978 resultados para norbornane scaffold


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This research investigated someone of the main problems connected to the application of Tissue Engineering in the prosthetic field, in particular about the characterization of the scaffolding materials and biomimetic strategies adopted in order to promote the implant integration. The spectroscopic and thermal analysis techniques were usefully applied to characterize the chemico-physical properties of the materials such as – crystallinity; – relative composition in case of composite materials; – Structure and conformation of polymeric and peptidic chains; – mechanism and degradation rate; – Intramolecular and intermolecular interactions (hydrogen bonds, aliphatic interactions). This kind of information are of great importance in the comprehension of the interactions that scaffold undergoes when it is in contact with biological tissues; this information are fundamental to predict biodegradation mechanisms and to understand how chemico-physical properties change during the degradation process. In order to fully characterize biomaterials, this findings must be integrated by information relative to mechanical aspects and in vitro and in vivo behavior thanks to collaborations with biomedical engineers and biologists. This study was focussed on three different systems that correspond to three different strategies adopted in Tissue Engineering: biomimetic replica of fibrous 3-D structure of extracellular matrix (PCL-PLLA), incorporation of an apatitic phase similar to bone inorganic phase to promote biomineralization (PCL-HA), surface modification with synthetic oligopeptides that elicit the interaction with osteoblasts. The characterization of the PCL-PLLA composite underlined that the degradation started along PLLA fibres, which are more hydrophylic, and they serve as a guide for tissue regeneration. Moreover it was found that some cellular lines are more active in the colonization of the scaffold. In the PCL-HA composite, the weight ratio between the polymeric and the inorganic phase plays an essential role both in the degradation process and in the biomineralization of the material. The study of self-assembling peptides allowed to clarify the influence of primary structure on intermolecular and intermolecular interactions, that lead to the formation of the secondary structure and it was possible to find a new class of oligopeptides useful to functionalize materials surface. Among the analytical techniques used in this study, Raman vibrational spectroscopy played a major role, being non-destructive and non-invasive, two properties that make it suitable to degradation studies and to morphological characterization. Also micro-IR spectroscopy was useful in the comprehension of peptide structure on oxidized titanium: up to date this study was one of the first to employ this relatively new technique in the biomedical field.


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Specific aims The aim is to improve the treatment of the bone losses at the metacarpal bones level (both diaphysis and epiphysis) combining microsurgery, tissue engineering and biomaterials, so to minimize the donor side morbidity and optimize healing and outcomes. Methods Pre-operative controlateral X-ray or 3-D CT to allow custom-made HA scaffolds. Cement as temporary spacer in acute lesion and monitoring of infective risks. Treatment of the bone loss recurring to pre-fabricated or custom-made HA scaffolds, adding platelet gel or growth factor OP1. Stable synthesis. Control group with auto/omografts. Outcome indices: % of bone-union; finger TAM, Kapandji, DASH score; NMR and Scintigraphy at 180 days for revascularisation and bio-substitution of the scaffold. Preliminary results The authors just treated 6 patients, 4 males and 2 females, with an average age of 38.5 yrs, affected by segmental bone losses at the hand and wrist, recurring to pre-fabricated not vascularised scaffolds. In all cases the synthesis was performed with angular stability plates and a stable synthesis achieved. All patients have been controlled at a mean follow-up of 10.5 months (from 2 to 16 ). In all case but one the bone-scaffold osteo-integration was achieved at an average of 38 days at the hand, and 46 days at the wrist. The outcome studies, according to the DASH score, finger TAM, and Kapandji, were good and excellent in 5 cases, poor in one.


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Nel corso degli anni diverse sono le tecniche proposte per il trattamento delle lesioni osteocondrali, da quelle mini-invasive con stimolazione midollare fino a quelle più aggressive basate sul trapianto di tessuti autologhi o eterologhi. Tutti questi metodi hanno comunque dei difetti ed è questo il motivo per cui il trattamento delle lesioni osteocondrali rappresenta tuttora una sfida per il chirurgo ortopedico, in considerazione dell’alta specializzazione e del basso potere di guarigione del tessuto cartilagineo. Buoni risultati sono stati ottenuti con innesti bioingegnerizzati o matrici polimeriche impiantati nei siti danneggiati. La quantità di scaffolds in uso per la riparazione condrale ed osteocondrale è molto ampia; essi differiscono non solo per il tipo di materiali usati per la loro realizzazione, ma anche per la presenza di promotori di una o più linee cellulari , su base condrogenica o osteogenica. Quando ci si approccia ad una lesione condrale di grandi dimensioni, l’osso sub-condrale è anch’esso coinvolto e necessita di trattamento per ottenere il corretto ripristino degli strati articolari più superficiali. La scelta più giusta sembra essere un innesto osteocondrale bioingegnerizzato, pronto per l’uso ed immediatamente disponibile, che consenta di effettuare il trattamento in un unico tempo chirurgico. Sulla base di questo razionale, dopo uno studio preclinico animale e previa autorizzazione del comitato etico locale, abbiamo condotto uno studio clinico clinico pilota utilizzando un nuovo innesto biomimetico nanostrutturato per il trattamento di lesioni condrali ed osteocondrali del ginocchio; la sua sicurezza e maneggevolezza, così come la facile riproducibilità della tecnica chirurgica ed i risultati clinici ottenuti sono stati valutati nel tempo a 6, 12, 24, 36 e 48 mesi dall’impianto in modo da testare il suo potenziale intrinseco senza l’aggiunta di alcuna linea cellulare.


