868 resultados para manejo sustentável do solo


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coastal and marine protected areas are created to protect habitat, avoid biodiversity loss, and to help maintain viable fisheries. However, most of these areas in tropical countries occurs in impoverished regions and directly affect the livelihood and survival of coastal communities which directly depend on fisheries and shellfisheries. Therefore, socioeconomic and conservation goals overlap. In this context, fishers should have a central place in resource management. They are critical resource users and their behavior directly affects the system. Shellfish resources are important sources of food, employment and income to fishing communities in Latin America. But despite its widespread use for food and income, there is an urgent need of more research on shellfish management. This research discusses the artisanal fisheries of Venus clam (Anomalocardia brasiliana) (Gmelin, 1791) (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in Brazil, and points out strategies to improve the system. Venus clam is a small and commonly exploited species for food and income on the Brazilian coast. This research was carried out at Ponta do Tubarão Sustainable Development Reserve (Brazilian Northeast coast), where there was no information available about who harvest, where or how much Venus clam has been harvested, despite this resource being exploited for generations. Clam fishery follows the pattern of socio-economic invisibility that general clam exploitation has in Brazil. Methods used were interviews, participatory monitoring and focal follow observation from January 2010 to May 2011. Results include: (a) the identification of shell fishers, (b) how harvest and meat processing are performed (mollusk beds, time spent, gross and net production), (c) the analisis of shell fisher income and their economic sustentability, and (d) the involvement of shell fisher families in data gathering and analyses for the first time. Based on the acquired knowledge, we propose a new institutional arrangement for clam fishery including co-management, fisheries agreement, compensatory arrangements and improvements for the Venus clam value chain such as the establishment of a minimum price for clam meat. This research also includes two other results: a general description for Venus clam harvesting in the Brazilian Northeast coast and a specific discussion about co-management of Venus clam in Brazil. The first one was possible through the meeting of several shell fisherwomen from other states during activities promoted by People of the Tides (PoT) project. PoT was an international initiative aiming to develop coastal communities that depend on mollusk for their livelihood. The second one is a comparison between PoT and Venus clam management at Pirajubaé Marine Extractive Reserve (Santa Catarina). It evaluates the success and failures of these only two initiatives involving co-management of A. brasiliana in Brazil


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Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em um solo aluvial na Estação Experimental da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Algodão, município de Souza, Estado da Paraíba, Brasil, com o objetivo de estudar a variabilidade espacial da densidade do solo. A área tem uma superfície cultivada de 17 ha e os testes de campo foram feitos em 40 pontos amostrais, locados na linha central longitudinal de cada parcela agrícola, eqüidistante de 50 m. Na determinação da densidade do solo, foi utilizado o método do anel volumétrico, em amostras com estrutura indeformada para as profundidades de 0-30, 30-60 e 60-90 cm. A variabilidade espacial foi determinada pela técnica de estatística clássica e da geoestatística. Na análise estatística clássica, a densidade do solo para as três profundidades apresentou baixos valores de desvio-padrão e coeficiente de variação, indicando pouca variação da densidade do solo com aumento da profundidade. A densidade do solo manifestou estrutura de dependência espacial, modelada por meio de semivariogramas, os quais permitiram a interpolação por Krigagem, apresentando estrutura esférica nas profundidades de 0-30 e 60-90 cm, com alcance de 46 m e estrutura exponencial com alcance de 255,10 m para a profundidade 30-60 cm.


