694 resultados para nanoporous templates
Enzymatic polymerization of aniline was first performed in lignosulfonate (LGS) template system. High-redox-potential catalyst laccase, isolated from Aspergillus, was used as a biocatalyst in the synthesis of conducting polyaniline/lignosulfonate (PANI-ES-LGS) complex using atmospheric oxygen as the oxidizing agent. The linear templates (LGS), also serving as the dopants, could facilitate the directional alignment of the monomer and improve the solubility of the conducting polymer. The process of the polymerization was monitored using UV-Vis spectroscopy, by which the conditions for laccase-catalyzed synthesis of PANI-ES-LGS complex were also optimized. The structure characterizations and solubility of the complex were carried out using corresponding characterization techniques respectively. The PANI-ES-LGS suspensions obtained was used as coating for cotton with a conventional padder to explore the applications of the complex. The variable optoelectronic properties of the coated cotton were confirmed by cyclic voltammetry and color strength test. The molecular weight changes of LGS treated by laccase were also studied to discuss the mechanism of laccase catalyzed aniline polymerization in LGS template system.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais
The stem cell niche organization and dynamics provide valuable cues for the development of mimetic environments that could have potential to stimulate the regenerative process. We propose the use of biodegradable biomaterials to produce closed miniaturised structures able to encapsulate different cell types or bioactive molecules. In particular, capsules are fabricated using the so-called layer-by-layer technology, where the consecutive (nano-sized) layers are well stabilized by electrostatic interactions or other weak forces. Using alginate-based spherical templates containing cells or other elements (e.g. proteins, magnetic nanoparticles, microparticles) it is possible to produce liquefied capsules that may entrap the entire cargo under mild conditions. The inclusion of liquefied micropcapsules may be used to produce hierarchical compartmentalised systems for the delivery of bioactive agents. The presence of solid microparticles inside such capsules offers adequate surface area for adherent cell attachment increasing the biological performance of these hierarchical systems, while maintain both permeability and injectability. We demonstrated that the encapsulation of distinct cell types (including mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial cells) enhances the osteogenic capability of this system, that could be useful in bone tissue engineering applications.
Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a l’ Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier, França, durant 2006. S’han sintetitzat materials híbrids orgànico-inorgànics mitjançant el procés sol-gel i altres estratègies sintètiques. En alguns casos, s’ha intentat estructurar aquests materials, ja sigui per autoestructuració o per mitjà de tensioactius. Com a catalitzadors de les reaccions d'hidròlisi i policondensació s’han utilitzat àcids, bases i fluorurs. Els materials obtinguts s’han caracteritzat mitjançant diferents tècniques: BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller), TEM (microscopia electrònica de transmissió), SEM (microscòpia electrònica de rastreig), raigs X en pols , IR i RMN (ressonància magnètica nuclear) en estat sòlid. Amb aquests materials es pretén preparar catalitzadors heterogenis de Pd per reaccions d’acoblament creuat, i de Ru per reaccions de metàtesi. També s’han sintetitzat sals d'imidazoli amb cadenes hidrocarbonades llargues amb l'objectiu de preparar gels de sílice amb aquestes molècules atrapades dins la matriu inorgànica. Aquests materials s’utilitzaran com a organocatalitzadors i també es prepararan els corresponents catalitzadors de Pd per reaccions de Heck, Suzuki i Sonogashira. Les sals d’imidazoli s’han utilitzat com a tensioactius en la preparació de gels de sílice estructurats. Aquestes molècules han resultat ser cristalls líquids i s’han caracteritzar mitjançant DSC (differential scanning calorimetry), microscopia òptica i raigs X.
