934 resultados para non-literate adults
Benzodiazepines (BZD) and benzodiazepine related drugs (RD) are the most commonly used psychotropics among the aged. The use of other psychotropics taken concomitantly with BZD/ RD or their cognitive effects with BZD/RD have not been studied frequently. The aim of this academic thesis was to describe and analyse relationships between the use of BZD/RD alone or concomitantly with antipsychotics, antidepressants, opioids, antiepileptics, opioids and anticholinergics in the aged and their health. Especially, the relationships between long-term use of BZD/RD and cognitive decline were studied. Additionally, the effect of melatonin on BZD/RD withdrawal and the cognitive effects of BZD/RD withdrawal were studied. This study used multiple data sets: the first study (I) was based on clinical data containing aged patients (≥65 years; N=164) admitted to Pori City Hospital due to acute disease. The second data set (Studies II and III) was based on population-based data from the Lieto Study, a clinico-epidemiological longitudinal study carried out among the aged (≥65 years) in the municipality of Lieto. Follow-up data was formed by combining the cohort data collected in 1990-1991 (N=1283) and in 1998-1999 (N=1596) from those who participated in both cohorts (N=617). The third data set (Studies IV and V) was based on the Satauni Study’s data. This study was performed in the City of Pori in 2009-2010. In the RCT part of the Satauni Study, ninety-two long-term users of BZD/RD were withdrawn from their drugs using melatonin against placebo. The change of their cognitive abilities was measured during and after BZD/ RD withdrawal. BZD/RD use was related to worse cognitive and functional abilities, and their use may predict worse cognitive outcomes compared with BZD/RD non-users. Hypnotic use of BZD/RD could be withdrawn with psychosocial support in motivated participants, but melatonin did not improve the withdrawal results compared to those with placebo. Cognitive abilities in psychomotor tests did not show, or showed only modest, improvements for up to six months after BZD/RD withdrawal. This suggests that the cognitive effects of BZD/RD may be longlasting or permanent.
Hermostoon vaikuttavien lääkkeiden käyttö on yleistä iäkkäässä väestössä. Erityisen yleistä käyttö on pitkäaikaisessa laitoshoidossa asuvilla iäkkäillä. Hermostoon vaikuttavien lääkkeiden haittavaikutuksia on tutkittu paljon, ja useat hermostoon vaikuttavat lääkeaineryhmät on tunnistettu murtumien riskitekijöiksi. Aikaisemmin ei ole kuitenkaan tutkittu usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkkeen yhteiskäytön yhteyksiä murtuman riskiin 65 vuotta täyttäneillä. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa havaittiin, että usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkeaineen yhtäaikainen käyttö oli hyvin yleistä Porin kaupunginsairaalan viidellä pitkäaikaisen laitoshoidon osastolla (n = 154) vuosien 2004 ja 2005 vaihteessa. Kolmasosa tutkituista käytti säännöllisesti kolmea tai useampaa hermostoon vaikuttavaa lääkettä samanaikaisesti. Kun huomioitiin myös tarvittaessa otettavat lääkkeet, vastaava luku oli 53 %. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös viitteitä lääkkeiden epäasianmukaisesta käytöstä, kun potilaiden käyttämiä lääkkeitä verrattiin heidän kognitiiviseen ja fyysiseen suorituskyynsä sekä asetettuihin diagnooseihin. Liedon kunnassa 1990-luvulla toteutettuun väestöpohjaiseen Liedon Iäkkäät -seurantatutkimukseen osallistui 1177 lietolaista 65 vuotta täyttänyttä. Lääkitystietoja sekä seuranta-aikana tapahtuneita murtumia analysoimalla havaittiin, että kahden tai useamman bentsodiatsepiinin sekä kahden tai useamman psykoosilääkkeen käyttö oli yhteydessä murtuman riskiin 65 vuotta täyttäneillä miehillä. Opioidin ja psykoosilääkkeen yhteiskäyttö sekä opioidin ja bentsodiatsepiinin yhteiskäyttö oli yhteydessä iäkkäiden miesten murtuman riskiin. Naisilla vastaavia tilastollisesti merkitseviä yhteyksiä ei havaittu. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen uusin osa-aineisto perustui Porissa vuosina 2009–2010 toteutetun Satauni-tutkimuksen aineistoon. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin 89 potilaan aineistossa, että hallittu, yhden kuukauden aikana lääkärin ja hoitajan tuella toteutettu bentsodiatsepiinivieroitus paransi merkitsevästi 55 vuotta täyttäneiden naisten käden puristusvoimaa kuuden kuukauden seuranta-aikana. Vastaavaa yhteyttä ei havaittu miehillä. Bentsodiatsepiinivieroituksella ei ollut yhteyttä osallistujien tasapainotestin tulosten paranemiseen kuuden kuukauden seurantaaikana. Murtumilla on vakavia seurauksia sekä yksilötasolla että yhteiskunnallisesti iäkkäässä väestössä. Murtumien ehkäisy on hyvin tärkeää. Siinä tulee kiinnittää huomiota potilaan käyttämään lääkitykseen ja arvioida erityisesti usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkkeen yhteiskäytön tarpeellisuutta.
