanceolata in an ecologically relevant soil system.


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Objective: To identify and assess healthy eating policies at national level which have been evaluated in terms of their impact on awareness of healthy eating, food consumption, health outcome or cost/benefit. Design: Review of policy documents and their evaluations when available. Setting: European Member States. Subjects: One hundred and twenty-one policy documents revised, 107 retained. Results: Of the 107 selected interventions, twenty-two had been evaluated for their impact on awareness or knowledge and twenty-seven for their impact on consumption. Furthermore sixteen interventions provided an evaluation of health impact, while three actions specifically measured any cost/benefit ratio. The indicators used in these evaluations were in most cases not comparable. Evaluation was more often found for public information campaigns, regulation of meals at schools/canteens and nutrition education programmes. Conclusions: The study highlights the need not only to develop harmonized and verifiable procedures but also indicators for measuring effectiveness and success and for comparing between interventions and countries. EU policies are recommended to provide a set of indicators that may be measured consistently and regularly in all countries. Furthermore, public information campaigns should be accompanied by other interventions, as evaluations may show an impact on awareness and intention, but rarely on consumption patterns and health outcome.


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Although it is known to be a rich source of the putative anti-cancer chemicals isothiocyanates, watercress has not been extensively studied for its cancer preventing properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential chemoprotective effects of crude watercress extract toward three important stages in the carcinogenic process, namely initiation, proliferation, and metastasis (invasion) using established in vitro models. HT29 cells were used to investigate the protective effects of the extract on DNA damage and the cell cycle. The extract was not genotoxic but inhibited DNA damage induced by two of the three genotoxins used, namely hydrogen peroxide and fecal water, indicating the potential to inhibit initiation. It also caused an accumulation of cells in the S phase of the cell cycle indicating (possible) cell cycle delay at this stage. The extract was shown to significantly inhibit invasion of HT115 cells through matrigel. Component analysis was also carried out in an attempt to determine the major phytochemicals present in both watercress leaves and the crude extract. In conclusion, the watercress extract proved to be significantly protective against the three stages of the carcinogenesis process investigated.


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The facilitation of healthier dietary choices by consumers is a key element of government strategies to combat the rising incidence of obesity in developed and developing countries. Public health campaigns to promote healthier eating often target compliance with recommended dietary guidelines for consumption of individual nutrients such as fats and added sugars. This paper examines the association between improved compliance with dietary guidelines for individual nutrients and excess calorie intake, the most proximate determinant of obesity risk. We apply quantile regressions and counterfactual decompositions to cross-sectional data from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (2000-01) to assess how excess calorie consumption patterns in the UK are likely to change with improved compliance with dietary guidelines. We find that the effects of compliance vary significantly across different quantiles of calorie consumption. Our results show that compliance with dietary guidelines for individual nutrients, even if successfully achieved, is likely to be associated with only modest shifts in excess calorie consumption patterns. Consequently, public health campaigns that target compliance with dietary guidelines for specific nutrients in isolation are unlikely to have a significant effect on the obesity risk faced by the population.


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Background/Objectives Data from intervention studies suggest a beneficial effect of flavanols on vascular health. However, insufficient data on their intake have delayed the assessment of their health benefits. The aim of this study was to estimate intake of flavanols and their main sources among people living in Germany. Subjects/Methods Data from diet history interviews of the German National Nutrition Survey II for 15,371 people across Germany aged 14–80 years were analyzed. The FLAVIOLA Flavanol Food Composition Database was compiled using the latest US Department of Agriculture and Phenol-Explorer Databases and expanded to include recipes and retention factors. Results Mean intake of total flavanols, flavan-3-ol monomers, proanthocyanidins (PA), and theaflavins in Germany was 386, 120, 196, and 70 mg/day, respectively. Women had higher intakes of total flavanols (399 mg/day) than men (372 mg/day) in all age groups, with the exception of the elderly. Similar results were observed for monomers (108 mg/day for men, 131 mg/day for women) and PA (190 mg/day; 203 mg/day), although intake of theaflavins was higher in men (74 mg/day; 66 mg/day). There was an age gradient with an increase in total flavanols, monomers, and theaflavins across the age groups. The major contributor of total flavanols in all subjects was pome fruits (27 %) followed by black tea (25 %). Conclusions This study demonstrated age- and sex-related variations in the intake and sources of dietary flavanols in Germany. The current analysis will provide a valuable tool in clarifying and confirming the potential health benefits of flavanols.