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A identificação de cultivares, para cada tipo de manejo do solo, pode favorecer o aumento da produtividade da cultura do arroz de terras altas. Neste contexto, objetivou-se, com este trabalho, estudar o desempenho de genótipos de arroz de terras altas, em dois sistemas de manejo do solo: preparo convencional (PC) e sistema plantio direto (SPD). O estudo foi desenvolvido no município de Ipameri, GO, em 2008/2009. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, no esquema fatorial 2x8, com dezesseis tratamentos e quatro repetições. O primeiro fator foi o sistema de manejo do solo (PC e SPD) e o segundo cultivares (BRS Curinga, BRS Primavera, BRS Monarca, BRS Pepita, BRS Sertaneja, Carajás, Caiapó e Bonança). As plantas apresentaram-se mais altas no PC do que no SPD. Quanto ao número de perfilhos por planta, verificou-se, também, variabilidade nas cultivares, quanto ao tipo de manejo de solo. Constatou-se que o preparo convencional propiciou maiores produtividades (média de 4.349 kg ha-1 que o sistema plantio direto (média de 3.521 kg ha-1, sendo o número de panículas por mI;e número de grãos por panícula os componentes de produção que mais contribuíram para esta diferença. Todas as cultivares apresentaram diferenças estatísticas entre os dois sistemas de manejo do solo, com exceção da cultivar Caiapó. Nos dois sistemas, Carajás foi a mais produtiva e diferiu, estatisticamente, das cultivares BRS Sertaneja e BRS Primavera.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de sistemas conservacionistas de manejo do solo sobre características agronômicas de cultivares de amendoim com hábitos de crescimento contrastantes, foram instalados sete ensaios de campo; seis em Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico (Ribeirão Preto, SP) e um em Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Pindorama, SP), todos em renovação de canaviais colhidos sem queima prévia. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com os tratamentos arranjados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos principais foram os sistemas de manejo - convencional, cultivo mínimo e plantio direto - e os secundários, as cultivares IAC-Tatu ST e IAC-Caiapó. Não há diferença estatística para produção de vagens e grãos e número de estruturas reprodutivas, entre manejos conservacionistas e convencional, porém pode haver redução no estande final de plantas. em três dos sete ensaios houve interação significativa entre cultivar e sistema de manejo. A cultivar IAC-Caiapó é menos responsiva às diferenças de manejo do solo. O plantio direto pode proporcionar aumento de 6,5 a 9% no índice de rendimento de grãos e apresentar maior conteúdo de água no solo em período de seca.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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No-tillage system is an efficient technique in control of soil erosion, when compared with conventional tillage, however, some studies indicate higher compaction under no-tillage, mainly in the surface layer. Strategies that increase the organic matter content, as crop rotation and organic fertilization, can be used to solve the soil compaction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of soil managements (crop succession and crop rotation) and fertilization (organic, mineral and organic-mineral) in the physical properties of the soil, under no-tillage system, from 2006 to 2008. The evaluations were carried out in February 2007, after the summer corn harvest, and in September 2008, after the winter corn harvest. Crop rotation decreased the soil density and soil resistance to penetration and increased the macroporosity and total porosity. The use of organic sources of fertilization did not affect any of the physical attributes of soil. The yield of summer corn was highest in succession crop and mineral fertilization, however, in the winter, there was no difference between the soil managements and among the fertilizations.


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A field experiment was carried out in the Lageado Experimental Farm belonging to the São Paulo State University - UNESP, Campus of Botucatu, SP, in a distrophic Nitosoil in 1997/98. The objective was to compare the effects of magnesium termophosphate; termophosphate + lime; termophosphate + phosphogypsum + sugarcane vinnace application on the chemical characteristics of the soil and on the corn (Zea mays L.) yield cultivated in no-tillage and conventional tillage systems. The Crotalaria juncea was cultivated as mulch-producing to make possible the establishment of the tillage systems. The mean modifications in the soil fertility were due to aplication of the magnesium termophosphate. The differences between the two tillage systems, related to crop productivity, were associated to the smaller N content in the corn leaf in the no-tillage system.


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Soil management measures that increase the efficiency of organic matter cycling and maintain favorable soil structure are needed for improving soil quality. On the other hand, soil structure degradation due to inadequate soil management systems is widespread. Among the indicators of soil physical quality, saturated hydraulic conductivity and penetration resistance are thought to be sensitive to soil management system. The aim of this work was to study the influence of soil tillage system and organic fertilization on selected soil physical properties after the first year of treatment. The field work was conducted in Selviria, MS, Brazil on an Oxisol. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks with split-plots, with 12 treatments and 4 repetitions. Tillage treatments included conventional ploughing (CT) and direct drilling (DD). Fertilizer treatments were: 1) manure, 2) manure plus mineral, 3) traditional mineral 4) plant residues of Crotalaria juncea, 5) plant residues of Pennisetum americanum and 6) control plot. The plots were cropped to bean in winter and to cotton in summer, and both cultures were irrigated. After one year no significant differences between treatments in mechanical resistance and porosity were found. However, saturated hydraulic conductivity and infiltration were higher in the conventional tillage treatment at the 0.00-0.10 m depth. Moreover, an improvement in soil physical condition by organic fertilizers was shown.


