808 resultados para mobile social learning network
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Introduction: Health indicators tend to be altered due to the participation of people in social networks. Objective: To find out ideas of individuals belonging to Portuguese speaking communities in Toronto, Canada, about the possibility of creating a social support network for women experiencing breast cancer. Method: Nineteen participants of the present ethnographic and critical study answered to questions, providing their opinions regarding to the social support network and its positive and negative aspects. Also, the participants suggested other possible individuals who could participate and help in the creation of such network. Discussions were transcribed, analysed and coded using qualitative software called Atlas ti 6.0. Results: The main components for the creation of the social support network were: the demystification of breast cancer and its prevention, emphasis in health education, dissemination of the need of volunteers and a direct social support to those women. The positive aspects were the participation of oldest women as social leaders and the utilization of schools and religious institutions for publicity. Negative aspects that were perceived as barriers are: the belief that breast cancer is a disease lived by women, the lack of knowledge about its cure and rehabilitation, as well as a collective sensitiveness to it. Also, about the participation of community leaders, the suggestions were: diplomats, priests and pastors, schools directors and communication entrepreneurs. Conclusion: The creation of the social support network should consider the cultural sensitiveness and the inner diversity of the consulted Portuguese speaking communities. Due to the insufficient number of Angolan participants to sustain a major analysis, a special recommendation was that Angolan social leaders and professionals should be invited to design the structure of such network according to their specific cultural traits.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the perception of social support and the relationship of sociodemographic, clinical and metabolic control variables in individuals with diabetes mellitus and foot ulcers in an outpatient unit. METHODS: A quantitative cross-sectional approach was carried out using a social support network inventory. RESULTS: Participants had a high perception of social support; family and health professionals were identified as the main support sources. Fasting plasma glucose values were directly related with social support. CONCLUSION: Family members were identified as the main support source, which emphasizes their importance in the health care process.
This dissertation comprises three essays on the topic of industrial organization. The first essay considers how different intellectual property systems can affect the incentives to invest in R&D when innovation is cumulative. I introduce a distinction between plain and sophisticated technological knowledge, which plays a crucial role in determining how different appropriability rules affect the incentives to innovate. I argue that the positive effect of weak intellectual property regimes on the sharing of intermediate technological knowledge vanishes when technological knowledge is sophisticated, as is likely to be the case in many high tech industries. The second essay analyzes a two-sided market for news where advertisers may pay a media outlet to conceal negative information on the quality of their own product (paying positive to avoid negative) and/or to disclose negative information on the quality of their competitors products (paying positive to go negative). It is shown that whether advertisers have negative consequences on the accuracy of media reports or not, ultimately depends on the extent of correlation among advertisers products. The third essay considers the role of social learning in the diffusion of a new technology. A population of agents can choose between two risky technologies: an old one for which they know the expected outcome, and a new one for which they have only a prior. Different environments are confronted. In the benchmark case agents are isolated and can perform costly experiments to infer the quality of the new technology. In the other cases agents are settled in a network and can observe the outcomes of neighbors. We observe that in expectations the quality of the new technology may be overestimated when there is a network spread of information.
Il presente documento si prefigge di affrontare lo sviluppo di un idea astratta e di descrivere accuratamente il processo che la trasforma in un prodotto finito. L'idea in questione si basa su un'applicazione Mobile per Android ed il conseguente progetto si articola su un portale di gestione di eventi (MiRambla) del quale l'app rappresenta una sua estensione. Tramite diversi step tra i quali descrizione del mondo social mobile, analisi, progettazione e sviluppo di affronterà tutto il lavoro che sta dietro alla creazione di quest'applicazione.
