897 resultados para managed funds


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Unfortunately, in India it is a fact that most of the investors are not interested in mutual funds. Those who are investing, they are investing only very small amounts. But what is important to be noted here is that when compared to other financial instruments, investments in mutual funds are safer and also yields more returns on the investment portfolio. Moreover as an investment avenue mutual fund is available for those investors who are not willing to take any exposure directly in the security market. It also helps such investors to build their wealth over a period of time. At the retail level, investors are unique and are highly heterogeneous, and the mutual fund schemes' selection will also differ depends on their expectations. Hence, investors’ expectation is a very important factor in this regard that needs to be analysed by all the investment houses. Hence, the factors that drive the investment decisions of individual investors to meet their expectations by investing money in mutual funds need an in-depth analysis. These driving forces include the preference of investors on mutual fund compared to various available avenues of financial investments, risk attitude of investors, influence of characteristics of instruments of mutual funds on investors, the investment specific attitudes of investors, and influence of qualities of fund management on investors. The success of any mutual fund, a popular means of investment, depends on how effectively an Asset Management Company has been able to understand the level of influence of these factors on the decision of investors to invest in mutual funds. For a substantial growth in the mutual fund market, there must be a high level precision in the design and marketing of the products of mutual funds taking into account these driving forces by the Asset Management Companies. Therefore, there is a need to conduct a detailed study on investments in mutual funds in this direction. A review of available literature also revealed that no detailed study on mutual funds has so far been attempted in this direction; hence the present study on Driving Forces of Investment Decisions in Mutual Funds is undertaken.


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Agricultural systems with conventional tillage and intensive use of agrochemicals, especially those on high slopes and with shallow soils, have the potential to release pollutants. This study aimed at evaluating the soil, water and nutrient lost via agricultural runoff in large plots (small catchments) under conventional and organic farming of vegetables as well as under forest (control) system in a Cambisol in the Campestre catchment. Samples of runoff were collected biweekly for one year through a Coshocton wheel. The soil and water losses from the conventional farming were 218 and 6 times higher, respectively, than forest. Under organic farming the soil and water losses were 12 and 4 times higher, respectively, than forest. However the soil losses (0.5 to 114 kg ha^(−1) year^(−1)) are considered low in agronomy but environmentally represent a potential source of surface water contamination by runoff associated pollutants. The concentrations and losses of all forms of phosphorus (P) were higher in the conventional system (9.5, 0.9 and 0.3 mg L^(−1) of total P for conventional, organic and forest systems, respectively), while the organic system had the highest concentrations and losses of soluble nitrogen (4.7, 38.6 and 0.4 mg L^(−1) of NO_3-N, respectively). The percentage of bioavailable P was proportionally higher in the organic system (91% of total P lost was as bioavailable P), indicating greater potential for pollution in the short term.


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Video guides for Staff and Students on how to set up the Konica Minolta Managed Printers at WSA using a Mac Lion and Snow Leopard. Support is provided by iSolutions and Serviceline on x25656


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Comprobar la idoneidad de las técnicas CMI (Computer Managed Instruction) para la formación en Matemáticas del profesorado de EGB. Realizaron el curso por ordenador 12 profesores de EGB que iban a seguir un curso de actualización en Matemáticas por el método tradicional (de los 28 iniciales). Dividido en 2 fases. En la primera fase se diseñaron y pusieron en marcha los programas de ordenador necesarios para implementar el curso a seguir por el grupo experimental en el computador, y se prepararon los tests a que se sometieron los alumnos antes y después del curso. La segunda fase consiste en la experimentación del curso por computador con alumnos, análisis de los resultados y conclusiones de la investigación. Test previos de conocimientos, uno de respuesta libre y otro de elección de respuesta. Test de Inteligencia general (dominó D-48), batería DAT para medir la capacidad numérica (NA) y de razonamiento (AR). Cuestionarios de personalidad CEP de Pinillos. Conversaciones para detectar la actitud y el interés de los profesores por el curso. Cintas del curso, utilizando el miniordenador IBM 5100. Porcentajes de aciertos y errores por alumnos y por preguntas efectuadas. Se detectaron preguntas poco acertadas por el bajo porcentaje de éxitos. El 80 por ciento de los profesores mantuvo un interés notable a lo largo del curso. La mayoría opinó que el procedimiento era demasiado lento y echaron de menos que el sistema no presentase la respuesta correcta una vez contestada la pregunta por el alumno. Necesidad de reelaborar algunas partes del cuestionario. Un curso como el experimentado encuentra su principal aplicación como un medio adicional puesto a disposición del estudiante, con la finalidad de ayudarle a fijar y repasar los conceptos esenciales de la materia estudiada, sirviéndole, a la vez, de instrumento de diagnóstico de sus propias deficiencias.