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In 2009 Argentina implemented the Universal Child Allowance for Social Protection (AUH), a cash transfer programme for households with children. Coverage provided by the contributory family allowance programme was extended to parents who are unemployed or who work in the informal sector (domestic workers, for example). This paper uses the difference-in-difference estimator and propensity score matching techniques to evaluate the short-term effects of the auh on adult labour participation and income generation. The results suggest that, during its first year of operation, no significant disincentives to work were generated by the programme, given that it did not discourage adults from working or lead to a reduction in the number of hours worked. These findings are highly relevant in the Latin American context where these kinds of cash transfers have become an important component of social protection systems.
Questa tesi ha per argomento l'analisi linguistica della traduzione italiana del Treatise of electricity di Tiberio Cavallo (1777) ad opera di Ferdinando Fossi – Trattato completo d'elettricità – (1779). Con questo studio, che prende in esame un particolare episodio letterario, si è inteso esaminare un momento della storia del lessico scientifico italiano al fine di individuarne le peculiarità e sottolinearne le differenze rispetto ai corrispettivi di altre lingue, con speciale attenzione alla lingua inglese. I capitoli introduttivi riportano notizie biografiche e sulla formazione di T. Cavallo e F. Fossi. Nel terzo capitolo viene delineato un quadro della formazione e costituzione del lessico elettrologico italiano, seguendone l'evoluzione nel cinquantennio '40/'90 del XVIII secolo. Una parte della tesi è poi dedicata al fenomeno culturale rappresentato dalle scienze elettriche in cui si inscrive la traduzione del Treatise. Sono qui riportate notizie relative alla fortuna mondana dell'elettricità, per le quali si è attinto a carteggi, documenti d'archivio, testi antichi e studi moderni. L'analisi linguistica vera e propria si è basata sul confronto tra il testo originale di Tiberio Cavallo e la traduzione di Ferdinando Fossi. Partendo dal Treatise abbiamo isolato particolari gruppi di parole: 1) voci corrispondenti a termini propri dei fenomeni elettrici; 2) verbi; 3) strumenti scientifici. Per ognuna della voci abbiamo controllato la ricorsività; poi abbiamo cercato i traducenti corrispondenti, suddividendoli in “corrispondenze assolute” – il traducente è corrispettivo del termine originale –, “corrispondenze mancate” – variazioni nella traduzione di termini ripetuti costantemente –, “tendenza omologatrice” – traduzione univoca di termini semanticamente simili –. Un capitolo sulla lettura critica della traduzione spiega come da parte del Fossi si sia rilevata una sostanziale e sistematica assenza di sensibilità per la precisione terminologica che caratterizza il testo di Cavallo; ove si dimostra che il testo inglese insiste sulla ripetizione dei termini – già stabilizzati e facenti parte di un corpus omogeneo e condiviso –, mentre il testo italiano predilige il ricorso alla "variatio", ricercando una migliore resa stilistica d'insieme piuttosto che la precisione scientifica. Il momento storico-linguistico preso in esame attraverso il particolare caso della traduzione del Treatise vede la lingua italiana sprovvista di una lessico elettrico univoco e condiviso. Complici di questa mancata corrispondenza alle esigenze del linguaggio scientifico moderno sono certamente pregiudizi di ordine retorico, che esaltano l'importanza dello stile e alimentano il disprezzo per i tecnicismi, ma anche e soprattutto la diffusione di traduzioni eterogenee, che danno atto ad una moltiplicazione semantica dei termini realmente in grado di ritardare la formazione di un corpus lessicale condiviso dalla comunità scientifica italiana.
This paper studies the empirical effects of risk classification in the mandatory third-party motor insurance of Germany following the European Union’s directive to de-regulate insurance tariffs of 1994. We find evidence that inefficient risk categories had been selected while potentially efficient information was dismissed. Risk classification did generally not improve the efficiency of contracting or the composition of insureds in this market. These findings are partly explained by the continuing existence of institutional restraints in this market such as compulsory fixed coverage and unitary owner insurance.
This paper investigates the relationship between annual report disclosure, market liquidity, and capital cost for firms registered on the Deutsche Börse. Disclosure is comprehensively measured using the innovative Artificial Intelligence Measurement of Disclosure (AIMD). Results show that annual report disclosure enhances market liquidity by changing investors’ expectations and inducing portfolio adjustments. Trading frictions are negatively associated with disclosure. The study provides evidence for a capital-costreduction effect of disclosure based on the analysis of investors’ return requirements and market values. Altogether, no evidence is found that the information processing at the German capital market is structurally different from other markets.
In order to investigate stress responses of horses in walkers with and without electricity, 12 horses were trained during 3 weeks in a horse walker with and without the use of electricity (3.7 kV). To evaluate the stress response, cortisol levels in the blood were measured, the heart rate was monitored using the Polar® system and the behaviour was evaluated. Neither the cortisol levels nor the heart rates showed any relevant statistically significant difference between horses moved in the horse walker with or without the use of electricity. The highest cortisol levels and heart rates were recorded during the first week (habituation period). A significant difference could be observed regarding spontaneous compartment changes: while this happened mainly during the first week and before the first use of electricity, no horses changed compartments in the periods when electricity was used and thereafter. The results of this study indicate that the use of electricity in the horse walker does not seem to cause significant detectable stress in the horses.
This study seeks to find the reasons for the rising risk of unemployment for people who have completed basic vocational education and training (VET) in Switzerland. We focus on the long-term structural shift on the demand side of the labour market and its consequences for new entrants? chances of employment in the labour force. A detailed analysis of the development of vacancies for such ?career entrants? in the time period 2001 to 2011 suggests that neither a growing occupational mismatch nor a general shift in the level of education to the disadvantage of workers with vocational education can be made responsible for the rising unemployment of labour market entrants. Instead, the available evidence indicates that a diminishing part of the vacancies suited for VET graduates remains open to entrants because of the increasing job requirements with regard to work experience and further education. Basic vocational education and training alone is increasingly less a guarantee for a smooth entry into the working world.
What some view as overly-generous funding of the Scottish parliament results from Scotland.s credible threat to secede from the United Kingdom. Scotland is shown to benefit from a second mover advantage in a non-cooperative sequential game over the allocation of public funds. Various reform proposals are criticized for not recognizing that reform of Scottish government finances must be consistent with Scotland.s credible threat. Fiscal autonomy -- in which the Scottish parliament finances a much greater proportion of its spending from Scottish-sourced taxes, is demonstrated to be a viable reform within the existing political context and, in some circumstances, could remove Scotland.s second mover advantage. We also use a cooperative bargaining game model to demonstrate that an Australian style grants commission would not be a viable reform in the British context.