Partnership Actions for Mitigating Syndromes (PAMS) are small transdisciplinary projects which bring scientific research insights from the NCCR North-South into policy and practice. They are implemented by researchers from different disciplines in collaboration with non-scientific actors. PAMS aim to implement and test approaches, methods and tools developed in research, in order to identify promising strategies and potentials for sustainable development. In this sense, they are solution-oriented. This paper will provide insights into our experience with PAMS, with a special focus on the implementation of transdisciplinarity and its outcomes. From 2001 to 2010, 77 PAMS were implemented in Africa, Asia and Latin America. An internal evaluation of the first 55 projects was conducted in 2006. Results of this evaluation led to a refinement and improvement of the tool. A second internal evaluation is currently underway in the NCCR North-South. This evaluation will provide an overview of 22 new PAMS. We will look at partners involved, project beneficiaries, activities implemented, outcomes achieved, and lessons learnt. In the first evaluation, transdisciplinarity was considered as “a form of collaboration within scientific fields … and as a form of continuous dialogue between research and society” (Messerli et al., 2007). The evaluation report concluded that this understanding of transdisciplinarity was not satisfactorily applied in the 55 projects. Only about half of the PAMS addressed mutual exchange between researchers and society. Some involved only one specific field of research and clearly lacked interdisciplinary co-operation, and most often knowledge was transferred mainly unilaterally from the scientific community to society, without society having any effect on science. It was therefore recommended to address transdisciplinarity more carefully in Phase 2 PAMS. The second evaluation, which is currently under way, is analysing whether and how this recommendation has been met, based on criteria defined in the NCCR North-South’s Outcome Monitoring Strategy. The analysis is focusing on partners with whom researchers interact and investigating whether practices have changed both in research and society. We are also exploring the role of researchers in PAMS. Preliminary results show that researchers can assume different roles, from direct implementation, mediation, and promotion of social learning between different actors, to giving advice as neutral outsiders.
Previous research has established a significant association between social support and health; high levels of social support are consistently shown to both directly and indirectly improve health (Cohen, 1998, House et al. 1988, Rook, 2001, Schwarzer & Leppin 1989). Additional research has investigated the role of sex and gender differences in social support, health and the interaction between these variables (Barbee et al. 1993, Burda, Vaux & Schill 1984, Cleary, 1987, Rook, 2001, Shumaker & Hill, 1991). The present study aims to further examine the influence of sex-role orientation on social support and health. Forty-nine female participants completed a three-part survey assessing their sex-role orientation, perceived social support, current stress levels and physical health. Results revealed that both masculinity and femininity relate to social support network size and health outcomes. Masculinity and androgyny were significantly negatively associated with health problems, whereas undifferentiated individuals had higher rates of physical illness. These findings demonstrate the important role of gendered traits in social support and ultimately, physical health.
Dieser Projektbericht beschreibt eine Lehrveranstaltung, die den Studierenden in der Theorie genau das vermittelte, was sie direkt in der Praxis erfahren konnten: E-Learning. Die enge Koppelung von Wissensvermittlung und praktischer Umsetzung setzte auf ein ungewöhnliches Modell der Lernzeitorganisation. Von den Lernenden wie vom Lehrenden verlangte das Blended-Learning-Seminar die Bereitschaft, das übliche Selbstverständnis in Lehr-Lern-Kontexten an Hochschulen zu überdenken. Dieser Bericht stellt die inhaltliche und strukturelle Ausgangssituation dar, beschreibt die Organisation der Veranstaltung sowie die eingesetzten Methoden und Mittel und reflektiert die Lernerfolge.
