975 resultados para news search engine
This paper presents the main results of the eContent HARMOS project. The project has developed a webbased educational system for professional musicians. The main idea of the project consists of recording master classes taught by highly recognised maestros and annotate this multimedia material using an educational musical taxonomy and automatic annotation tools. Users of the system access a multi-criteria search engine that allows them to find and play video segments according to a combination of criteria, which include instrument, teacher, composer, composition, movement and pedagogical concept. In order to preserve teachers and students rights, a DRM and protection system has been developed. The system is being publicly exploited. This model preserves musical heritage, since these valuable master classes are usually not recorded and it also provides a sustainable model for musical institutions.
In the last decade, two tools, one drawn from information theory and the other from artificial neural networks, have proven particularly useful in many different areas of sequence analysis. The work presented herein indicates that these two approaches can be joined in a general fashion to produce a very powerful search engine that is capable of locating members of a given nucleic acid sequence family in either local or global sequence searches. This program can, in turn, be queried for its definition of the motif under investigation, ranking each base in context for its contribution to membership in the motif family. In principle, the method used can be applied to any binding motif, including both DNA and RNA sequence families, given sufficient family size.
The database of imprinted genes and parent-of-origin effects in animals (http:// www.otago.ac.nz/IGC) is a collation of genes and phenotypes for which parent-of-origin effects have been reported. The database currently includes over 220 entries, which describe over 40 imprinted genes in human, mouse and other animals. In addition a wide variety of other parent-of-origin effects, such as transmission of human disease phenotypes, transmission of QTLs, uniparental disomies and interspecies crosses are recorded. Data are accessed through a search engine and references are hyperlinked to PubMed.
The Homeodomain Resource is an annotated collection of non-redundant protein sequences, three-dimensional structures and genomic information for the homeodomain protein family. Release 3.0 contains 795 full-length homeodomain-containing sequences, 32 experimentally-derived structures and 143 homeobox loci implicated in human genetic disorders. Entries are fully hyperlinked to facilitate easy retrieval of the original records from source databases. A simple search engine with a graphical user interface is provided to query the component databases and assemble customized data sets. A new feature for this release is the addition of DNA recognition sites for all human homeodomain proteins described in the literature. The Homeodomain Resource is freely available through the World Wide Web at http://genome.nhgri.nih.gov/homeodomain.
A fim de refletirmos sobre as condições de produção na contemporaneidade, propomos discussões e análises em torno do funcionamento dos recursos de personalização de conteúdos na Internet que impõem filtros aos usuários. Para isso, mobilizamos a teoria de Análise do Discurso de linha francesa, sobretudo a partir dos trabalhos de Michel Pêcheux. Delimitamos a observação do funcionamento de tais recursos no mecanismo de busca do Google, uma vez que ele representa uma das maiores corporações na Internet e detém a maior parte do mercado de buscas. A partir dessa delimitação, selecionamos o corpus de análise oriundo da política de privacidade do buscador, de definições dadas pela empresa sobre o funcionamento de tais recursos e de relatos sobre esse funcionamento postados por usuários e disseminados na rede. Acreditamos que a análise do funcionamento dessas técnicas nos dizem sobre as condições de produção do discurso na contemporaneidade, bem como das materialidades discursivas que lhes são peculiares, compreendendo que é pela influência materialista que se chega, na Análise do Discurso, a noção de materialidade discursiva. Temos, dessa forma, contemplada uma discussão sobre história, sujeito e língua que fundamenta o funcionamento da ideologia. Ainda nesse ínterim, propomos pensar o discurso ressaltando o que concerne à memória, bem como as questões que decorrem ao considerarmos seu funcionamento perpassado pelas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC\'s), o que nos move a refletir sobre o discurso eletrônico e a memória metálica. Tudo isso nos mostra os efeitos discursivos dos filtros que giram em torno do controle na rede, característica que tem marcado as relações de poder no cenário atual.
Comunicación presentada en las IV Jornadas TIMM, Torres (Jaén), 7-8 abril 2011.
This paper describes a CL-SR system that employs two different techniques: the first one is based on NLP rules that consist on applying logic forms to the topic processing while the second one basically consists on applying the IR-n statistical search engine to the spoken document collection. The application of logic forms to the topics allows to increase the weight of topic terms according to a set of syntactic rules. Thus, the weights of the topic terms are used by IR-n system in the information retrieval process.