We evaluated the accuracy of a 2nd generation ELISA to detect Helicobacter pylori infection in adults from a developing country in view of variations in sensitivity and specificity reported for different populations. We studied 97 non-consecutive patients who underwent endoscopy for evaluation of dispeptic symptoms. The presence of H. pylori was determined in antral biopsy specimens by culture, by the preformed urease test and in carbolfuchsin-stained smears. Patients were considered to be H. pylori positive if at least two of the three tests presented a positive result or if the culture was positive, and negative if the three tests were negative. Sixty-five adults (31 with peptic ulcer) were H. pylori positive and 32 adults were H. pylori negative. Antibodies were detected by Cobas Core anti-H. pylori EIA in 62 of 65 H. pylori-positive adults and in none of the negative adults. The sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values of the test were 95.4, 100, 100 and 91.4%, respectively. The Cobas Core anti-H. pylori EIA presented high sensitivity and specificity when employed for a population in Brazil, permitting the use of the test both to confirm the clinical diagnosis and to perform epidemiologic surveys.
An association between depression and altered immune and hormonal systems has been suggested by the results of many studies. In the present study we carried out immune and hormonal measurements in 40 non-medicated, ambulatory adult patients with depression determined by CID-10 criteria and compared with 34 healthy nondepressed subjects. The severity of the condition was determined with the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. Of 40 depressed patients, 31 had very severe and 9 severe or moderate depression, 29 (72.5%) were females and 11 (27.5%) were males (2.6:1 ratio). The results revealed a significant reduction of albumin and elevation of alpha-1, alpha-2 and ß-globulins, and soluble IL-2 receptor in patients with depression compared to the values obtained for nondepressed subjects (P<0.05). The decrease lymphocyte proliferation in response to a mitogen was significantly lower in severely or moderately depressed patients when compared to control (P<0.05). These data confirm the immunological disturbance of acute phase proteins and cellular immune response in patients with depression. Other results may be explained by a variety of interacting factors such as number of patients, age, sex, and the nature, severity and/or duration of depression. Thus, the data obtained should be interpreted with caution and the precise clinical relevance of these findings requires further investigation.
The main purpose of the present study was to determine the relationship between salivary cortisol concentrations and self-report anxiety in 50 adolescent and 178 non-adolescent women during the last month of pregnancy. The subjects were randomly selected from a previous study involving women who attended antenatal care from September 1997 to August 2000 at 17 health services in Southeast Brazil. Salivary cortisol was measured with an enzyme immunoassay kit, and anxiety was assessed by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventories (STAI) of Spielberger. After saliva collection, the participants completed the STAI. Mean concentrations of cortisol for both pregnant adolescents (14.17 ± 6.78 nmol/l) and non-adolescents (13.81 ± 8.51 nmol/l) were similar (P = 0.89). Forty-three percent of the pregnant adolescents and 30.5% of the non-adolescents felt anxious at the time of being questioned (State Anxiety Inventory (SAI) scores >40; P = 0.06). Cortisol concentrations in adolescents were negatively related to the SAI scores (r = -0.39; P = 0.01) which assess a temporary condition of anxiety. There was a statistically significant difference in mean cortisol concentrations between adolescents with low (<=40) and high (>40) SAI scores (P = 0.03, t-test), but no differences for non-adolescents. The negative relationship between salivary cortisol concentrations and anxiety scores in adolescents may be due to puberty-related hormone differences during this period of life. Pregnant adolescents may possess unique biological or psychological characteristics compared to adults and non-pregnant adolescents. Thus, we need to know more about the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis of pregnant adolescents.
