981 resultados para metal-ceramic interface


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The purpose of this study was to warn the dental community about a possible problem in function with partial implant-supported prostheses used for long periods. The misalignment between natural teeth and the implant-supported prosthesis on teeth 11 and 12, observed in a 14-year clinical follow-up, illustrates the fact. The metal-ceramic crowns were placed in 1995 after a rigorous occlusal adjustment. Evaluations were made at 4, 6, 9, and 14 years, when it was noticed that the restorations were positioned palatally and extruded in comparison with the natural teeth. After 9 years, a greater discrepancy was noticed, with anterior occlusion and esthetic changes. The possible causes have been discussed: occlusal problems, parafunctional habits, and natural movement. The first 2 options were discarded after clinical analysis and diagnosis. Therefore, the natural movement probably deriving from an interaction of mechanical and genetic factors might have been the cause. The implants do not have periodontal ligaments but rather ankylosis, so they do not suffer those movements. This case emphasizes the need to inform patients that implants can last more than 10 years in function, but this is not the case with restorations, which lose function and esthetics and must be replaced.


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Background: The aim of this study was to compare the shear bond strength between Ni-Cr alloy specimens bonded to air-abraded Ni-Cr, bur-abraded Ni-Cr, etched ceramic and etched enamel substrates using the resin cements RelyX ARC or Enforce. Materials and methods: Ni-Cr specimens were made and sandblasted with Al2O3 airborne-particles. Disc-shaped patterns were made for each of the four experimental substrates: Ni-Cr treated with Al2O3 airborne-particles, Ni-Cr treated with diamond bur abrasion, etched enamel and etched ceramic. Results: Significant differences in shear bond strength were found between the different materials and luting agents evaluated. The Ni-Cr alloy cylinders bonded to Ni-Cr surfaces sandblasted with 50 lm Al2O3 particles and bonded with Enforce achieved the highest bond strength when compared with other substrates (28.9 MPa, p < 0.05). Bur-abraded metal discs had lowest values, regardless the cement used (2.9 and 6.9 MPa for RelyX and Enforce, respectively). Etched enamel and etched ceramic had similar shear bond strengths within cement groups and performed better when RelyX was used. Conclusions: Bonding Ni-Cr to Ni-Cr and ceramic may result in similar and higher bond strength when compared to Ni-Cr/enamel bonding. For metal/metal bonding, higher shear bond strength was achieved with resin cement Enforce, and for metal/ceramic and metal/enamel bonding, RelyX had higher results.


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AIM: To explore the biomechanical effects of the different implantation bone levels of Morse taper implants, employing a finite element analysis (FEA). METHODS: Dental implants (TitamaxCM) with 4x13 mm and 4x11 mm, and their respective abutments with 3.5 mm height, simulating a screwed premolar metal-ceramic crown, had their design performed using the software AnsysWorkbench 10.0. They were positioned in bone blocks, covered by 2.5 mm thickness of mucosa. The cortical bone was designed with 1.5 mm thickness and the trabecular bone completed the bone block. Four groups were formed: group 11CBL (11 mm implant length on cortical bone level), group 11TBL (11 mm implant length on trabecular bone level), group 13CBL (13mm implant length on cortical bone level) and group 13TBL (13 mm implant length on trabecular bone level). Oblique 200 N loads were applied. Von Mises equivalent stresses in cortical and trabecular bones were evaluated with the same design program. RESULTS: The results were shown qualitatively and quantitatively by standard scales for each type of bone. By the results obtained, it can be suggested that positioning the implant completely in trabecular bone brings harm with respect to the generated stresses. Its implantation in the cortical bone has advantages with respect to better anchoring and locking, reflecting a better dissipation of the stresses along the implant/bone interfaces. In addition, the search for anchoring the implant in its apical region in cortical bone is of great value to improve stabilization and consequently better stress distribution. CONCLUSIONS: The implant position slightly below the bone in relation to the bone crest brings advantages as the best long-term predictability with respect to the expected neck bone loss.