S’ha sintetitzat pel mètode de nanocasting pols nanomètrica d’In2O3, NiO i Co3O4 utilitzant diferents mesoestructures de sílice (SBA-16, SBA-15 i KIT-6) com a motlle rígid. Les rèpliques obtingudes s’han caracteritzat amb les tècniques de difracció de raigs X, microscòpia electrònica de rastreig, microscòpia electrònica de transmissió d’alta resolució i BET. L’òxid d’indi, l’òxid de níquel i l’òxid de cobalt obtinguts a partir de la sílice SBA-15 i KIT-6 conserven perfectament l’estructura mesopòrica del motlle, amb valors del diàmetre de porus al voltant dels 7-8 nm. Les rèpliques del motlle SBA-15 estan formades per nanofilaments llargs, mentre que les rèpliques de KIT-6 presenten una estructura hexagonal. A partir del motlle de tipus gàbia (SBA-16), si bé el Co3O4 obtingut és mesopòric, en els altres dos casos (In2O3 i NiO) no s’ha observat ordenament. Per a les rèpliques In2O3 KIT-6 i NiO SBA-15, la caracterització mitjançant BET ha permès corroborar el caràcter mesoestructurat de les mostres.
Update of the Gene Discovery Program in Schistosoma mansoni with the Expressed Sequence Tag Approach
Continuing the Schistosoma mansoni Genome Project 363 new templates were sequenced generating 205 more ESTs corresponding to 91 genes. Seventy four of these genes (81%) had not previously been described in S. mansoni. Among the newly discovered genes there are several of significant biological interest such as synaptophysin, NIFs-like and rho-GDP dissociation inhibitor
Els materials mesoporos (amb una mida controlada de porus entre els 2 i 50 nm) tenen com a tret diferencial la seva gran superfície específica, la qual els fa aptes per a aplicacions molt diverses. L’espinel·la de NiCo2O4 és aplicable com a sensor de gasos, com a catalitzador de les reaccions d’evolució i reducció d’oxigen o com a elèctrode en electrosíntesi inorgànica i orgànica. Hom preveu que l’obtenció de NiCo2O4 mesoporós podria ampliar el ventall d’aplicacions d’aquest material o millorar les prestacions de les ja existents. L’objectiu del projecte és el de determinar el rang de temperatures d’ús dels dispositius que incorporin l’espinel·la de NiCo2O4 mesoporosa. Per tal d’analitzar l’estabilitat tèrmica d’aquest material, es realitza un procés de síntesi complet de mostres d’aquestes característiques. S’inicia un procés d’obtenció de nanomotlles de sílice amb mesoestructura SBA-15 i KIT-6 pel mètode de soft-templating. Aquests templates es validen per TEM i EDX i són els emprats per a la síntesi de mostres de NiCo2O4 per hard-templating. Un cop sintetitzades les mostres de NiCo2O4 SBA-15 i KIT-6, es procedeix a validar la qualitat de la seva mesoestructura per TEM, i la seva composició química per EDX i de fases per XRD. Aquestes dues mostres as-prepared passen a ser sotmeses a un seguit de tractaments tèrmics a temperatures de 400ºC, 450ºC, 500ºC, 550ºC i 600ºC. Això permetrà observar per TEM el col·lapse de la mesoestructura i per XRD serà possible detectar i quantificar la segregació de NiO que podria malmetre les propietats del material en qualsevol de les seves aplicacions. Segons l’aparició d’aquests dos efectes negatius, es determinarà una temperatura crítica de funcionalitat del NiCo2O4 mesoporós. També es farà una anàlisi termogravimètrica dels precursors emprats per a la síntesi del NiCo2O4 confinats en templates de sílice: nitrat de cobalt i nitrat de níquel per separat, i una mescla d’ambdós amb proporcions 0,5:1 Ni(II):Co(II). Es podrà observar en quines temperatures tenen lloc el processos físicoquímics patits per aquests precursors, quan té lloc la formació dels òxids pertinents i com afecta la presència dels nanomotlles a cada un d’ells. Finalment, aquest projecte també incideix en l’estudi de la reproductibilitat per hard-templating de l’espinel·la de FeCo2O4, un material força desconegut en format mesoporós. I la caracterització de les mostres as-prepared per TEM, EDX i XRD.
