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We report on the developments of a neutron tomography setup at the instrument for prompt gamma-ray activation analysis (PGAA) at the Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum(MLZ). The recent developments are driven by the idea of combining the spatial information obtained with neutron tomography with the elemental information determined with PGAA, i.e. to further combine both techniques to an investigative technique called prompt gamma activation imaging (PGAI).At the PGAA instrument, a cold neutron flux of up to 6 x 1010 cm-2 s-1 (thermal equivalent) is available in the focus of an elliptically tapered neutron guide. In the reported experiments, the divergence of the neutron beam was investigated, the resolution of the installed detector system tested, and a proof-of-principle tomography experiment performed. In our study a formerly used camera box was upgraded with a better camera and an optical resolution of 8 line pairs/mm was achieved. The divergence of the neutron beam was measured by a systematic scan along the beam axis. Based on the acquired data, a neutron imaging setup with a L/D ratio of 200 was installed. The resolution of the setup was testedin combination with a gadolinium test target and different scintillator screens. The test target was irradiated at two positions to determine the maximum resolution and the resolution at the actual sample position. The performance of the installed tomography setup was demonstrated bya tomography experiment of an electric amplifier tube.


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AIM To evaluate the diagnostic value (sensitivity, specificity) of positron emission mammography (PEM) in a single site non-interventional study using the maximum PEM uptake value (PUVmax). PATIENTS, METHODS In a singlesite, non-interventional study, 108 patients (107 women, 1 man) with a total of 151 suspected lesions were scanned with a PEM Flex Solo II (Naviscan) at 90 min p.i. with 3.5 MBq 18F-FDG per kg of body weight. In this ROI(region of interest)-based analysis, maximum PEM uptake value (PUV) was determined in lesions, tumours (PUVmaxtumour), benign lesions (PUVmaxnormal breast) and also in healthy tissues on the contralateral side (PUVmaxcontralateral breast). These values were compared and contrasted. In addition, the ratios of PUVmaxtumour / PUVmaxcontralateral breast and PUVmaxnormal breast / PUVmaxcontralateral breast were compared. The image data were interpreted independently by two experienced nuclear medicine physicians and compared with histology in cases of suspected carcinoma. RESULTS Based on a criteria of PUV>1.9, 31 out of 151 lesions in the patient cohort were found to be malignant (21%). A mean PUVmaxtumour of 3.78 ± 2.47 was identified in malignant tumours, while a mean PUVmaxnormal breast of 1.17 ± 0.37 was reported in the glandular tissue of the healthy breast, with the difference being statistically significant (p < 0.001). Similarly, the mean ratio between tumour and healthy glandular tissue in breast cancer patients (3.15 ± 1.58) was found to be significantly higher than the ratio for benign lesions (1.17 ± 0.41, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION PEM is capable of differentiating breast tumours from benign lesions with 100% sensitivity along with a high specificity of 96%, when a threshold of PUVmax >1.9 is applied.


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In the biomedical studies, the general data structures have been the matched (paired) and unmatched designs. Recently, many researchers are interested in Meta-Analysis to obtain a better understanding from several clinical data of a medical treatment. The hybrid design, which is combined two data structures, may create the fundamental question for statistical methods and the challenges for statistical inferences. The applied methods are depending on the underlying distribution. If the outcomes are normally distributed, we would use the classic paired and two independent sample T-tests on the matched and unmatched cases. If not, we can apply Wilcoxon signed rank and rank sum test on each case. ^ To assess an overall treatment effect on a hybrid design, we can apply the inverse variance weight method used in Meta-Analysis. On the nonparametric case, we can use a test statistic which is combined on two Wilcoxon test statistics. However, these two test statistics are not in same scale. We propose the Hybrid Test Statistic based on the Hodges-Lehmann estimates of the treatment effects, which are medians in the same scale.^ To compare the proposed method, we use the classic meta-analysis T-test statistic on the combined the estimates of the treatment effects from two T-test statistics. Theoretically, the efficiency of two unbiased estimators of a parameter is the ratio of their variances. With the concept of Asymptotic Relative Efficiency (ARE) developed by Pitman, we show ARE of the hybrid test statistic relative to classic meta-analysis T-test statistic using the Hodges-Lemann estimators associated with two test statistics.^ From several simulation studies, we calculate the empirical type I error rate and power of the test statistics. The proposed statistic would provide effective tool to evaluate and understand the treatment effect in various public health studies as well as clinical trials.^


