992 resultados para non Rayleigh scattering
One of the most important problems in inertial confinement fusion is how to find a way to mitigate the onset of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability which arises in the ablation front during the compression. In this thesis it is studied in detail the possibility of using for such a purpose the well-known mechanism of dynamic stabilization, already applied to other dynamical systems such as the inverted pendulum. In this context, a periodic acceleration superposed to the background gravity generates a vertical vibration of the ablation front itself. The effects of different driving modulations (Dirac deltas and square waves) are analyzed from a theoretical point of view, with a focus on stabilization of ion beam driven ablation fronts, and a comparison is made, in order to look for optimization.
L’attività di ricerca contenuta in questa tesi si è concentrata nello sviluppo e nell’implementazione di tecniche per la co-simulazione e il co-progetto non lineare/elettromagnetico di sistemi wireless non convenzionali. Questo lavoro presenta un metodo rigoroso per considerare le interazioni tra due sistemi posti sia in condizioni di campo vicino che in condizioni di campo lontano. In sostanza, gli effetti del sistema trasmittente sono rappresentati da un generatore equivalente di Norton posto in parallelo all’antenna del sistema ricevente, calcolato per mezzo del teorema di reciprocità e del teorema di equivalenza. La correttezza del metodo è stata verificata per mezzo di simulazioni e misure, concordi tra loro. La stessa teoria, ampliata con l’introduzione degli effetti di scattering, è stata usata per valutare una condizione analoga, dove l’elemento trasmittente coincide con quello ricevente (DIE) contenuto all’interno di una struttura metallica (package). I risultati sono stati confrontati con i medesimi ottenibili tramite tecniche FEM e FDTD/FIT, che richiedono tempi di simulazione maggiori di un ordine di grandezza. Grazie ai metodi di co-simulazione non lineari/EM sopra esposti, è stato progettato e verificato un sistema di localizzazione e identificazione di oggetti taggati posti in ambiente indoor. Questo è stato ottenuto dotando il sistema di lettura, denominato RID (Remotely Identify and Detect), di funzioni di scansione angolare e della tecnica di RADAR mono-pulse. Il sistema sperimentale, creato con dispositivi low cost, opera a 2.5 GHz ed ha le dimensioni paragonabili ad un normale PDA. E’ stato sperimentata la capacità del RID di localizzare, in scenari indoor, oggetti statici e in movimento.
Materials that can mold the flow of elastic waves of certain energy in certain directions are called phononic materials. The present thesis deals essentially with such phononic systems, which are structured in the mesoscale (<1 µm), and with their individual components. Such systems show interesting phononic properties in the hypersonic region, i.e., at frequencies in the GHz range. It is shown that colloidal systems are excellent model systems for the realization of such phononic materials. Therefore, different structures and particle architectures are investigated by Brillouin light scattering, the inelastic scattering of light by phonons.rnThe experimental part of this work is divided into three chapters: Chapter 4 is concerned with the localized mechanical waves in the individual spherical colloidal particles, i.e., with their resonance- or eigenvibrations. The investigation of these vibrations with regard to the environment of the particles, their chemical composition, and the influence of temperature on nanoscopically structured colloids allows novel insights into the physical properties of colloids at small length scales. Furthermore, some general questions concerning light scattering on such systems, in dispute so far, are convincingly addressed.rnChapter 5 is a study of the traveling of mechanical waves in colloidal systems, consisting of ordered and disordered colloids in liquid or elastic matrix. Such systems show acoustic band gaps, which can be explained geometrically (Bragg gap) or by the interaction of the acoustic band with the eigenvibrations of the individual spheres (hybridization gap).rnWhile the latter has no analogue in photonics, the presence of strong phonon scatterers, when a large elastic mismatch between the composite components exists, can largely impact phonon propagation in analogy to strong multiple light scattering systems. The former is exemplified in silica based phononic structures that opens the door to new ways of sound propagation manipulation.rnChapter 6 describes the first measurement of the elastic moduli in newly fabricated by physical vapor deposition so-called ‘stable organic glasses’. rnIn brief, this thesis explores novel phenomena in colloid-based hypersonic phononic structures, utilizing a versatile microfabrication technique along with different colloid architectures provided by material science, and applying a non-destructive optical experimental tool to record dispersion diagrams.rn