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Die Geometrie einer Metalloberfläche bestimmt die Wechselwirkung zwischen der Oberflächenplasmonenresonanz und anderen Energieformen wie Photonen, anderen Oberflächenplasmonen und molekularen Anregungen. In dieser Arbeit wird der Einfluss dieser Effekte auf die optischen Eigenschaften von metallischen Reliefgittern untersucht.Aufgrund von Modellrechungen werden auf tiefen Gitterstrukturen Resonanzen erwartet, die sich als selbstgekoppelte Oberflächenplasmonen interpretieren lassen. Diese Resonanzen wurden aufgrund der Symmetrie des elektromagnetischen Feldes klassifiziert. Es wurden tiefe Gitter mit unterschiedlichen Profilformen hergestellt, die die experimentelle Beobachtung von drei gekoppelten Resonanzen erlauben. Variationen in der Tiefe und Asymmetrie der Gitter sowie in der experimentellen Geometrie zeigen die theoretisch vorausgesagten Effekte.Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe können mit elektromagnetischen Oberflächenresonanzen Energie austauschen. Die Lokalisierung des elektrischen Feldes von gekoppelten Resonanzen führt zu einer Ortsabhängigkeit der Kopplung, die bei 'freien' Oberflächenplasmonen nicht beobachtet wird. Ein theoretisches Modell ist in der Lage, die experimentellen Befunde weitgehend zu beschreiben. Die Ortsabhägigkeit der photochemischen Zerstörungsrate erlaubt die Anwendung dieses Effektes zur Messung von Diffusionsphänomenen in dünnen Filmen.Des weiteren wurde die Polarisationsabhängigkeit der Anregung von Oberflächenplasmonen wurde in konischer Reflexionsgeometrie und die Rolle der Oberflächenplasmonen in der thermisch induzierten Lichtemission untersucht. Ferner wurde eine vereinfachte Auswertungsroutine zur Anwendung von Gittern in der Untersuchung von dünnen dielektrischen Filmen entwickelt.


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III-nitride materials are very promising for high speed electronics/optical applications but still suffer in performance due to problems during high quality epitaxial growth, evolution of dislocation and defects, less understanding of fundamental physics of materials/processing of devices etc. This thesis mainly focus on GaN based heterostructures to understand the metal-semiconductor interface properties, 2DE(H)G influence on electrical and optical properties, and deep level states in GaN and InAlN, InGaN materials. The detailed electrical characterizations have been employed on Schottky diodes at GaN and InAl(Ga)N/GaN heterostructures in order to understand the metal-semiconductor interface related properties in these materials. I have observed the occurrence of Schottky barrier inhomogenity, role of dislocations in terms of leakage and creating electrically active defect states within energy gap of materials. Deep level transient spectroscopy method is employed on GaN, InAlN and InGaN materials and several defect levels have been observed related to majority and minority carriers. In fact, some defects have been found common in characteristics in ternary layers and GaN layer which indicates that those defect levels are from similar origin, most probably due to Ga/N vacancy in GaN/heterostructures. The role of structural defects, roughness has been extensively understood in terms of enhancing the reverse leakage current, suppressing the mobility in InAlN/AlN/GaN based high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structures which are identified as key issues for GaN technology. Optical spectroscopy methods have been employed to understand materials quality, sub band and defect related transitions and compared with electrical characterizations. The observation of 2DEG sub band related absorption/emission in optical spectra have been identified and proposed for first time in nitride based polar heterostructures, which is well supported with simulation results. In addition, metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM)-InAl(Ga)N/GaN based photodetector structures have been fabricated and proposed for achieving high efficient optoelectronics devices in future.


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BACKGROUND: This study evaluates 3-year success rates of titanium screw-type implants with a chemically modified sandblasted and acid-etched surface (mod SLA), which were functionally loaded after 3 weeks of healing. METHODS: A total of 56 implants, inserted in the posterior mandibles of 39 partially edentulous patients, underwent undisturbed healing for 3 weeks. At day 21, the implants were fully loaded with provisional crowns. Definitive metal ceramic restorations were fabricated after 6 months of healing. Clinical measurements regarding soft tissue parameters and radiographs were obtained at different time points up to 36 months after implant placement. The soft tissue and radiographic parameters for the mod SLA implants after 3 years in function were compared to a historic control group of implants with an SLA surface using an early loading protocol after 6 weeks. RESULTS: None of the implants failed to integrate. However, two implants were considered "spinners" at day 21 and were left unloaded for an extended period. Therefore, 96.4% of the inserted implants were loaded according to the protocol tested. All 56 implants, including the "spinners," showed favorable clinical and radiographic findings at the 3-year follow-up examination. All 56 implants were considered successfully integrated, resulting in a 3-year survival and success rate of 100%. Dental implants with a mod SLA surface demonstrated statistically significant differences for probing depths and clinical attachment level values compared to the historic control group, with the mod SLA surface implants having overall lower probing depths and clinical attachment level scores. CONCLUSION: This prospective study using an early loading protocol demonstrates that titanium implants with the mod SLA surface can achieve and maintain successful tissue integration over a period of 3 years.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this two-center study was to evaluate screw-type titanium implants with a chemically modified, sandblasted and acid-etched surface when placed in the posterior maxilla or mandible, and loaded 21 days after placement. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All 56 patients met strict inclusion criteria and provided informed consent. Each patient displayed either a single-tooth gap, an extended edentulous space, or a distal extension situation in the posterior mandible or maxilla. Eighty-nine dental implants (SLActive, Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland) were inserted according to an established nonsubmerged protocol and underwent undisturbed healing for a period of 21 days. Where appropriate, the implants were loaded after 21 days of healing with provisional restorations in full occlusion. Definitive metal ceramic restorations were fabricated and positioned on each implant after 6 months of healing. Clinical measurements regarding soft tissue parameters and radiographs were obtained at different time points up to 24 months after implant placement. RESULTS: Of the 89 inserted implants, two (2.2%) implants failed to integrate and were removed during healing, and two (2.2%) additional implants required a prolonged healing time. A total of 85 (95.6%) implants were therefore loaded without incident after 21 days of healing. No additional implant was lost throughout the study period, whereas one implant was lost to follow-up and therefore left unaccounted for further analysis. The remaining 86 implants all exhibited favorable radiographic and clinical findings. Based on strict success criteria, these implants were considered successfully integrated 2 years after insertion, resulting in a 2-year success rate of 97.7%. CONCLUSION: The results of this prospective two-center study demonstrate that titanium implants with a modified SLA surface can predictably achieve successful tissue integration when loaded in full occlusion 21 days after placement. Integration could be maintained without incident for at least 2 years of follow-up.