Das heutige Leben der Menschen ist vom Internet durchdrungen, kaum etwas ist nicht „vernetzt“ oder „elektronisch verfügbar“. Die Welt befindet sich im Wandel, die „Informationsgesellschaft“ konsumiert in Echtzeit Informationen auf mobilen Endgeräten, unabhängig von Zeit und Ort. Dies gilt teilweise auch für den Aus- und Weiterbildungssektor: Unter „E-Learning“ versteht man die elektronische Unterstützung des Lernens. Gelernt wird „online“; Inhalte sind digital verfügbar. Zudem hat sich die Lebenssituation der sogenannten „Digital Natives“, der jungen Individuen in der Informationsgesellschaft, verändert. Sie fordern zeitlich und räumlich flexible Ausbildungssysteme, erwarten von Bildungsinstitutionen umfassende digitale Verfügbarkeit von Informationen und möchten ihr Leben nicht mehr Lehr- und Zeitplänen unterordnen – das Lernen soll zum eigenen Leben passen, lebensbegleitend stattfinden. Neue „Lernszenarien“, z.B. für alleinerziehende Teilzeitstudierende oder Berufstätige, sollen problemlos möglich werden. Dies soll ein von der europäischen Union erarbeitetes Paradigma leisten, das unter dem Terminus „Lebenslanges Lernen“ zusammengefasst ist. Sowohl E-Learning, als auch Lebenslanges Lernen gewinnen an Bedeutung, denn die (deutsche) Wirtschaft thematisiert den „Fachkräftemangel“. Die Nachfrage nach speziell ausgebildeten Ingenieuren im MINT-Bereich soll schnellstmöglich befriedigt, die „Mitarbeiterlücke“ geschlossen werden, um so weiterhin das Wachstum und den Wohlstand zu sichern. Spezielle E-Learning-Lösungen für den MINT-Bereich haben das Potential, eine schnelle sowie flexible Aus- und Weiterbildung für Ingenieure zu bieten, in der Fachwissen bezogen auf konkrete Anforderungen der Industrie vermittelt wird. Momentan gibt es solche Systeme allerdings noch nicht. Wie sehen die Anforderungen im MINT-Bereich an eine solche E-Learning-Anwendung aus? Sie muss neben neuen Technologien vor allem den funktionalen Anforderungen des MINTBereichs, den verschiedenen Zielgruppen (wie z.B. Bildungsinstitutionen, Lerner oder „Digital Natives“, Industrie) und dem Paradigma des Lebenslangen Lernens gerecht werden, d.h. technische und konzeptuelle Anforderungen zusammenführen. Vor diesem Hintergrund legt die vorliegende Arbeit ein Rahmenwerk für die Erstellung einer solchen Lösung vor. Die praktischen Ergebnisse beruhen auf dem Blended E-Learning-System des Projekts „Technische Informatik Online“ (VHN-TIO).
Driven by privacy-related fears, users of Online Social Networks may start to reduce their network activities. This trend can have a negative impact on network sustainability and its business value. Nevertheless, very little is understood about the privacy-related concerns of users and the impact of those concerns on identity performance. To close this gap, we take a systematic view of user privacy concerns on such platforms. Based on insights from focus groups and an empirical study with 210 subjects, we find that (i) Organizational Threats and (ii) Social Threats stemming from the user environment constitute two underlying dimensions of the construct “Privacy Concerns in Online Social Networks”. Using a Structural Equation Model, we examine the impact of the identified dimensions of concern on the Amount, Honesty, and Conscious Control of individual self-disclosure on these sites. We find that users tend to reduce the Amount of information disclosed as a response to their concerns regarding Organizational Threats. Additionally, users become more conscious about the information they reveal as a result of Social Threats. Network providers may want to develop specific mechanisms to alleviate identified user concerns and thereby ensure network sustainability.