Il fenomeno dello scattering diffuso è stato oggetto di numerosi studi nell’arco degli ultimi anni, questo grazie alla sua rilevanza nell’ambito della propagazione elettromagnetica così come in molti altri campi di applicazione (remote sensing, ottica, fisica, etc.), ma la compresione completa di questo effetto è lungi dall’essere raggiunta. Infatti la complessità nello studio e nella caratterizzazione della diffusione deriva dalla miriade di casistiche ed effetti che si possono incontrare in un ambiente di propagazione reale, lasciando intuire la necessità di trattarne probabilisticamente il relativo contributo. Da qui nasce l’esigenza di avere applicazioni efficienti dal punto di vista ingegneristico che coniughino la definizione rigorosa del fenomeno e la conseguente semplificazione per fini pratici. In tale visione possiamo descrivere lo scattering diffuso come la sovrapposizione di tutti quegli effetti che si scostano dalle classiche leggi dell’ottica geometrica (riflessione, rifrazione e diffrazione) che generano contributi del campo anche in punti dello spazio e direzioni in cui teoricamente, per oggetti lisci ed omogenei, non dovrebbe esserci alcun apporto. Dunque l’effetto principale, nel caso di ambiente di propagazione reale, è la diversa distribuzione spaziale del campo rispetto al caso teorico di superficie liscia ed omogenea in congiunzione ad effetti di depolarizzazione e redistribuzione di energia nel bilancio di potenza. Perciò la complessità del fenomeno è evidente e l’obiettivo di tale elaborato è di proporre nuovi risultati che permettano di meglio descrivere lo scattering diffuso ed individuare altresì le tematiche sulle quali concentrare l’attenzione nei lavori futuri. In principio è stato quindi effettuato uno studio bibliografico così da identificare i modelli e le teorie esistenti individuando i punti sui quali riflettere maggiormente; nel contempo si sono analizzate le metodologie di caratterizzazione della permittività elettrica complessa dei materiali, questo per valutare la possibilità di ricavare i parametri da utilizzare nelle simulazioni utilizzando il medesimo setup di misura ideato per lo studio della diffusione. Successivamente si è realizzato un setup di simulazione grazie ad un software di calcolo elettromagnetico (basato sul metodo delle differenze finite nel dominio del tempo) grazie al quale è stato possibile analizzare la dispersione tridimensionale dovuta alle irregolarità del materiale. Infine è stata condotta una campagna di misure in camera anecoica con un banco sperimentale realizzato ad-hoc per effettuare una caratterizzazione del fenomeno di scattering in banda larga.
The Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz analysis is carried out for the extended-CP^N class of integrable 2-dimensional Non-Linear Sigma Models related to the low energy limit of the AdS_4xCP^3 type IIA superstring theory. The principal aim of this program is to obtain further non-perturbative consistency check to the S-matrix proposed to describe the scattering processes between the fundamental excitations of the theory by analyzing the structure of the Renormalization Group flow. As a noteworthy byproduct we eventually obtain a novel class of TBA models which fits in the known classification but with several important differences. The TBA framework allows the evaluation of some exact quantities related to the conformal UV limit of the model: effective central charge, conformal dimension of the perturbing operator and field content of the underlying CFT. The knowledge of this physical quantities has led to the possibility of conjecturing a perturbed CFT realization of the integrable models in terms of coset Kac-Moody CFT. The set of numerical tools and programs developed ad hoc to solve the problem at hand is also discussed in some detail with references to the code.