Guidance On The Completion Of Revised Revenue Business Case Templates And Post Project Evaluation - The Need To Complete A Relevant Business Case Relating To Leased Accommodation
NICaN Regional Supportive & Palliative Care Network Friday 30th May 2008 Lecture Theatre, Fern House Antrim 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm Welcome, Introductions Stuart MacDonnell, Chair of the Supportive and Palliative Care network welcomed everyone to the meeting. This meeting had been rescheduled to accommodate the validation workshop for the regional palliative care model, which took place on Friday,18th April. Acknowledging the full agenda, several items were pulled forward to accommodate speakers SPC_0809_03 Modernisation and Reform of Supportive and Palliative care Mr MacDonnell welcomed Dr Sonja McIlfatrick and Dr Donna Fitzimons, members of the Phase 1 Project Team for the Modernisation and Reform of palliative care. Their presentation highlighted the journey taken by the Project Team since January 2008 - May 2008. Seeking to deliver the network vision, for any person with palliative care need, cancer or non - cancer, the project team incorporated several methodologies. The literature review identified best practice. An assessment of need including epidemiological data and review of service provision. Consultation reflected the engagement with patients, carers and professional forums, primary care and non-malignant focus groups. The breadth of consultation confirmed the evidence for the identified components of the model. These were validated at the April workshop. External review of the work was provided by Dr Phil Larkin (Galway Uni) Prof David Clark (End of Life Care Observatory, Lancaster University) and Mr Bob Neillans (Chair of the Mid Trent Palliative care network, which has been involved in the Delivering choice programme within Lincolnshire). The Guiding Principles of the model reinforced Patient and family centred care, enhanced community provision and supported by specialists. The components of the model are · Identification of patient with Palliative careened · Holistic Assessment · Integration of services · Coordination of care · End of Life Care and Bereavement Care The consultation process also highlighted the need for Increased Public and Professional Awareness. This was recognised as an encompassing component. Underpinning the model is the need for robust Education and common core values e.g. dignity, choice, advocacy, empowerment, partnership working. Stuart MacDonnell, who also chaired the steering group during the project, congratulated the Project Team for delivering the comprehensive document on schedule. The Report has been submitted to the NICaN Board and the DHSSPSNI. In addition, an outline for Phase 2 of this work has been submitted. Mr MacDonnell recognised that there is real opportunity for palliative care to benefit from the DHSSPSNI commitment to concrete developments. Phase 2 will progress the current high-level components of the model into quality services developments at a local level, demonstrating integration throughout. The methods propose continued engagement with the Delivering Choice Programme enabled through a Central and also Local Teams. The report and the Appendices care available on the NICaN website www.nican@n-i.nhs.uk SPC_0809_01 Chairman's Business · Update on the Cancer Service Framework, the document has been submitted and presented to the Departmental Programme Board. Next stages will include the review of costs and development of a implementation guidance It is hoped that the completed document should be available for public consultation in Autumn 2008. with a launch of the framework document and accompanying implementation guide in Spring 2009. Some funding has already been identified to advance key areas of work including, Advanced communication skills training, peer review and an appointment of a post to develop the cancerni.net, focusing on children and e-learning tools. · Children's and Adolescent Cancer network group , Liz Henderson is to convene a group to consider how this is to be taken forward. · NICaN appointments Recognition was given to the significant contribution made by Dr Gerard Daly during his position as NICaN Lead Clinician, particularly throughout the early establishment of the NICaN. Dr Dermott Hughes (Western Trust) has been appointed as the NICaN Medical Director. The Primary Care Director post has been advertised and it is hoped that the Director of Network will be advertised later in Summer. Endorsement of End of Life care paper. The Paper was presented and endorsed at the March 2008 NICaN Board meeting. Mr David Galloway (Director of Secondary Care) emphasised the need for this important work to be recognised within the regional model to ensure that it is reflected in future models of service delivery