To efficiently examine the association of glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody (GADA) positivity with the onset and progression of diabetes in middle-aged adults, we performed a case-cohort study representing the ~9-year experience of 10,275 Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study participants, initially aged 45-64 years. Antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) were measured by radioimmunoassay in 580 incident diabetes cases and 544 non-cases. The overall weighted prevalence of GADA positivity (³1 U/mL) was 7.3%. Baseline risk factors, with the exception of smoking and interleukin-6 (P £ 0.02), were generally similar between GADA-positive and -negative individuals. GADA positivity did not predict incident diabetes in multiply adjusted (HR = 1.04; 95%CI = 0.55, 1.96) proportional hazard analyses. However, a small non-significant adjusted risk (HR = 1.29; 95%CI = 0.58, 2.88) was seen for those in the highest tertile (³2.38 U/mL) of positivity. GADA-positive and GADA-negative non-diabetic individuals had similar risk profiles for diabetes, with central obesity and elevated inflammation markers, aside from glucose, being the main predictors. Among diabetes cases at study's end, progression to insulin treatment increased monotonically as a function of baseline GADA level. Overall, being GADA positive increased risk of progression to insulin use almost 10 times (HR = 9.9; 95%CI = 3.4, 28.5). In conclusion, in initially non-diabetic middle-aged adults, GADA positivity did not increase diabetes risk, and the overall baseline profile of risk factors was similar for positive and negative individuals. Among middle-aged adults, with the possible exception of those with the highest GADA levels, autoimmune pathophysiology reflected by GADA may become clinically relevant only after diabetes onset.
There is evidence showing a close relationship between diet and the occurrence of non-communicable chronic diseases. The present study assessed food consumption in a 2002/2004 cohort of young adults born in 1978/79 in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. The composition of the habitual diet consumed by a sample of 2063 individuals aged 23-25 years was analyzed using a validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire based on studies of prevention of non-communicable chronic diseases. The Dietsys software was used for dietary calculations. In terms of WHO/2003 recommendations, there was a high mean daily consumption of energy from fat (consumption: 35.4%; recommendation: 15-30%), a low mean intake of energy from carbohydrates (47.5%; 55-75%) and a low mean consumption of total fibers (15.2 g; >25 g). Mean intake of energy from fatty acids (10%; <10%) and protein (15.6%; 10-15%) was within recommended limits. When compared to the recommendations of the food pyramid adapted to the Brazilian population, adequate intake was observed only regarding the meat group (consumption: 1.9 portions; recommended: 1-2). There was a low consumption of vegetables (2.9; 4-5), fruits (1.2; 3-5), breads (3.6; 6-9), and dairy products (1.7; 3), with excessive fat and sugar intake (5.7; 1-2). We conclude that the inadequate food consumption observed in this young population may be associated with the development of excess weight and may contribute to the triggering of non-communicable chronic diseases.
A former study with scenarios conducted in Hawaii has suggested that humans share with non-human mammals the same basic defensive strategies - risk assessment, freezing, defensive threat, defensive attack, and flight. The selection of the most adaptive strategy is strongly influenced by features of the threat stimulus - magnitude, escapability, distance, ambiguity, and availability of a hiding place. Aiming at verifying if these strategies would be consistent in a different culture, 12 defensive scenarios were translated into Portuguese and adapted to the Brazilian culture. The sample consisted of male and female undergraduate students divided into two groups: 76 students, who evaluated the five dimensions of each scenario and 248 medical students, who chose the most likely response for each scenario. In agreement with the findings from studies of non-human mammal species, the scenarios were able to elicit different defensive behavioral responses, depending on features of the threat. "Flight" was chosen as the most likely response in scenarios evaluated as an unambiguous and intense threat, but with an available route of escape, whereas "attack" was chosen in an unambiguous, intense and close dangerous situation without an escape route. Less urgent behaviors, such as "check out", were chosen in scenarios evaluated as less intense, more distant and more ambiguous. Moreover, the results from the Brazilian sample were similar to the results obtained in the original study with Hawaiian students. These data suggest that a basic repertoire of defensive strategies is conserved along the mammalian evolution because they share similar functional benefits in maintaining fitness.