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Dietary interventions with flavan-3-ols have shown beneficial effects on vascular function. The translation of these findings into the context of the health of the general public requires detailed information on habitual dietary intake. However, only limited data are currently available for European populations. Therefore, in the present study, we assessed the habitual intake of flavan-3-ol monomers, proanthocyanidins (PA) and theaflavins in the European Union (EU) and determined their main food sources using the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database. Data for adults aged 18–64 years were available from fourteen European countries, and intake was determined using the FLAVIOLA Flavanol Food Composition Database, developed for the present study and based on the latest US Department of Agriculture and Phenol-Explorer databases. The mean habitual intake of flavan-3-ol monomers, theaflavins and PA ranged from 181 mg/d (Czech Republic) to 793 mg/d (Ireland). The highest intakes of flavan-3-ol monomers and theaflavins were observed in Ireland (191/505 mg/d) and the lowest intakes in Spain (24/9 mg/d). In contrast, the daily intake of PA was highest in Spain (175 mg/d) and lowest in The Netherlands (96 mg/d). Main sources were tea (62 %), pome fruits (11 %), berries (3 %) and cocoa products (3 %). Tea was the major single contributor to monomer intake (75 %), followed by pome fruits (6 %). Pome fruits were also the main source of PA (28 %). The present study provides important data on the population-based intake of flavanols in the EU and demonstrates that dietary intake amounts for flavan-3-ol monomers, PA and theaflavins vary significantly across European countries. The average habitual intake of flavan-3-ols is considerably below the amounts used in most dietary intervention studies.


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Purpose Personalised intervention may have greater potential for reducing the global burden of non-communicable diseases and for promoting better health and wellbeing across the life-span than the conventional “one size fits all” approach. However, the characteristics of individuals interested in personalised nutrition (PN) are unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the characteristics of European adults interested in taking part in an internet-based PN study. Methods Individuals from seven European countries (UK, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Greece and Poland) were invited to participate in the study via the Food4Me website (http://www.food4me.org). Two screening questionnaires were used to collect data on socio-demographic, anthropometric and health characteristics as well as dietary intakes. Results A total of 5662 individuals expressed an interest in the study (mean age 40 ± 12.7; range 15-87 years). Of these 64.6% were female and 96.9% were Caucasian. Overall, 12.9% were smokers and 46.8% reported the presence of a clinically diagnosed disease. Furthermore, 46.9% were overweight or obese and 34.9% were sedentary during leisure time. Assessment of dietary intakes showed that 54.3% of individuals reported consuming at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day, 45.9% consumed more than 3 servings of wholegrains and 37.2% limited their salt intake to less than 5.75g per day. Conclusions Our data indicate that individuals volunteering to participate in an internet-based PN study are broadly representative of the European adult population, most of whom had adequate nutrient intakes but who could benefit from improved dietary choices and greater physical activity. Future use of internet-based PN approaches is thus relevant to a wide target audience.


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The aim of this research was to explore consumer perceptions of personalised nutrition and to compare these across three different levels of ‘‘medicalization’’: lifestyle assessment (no blood sampling); phenotypic assessment (blood sampling); genomic assessment (blood and buccal sampling). The protocol was developed from two pilot focus groups conducted in the UK. Two focus groups (one comprising only ‘‘older’’ individuals between 30 and 60 years old, the other of adults 18–65 yrs of age) were run in the UK, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Germany (N = 16). The analysis (guided using grounded theory) suggested that personalised nutrition was perceived in terms of benefit to health and fitness and that convenience was an important driver of uptake. Negative attitudes were associated with internet delivery but not with personalised nutrition per se. Barriers to uptake were linked to broader technological issues associated with data protection, trust in regulator and service providers. Services that required a fee were expected to be of better quality and more secure. An efficacious, transparent and trustworthy regulatory framework for personalised nutrition is required to alleviate consumer concern. In addition, developing trust in service providers is important if such services to be successful.


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Background & aims: We evaluated the ability of Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS 2002) and Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) to predict malnutrition related to poor clinical outcomes. Methods: We assessed 705 patients at a public university hospital within 48 h of admission. Logistic regression and number needed to screen (NNS) were calculated to test the complementarity between the tools and their ability to predict very long length of hospital stay (VLLOS), complications, and death. Results: Of the patients screened, 27.9% were at nutritional risk (NRS+) and 38.9% were malnourished (SGA B or C). Compared to those patients not at nutritional risk, NRS+, SGA B or C patients were at increased risk for complications (p = 0.03, 0.02, and 0.003, respectively). NRS+ patients had an increased risk of death (p = 0.03), and SGA B and C patients had an increased likelihood of VLLOS (p = 0.008 and p < 0.0001, respectively). Patients who were both NRS+ and SGA C had lower estimates of NNS than patients who were NRS+ or SGA C only, though their confidence intervals did overlap. Conclusions: The concurrent application of SGA in NRS+ patients might enhance the ability to predict poor clinical outcomes in hospitalized patients in Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.