Congratulations were again echoed to the Chair of the End of Life Group for this work, Dr Glynis Henry, and the working group Other recognition Mr MacDonnell congratulated the significant achievements across the network. These include: · Dr Francis Robinson (Consultant Palliative Medicine, Western Trust) Awarded - Consultant of the year at the NI Health Care awards. · Mrs Evelyn Whittaker Hospice Nurse Specialist, NI Hospice, Joint Second Prize in the Development award within the International Journal of Palliative Nursing Awards, for her work in development of palliative care education in nursing homes. · Mr Ray Elder is the newly appointed Team Leader of Community Palliative care, SE Trust. · Mrs Bridget Denvir, who managed the establishment of one of the first community multiprofessional palliative care teams is moving to work with establishing integrated teams within the Belfast Trust. Bridget has been an active core member of the network and here contribution has been much appreciated. Mrs Sharon Barr will attend in future. SPC_0809_02 Minutes & matters Arising from Meeting, 13th December 2007 No amendments were made to the draft minutes from the December meeting. These will be posted on the NICaN website for future reference. Palliative Care Research Following consultation, the response to the business case for the All Ireland Institute was forwarded on 22 February 2008 to Prof David Clark. Prof Judith Hill informed the group that terms of tender are now being developed. Awareness raising across academic institutions continues to engage interest in potential partnerships. Atlantic Philantrophies have offered financial support to the venture and match funding is being sought from across jurisdictions. Previous discussions at Network meetings have endorsed the need to establish a work strand for research and development within palliative and end of life care. To identify the body of interested parties and explore the strengths and weaknesses of a collaborative model for research, a workshop, - Building collaboration for Palliative and End of life Care Research -will take place on 4 June 10am - 2pm.in the Comfort Hotel.Antrim, The workshop will be chaired by Prof David Clark, Director of the International Observatory on End of Life Care. Prof Shelia Payne, Help the Hospices Chair in Hospice Studies and co director of the Cancer Experiences Collaborative will present the Experiences and Results from Research Collaborative. Feedback from this event will be brought back to the next meeting in September. SPC_0809_04 Patient Information pathways - a pathway for advanced disease Ms Danny Sinclair, NICaN Regional Coordinator for Patient Information informed the network of how patient information pathways have been developed in line with the Cancer Services Collaborative. Emerging themes, with regard to information needs of patients with advanced disease, are being identified from the work undertaken across the tumour groups. It is important to identify all information needs to develop a generic pathway of information resources for advanced disease to be endorsed by the Supportive and Palliative care network. This could be used across the all tumour specific information pathways and across organisational boundaries. The resulting pathway could potentially be used for non- cancer condition. A group is to be established to take this work forward. The group will: · Develop a list of advanced disease information themes · .Identify when they become relevant for the patient or their carer · .Identify existing resources · .Develop resources where needed · .Participate or nominate when review is required Dr Sheila Kelly nominated Helen Hume (SETrust) Paula Kealey will also contribute to this work; a nomination from the Patient and Public Information Forum has also been identified. A date will be circulated across the network to engage further interest and establish group SPC_0809_08 Development of a Regional Syringe Driver Prescription Chart Ms Kathy Stephenson reported that the second consultation of the draft regional syringe driver prescription chart and the focus group discussions, Pilots of the chart are to be undertaken within Trust, Hospices and General Practices. SPC_0809_05 A framework for Generalist and Specialist Palliative and End of Life Care Competency Dr Kathleen Dunne, lead of the Education works strand, reported on the findings following consultation of the Education framework. The report was widely appreciated across the network and valued as a significant and timely document for the commissioning of generalist and specialist adult palliative care education. Mr MacDonnell congratulated Dr Dunne and the members of the education workstrand for developing the framework aligning its significance to the underpinning needs of the regional model Amendments will be made to the document and