The present study estimated the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) according to the criteria established by the National Cholesterol Education Program-Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATPIII) and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and analyzed the contribution of social factors in an adult urban population in the Southeastern region of Brazil. The sample plan was based on multistage probability sampling according to family head income and educational level. A random sample of 1116 subjects aged 30 to 79 years was studied. Participants answered a questionnaire about socio-demographic variables and medical history. Fasting capillary glucose (FCG), total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and triglycerides were determined and all non-diabetic subjects were submitted to the 75-g oral glucose tolerance test. Body mass index (BMI, kg/m²), waist circumference and blood pressure (BP) were determined. Age- and gender-adjusted prevalence of MS was 35.9 and 43.2% according to NCEP-ATPIII and IDF criteria, respectively. Substantial agreement was found between NCEP-ATPIII and IDF definitions. Low HDL-C levels and high BP were the most prevalent MS components according to NCEP-ATPIII criteria (76.3 and 59.2%, respectively). Considering the diagnostic criteria adopted, 13.5% of the subjects had diabetes and 9.7% had FCG ≥100 mg/dL. MS prevalence was significantly associated with age, skin color, BMI, and educational level. This cross-sectional population-based study in the Southeastern region of Brazil indicates that MS is highly prevalent and associated with an important social indicator, i.e., educational level. This result suggests that in developing countries health policy planning to reduce the risk of MS, in particular, should consider improvement in education.
The sensory characteristics color and flavor of food play an important role not only in the selection, but also in the determination of consumption, satiation, and ingestion. With the objective to determine and evaluate the influence of color on the acceptance and identification of flavor of foods for adults, sensory analysis was performed on jellies by non-trained tasters of both sexes aged between 18 and 60 years (1750 tests). A hedonic scale and combinations of five colors (red, yellow, green, blue and purple) and three flavors (strawberry, pineapple, and limes) were used in the acceptance test totaling 15 samples. In the duo-trio discrimination test, together with the reference sample (R), one sample identical to the reference and another of identical color and different flavor were offered, and the judges were requested to identify the sample that was different from the reference sample. The colors used did not influence the acceptance of the samples (P > 0.05), and as there was not significant interaction between color and flavor. However, the limes flavor negatively influenced acceptance when compared to the other flavors. With regard to flavor differentiation, the colors used did not influence flavor identification (P > 0.05); However, differentiated behavior was identified between females and males, and the latter were more error-prone. Therefore, under the experimental conditions tested, color did not influence the acceptance and identification of the flavor of the samples by adults.
The objective of this study was to determine PROP (6-n-propyltiouracil) taster status in adults and its relationship with anthropometric variables and pleasantness of sugar, salt, and fat. A total of 123 subjects rated the intensity of PROP and sodium cloride (NaCl) solutions using the labeled magnitude scale. For pleasantness evaluation, it was used concentrated orange juice (sugar) and mashed potato (salt and fat). The subjects were classified as non-tasters (n = 35), medium-tasters (n = 33) and super-tasters (n = 55). In this study, no relationship was found between PROP taster status and age, sex, weight, body mass index, and pleasantness. Although genetic markers may influence the degree of liking of certain foods, one must consider that the mechanisms influencing eating behavior in humans are complex, and that psychological, social, and economic factors play a key role in response to food.
There is much evidence to support an age-related decline in source memory ability. However, the underlying mechanisms responsible for this decline are not well understood. The current study was carried out to determine the electrophysiological correlates of source memory discrimination in younger and older adults. Event-related potentials (ERPs) and continuous electrocardiographic (ECG) data were collected from younger (M= 21 years) and older (M= 71 years) adults during a source memory task. Older adults were more likely to make source memory errors for recently repeated, non-target words than were younger adults. Moreover, their ERP records for correct trials showed an increased amplitude in the late positive (LP) component (400-800 msec) for the most recently presented, non-target stimuli relative to the LP noted for target items. Younger adults showed an opposite pattern, with a large LP component for target items, and a much smaller LP component for the recently repeated non-target items. Computation of parasympathetic activity in the vagus nerve was performed on the ECG data (Porges, 1985). The resulting measure, vagal tone, was used as an index of physiological responsivity. The vagal tone index of physiological responsivity was negatively related to the LP amplitude for the most recently repeated, non-target words in both groups, after accounting for age effects. The ERP data support the hypothesis that the tendency to make source memory errors on the part of older adults is related to the ability to selectively control attentional processes during task performance. Furthermore, the relationship between vagal tone and ERP reactivity suggests that there is a physiological basis to the heightened reactivity measured in the LP response to recently repeated non-target items such that, under decreased physiological resources, there is an impairment in the ability to selectively inhibit bottom-up, stimulus based properties in favour of task-related goals in older adults. The inconsistency of these results with other explanatory models of source memory deficits is discussed. It is concluded that the data are consistent with a physiological reactivity model requiring inhibition of reactivity to irrelevant, but perceptually-fluent, stimuli.