Target localization has a wide range of military and civilian applications in wireless mobile networks. Examples include battle-field surveillance, emergency 911 (E911), traffc alert, habitat monitoring, resource allocation, routing, and disaster mitigation. Basic localization techniques include time-of-arrival (TOA), direction-of-arrival (DOA) and received-signal strength (RSS) estimation. Techniques that are proposed based on TOA and DOA are very sensitive to the availability of Line-of-sight (LOS) which is the direct path between the transmitter and the receiver. If LOS is not available, TOA and DOA estimation errors create a large localization error. In order to reduce NLOS localization error, NLOS identifcation, mitigation, and localization techniques have been proposed. This research investigates NLOS identifcation for multiple antennas radio systems. The techniques proposed in the literature mainly use one antenna element to enable NLOS identifcation. When a single antenna is utilized, limited features of the wireless channel can be exploited to identify NLOS situations. However, in DOA-based wireless localization systems, multiple antenna elements are available. In addition, multiple antenna technology has been adopted in many widely used wireless systems such as wireless LAN 802.11n and WiMAX 802.16e which are good candidates for localization based services. In this work, the potential of spatial channel information for high performance NLOS identifcation is investigated. Considering narrowband multiple antenna wireless systems, two xvNLOS identifcation techniques are proposed. Here, the implementation of spatial correlation of channel coeffcients across antenna elements as a metric for NLOS identifcation is proposed. In order to obtain the spatial correlation, a new multi-input multi-output (MIMO) channel model based on rough surface theory is proposed. This model can be used to compute the spatial correlation between the antenna pair separated by any distance. In addition, a new NLOS identifcation technique that exploits the statistics of phase difference across two antenna elements is proposed. This technique assumes the phases received across two antenna elements are uncorrelated. This assumption is validated based on the well-known circular and elliptic scattering models. Next, it is proved that the channel Rician K-factor is a function of the phase difference variance. Exploiting Rician K-factor, techniques to identify NLOS scenarios are proposed. Considering wideband multiple antenna wireless systems which use MIMO-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signaling, space-time-frequency channel correlation is exploited to attain NLOS identifcation in time-varying, frequency-selective and spaceselective radio channels. Novel NLOS identi?cation measures based on space, time and frequency channel correlation are proposed and their performances are evaluated. These measures represent a better NLOS identifcation performance compared to those that only use space, time or frequency.
Hall-effect thrusters (HETs) are compact electric propulsion devices with high specific impulse used for a variety of space propulsion applications. HET technology is well developed but the electron properties in the discharge are not completely understood, mainly due to the difficulty involved in performing accurate measurements in the discharge. Measurements of electron temperature and density have been performed using electrostatic probes, but presence of the probes can significantly disrupt thruster operation, and thus alter the electron temperature and density. While fast-probe studies have expanded understanding of HET discharges, a non-invasive method of measuring the electron temperature and density in the plasma is highly desirable. An alternative to electrostatic probes is a non-perturbing laser diagnostic technique that measures Thomson scattering from the plasma. Thomson scattering is the process by which photons are elastically scattered from the free electrons in a plasma. Since the electrons have thermal energy their motion causes a Doppler shift in the scattered photons that is proportional to their velocity. Like electrostatic probes, laser Thomson scattering (LTS) can be used to determine the temperature and density of free electrons in the plasma. Since Thomson scattering measures the electron velocity distribution function directly no assumptions of the plasma conditions are required, allowing accurate measurements in anisotropic and non-Maxwellian plasmas. LTS requires a complicated measurement apparatus, but has the potential to provide accurate, non-perturbing measurements of electron temperature and density in HET discharges. In order to assess the feasibility of LTS diagnostics on HETs non-invasive measurements of electron temperature and density in the near-field plume of a Hall thruster were performed using a custom built laser Thomson scattering diagnostic. Laser measurements were processed using a maximum likelihood estimation method and results were compared to conventional electrostatic double probe measurements performed at the same thruster conditions. Electron temperature was found to range from approximately 1 – 40 eV and density ranged from approximately 1.0 x 1017 m-3 to 1.3 x 1018 m-3 over discharge voltages from 250 to 450 V and mass flow rates of 40 to 80 SCCM using xenon propellant.