A conceptual framework based on the Health Belief Model was proposed which identified those factors most significant in the prediction of compliance behavior. The hypothesized model was applied to analyze the effects of sociodemographic characteristics, self-assessed health status, and social support networks on compliance with antihypertensive regimens, focusing on black adults.^ The study population was selected from the National Health and Examination Survey II (NHANES II) which produced a sample of 3,957 eligible persons 35-74 years of age.^ The study addressed the following research questions: (a) what is the relationship between demographic variables and self-assessed health status, (b) what is the relationship between social support network and self-assessed health status, (c) what is the compliance, (d) what factors, e.g., demographic characteristics, social support network, self-assessed health status, are most related to compliance, and (e) does the effect of these factors on compliance differ between black and white adults?^ The results of the study found that blacks: (a) had poorer health than whites, and education and income were significantly related to self-assessed health status, (b) the stronger social support networks of blacks, the better their health status, and (c) older blacks and those in poorer health were more likely to comply with recommended treatment. The hypothesized conceptual model for the prediction of compliance behavior was partially substantiated for both blacks and whites.^ Implications for the application of the conceptual model are also discussed. ^
En esta tesina presentamos los resultados de un proceso de investigación orientado a describir y analizar las influencias que tienen los mecanismos desarrollados por los trabajadores sobre la estructuración de algunas dimensiones claves del mercado de trabajo en el sector de producción de cine publicitario (PcP). La PCP se caracteriza por una modalidad de organización muy flexible y efímera, basada en proyectos individuales, que congrega a los trabajadores y recursos necesarios de forma temporaria. La transitoriedad de los proyectos plantea desafíos formidables con respeto a su coordinación y regulación en el tiempo. Sin embargo, los mismos funcionan sobre una organización permanente sustentada sobre una red de contactos sociales gestados entre los miembros. En este marco, surge nuestro interrogante acerca del papel que juegan las lógicas de los propios trabajadores en el incierto mercado de trabajo de la PCP. La perspectiva teórica adoptada en nuestro trabajo, parte de la consideración de que los mercados de trabajo son producto de construcciones sociales que se diferencian histórica y espacialmente y que por tanto, se hallan socialmente regulados por una diversidad de influencias. Por ello, hemos priorizado la investigación empírica del caso particular. Nuestro objetivo principal, ha supuesto la indagación de distintas dimensiones analíticas. Así, en primer lugar, presentamos las características socioproductivas y económicas más relevantes del sector para luego centrarnos en las cuestiones nodales de nuestro estudio que contemplaron un análisis detallado de los procesos de regulación de algunas dimensiones del mercado de trabajo, a saber: acceso, reclutamiento, calificación y movilidad. Así, esta tesina pretende ser un aporte al análisis de la dinámica de los mercados de trabajo en contextos productivos flexibles, así como una contribución al conocimiento de sectores escasamente abordados por los estudios del trabajo
En esta tesina presentamos los resultados de un proceso de investigación orientado a describir y analizar las influencias que tienen los mecanismos desarrollados por los trabajadores sobre la estructuración de algunas dimensiones claves del mercado de trabajo en el sector de producción de cine publicitario (PcP). La PCP se caracteriza por una modalidad de organización muy flexible y efímera, basada en proyectos individuales, que congrega a los trabajadores y recursos necesarios de forma temporaria. La transitoriedad de los proyectos plantea desafíos formidables con respeto a su coordinación y regulación en el tiempo. Sin embargo, los mismos funcionan sobre una organización permanente sustentada sobre una red de contactos sociales gestados entre los miembros. En este marco, surge nuestro interrogante acerca del papel que juegan las lógicas de los propios trabajadores en el incierto mercado de trabajo de la PCP. La perspectiva teórica adoptada en nuestro trabajo, parte de la consideración de que los mercados de trabajo son producto de construcciones sociales que se diferencian histórica y espacialmente y que por tanto, se hallan socialmente regulados por una diversidad de influencias. Por ello, hemos priorizado la investigación empírica del caso particular. Nuestro objetivo principal, ha supuesto la indagación de distintas dimensiones analíticas. Así, en primer lugar, presentamos las características socioproductivas y económicas más relevantes del sector para luego centrarnos en las cuestiones nodales de nuestro estudio que contemplaron un análisis detallado de los procesos de regulación de algunas dimensiones del mercado de trabajo, a saber: acceso, reclutamiento, calificación y movilidad. Así, esta tesina pretende ser un aporte al análisis de la dinámica de los mercados de trabajo en contextos productivos flexibles, así como una contribución al conocimiento de sectores escasamente abordados por los estudios del trabajo