Introducción: Analizar la calidad de las páginas web de los servicios de catering en el ámbito escolar y su contenido en educación alimentaria, y tener una primera experiencia con la herramienta de evaluación EDALCAT. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal. La población de estudio son páginas web de empresas de catering encargadas de la gestión de los comedores escolares. La muestra se obtuvo utilizando el buscador Google y un Ranking de las principales empresas de catering por facturación, escogiendo aquellas que tenían página web. Para la prueba piloto se seleccionaron diez páginas web según proximidad geográfica a la ciudad de Alicante y nivel de facturación. Para la evaluación de los sitios web se diseñó un cuestionario (EDALCAT), compuesto de un primer bloque de predictores de calidad con 19 variables de fiabilidad, diseño y navegación; y de un segundo bloque de contenidos específicos de educación alimentaria con 19 variables de contenido y actividades educativas. Resultados: Se han obtenido resultados positivos en 31 de las 38 variables del cuestionario, excepto en los ítems: “Buscador”, “Idioma” (40%) y “Ayuda” (10%) del bloque predictores de calidad y en los ítems: “Talleres”, “Recetario”, “Web alimentación-nutrición” (40%) y “Ejemplos” (30%) del bloque de contenidos específicos de educación alimentaria. Todas las páginas web evaluadas superan valores del 50% de cumplimiento de criterios de calidad y de contenidos mínimos en educación alimentaria, y sólo una de ellas, incumple el nivel de actividad mínimo establecido. Conclusiones: Los predictores de calidad y los contenidos específicos en educación alimentaria dieron buenos resultados en todas las páginas web evaluadas. La mayoría de ellas obtuvieron una alta puntuación en su valoración, y en su análisis individual por bloques. Tras el estudio piloto el cuestionario se ha modificado y se obtiene el EDALCAT definitivo. En líneas generales EDALCAT parece ser adecuado para evaluar la calidad de las páginas web de servicios de catering y su contenido en educación alimentaria, sin embargo el presente estudio no puede considerarse como validación del mismo.
La búsqueda es una de las actividades centrales en el mundo digital y, por tanto, uno de los elementos clave en el análisis de cibermedios, ya que una parte de sus audiencias y de sus ingresos procede de las páginas de resultados de los buscadores (SERP). En este trabajo, presentamos algunas de las herramientas de análisis de posicionamiento SEO más utilizadas con el fin de considerar su aplicación en estudios académicos sobre cibermedios. Aplicamos los nueve indicadores más importantes de estas herramientas a la página principal de cuatro cibermedios generalistas espanoles con el fin de estimar su viabilidad como indicadores alternativos al PageRank y otros indicadores de Google.
Este artículo estudia la redefinición del lenguaje periodístico ante la influencia de tres tendencias de la comunicación digital: el Search Engine Optimization (SEO), la inmediatez de las redes sociales y la fragmentación de contenidos mediante enlaces. Para ello, se compara el punto de vista de los editores web de los ocho medios españoles con mayor audiencia con las iniciativas implantadas en sus redacciones y las aportaciones teóricas sobre la escritura ciberperiodística. Este análisis revela la importancia que los medios digitales otorgan a la creación de contenidos adaptados a la web, pero también sus carencias en la adopción de acciones concretas para favorecer su desarrollo.
A location-based search engine must be able to find and assign proper locations to Web resources. Host, content and metadata location information are not sufficient to describe the location of resources as they are ambiguous or unavailable for many documents. We introduce target location as the location of users of Web resources. Target location is content-independent and can be applied to all types of Web resources. A novel method is introduced which uses log files and IN to track the visitors of websites. The experiments show that target location can be calculated for almost all documents on the Web at country level and to the majority of them in state and city levels. It can be assigned to Web resources as a new definition and dimension of location. It can be used separately or with other relevant locations to define the geography of Web resources. This compensates insufficient geographical information on Web resources and would facilitate the design and development of location-based search engines.
Representing knowledge using domain ontologies has shown to be a useful mechanism and format for managing and exchanging information. Due to the difficulty and cost of building ontologies, a number of ontology libraries and search engines are coming to existence to facilitate reusing such knowledge structures. The need for ontology ranking techniques is becoming crucial as the number of ontologies available for reuse is continuing to grow. In this paper we present AKTiveRank, a prototype system for ranking ontologies based on the analysis of their structures. We describe the metrics used in the ranking system and present an experiment on ranking ontologies returned by a popular search engine for an example query.
In view of the need to provide tools to facilitate the re-use of existing knowledge structures such as ontologies, we present in this paper a system, AKTiveRank, for the ranking of ontologies. AKTiveRank uses as input the search terms provided by a knowledge engineer and, using the output of an ontology search engine, ranks the ontologies. We apply a number of metrics in an attempt to investigate their appropriateness for ranking ontologies, and compare the results with a questionnaire-based human study. Our results show that AKTiveRank will have great utility although there is potential for improvement.
In practical term any result obtained using an ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator heavily depends upon the method to determine the weighting vector. Several approaches for obtaining the associated weights have been suggested in the literature, in which none of them took into account the preference of alternatives. This paper presents a method for determining the OWA weights when the preferences of alternatives across all the criteria are considered. An example is given to illustrate this method and an application in internet search engine shows the use of this new OWA operator.