We consider the question of optimal shapes, e.g., those causing minimal extinction among all shapes of equal volume. Guided by the isoperimetric property of a sphere, relevant in the geometrical optics limit of scattering by large particles, we examine an analogous question in the low frequency (electrostatics) approximation, seeking to disentangle electric and geometric contributions. To that end, we survey the literature on shape functionals and focus on ellipsoids, giving a simple proof of spherical optimality for the coated ellipsoidal particle. Monotonic increase with asphericity in the low frequency regime for orientation-averaged induced dipole moments and scattering cross-sections is also shown. Additional physical insight is obtained from the Rayleigh-Gans (transparent) limit and eccentricity expansions. We propose connecting low and high frequency regime in a single minimum principle valid for all size parameters, provided that reasonable size distributions of randomly oriented aspherical particles wash out the resonances for intermediate size parameters. This proposal is further supported by the sum rule for integrated extinction.
The freezing behavior of water confined in compacted charged and uncharged clays (montmorillonite in Na-and Ca-forms, illite in Na-and Ca-forms, kaolinite and pyrophyllite) was investigated by neutron scattering. Firstly, the amount of frozen (immobile) water was measured as a function of temperature at the IN16 backscattering spectrometer, Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL). Water in uncharged, partly hydrophobic (kaolinite) and fully hydrophobic (pyrophyllite) clays exhibited a similar freezing and melting behavior to that of bulk water. In contrast, water in charged clays which are hydrophilic could be significantly supercooled. To observe the water dynamics in these clays, further experiments were performed using quasielastic neutron scattering. At temperatures of 250, 260 and 270 K the diffusive motion of water could still be observed, but with a strong reduction in the water mobility as compared with the values obtained above 273 K. The diffusion coefficients followed a non-Arrhenius temperature dependence well described by the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann and the fractional power relations. The fits revealed that Na-and Ca-montmorillonite and Ca-illite have similar Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann temperatures (T-VFT, often referred to as the glass transition temperature) of similar to 120 K and similar temperatures at which the water undergoes the 'strong-fragile' transition, T-s similar to 210 K. On the other hand, Na-illite had significantly larger values of T-VFT similar to 180 K and T-s similar to 240 K. Surprisingly, Ca-illite has a similar freezing behavior of water to that of montmorillonites, even though it has a rather different structure. We attribute this to the stronger hydration of Ca ions as compared with the Na ions occurring in the illite clays.
Time-resolved reflectance is proposed and effectively used for the nondestructive measurement of the optical properties in apples. The technique is based on the detection of the temporal dispersion of a short laser pulse injected into the probed medium. The time-distribution of re-emitted photons interpreted with a solution of the Diffusion equation yields the mean values of the absorption and reduced scattering coefficients of the medium. The proposed technique proved valuable for the measurement of the absorption and scattering spectra of different varieties of apples. No major variations were observed in the experimental data when the fruit was peeled, proving that the measured optical properties are referred to the pulp. The depth of probed volume was determined to be about 2 cm. Finally, the technique proved capable to follow the change in chlorophyll absorption during storage.
Time-resolved reflectance is proposed and effectively used for the nondestructive measurement of the optical properties in apples. The technique is based on the detection of the temporal dispersion of a short laser pulse injected into the probed medium. The time-distribution of re-emitted photons interpreted with a solution of the Diffusion equation yields the mean values of the absorption and reduced scattering coefficients of the medium. The proposed technique proved valuable for the measurement of the absorption and scattering spectra of different varieties of apples. No major variations were observed in the experimental data when the fruit was peeled, proving that the measured optical properties are referred to the pulp. The depth of probed volume was determined to be about 2 cm. Finally, the technique proved capable to follow the change in chlorophyll absorption during storage.