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Background: the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) is a multidimensional method of nutritional evaluation that allows the diagnosis of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition in elderly people, it is important to mention that this method has not been well studied in Brazil. Objective: to verify the use of the MNA in elderly people that has been living in long term institutions for elderly people. Design: transversal study. Participants: 89 people (>= 60 years), being 64.0% men. The average of age for both genders was 73.7 +/- 9.1 years old, being 72.8 +/- 8.9 years old for men, and 75.3 +/- 9.3 years old for women. Setting: long-term institutions for elderly people located in the Southeast of Brazil. Methods: it was calculated the sensibility, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values. It was data to set up a ROC curve to verify the accuracy of the MNA. The variable used as a ""standard"" for the nutritional diagnosis of the elderly people was the corrected arm muscle area because it is able to provide information or an estimative of the muscle reserve of a person being considered a good indicator of malnutrition in elderly people. Results: the sensibility was 84.0%, the specificity was 36.0%, the positive predictive value was 77.0%, and the negative predictive value was 47.0%; the area of the ROC curve was 0.71 (71.0%). Conclusion: the MNA method has showed accuracy, and sensibility when dealing with the diagnosis of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition in institutionalized elderly groups of the Southeastern region of Brazil, however, it presented a low specificity.


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Objective Underreporting of energy intake is prevalent in food surveys, but there is controversy about which dietary assessment method provides greater underreporting rates. Our objective is to compare validity of self-reported energy intake obtained by three dietary assessment methods with total energy expenditure (TEE) obtained by doubly labeled water (DLW) among Brazilian women. Design We used a cross-sectional study. Subjects/setting Sixty-five females aged 18 to 57 years (28 normal-weight, 10 over-weight, and 27 obese) were recruited from two universities to participate. Main outcome measures TEE determined by DLW, energy intake estimated by three 24-hour recalls, 3-day food record, and a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Statistical analyses performed Regression and analysis of variance with repeated measures compared TEE and energy intake values, and energy intake-to-TEE ratios and energy intake-TEE values between dietary assessment methods. Bland and Altman plots were provided for each method. chi(2) test compared proportion of underreporters between the methods. Results Mean TEE was 2,622 kcal (standard deviation [SD] =490 kcal), while mean energy intake was 2,078 kcal (SD=430 kcal) for the diet recalls; 2,044 kcal (SD=479 kcal) for the food record and 1,984 kcal (SD=832 kcal) for the FFQ (all energy intake values significantly differed from TEE; P<0.0001). Bland and Altman plots indicated great dispersion, negative mean differences between measurements, and wide limits of agreement. Obese subjects underreported more than normal-weight subjects in the diet recalls and in the food records, but not in the FFQ. Years of education, income and ethnicity were associated with reporting accuracy. Conclusions The FFQ produced greater under- and overestimation of energy intake. Underreporting of energy intake is a serious and prevalent error in dietary self-reports provided by Brazilian women, as has been described in studies conducted in developed countries.


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OBJECTIVE— To determine the association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) and diabetes risk and whether it varies by ethnicity.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS— We performed an analysis of data from participants who attended the morning examination of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1988–1994), a cross-sectional survey of a nationally representative sample of the U.S. population. Serum levels of 25OHD, which reflect vitamin D status, were available from 6,228 people (2,766 non-Hispanic whites, 1,736 non-Hispanic blacks, and 1,726 Mexican Americans) aged ≥20 years with fasting and/or 2-h plasma glucose and serum insulin measurements.
RESULTS— Adjusting for sex, age, BMI, leisure activity, and quarter of year, ethnicityspecific odds ratios (ORs) for diabetes (fasting glucose ≥7.0 mmol/l) varied inversely across quartiles of 25OHD in a dose-dependent pattern (OR 0.25 [95% CI 0.11– 0.60] for non-Hispanic whites and 0.17 [0.08–0.37] for Mexican Americans) in the highest vitamin D quartile (25OHD ≥81.0 nmol/l) compared with the lowest 25OHD (≥43.9 nmol/l). This inverse association
was not observed in non-Hispanic blacks. Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (loge) was inversely associated with serum 25OHD in Mexican Americans (P ≥ 0.0024) and non-Hispanic whites (P≥0.058) but not non-Hispanic blacks (P≥0.93), adjusting for confounders.
CONCLUSIONS— These results show an inverse association between vitamin D status and diabetes, possibly involving insulin resistance, in non-Hispanic whites and Mexican Americans. The lack of an inverse association in non-Hispanic blacks may reflect decreased sensitivity to vitamin D and/or related hormones such as the parathyroid hormone.