then forwarded to the NICaN Board for endorsement. A process of implementation will be explored and reported to the network group at the September meeting. Key target areas for generalist palliative care education were highlighted within care of the elderly and general medicine. . SPC_0809_06 Pallcareni.net-a website for people with palliative care needs Ms Danny Sinclair, reminded the group of the pending amalgamation of the CAPriCORN and NICaN website. The resulting new web address will be www. cancerni.net. Recurrent funding has been secured to ensure the development of the supportive and palliative care website.www.Pallcareni.net The new website will host good information for people with palliative care needs, regardless of diagnosis. It will be accessible via the cancerni.net portal or independently as the pallcareni portal. It will signpost people with palliative care needs to condition- specific websites. The website will also enable the communication needs of the NI Regional Supportive & Palliative Care Network. This is a very significant method of seeking to enable greater understanding of palliative care for public and professionals, as highlighted within the regional model. Currently the material from the CAPriCORN website is being migrated onto cancerni and /or pallcareni.net as appropriate. To enable the further development of this opportunity a steering group of interested individuals is to be established. Their role will be to: · Drive the development of the website so it meets the needs of public and professionals through the sourcing and development of additional content · Identify any support that is needed, e.g. technical support · Review the website as a whole as it grows (coordinating condition-specific developments) · Review the functions of the website to aid communication throughout the Supportive and Palliative care network The steering group representation should reflect the constituencies within the Supportive and Palliative Care network. Current expressions of interest have come from Heather Reid and Valerie Peacock. A date will be circulated across the network to engage further interest and establish group SPC_0809_07 Update of Guidelines workstrand Dr Pauline Wilkinson presented the current work within the guidelines workstrand. 1. Brief Holistic Assessment & Referral Criteria to Specialist Palliative Care The development of an Holistic assessment Tool will help to identify holistic need at generalist and specialist level. Recognition of complex need prompts appropriate referral to specialist palliative care. The regional referral form is compatible with the Minimum Data set. The final drafts of this work are to be circulated widely, inclusive of service framework groups, primary care, secondary care and the supportive and palliative care network. Consultation will take place during June and July. Piloting of the forms will also be undertaken. 2. Control of Pain in Cancer Patients The original guidelines where developed 2003 and are now ready for review. The Mapping exercise, undertaken in May 2007, highlighted that the Guidelines were poorly adopted. The group have reviewed the pending SIGN 2 guidelines for pain with regard to practice in Northern Ireland. These are highly evidence based and are due to be launched this Summer. Whilst an excellent resource their comprehensiveness limits their readability, this may result in poor compliance. The Guidelines group feel it is important to have accessible and user-friendly guidelines particularly for Generalists and Out of hours. There are examples of good work that has taken place across the province, but there is a need for regional consistency. Dr Wilkinson has contacted Dr Carolyn Harper (Deputy CMO) and GAIN with regard to enabling funding to progress this work. The Guidelines group hope to approach the NICaN Primary Care Group to work in collaboratively on this piece, based on the templates already available. The works should be available in both electronic and paper versions. 3. Care of the dying & Breaking bad news Dr Gail Johnston has now completed an Audit of the Care of the Dying Pathways within the EHSSB. Gail is also seeking to examine to what extent the Regional Guidelines for Breaking Bad News are being implemented in the EHSSB with a view to identifying the need for further training or organisational structures that would facilitate future uptake. 