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AIM: To describe a method of carrying out apical surgery of a maxillary molar using ultrasonics to create a lateral sinus window into the maxillary sinus and an endoscope to enhance visibility during surgery. SUMMARY: A 37-year-old female patient presented with tenderness to percussion of the maxillary second right molar. Root canal treatment had been undertaken, and the tooth restored with a metal-ceramic crown. Radiological examination revealed an apical radiolucency in close proximity to the maxillary sinus. Apical surgery of the molar was performed through the maxillary sinus, using ultrasonics for the osteotomy, creating a window in the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus. During surgery, the lining of the sinus was exposed and elevated without perforation. The root-end was resected using a round tungsten carbide drill, and the root-end cavity was prepared with ultrasonic retrotips. Root-end filling was accomplished with MTA(®) . An endoscope was used to examine the cut root face, the prepared cavity and the root-end filling. No intraoperative or postoperative complications were observed. At the 12-month follow-up, the tooth had no clinical signs or symptoms, and the radiograph demonstrated progressing resolution of the radiolucency. KEY LEARNING POINTS: When conventional root canal retreatment cannot be performed or has failed, apical surgery may be considered, even in maxillary molars with roots in close proximity to the maxillary sinus. Ultrasonic sinus window preparation allows more control and can minimize perforation of the sinus membrane when compared with conventional rotary drilling techniques. The endoscope enhances visibility during endodontic surgery, thus improving the quality of the case.


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OBJECTIVES: To test the survival rates, and the technical and biological complication rates of customized zirconia and titanium abutments 5 years after crown insertion. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-two patients with 40 single implants in maxillary and mandibular canine and posterior regions were included. The implant sites were randomly assigned to zirconia abutments supporting all-ceramic crowns or titanium abutments supporting metal-ceramic crowns. Clinical examinations were performed at baseline, and at 6, 12, 36 and 60 months of follow-up. The abutments and reconstructions were examined for technical and/or biological complications. Probing pocket depth (PPD), plaque control record (PCR) and Bleeding on Probing (BOP) were assessed at abutments (test) and analogous contralateral teeth (control). Radiographs of the implants revealed the bone level (BL) on mesial (mBL) and distal sides (dBL). Data were statistically analyzed with nonparametric mixed models provided by Brunner and Langer and STATA (P < 0.05). RESULTS: Eighteen patients with 18 zirconia and 10 titanium abutments were available at a mean follow-up of 5.6 years (range 4.5-6.3 years). No abutment fracture or loss of a reconstruction occurred. Hence, the survival rate was 100% for both. Survival of implants supporting zirconia abutments was 88.9% and 90% for implants supporting titanium abutments. Chipping of the veneering ceramic occurred at three metal-ceramic crowns supported by titanium abutments. No significant differences were found at the zirconia and titanium abutments for PPD (meanPPD(ZrO2) 3.3 ± 0.6 mm, mPPD(T) (i) 3.6 ± 1.1 mm), PCR (mPCR(Z) (rO) (2) 0.1 ± 0.3, mPCR(T) (i) 0.3 ± 0.2) and BOP (mBOP(Z) (rO) (2) 0.5 ± 0.3, mBOP(T) (i) 0.6 ± 0.3). Moreover, the BL was similar at implants supporting zirconia and titanium abutments (mBL(Z) (rO) (2) 1.8 ± 0.5, dBL(Z) (rO) (2) 2.0 ± 0.8; mBL(T) (i) 2.0 ± 0.8, dBL(T) (i) 1.9 ± 0.8). CONCLUSIONS: There were no statistically or clinically relevant differences between the 5-year survival rates, and the technical and biological complication rates of zirconia and titanium abutments in posterior regions.