Reduced capacity for executive cognitive function and for the autonomic control of cardiac responsivity are both concomitants of the aging process. These may be linked through their mutual dependence on medial prefrontal function, but the specifics ofthat linkage have not been well explored. Executive functions associated with medial prefrontal cortex involve various aspects ofperformance monitoring, whereas centrally mediated autonomic functions can be observed as heart rate variability (HRV), i.e., variability in the length of intervals between heart beats. The focus for this thesis was to examine the degree to which the capacity for phasic autonomic adjustments to heart rate relates to performance monitoring in younger and older adults, using measures of electrocortical and autonomic activity. Behavioural performance and attention allocation during two age-sensitive tasks could be predicted by various aspects of autonomic control. For young adults, greater influence of the parasympathetic system on HRV was beneficial for learning unfamiliar maze paths; for older adults, greater sympathetic influence was detrimental to these functions. Further, these relationships were primarily evoked when the task required the construction and use of internalized representations of mazes rather than passive responses to feedback. When memory for source was required, older adults made three times as many source errors as young adults. However, greater parasympathetic influence on HRV in the older group was conducive to avoiding source errors and to reduced electrocortical responses to irrelevant information. Higher sympathetic predominance, in contrast, was associated with higher rates of source error and greater electrocortical responses tq non-target information in both groups. These relations were not seen for 11 errors associated with a speeded perceptual task, irrespective of its difficulty level. Overall, autonomic modulation of cardiac activity was associated with higher levels of performance monitoring, but differentially across tasks and age groups. With respect to age, those older adults who had maintained higher levels of autonomic cardiac regulation appeared to have also maintained higher levels of executive control over task performance.
This paper presents education research as vital to addressing the issues faced by adults living with cancer. This qualitative study looked at philosophies of practice for cancer patient education. It was about understanding how values and beliefs shape the way program planners and managers operationalize their knowledge of adult education and how this has significant impact on meeting the needs of those touched by cancer. Improved technology has extended life expectancy, so that Canadians living with cancer, or even dying with cancer now spend less time in direct medical care. The notion of cancer as simply a medical concern is outdated. This study found that informational and support needs of adults living with cancer are often unmet, ignored or unknown. This research investigated a community-based education initiative that is inviting, accessible, and promotes a sense of hope. More specifically, this case study uncovered factors contributing to the success of Wellspring, a grass-roots cancer patient support centre which has been recognized nationally for its ability to effectively meet the diverse non-medical supportive care needs of as many cancer patients and caregivers as possible. Therefore, Wellspring was selected as a case study. Educating people to take charge of their own lives and supporting them in making informed decisions about their lifestyle choices made Wellspring part of a social action movement that focused on improving social attitudes toward people living with cancer. Results of this descriptive inquiry and philosophical inquiry evolved into data that was used to devise an organic model of community-based education that encompasses Adler's (1993) four dimensions of philosophy within a socio-cultural context.
The research question in this study was "How do the noninstitutionalized elderly in the Hamilton-Wentworth Region perceive their learning needs and interests related to health?" The theoretical foundations of instruction for adults were reviewed as well as learning needs and interests in adult education, the assessment of learning needs in general, and the assessment of the learning needs of the elderly. The methodology used was a descriptive design. A research-based questionnaire-interview was developed, refined, and pilot tested. From a random sampling procedure, a participant group of 23 was secured. The questionnaireinterview was administered in a home visit situation. Data, which were collected, were coded, analyzed, processed, and printed. The results indicated that each participant had many learning needs and interests of varying intensities. The participants had many preferences in the delivery of health promotion. The learning needs and interests had several significant correlations with other variables. The implications of the result~ were discussed.