We study the stability and dynamics of non-Boussinesq convection in pure gases ?CO2 and SF6? with Prandtl numbers near Pr? 1 and in a H2-Xe mixture with Pr= 0.17. Focusing on the strongly nonlinear regime we employ Galerkin stability analyses and direct numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations. For Pr ? 1 and intermediate non-Boussinesq effects we find reentrance of stable hexagons as the Rayleigh number is increased. For stronger non-Boussinesq effects the usual, transverse side-band instability is superseded by a longitudinal side-band instability. Moreover, the hexagons do not exhibit any amplitude instability to rolls. Seemingly, this result contradicts the experimentally observed transition from hexagons to rolls. We resolve this discrepancy by including the effect of the lateral walls. Non-Boussinesq effects modify the spiral defect chaos observed for larger Rayleigh numbers. For convection in SF6 we find that non-Boussinesq effects strongly increase the number of small, compact convection cells and with it enhance the cellular character of the patterns. In H2-Xe, closer to threshold, we find instead an enhanced tendency toward roll-like structures. In both cases the number of spirals and of targetlike components is reduced. We quantify these effects using recently developed diagnostics of the geometric properties of the patterns.
While non-Boussinesq hexagonal convection patterns are known to be stable close to threshold (i.e. for Rayleigh numbers R ? Rc ), it has often been assumed that they are always unstable to rolls for slightly higher Rayleigh numbers. Using the incompressible Navier?Stokes equations for parameters corresponding to water as the working fluid, we perform full numerical stability analyses of hexagons in the strongly nonlinear regime ( ? (R ? Rc )/Rc = O(1)). We find ?re-entrant? behaviour of the hexagons, i.e. as is increased they can lose and regain stability. This can occur for values of as low as = 0.2. We identify two factors contributing to the re-entrance: (i) far above threshold there exists a hexagon attractor even in Boussinesq convection as has been shown recently and (ii) the non-Boussinesq effects increase with . Using direct simulations for circular containers we show that the re-entrant hexagons can prevail even for sidewall conditions that favour convection in the form of competing stable rolls. For sufficiently strong non-Boussinesq effects hexagons even become stable over the whole -range considered, 0 6 6 1.5.
Increasing attention is being paid to the possible development of non-invasive tests for the assessment of the quality of fruits We propose a novel non-destructive method for the measurement of the internal optical properties of fruits and vegetables by means of time resolved reflectance spectroscopy in the visible and NIR range. A fully automated instrumentation for time-resolved reflectance measurements was developed It is based on mode-locked laser sources and electronics for time-correlated single photon counting, and provides a time-resolution of 120-160 ps The system was used to probe the optical properties of several species and varieties of fruits and vegetables in the red and NIR range (650-1000 nm). In most fruits, the absorption line shape is dominated by the absorption peak of water, centred around 970 nm Generally, the absorption spectra also show the spectral features typical of chlorophyll, with maximum at 675 nm In particular, for what concerns apples, variations in peak intensity are observed depending on the variety, the degree of ripeness as well as the position on the apple. For all the species and varieties considered, the transport scattering coefficient decreases progressively upon increasing the wavelength.
Increasing attention is being paid to the possible development of non-invasive tests for the assessment of the quality of Fruits. We propose a novel non-destructive method for the measurement of the internal optical properties of fruits and vegetables by means of lime-resolved reflectance spectroscopy in the visible and NIR range. A Fully automated instrumentation for time-resolved reflectance measurements was developed. It is based on mode-locked laser sources and electronics for time-correlated single photon counting, and provides a time-resolution of 120-160 ps. The system was used to probe the optical properties of several species and varieties of Fruits and vegetables in the red and NIR range (650-1000 nm). In most Fruits, the absorption line shape is dominated by the absorption peak of water, centred around 970 nm. Generally, the absorption spectra also show the spectral features typical of chlorophyll, with maximum at 675 nm. In particular, for what concerns apples, variations in peak intensity are observed depending on the variety, the degree of ripeness as well as the position on the apple. For all the species and varieties considered, the transport scattering coefficient decreases progressively upon increasing the wavelength.