990 resultados para maturity,


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Objective. To evaluate the influence of glycemic control on fetal lung maturity in pregnancies affected by diabetes or mild hyperglycemia. Design. Cross-sectional study. Setting. Level III maternity center. Population. A total of 187 pregnant women were submitted to routine amniocentesis for the assessment of fetal lung maturity up to 72 hours before delivery. Methods. Fetal lung maturity thresholds were: Clements-positive at a dilution of 0.5; OD(650) nm >= 0.15; and lamellar body count (LBC) >= 32,000/mu l. The relation of test results with adequate (<= 6.7 mmol/l) or poor (> 6.7 mmol/l) glycemic mean (GM) at term and at preterm was evaluated. Main outcome measure. Delay in fetal lung maturity when glycemic control was poor. Results. Glycemic control was adequate in 146 (78.1%) women. Clements maturity rates were higher at term (91.9%) than at preterm (64.7%) when GM <= 6.7 mmol/l (p < 0.001), but not when control was inadequate. LBC median was higher at term (99.0; 62.0-154.0) than at preterm (66.5; 40.5-108.25) (p = 0.009) when GM <= 6.7 mmol/l, while GM > 6.7 mmol/l did not lead to any difference between these rates at term or preterm. When glycemic control was adequate, OD(650) nm medians at term and at preterm were similar. However, when GM > 6.7 mmol/l, OD(650) nm median at term (0.29; 0.22-0.40) was higher than that observed at preterm (0.15; 0.12-0.18) (p < 0.001). Conclusions. Our results suggest that in term pregnancies routine amniocentesis for the assessment of fetal lung maturity should be abandoned. In preterm pregnancies, or when glycemic control is inadequate it is recommended.


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The sizes at morphological and physiological maturity of male and female Arenaeus cribrarius were estimated to determine if both events are synchronous. Animals were captured with otto-trawls at Ubatuba, Brazil. A total of 2356 specimens, 977 males and 1379 females, were obtained. The major carapace width without spines (CW), the propodus length of the major cheliped (PL) and the width of the 5th abdominal somite (AW) were measured with vernier calipers. Allometric relationships and gonadal development were analyzed to determine the maturity in both sexes. The size at the onset of male morphological maturity was estimated at CW 52 mm, smaller than the CW 63.4 mm physiological maturity size observed. For females, these events are synchronous since both estimates converged at CW 59.7 mm. The onset of functional sexual maturity in A. cribrarius at CW 63.4 and 59.7 mm in males and females, respectively, would indicate a minimum size of CW 64 mm for fishing purposes. Differences between allometric and gonadal estimates indicate the importance of considering both methods. A comparison of the present results with other available data in portunid crabs is provided.


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The size at onset of maturity of Eurytium limosum from a subtropical mangrove in Brazil was investigated. In this species, sexual maturity for males can be indicated by the allometric growth and gonopod length. For females, the morphological sexual maturity can only be externally verified through the relative quantity of setae along the abdominal margins and pleopods. Internally, gonad development was also examined. The size at which half of the population is physiologically mature was 11.6 mm of CW for females and 12.3 mm of CW for males. The values for the morphological and physiological maturity are very similar, indicating that the development of the secondary sexual characters is synchronized with the achievement of the physiological maturity for E. limosum.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar o crescimento relativo e a maturidade sexual morfológica de Menippe nodifrons. As coletas foram realizadas na Praia Grande e Tenório, Ubatuba, São Paulo. Os caranguejos foram separados quanto ao sexo e mensurados na região da largura (LC) e comprimento da carapaça, comprimento e altura dos própodos quelares direito e esquerdo, largura do abdome (LA) nas fêmeas e comprimento do gonopódio (CG) nos machos. Obteve-se 399 indivíduos, sendo 195 machos e 204 fêmeas. Os machos atingiram a maturidade sexual com 29,7mm LC e as fêmeas com 31,6mm LC. Para as fêmeas a melhor relação que indicou a muda da puberdade foi LA vs. LC, sendo que o crescimento foi alométrico negativo na fase jovem e alométrico positivo após a muda da puberdade. Para os machos foi CG vs. LC evidenciando crescimento alométrico positivo na fase jovem e isométrico na fase adulta.


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The relative growth of the fiddler crab Uca cumulanta was studied, primarily to determine the size at the onset of sexual maturity for a mangrove population in the estuary of the Patitiba River, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The evaluation of the morphological sexual maturity of U. cumulanta was performed using the allometric technique. The relationships that most precisely indicated the size at onset of sexual maturity were carapace length (CL) vs propodus length for males and CL vs abdomen width for females. Males and females are mature at 5.25 and 4.75 mm CL, respectively. The remarkable ontogenetic changes observed in the allometric growth of the male major cheliped and the female abdomen, indicate that growth of these structures is closely connected to the timing of sexual maturity. The relative size at onset maturity obtained for this species was 0.68 and this index was compared to that seen in other species in the genus.