4. Advances in new Technology Syringe Drivers Dr Wilkinson reported on a presentation made to the guidelines group by Mr Jim Elliot, Principle Engineer, Cardiology & Ann McLean, and Macmillan Palliative Care Nurse RVH. There is increasing concern with regard to how devices meet the recommended safety standards and how to reduce error. New devices have 3 point checking, automatic detection of syringe, automatic flow rates, full range of alarms, battery status and data download to provide an event log. There are now 2 companies in UK who have devices that meet these safety criteria. The current Graseby syringe drivers, which have been on the market and used predominately within Northern Ireland over the past 27 years Most new devices are not compatible with the regionally available monoject syringe, however contractual changes will lead to the withdrawal of the monoject syringes in October 2008. The Guidelines group supports a regional approach to this matter. This was echoed in the Supportive and Palliative care network. An option appraisal, identifying costs, and training issues should be developed through the engagement with Trusts and DHSSPSNI. The issue of Patient safety should be raised with the DHSSPSNI. SPC_0809_09 Evaluation of Supportive and Palliative Care network Deferred to next meeting. . SPC_0809_10 Emerging Issues Mrs Anne Coyle, Bereavement Coordinator, Southern Trust, announced that the Regional Bereavement Strategy is soon to be released. Anne supported the close alignment between the content of the strategy and the work of the regional model and other workstrands within the Supportive and Palliative care network. Ms Eleanor Donaghy, Transplant Coordinator, briefly highlighted the issue of tissue donation. Each year Northern Ireland has a dearth of corneal donations. There is no upper age limit for donation and retrieval is not limited by a cancer diagnosis. Recipients do not require immunosuppressive and the transplant is lifelong. The National Blood Service provided coordination of this donation they may be contacted via 07659180773. It is hoped that Mrs Coyle and Ms Donaghy could provide more comprehensive presentations at a future meeting. Events · Irish Psycho- Oncology Group Seminar, Cork 6 June, Exploring the Struggle for meaning in Cancer · Integrated Care: Putting Research into Practice, 13June, Trinity College, Dublin · Macmillan online conference Friday 13 June 2008, 9am - 5pm · Delivering effective end of life care: developing partnership working 15 Oct 2008, 9.30 -4.15 pm London Network Meeting was closed at 5.00pm SPC_0607_ Dates of Future Meetings (please note the change of venue) 10th September 2008, 1.30 - 5pm venue to be decided15th January 2009, 1.30 - 5pm venue to be decided12th May 2009, 1.30 - 5pm venue to be decided Attendances Apologies Stuart MacDonnellLorna NevinSonja McIlfatrick Donna FitzsimonsKathleen DunnePauline WilkinsonKathy StephensonSheila KellyMarie Nugent,Anne CoyleFiona GilmourJudith HillLorna DicksonMargaret CarlinLoretta GribbenYvonne Duff Lesley NelsonLiz HendersonSue FosterCathy PayneGraeme PaynePatricia MageeGeraldine WeatherupPaula KealyCaroline McAfeeLinda WrayValerie PeacockAnn McCleanRay Elder Martin BradleyHelen HumeGillian RankinHeather MonteverdeJulie DoyleAlison PorterYvonne SmythLiz Atkinson,Glynis HenryMaeve HullyCaroline HughesAnn FinnBob BrownSharon BarrJulie DoyleJanis McCulla .
BACKGROUND: The recent availability of genetic analyses has demonstrated the shortcomings of the current phenotypic method of corneal dystrophy classification. Abnormalities in different genes can cause a single phenotype, whereas different defects in a single gene can cause different phenotypes. Some disorders termed corneal dystrophies do not appear to have a genetic basis. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop a new classification system for corneal dystrophies, integrating up-to-date information on phenotypic description, pathologic examination, and genetic analysis. METHODS: The International Committee for Classification of Corneal Dystrophies (IC3D) was created to devise a current and accurate nomenclature. RESULTS: This anatomic classification continues to organize dystrophies according to the level chiefly affected. Each dystrophy has a template summarizing genetic, clinical, and pathologic information. A category number from 1 through 4 is assigned, reflecting the level of evidence supporting the existence of a given dystrophy. The most defined dystrophies belong to category 1 (a well-defined corneal dystrophy in which a gene has been mapped and identified and specific mutations are known) and the least defined belong to category 4 (a suspected dystrophy where the clinical and genetic evidence is not yet convincing). The nomenclature may be updated over time as new information regarding the dystrophies becomes available. CONCLUSIONS: The IC3D Classification of Corneal Dystrophies is a new classification system that incorporates many aspects of the traditional definitions of corneal dystrophies with new genetic, clinical, and pathologic information. Standardized templates provide key information that includes a level of evidence for there being a corneal dystrophy. The system is user-friendly and upgradeable and can be retrieved on the website www.corneasociety.org/ic3d.