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L’argomento trattato in questo elaborato riguarda la natura e le applicazioni di una nuova classe di biomateriali: i peptidi auto-assemblanti. La perdita di funzione di un organo o di un tessuto rappresenta una problematica rilevante sia sotto il profilo clinico sia per i costi di gestione. I trapianti sono infatti tra le terapie più sofisticate e onerose economicamente, complicate da altri aspetti quali una strutturale insufficienza di donatori e la necessità che i soggetti trapiantati vengano sottoposti cronicamente a regimi terapeutici immunosoppressivi che aumentano eventuali effetti collaterali. La terapia sostitutiva basata su organi artificiali è invece gravata dalla durata limitata dei dispositivi, nonchè da un non trascurabile rischio infettivo. La medicina rigenerativa, che sembra essere una soluzione adeguata per ovviare a tutte queste problematiche, è un settore emergente che combina aspetti della medicina, della biologia cellulare e molecolare, della scienza dei materiali e dell’ingegneria al fine di rigenerare, riparare o sostituire i tessuti danneggiati. In questo panorama, il ruolo dei biomateriali sta diventando sempre più importante grazie alla loro varietà e alle loro funzioni emergenti. Tra i biomateriali innovativi più promettenti troviamo i peptidi auto-assemblanti. Dopo un'introduzione sui principi dell'ingegneria tissutale, la tesi si focalizza sui peptidi auto-assemblanti e sulle loro applicazioni in campo biomedico, ponendo l'attenzione, in particolar modo, sulla realizzazione di scaffold per la rigenerazione del tessuto osseo, cardiaco, cartilagineo e nervoso, e sulla loro applicazione per il rilascio controllato di farmaci.


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Nell’area dell’ingegneria tissutale si sta affermando una nuova tecnica che consiste nell’utilizzo di scaffold per la rigenerazione dell’apparato renale. Nella presente tesi, dopo un’introduzione fatta sulle terapie per la sostituzione renale, sono state analizzate le tecniche, le caratteristiche e presentati i risultati finora raggiunti nella decellularizzazione e ricellularizzazione di scaffold renali.


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Ogni giorno nel mondo vengono eseguite migliaia di procedure chirurgiche per sostituire o riparare tessuti che sono stati danneggiati da malattie o traumi. L'ingegneria tissutale rappresenta una strategia alternativa che mira a rigenerare i tessuti danneggiati combinando cellule e biomateriali altamente porosi che fungano da impalcature (scaffolds). In questa tesi compilativa si presenta un approccio recentemente proposto per la rigenerazione del tessuto osseo. Saranno inizialmente descritte caratteristiche e proprietà dell'osso a livello macro e microscopico e il processo riparativo fisiologico. Si illustreranno quindi i principi dell'ingegneria tissutale, evidenziando i biomateriali utilizzabili, le cellule indicate per la rigenerazione e i rapporti funzionali tra di esse e lo scaffold che deve sostenerne la crescita. Successivamente si descriverà il concetto di ‘biomimetica’ dello scaffold e i metodi impiegati per migliorarne la funzionalità, imitando sia l'aspetto meccanico sia quello biologico della reale matrice ossea; verrà trattato infine un caso di scaffold biomimetico realizzato con nanocompositi, che appare un promettente sostitutivo dell'osso.


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Gli obbiettivi di questo lavoro di tesi risultano i seguenti: 1) Progettare e caratterizzare una tipologia di bundle bioriassorbibile attraverso la tecnica dell’elettrofilatura, composto da una miscela di acido poli-(L)lattico (PLLA) e collagene, che cerchi di mimare le proprietà meccaniche dei fascicoli di collagene tendineo umano ed equino; 2) Individuare una metodologia di assemblaggio multiscala dei bundle che permetta la creazione di uno scaffold in grado di mimare la struttura gerarchica di un tendine completo; 3) Applicare la filosofia traslazionale alla progettazione dello scaffold al fine di poter applicare tale tecnologia sia nell’ambito della medicina umana che in quella veterinaria, lavorando nel senso della medicina unica.


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The importance of pyrazole and lactam-based molecules in medical and pharmaceutical fields is underlined by the multitude of active ingredients on trade, such as Sildenafil or Apixaban, by Pfizer. In this work, a synthesis of an organic molecule with promising anticancer activity has been developed. This molecular scaffold is characterized by a δ-lactam-fused pyrazolic core, with a well-known biological activity and amenable of further functionalization. The synthetic strategy adopted for the obtainment of the core was based on a 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of a nitrilimine with an α,β-unsaturated δ-lactam. Secondly, in order to give the final compound an elevated pharmacological activity, a functionalization with a double “side chain”, namely molecular fragment able to improve the interaction with particular biological receptors, was achieved. The target compound was thus obtained, with a highly convergent synthesis, and will be tested for antiproliferative activities towards different cellular lines.