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AIM: To assess survival rates and complications of root-filled teeth restored with or without post-and-core systems over a mean observation period of >or=4 years. METHODOLOGY: A total of 325 single- and multirooted teeth in 183 subjects treated in a private practice were root filled and restored with either a cast post-and-core or with a prefabricated titanium post and composite core. Root-filled teeth without post-retained restorations served as controls. The restored teeth served as abutments for single unit metal-ceramic or composite crowns or fixed bridges. Teeth supporting cantilever bridges, overdentures or telescopic crowns were excluded. RESULTS: Seventeen teeth in 17 subjects were lost to follow-up (17/325: 5.2%). The mean observation period was 5.2 +/- 1.8 (SD) years for restorations with titanium posts, 6.2 +/- 2.0 (SD) years for cast post-and-cores and 4.4 +/- 1.7 (SD) years for teeth without posts. Overall, 54% of build-ups included the incorporation of a titanium post and 26.5% the cementation of a cast post-and-core. The remaining 19.5% of the teeth were restored without intraradicular retention. The adjusted 5-year tooth survival rate amounted to 92.5% for teeth restored with titanium posts, to 97.1% for teeth restored with cast post-and-cores and to 94.3% for teeth without post restorations, respectively. The most frequent complications included root fracture (6.2%), recurrent caries (1.9%), post-treatment periradicular disease (1.6%) and loss of retention (1.3%). CONCLUSION: Provided that high-quality root canal treatment and restorative protocols are implemented, high survival and low complication rates of single- and multirooted root-filled teeth used as abutments for fixed restorations can be expected after a mean observation period of >or=4 years.


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Clinical aspects of a simple treatment concept with fixed prostheses in the edentulous jaw are described. Fixed implant-supported reconstructions in the edentulous jaw require multiple implants, are technically complex, aesthetically demanding and metal-ceramic solutions are expensive. Specific surgical techniques to enhance the hard and soft tissue conditions become often necessary. Thus the bar-supported overdenture may be preferred, because problems with aesthetics and alveolar ridge deficiencies can be solved more easily and the number of implants is reduced. Both, the "All-on-Four" technique and the "Procera implant bridge" are simple type of fixed prostheses, comparable to overdentures or complete dentures with regard to design and technology. They present a cost-effective alternative, with predictable aesthetics and optimum passive fit.


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OBJECTIVES: The objective of this systematic review was to assess the 5-year survival of implant-supported single crowns (SCs) and to describe the incidence of biological and technical complications. METHODS: An electronic MEDLINE search complemented by manual searching was conducted to identify prospective and retrospective cohort studies on SCs with a mean follow-up time of at least 5 years. Failure and complication rates were analyzed using random-effects Poisson's regression models to obtain summary estimates of 5-year proportions. RESULTS: Twenty-six studies from an initial yield of 3601 titles were finally selected and data were extracted. In a meta-analysis of these studies, survival of implants supporting SCs was 96.8% [95% confidence interval (CI): 95.9-97.6%] after 5 years. The survival rate of SCs supported by implants was 94.5% (95% CI: 92.5-95.9%) after 5 years of function. The survival rate of metal-ceramic crowns, 95.4% (95% CI: 93.6-96.7%), was significantly (P=0.005) higher than the survival rate, 91.2% (95% CI: 86.8-94.2%), of all-ceramic crowns. Peri-implantitis and soft tissue complications occurred adjacent to 9.7% of the SCs and 6.3% of the implants had bone loss exceeding 2 mm over the 5-year observation period. The cumulative incidence of implant fractures after 5 years was 0.14%. After 5 years, the cumulative incidence of screw or abutment loosening was 12.7% and 0.35% for screw or abutment fracture. For supra-structure-related complications, the cumulative incidence of ceramic or veneer fractures was 4.5%. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that after an observation period of 5 years, high survival rates for implants and implant-supported SCs can be expected. However, biological and particularly technical complications are frequent.