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During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), rapid release of isotopically light C to the ocean-atmosphere system elevated the greenhouse effect and warmed temperatures by 5-7 °C for 105 yr. The response of the planktic ecosystems and productivity to the dramatic climate changes of the PETM may represent a significant feedback to the carbon cycle changes, but has been difficult to document. We examine Sr/Ca ratios in calcareous nannofossils in sediments spanning the PETM in three open ocean sites as a new approach to examine productivity and ecological shifts in calcifying plankton. The large heterogeneity in Sr/Ca among different nannofossil genera indicates that nannofossil Sr/Ca reflects primary productivity-driven geochemical signals and not diagenetic overprinting. Elevated Sr/Ca ratios in several genera and constant ratios in other genera suggest increased overall productivity in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during the PETM. Dominant nannofossil genera in tropical Atlantic and Pacific sites show Sr/Ca variations during the PETM which are comparable to background variability prior to the PETM. Despite acidification of the ocean there was not a productivity crisis among calcifying phytoplankton. We use the Pandora ocean box model to explore possible mechanisms for PETM productivity change. If independent proxy evidence for more stratified conditions in the Southern Ocean during the PETM is robust, then maintenance of stable or increased productivity there likely reflects increased nutrient inventories of the ocean. Increased nutrient inventories could have resulted from climatically enhanced weathering and would have important implications for burial rates of organic carbon and stabilization of climate and the carbon cycle.


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The abundance and isotopic composition of rare gas in the mantle provides an important constraint on the origin and evolution of the Earth's atmosphere. One of sources of such information is basalts which erupted from ocean ridges. Ozima (1975, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(75)90054-X) stated that a high 40Ar/36Ar ratio in the mantle suggests sudden degassing at an early stage of the Earth's evolution. Several authors (Funkhouser et al., 1968, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(68)80021-4; Darlymple and Moor, 1968, doi:10.1126/science.161.3846.1132) have reported excess 40Ar and high 40Ar/36Ar ratios in rapidly quenched rims of young deep-sea basalts. However, the Ar composition in old ridge basalts was not known. We report here a measurement of the isotopic composition of Ar in old deep-sea basalts. The Glomar Challenger drilled a Cretaceous ocean floor near the southern end of the Bermuda Rise in Deep Sea Drilling Project. The drilled site (Site 417) is on the magnetic anomaly MO which has been estimated to be 108 Myr old.


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This study deals with the mineralogical variability of siliceous and zeolitic sediments, porcellanites, and cherts at small intervals in the continuously cored sequence of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 462. Skeletal opal is preserved down to a maximum burial depth of 390 meters (middle Eocene). Below this level, the tests are totally dissolved or replaced and filled by opal-CT, quartz, clinoptilolite, and calcite. Etching of opaline tests does not increase continously with deeper burial. Opal solution accompanied by a conspicuous formation of authigenic clinoptilolite has a local maximum in Core 16 (150 m). A causal relationship with the lower Miocene hiatus at this level is highly probable. Oligocene to Cenomanian sediments represent an intermediate stage of silica diagenesis: the opal-CT/quartz ratios of the silicified rocks are frequently greater than 1, and quartz filling pores or replacing foraminifer tests is more widespread than quartz which converted from an opal-CT precursor. As at other sites, there is a marked discontinuity of the transitions from biogenic opal via opal-CT to quartz with increasing depth of burial. Layers with unaltered opal-A alternate with porcellanite beds; the intensity of the opal-CT-to-quartz transformation changes very rapidly from horizon to horizon and obviously is not correlated with lithologic parameters. The silica for authigenic clinoptilolite was derived from biogenic opal and decaying volcanic components.