992 resultados para medicine, ophthalmology


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BACKGROUND: Palliative medicine has made rapid progress in establishing its scientific and clinical legitimacy, yet the evidence base to support clinical practice remains deficient in both the quantity and quality of published studies. Historically, the conduct of research in palliative care populations has been impeded by multiple barriers including health care system fragmentation, small number and size of potential sites for recruitment, vulnerability of the population, perceptions of inappropriateness, ethical concerns, and gate-keeping. METHODS: A group of experienced investigators with backgrounds in palliative care research convened to consider developing a research cooperative group as a mechanism for generating high-quality evidence on prioritized, clinically relevant topics in palliative care. RESULTS: The resulting Palliative Care Research Cooperative (PCRC) agreed on a set of core principles: active, interdisciplinary membership; commitment to shared research purposes; heterogeneity of participating sites; development of research capacity in participating sites; standardization of methodologies, such as consenting and data collection/management; agile response to research requests from government, industry, and investigators; focus on translation; education and training of future palliative care researchers; actionable results that can inform clinical practice and policy. Consensus was achieved on a first collaborative study, a randomized clinical trial of statin discontinuation versus continuation in patients with a prognosis of less than 6 months who are taking statins for primary or secondary prevention. This article describes the formation of the PCRC, highlighting processes and decisions taken to optimize the cooperative group's success.


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BACKGROUND: Patients, clinicians, researchers and payers are seeking to understand the value of using genomic information (as reflected by genotyping, sequencing, family history or other data) to inform clinical decision-making. However, challenges exist to widespread clinical implementation of genomic medicine, a prerequisite for developing evidence of its real-world utility. METHODS: To address these challenges, the National Institutes of Health-funded IGNITE (Implementing GeNomics In pracTicE; www.ignite-genomics.org ) Network, comprised of six projects and a coordinating center, was established in 2013 to support the development, investigation and dissemination of genomic medicine practice models that seamlessly integrate genomic data into the electronic health record and that deploy tools for point of care decision making. IGNITE site projects are aligned in their purpose of testing these models, but individual projects vary in scope and design, including exploring genetic markers for disease risk prediction and prevention, developing tools for using family history data, incorporating pharmacogenomic data into clinical care, refining disease diagnosis using sequence-based mutation discovery, and creating novel educational approaches. RESULTS: This paper describes the IGNITE Network and member projects, including network structure, collaborative initiatives, clinical decision support strategies, methods for return of genomic test results, and educational initiatives for patients and providers. Clinical and outcomes data from individual sites and network-wide projects are anticipated to begin being published over the next few years. CONCLUSIONS: The IGNITE Network is an innovative series of projects and pilot demonstrations aiming to enhance translation of validated actionable genomic information into clinical settings and develop and use measures of outcome in response to genome-based clinical interventions using a pragmatic framework to provide early data and proofs of concept on the utility of these interventions. Through these efforts and collaboration with other stakeholders, IGNITE is poised to have a significant impact on the acceleration of genomic information into medical practice.


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Although the ancient practice of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) utilizes predominantly herbal ingredients, many of which are now the subject of intense scientific scrutiny, significant quantities of animal tissue-derived materials are also employed. Here we have used contemporary molecular techniques to study the material known as lin wa pi, the dried skin of the Heilongjiang brown frog, Rana amurensis, that is used commonly as an ingredient of many medicines, as a general tonic and as a topical antimicrobial/wound dressing. Using a simple technology that has been developed and validated over several years, we have demonstrated that components of both the skin granular gland peptidome and transcriptome persist in this material. Interrogation of the cDNA library constructed from the dried skin by entrapment and amplification of polyadenylated mRNA, using a "shotgun" primer approach and 3'-RACE, resulted in the cloning of cDNAs encoding the precursors of five putative antimicrobial peptides. Two (ranatuerin-2AMa and ranatuerin-2AMb) were obvious homologs of a previously described frog skin peptide family, whereas the remaining three were of sufficient structural novelty to be named amurins 1-3. Mature peptides were each identified in reverse phase HPLC fractions of boiling water extracts of skin and their structures confirmed by MS/MS fragmentation sequencing. Components of traditional Chinese medicines of animal tissue origin may thus contain biologically active peptides that survive the preparation procedures and that may contribute to therapeutic efficacy.


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Purpose: Retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) and retinal stem cells (RSCs) from rodents and humans have been isolated and characterized in vitro. Transplantation experiments have confirmed their potential as tools for cell replacement in retinal degenerative diseases. The pig represents an ideal pre-clinical animal model to study the impact of transplantation because of the similarity of its eye to the human eye. However, little is known about porcine RPCs and RSCs. We aimed to identify and characterize in vitro RPCs and RSCs from porcine ocular tissues. Methods: Cells from different subregions of embryonic, postnatal and adult porcine eyes were grown in suspension sphere culture in serum-free medium containing basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF). Growth curves and BrdU incorporation assays were performed to establish the proliferative capacity of isolated porcine retina-derived RPCs and ciliary epithelium (CE)-derived RSCs. Self-renewal potential was investigated by subsphere formation assays. Changes in gene expression were assayed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) at different passages in culture. Finally, differentiation was induced by addition of serum to the cultures and expression of markers for retinal cell types was detected by immunohistochemical staining with specific antibodies. Results: Dissociated cells from embryonic retina and CE at different postnatal ages generated primary nestin- and Pax6-immunoreactive neurosphere colonies in vitro in numbers that decreased with age. Embryonic and postnatal retina-derived RPCs and young CE-derived RSCs displayed self-renewal capacity, generating secondary neurosphere colonies. However, their self-renewal and proliferation capacity gradually decreased and they became more committed to differentiated states with subsequent passages. The expansion capacity of RPCs and RSCs was higher when they were maintained in monolayer culture. Porcine RPCs and RSCs could be induced to differentiate in vitro to express markers of retinal neurons and glia. Conclusions: Porcine retina and CE contain RPCs and RSCs which are undifferentiated, self-renewing and multipotent and which show characteristics similar to their human counterparts. Therefore, the pig could be a useful source of cells to further investigate the cell biology of RPCs and RSCs and it could be used as a non-primate large animal model for pre-clinical studies on stem cell-based approaches to regenerative medicine in the retina.