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Two sets of weld-test coupons, supposedly made under identical conditions, were submitted to this institution last year for approval and certification under the A.S.M.E. Welder's Qualification Code. The first set of coupons was unsatisfactory. The second set, made by the same operators one month later, was satisfactory.


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STATEMENT OF PROBLEM The increasing demand by patients for esthetic and metal-free restorations has driven the development of ceramic restorations with good esthetic and mechanical stability. Recent clinical studies have investigated the use of zirconium dioxide as a core material for complete crowns and computer-aided-design/computer-aided-manufacturing fabricated restorations. PURPOSE The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the clinical survival rates of porcelain-fused-to-zirconia (PFZ) single crowns on anterior and posterior teeth and to compare them with metal ceramic (MC) crowns. MATERIAL AND METHODS A systematic search was conducted with PubMed and manual research to identify literature written in English that refers to in vivo studies published from January 1, 1950 through July 1, 2011. Clinical trials that evaluated PFZ and MC single crowns on natural teeth were selected for further analysis. Titles and/or abstracts of articles identified through the electronic searches were reviewed and evaluated for appropriateness. In addition, a hand search of relevant dental journals was peformed, and reference lists of culled articles were screened to identify publications. RESULTS The search resulted in a total of 488 initial matches. Nineteen studies with a total of 3621 crowns met the inclusion criteria. The survival rates of PFZ crowns (total 300) ranged from 92.7% to 100% for a follow-up time of 24 to 39 months, whereas those of MC crowns (total 3321) ranged from 70% to 100% for a follow-up time of 12 to 298 months. Studies that reported long-term results were found only for the MC crown group. CONCLUSIONS The scientific clinical data available to compare PFZ and MC crowns are limited. The survival rates may well be influenced by the selection and appropriate use of the veneering ceramic, and, therefore, additional prospective long-term clinical trials are necessary to draw reliable conclusions.


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BACKGROUND Endodontic treatment involves removal of the dental pulp and its replacement by a root canal filling. Restoration of root filled teeth can be challenging due to structural differences between vital and non-vital root-filled teeth. Direct restoration involves placement of a restorative material e.g. amalgam or composite, directly into the tooth. Indirect restorations consist of cast metal or ceramic (porcelain) crowns. The choice of restoration depends on the amount of remaining tooth, and may influence durability and cost. The decision to use a post and core in addition to the crown is clinician driven. The comparative clinical performance of crowns or conventional fillings used to restore root-filled teeth is unknown. This review updates the original, which was published in 2012. OBJECTIVES To assess the effects of restoration of endodontically treated teeth (with or without post and core) by crowns versus conventional filling materials. SEARCH METHODS We searched the following databases: the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register, CENTRAL, MEDLINE via OVID, EMBASE via OVID, CINAHL via EBSCO, LILACS via BIREME. We also searched the reference lists of articles and ongoing trials registries.There were no restrictions regarding language or date of publication. The search is up-to-date as of 26 March 2015. SELECTION CRITERIA Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-randomised controlled trials in participants with permanent teeth that have undergone endodontic treatment. Single full coverage crowns compared with any type of filling materials for direct restoration or indirect partial restorations (e.g. inlays and onlays). Comparisons considered the type of post and core used (cast or prefabricated post), if any. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Two review authors independently extracted data from the included trial and assessed its risk of bias. We carried out data analysis using the 'treatment as allocated' patient population, expressing estimates of intervention effect for dichotomous data as risk ratios, with 95% confidence intervals (CI). MAIN RESULTS We included one trial, which was judged to be at high risk of performance, detection and attrition bias. The 117 participants with a root-filled, premolar tooth restored with a carbon fibre post, were randomised to either a full coverage metal-ceramic crown or direct adhesive composite restoration. None experienced a catastrophic failure (i.e. when the restoration cannot be repaired), although only 104 teeth were included in the final, three-year assessment. There was no clear difference between the crown and composite group and the composite only group for non-catastrophic failures of the restoration (1/54 versus 3/53; RR 0.33; 95% CI 0.04 to 3.05) or failures of the post (2/54 versus 1/53; RR 1.96; 95% CI 0.18 to 21.01) at three years. The quality of the evidence for these outcomes is very low. There was no evidence available for any of our secondary outcomes: patient satisfaction and quality of life, incidence or recurrence of caries, periodontal health status, and costs. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS There is insufficient evidence to assess the effects of crowns compared to conventional fillings for the restoration of root-filled teeth. Until more evidence becomes available, clinicians should continue to base decisions about how to restore root-filled teeth on their own clinical experience, whilst taking into consideration the individual circumstances and preferences of their patients.