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In cartilage repair, bioregenerative approaches using tissue engineering techniques have tried to achieve a close resemblance to hyaline cartilage, which might be visualized using advanced magnetic resonance imaging.


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To assess repair tissue (RT) after the implantation of BioCartII, an autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) technique with a fibrin-hyaluronan polymer as scaffold. T2 mapping and delayed Gadolinium Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cartilage (dGEMRIC) were used to gain first data on the biochemical properties of BioCartII RT in vivo.


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The first generation of the bioresorbable everolimus drug-eluting vascular scaffold showed signs of shrinkage at 6 months, which largely contributed to late luminal loss. Nevertheless, late luminal loss was less than that observed with bare metal stents. To maintain the mechanical integrity of the device up to 6 months, the scaffold design and manufacturing process of its polymer were modified.


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Implantation of a coronary stent results in a mechanical enlargement of the coronary lumen with stretching of the surrounding atherosclerotic plaque. Using intravascular ultrasound virtual-histology (IVUS-VH) we examined the temporal changes in composition of the plaque behind the struts (PBS) following the implantation of the everolimus eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS). Using IVUS-VH and dedicated software, the composition of plaque was analyzed in all patients from the ABSORB B trial who were imaged with a commercially available IVUS-VH console (s5i system, Volcano Corporation, Rancho Cordova, CA, USA) post-treatment and at 6-month follow-up. This dedicated software enabled analysis of the PBS after subtraction of the VH signal generated by the struts. The presence of necrotic core (NC) in contact with the lumen was also evaluated at baseline and follow-up. IVUS-VH data, recorded with s5i system, were available at baseline and 6-month follow-up in 15 patients and demonstrated an increase in both the area of PBS (2.45 ± 1.93 mm(2) vs. 3.19 ± 2.48 mm(2), P = 0.005) and the external elastic membrane area (13.76 ± 4.07 mm(2) vs. 14.76 ± 4.56 mm(2), P = 0.006). Compared to baseline there was a significant progression in the NC (0.85 ± 0.70 mm(2) vs. 1.21 ± 0.92 mm(2), P = 0.010) and fibrous tissue area (0.88 ± 0.79 mm(2) vs. 1.15 ± 1.05 mm(2), P = 0.027) of the PBS. The NC in contact with the lumen in the treated segment did not increase with follow-up (7.33 vs. 6.36%, P = 0.2). Serial IVUS-VH analysis of BVS-treated lesions at 6-month demonstrated a progression in the NC and fibrous tissue content of PBS.


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A variety of conformationally constrained aspartate and glutamate analogues inhibit the glutamate transporter 1 (GLT-1, also known as EAAT2). To expand the search for such analogues, a virtual library of aliphatic aspartate and glutamate analogues was generated starting from the chemical universe database GDB-11, which contains 26.4 million possible molecules up to 11 atoms of C, N, O, F, resulting in 101026 aspartate analogues and 151285 glutamate analogues. Virtual screening was realized by high-throughput docking to the glutamate binding site of the glutamate transporter homologue from Pyrococcus horikoshii (PDB code: 1XFH ) using Autodock. Norbornane-type aspartate analogues were selected from the top-scoring virtual hits and synthesized. Testing and optimization led to the identification of (1R*,2R*,3S*,4R*,6R*)-2-amino-6-phenethyl-bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid as a new inhibitor of GLT-1 with IC(50) = 1.4 ?M against GLT-1 and no inhibition of the related transporter EAAC1. The systematic diversification of known ligands by enumeration with help of GDB followed by virtual screening, synthesis, and testing as exemplified here provides a general strategy for drug discovery.


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Epothilones are bacterial macrolides with potent microtubule-stabilizing and antiproliferative activity, which have served as successful lead structures for the discovery of several clinical candidates for cancer treatment. Overall, seven epothilone-type agents have been advanced to clinical evaluation in humans so far and one of these has been approved by the FDA in 2007 for clinical use in breast cancer patients. Notwithstanding these impressive numbers, however, the structural diversity represented by the collection of epothilone analogs that have been (or still are) investigated clinically is rather limited and their individual structures show little divergence from the original natural product leads. In contrast, we have elaborated a series of epothilone-derived macro-lactones, whose overall structural features significantly deviate from those of the natural epothilone scaffold and thus define new structural families of microtubule-stabilizing agents. Key elements of our hypermodification strategy are the change of the natural epoxide geometry from cis to trans, the incorporation of conformationally constrained side chains, the removal of the C(3)-hydroxyl group, and the replacement of C(12) with nitrogen. The latter modification leads to aza-macrolides that may be described as 'non-natural natural products'.