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Um total de 3518 espécimes (1607 machos e 1911 fêmeas) de Dipturus chilensis foi amostrado. Os machos tiveram comprimentos totais entre 44.0 e 99.0 cm e as fêmeas entre 45.0 e 110.0 cm. A composição de comprimentos totais das capturas agrupadas foi significativamente diferente entre ambos os sexos, sendo as fêmeas maiores do que os machos. A razão sexual favoreceu as fêmeas. O comprimento total em que 50% dos espécimes foram retidos pelo aparelho de pesca foi de 69.0 cm nos machos e de 73.0 cm nas fêmeas. Uma sub-amostra de 124 espécimes (48 machos e 76 fêmeas) foi analisada para avaliação dos parâmetros reprodutivos. Para os machos, o tamanho de 50% de maturidade resultou em 78.5 cm enquanto que para as fêmeas este parâmetro foi estimado em 81.4 cm. Observações preliminares sobre a descrição da cápsula ovígera são também fornecidas.


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P>The softnose skates Bathyraja brachyurops and Bathyraja macloviana represent an important portion of the skate catches of the Uruguayan trawling fleet in the southwestern Atlantic. From March to October 2004, specimens of these species were collected at 75-200 m depth range in the area situated between latitudes 37 degrees 00'-39 degrees 30'S. For B. brachyurops, total length at which 50% of the specimens were retained by the gear was 68.0 cm for both sexes; T(L50) was estimated at 65.4 cm for males and 67.0 cm for females. For B. macloviana, total length at which 50% of the specimens were retained was 56.0-57.0 cm for both sexes; T(L50) was estimated at 53.5 cm for males and 52.0 cm for females. Egg capsule length varied from 79-91 mm in B. brachyurops and 69-75.5 mm in B. macloviana. In both species, capsules displayed striated surfaces and similar gross morphology, although egg capsules of B. macloviana had more robust anterior horns and a smaller size than those of B. brachyurops. Egg capsules of the latter also exhibited microscopical prickles. Capsule edges were laterally keeled with a groove along the keel, and a straight and transverse velum was present in the egg capsules of both species.


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The sexual development of Atlantoraja platana from the south-west Atlantic Ocean was analysed. According to the reproductive variables considered for both sexes, males were found to mature at 620 mm and females at 715 mm total length. (c) 2008 The Authors Journal compilation (c) 2008 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Some individuals of the species Arenaeus cribrarius (Lamarck, 1818) bear a characteristic pink abdomen, which is notably different from the usual white coloration. The incidence of this chromatic alteration was determined for a single population and its relation with other individual variables were examined. The individuals were monthly collected from May, 1991 to April, 1993, in Ubatuba, São Paulo, with the aid of a shrimp fishery boat provided with double-rig trawling nets. All specimens were sexed, measured (CW = carapace width), distributed in 10-mm size classes and classified according to growth phase (juvenile and adult), molting condition and development stage of gonads. The occurrence of pink-colored morphs was also recorded. From a total of 2,096 collected individuals, only 60 females (nine of those ovigerous) presented a pink-colored abdomen, which represents 2.9% of the whole sample and 5.2% of the females. Almost all of them were intermolt individuals (96.6%) and 63.3% showed mature gonads. According to published data, size at the onset of functional maturity in A. cribrarius females is around 60 mm CW, from which the incidence of pink morphs and ovigerous crabs were recorded. The obtained results suggest that such a chromatic alteration is associated to sexual maturity in these females. This characteristic may enhance the attraction potential for mating, shortly after the puberty molt.


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Embora seja possível produzir cebola (Allium cepa) o ano inteiro no Brasil, a maioria dos cultivares nacionais apresentam bulbos com baixa qualidade, o que proporcionou grande importação de cebola da Argentina, do tipo Valenciana, que não bulbifica no Brasil, mas que agradou os consumidores brasileiros. Para estudar o efeito da seleção para maturidade de bulbos baseada em progênies de meios irmãos obtidas do híbrido triplo intervarietal [Crioula x (Pira Ouro x Valenciana Sintética 14)] foram semeadas 17 progênies selecionadas para maturidade precoce e 25 para tardia, além da geração F1 e dos cultivares Pira Ouro (dias curtos), Crioula (intermediários) e Armada (dias longos), totalizando 46 tratamentos. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições de 32 plantas por parcela, cultivadas em bandejas de isopor. As progênies precoces apresentaram ciclo médio variando de 67 a 83 dias e as tardias de 85 a 103 dias. Na comparação da porcentagem de plantas improdutivas esta diferença também foi evidente, variando de 0,0% a 6,2% nas precoces e de 8,1% a 59,5% nas tardias. Os coeficientes de herdabilidades obtidos foram elevados, variando de 0,65 (porcentagem de plantas improdutivas, na seleção tardia) a 0,80 (peso médio de bulbo, na seleção precoce), sendo, em média, superiores na população selecionada para maturidade precoce. Foram obtidas progênies com peso de bulbo superior às testemunhas 'Pira Ouro' e 'Crioula' e com ciclo que não diferia destas. A seleção para maturidade foi altamente eficiente e a população selecionada para maturidade precoce apresenta grande potencial de originar cultivares adaptados, com produção e qualidade de bulbos superiores às disponíveis no mercado brasileiro.