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The purpose of the work is to evaluate the stability by dry and humid of theaggregate in different systems or the use and management in Argissolos: agricultural, pasture and torest utilization. This work was realized in agricultural property, in Anhumas city, SR Several analyses including percentage of the aggregate (by way of dry and humid); the weighted mean diameter of the aggregate calculation and statistic analysis. Conclusion: the organic matter content of the A horizon of the soil under forest is 64 % more than the soil under pasture and 79 % more than the soil under annual crop; the WMDA of the aggregate obtained by dry and humid ways of the horizon A and its mean value for the soil decrease in the following sequence: PVAd - forest > PVe -pasture > PVd - annual culture, respectively, with the following values: 1.33560 and 1.445496 (D), 2.81114 and 2.351380 (H); 0.66748 and 1.011830 (D); 2.79642 and 1.624250 (H); 0.32468 and 0.993775 (S), 1.25808 and 0.983135 mm (H); the two methods are equally sensitive to reveal the effect of the soil use and management; the organic matter provides additional stability to the aggregates submitted to humid sieving and clay to the dry sieving: the WMDA obtained by dry and humid ways are statistically different for the soil profiles.


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Agronomic practices that help farmers to raise yield and reduce costs must be studied to ensure agricultural sustainability. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze economically the effect of soil management and nitrogen fertilization in maize crops. Treatments consisted of a combination of 3 soil management techniques (plow harrows + floating harrows, chisel + floating harrows, and no-tillage), 5 periods of nitrogen fertilization (control - 0 kg ha -1 N; 120 kg ha -1 after sowing (S); 120 kg ha -1 in the V 6 stage; 30 kg ha -1 (S) + 90 kg ha -1 in V 6; 30 kg ha -1 (S) + 45 kg ha -1 in V 4 + 45 kg ha -1 in V 8 The total operating cost (TOC), gross revenue (GR), operating profit (OP), profitability index (PI), break-even yield, and break-even price were estimated. It was concluded that the no-tillage system, after 11 years of management, associated with nitrogen fertilization promotes positive PI and OP, being useful to farmers.


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Management systems affect soil structure, causing changes in porosity that can influence water infiltration into the soil. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different management systems on the porosity and water infiltration in Distroferric Red Nitosol with clay texture. The management systems were: conventional with disc plow + two soft harrowing, conventional with heavy disc harrow + two soft harrowing, no tillage and fallow. The following attributes: porosity, pore shape and water infiltration velocity into the soil were determined. Management systems such as no-tillage, conventional with disc plow and heavy disc harrow, and fallow modify the porosity and the shape of pores of a Distroferric Red Nitosol, influencing water infiltration, which was favored in no-tillage for the greater presence of elongated pores.


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The agricultural use of sewage sludge as organic fertilizer is considered nowadays as on alternative of disposal, in the end of the residue in addition to possible environmental problems, it's using can decrease the mineral fertilizers and avoid provide organic matter to the soil. The objective of this study it was to evaluate the parameters of soil fertility under different managements and doses of sewage sludge after the third application of the residue. The experiment was carried out in São Manuel - SP, with the cultivation of sunflower in two consecutives cycles, followed by wheat and triticale without application of the residual, and in the following year with the application of sewage sludge and cultivated the black oats. It was adopted a randomized complete block design, consisting of six treatments and five repetitions defined as follows: T0 - without fertilization; T1 - mineral fertilizer nitrogen according to crop need, T2 - 50% of N from sewage sludge and 50% in mineral form, T3 - 100% of N from sewage sludge, T4 - 150% of N from sewage sludge, T5 - 200% of N derived from sewage sludge. Soil samples were collected in the end of the trial of oats. There were an increase in the levels of P, H + Al, CEC and OM, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn as a function of increasing dose of sewage sludge. To V% and pH were decreased the values in the proportional soil to the increase of sludge dose until 24 and 22 t ha-1, respectively and after increasing the pH and V%.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)