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A variety of nutrition screening instruments have been developed and implemented for identifying the risk of undernutrition among community and hospitalized older adults. Despite the high prevalence of undernutrition amongst older adults in long-term care, few screening instruments have been developed or evaluated in this setting. This review aims to evaluate the validity, reproducibility and feasibility of nutrition screening instruments developed for use, or described as being used, with older adults in long-term care. Ten publications encompassing nine independent nutrition screening tools were identified using electronic databases and manual searches of reference lists. The Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF) was the most widely evaluated nutrition screening instrument and met the requirements for a valid instrument (sensitivity and specificity >0.9) for use in the long-term care setting. Modified versions of the MNA for use in China and South Africa also demonstrated acceptable levels of sensitivity and specificity. Other nutrition screening instruments were found to have variable levels of sensitivity and specificity and while some demonstrated levels consistent with the MNA-SF, only two were evaluated across more than one study population, Body Mass Index (BMI)+weight loss and BMI+albumin. These same instruments reported the highest levels of inter-rater and test-retest reproducibility, although this was only tested in one other instrument (Chinese Nutrition Screen -modified MNA). In conclusion, it is evident from this review that further work in this area is needed. Based on validity, reproducibility and feasibility it appears that BMI+weight loss is the most suitable nutrition screening instrument for use in the long-term care setting at this time. MNA-SF is promising; however, there is currently no data for inter-rater or test-retest reproducibility in the long-term care setting.


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This review summarises nutrition and mental health research in Australia and New Zealand between 1986 and 2006. The method used to identify papers for inclusion was a search of computerised databases: Medline, Cinahl and Meditext 1986–2006, with subsequent bibliographical review. Key search words were nutrition, diet, mental disorder, mental illness, weight, physical health, Australia and New Zealand. Inclusion criteria included: English language, original data in peer reviewed journals, and examination of some component of nutrition in people with a mental illness. The review of thirteen papers found that the evidence base for dietetic practice in mental health has developed through small assessment and interventional research, often with multidisciplinary collaboration. Future research should include quality and outcome measures with intersectoral partnerships. Dietitians are well positioned to lead and participate in mental health research and to implement research findings to improve the nutritional status of this vulnerable group.


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Background: Malnutrition and its associated complications are a considerable issue for surgical patients with upper gastrointestinal and colorectal cancer.The present study aimed to determine whether specific perioperative nutritional practices and protocols are associated with improved patient outcomes in this group.
Methods: Patients admitted for elective upper gastrointestinal or colorectal cancer surgery (n = 95) over a 19-month period underwent a medical history audit assessing weight changes, nutritional intake, biochemistry, post-operative complications and length of stay. A subset of patients (n = 25) underwent nutritional assessment by subjective global assessment prior to surgery in addition to assessment of post-operative medical outcomes, nutritional intake and timing of dietetic intervention.
Results: Mean (SD) length of stay for patients was 14.0 (12.2) days, with complication rates at 35%. Length of stay was significantly longer in patients who experienced significant preoperative weight loss compared to those who did not [17.0 (15.8) days versus 10.0 (6.8) days, respectively; P < 0.05]. Low albumin and post-operative weight loss were also predictive of increased length of stay. Of patients who underwent nutritional assessment, 32% were classified as mild–moderately malnourished and 16% severely malnourished. Malnourished patients were hospitalised twice as long as well-nourished patients [15.8 (12.8) days versus 7.6 (3.5) days; P < 0.05]. Time taken [6.9 (3.6) days] to achieve adequate nutrition post surgery was a factor in post-operative outcomes, with a positive correlation with length of stay (r = 0.493; P < 0.01), a negative correlation with post-operative weight change (r = —0.417; P < 0.05) and a greater risk of complications (52% versus 13%; P < 0.01).
Conclusions: Malnutrition is prevalent among surgical patients with gastrointestinal cancer. Poor nutritional status coupled with delayed and inadequate post-operative nutrition practices are associated with worse clinical outcomes.