(WHIASU) A basic guide to conducting a HIA. 1. Health impact assessment is a tool that can help organisations to assess the possible consequences of their decisions on people۪s health and well-being, thereby helping to develop more integrated policies and programmes. 2. This document has been developed as a practical guide to health impact assessment. It is designed to meet the needs of a variety of organisations by explaining the concept, the process and its flexibility, and by providing templates that can be adjusted to suit. 3. The Welsh Assembly Government is committed to developing the use of health impact assessment in Wales as a part of its strategy to improve health and wellbeing and to reduce health inequalities. This practical guide has been prepared by the Welsh Health Impact Assessment Support Unit, which was established by the Welsh Assembly Government to encourage and support organisations and groups in Wales to use the approach. 4. The development and use of health impact assessment will contribute to the ongoing development and implementation of local health, social care and wellbeing strategies, which is a joint statutory responsibility for Local Health Boards and local authorities. It can also contribute to Community Strategies which, given their overarching nature and breadth and depth, can address social, economic and environmental determinants of health, and to the implementation of Communities First, the Welsh Assembly Government۪s crosscutting regeneration programme. 5. The development of Health Challenge Wales as the national focus for improving health in Wales reinforces efforts to prevent ill health. Tools such as health impact assessment can help organisations and groups in all sectors to identify ways in which they can help people to improve their health.
L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és el d'integrar les aplicacions de Microsoft Office (Excel, Word i Access) mitjançant. NET i la creació de documents / plantilles necessàries per tal de crear un entorn que permeti a un professional / empresa gestionar de manera automatitzada les factures que envia als seus clients.
Echinococcus granulosus, the etiologic agent of cystic echinococcosis (CE) in humans and other animal species, is distributed worldwide. Ten intra-specific variants, or genotypes (G1-G10), have been defined based on genetic diversity. To determine the genotypes present in endemic areas of Peru, samples were collected from cattle (44), sheep (41) and humans (14) from Junín, Puno Huancavelica, Cusco, Arequipa and Ayacucho. DNA was extracted from protoscolex and/or germinal layers derived from 99 E. granulosus isolates and used as templates to amplify the mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1 gene. The resulting polymerase chain reaction products were sequenced and further examined by sequence analysis. All isolates, independent of the host, exhibited the G1 genotype. Phylogenetic analysis showed that three isolates from Ayacucho shared the same cluster with microvariant G1(4). The G1 genotype is considered the most widespread and infectious form of E. granulosusworldwide and our results confirm that the same patterns apply to this country. Therefore, these findings should be taken into consideration in developing prevention strategies and control programs for CE in Peru.
We describe a new rapid and efficient polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based site-directed mutagenesis method. This procedure is effective with any plasmid and it employs four oligonucleotide primers. One primer contains the desired mutation, the second is oriented in the opposite direction (one of these two primers should be phosphorylated), and the third and fourth should be coding in complementary fashion for a unique restriction site to be introduced in a nonessential region. The method consists of two simultaneous PCR reactions; the PCR products are digested with the enzyme that recognizes the newly introduced unique restriction site and then ligased and used to transform competent bacteria. Additionally, the use of Dpn I facilitates the elimination of template DNA. The newly introduced restriction site is essential for ligation in the correct orientation of the two-PCR products and is further used for mutant screening. Resulting plasmids carry both the new restriction site and the desired mutation. Using this method, more than 20 mutants have already been generated (using two different kinds of templates); all these mutants were sequenced for the desired mutation and transfected into AtT-20 cells and the expressed mutant proteins encoded by the vector were assayed.
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods for the diagnosis of malaria infection are expected to accurately identify submicroscopic parasite carriers. Although a significant number of PCR protocols have been described, few studies have addressed the performance of PCR amplification in cases of field samples with submicroscopic malaria infection. Here, the reproducibility of two well-established PCR protocols (nested-PCR and real-time PCR for the Plasmodium 18 small subunit rRNA gene) were evaluated in a panel of 34 blood field samples from individuals that are potential reservoirs of malaria infection, but were negative for malaria by optical microscopy. Regardless of the PCR protocol, a large variation between the PCR replicates was observed, leading to alternating positive and negative results in 38% (13 out of 34) of the samples. These findings were quite different from those obtained from the microscopy-positive patients or the unexposed individuals; the diagnosis of these individuals could be confirmed based on the high reproducibility and specificity of the PCR-based protocols. The limitation of PCR amplification was restricted to the field samples with very low levels of parasitaemia because titrations of the DNA templates were able to detect < 3 parasites/µL in the blood. In conclusion, conventional PCR protocols require careful interpretation in cases of submicroscopic malaria infection, as inconsistent and false-negative results can occur.