962 resultados para liquid-phase synthesis


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The flotation capacity was determined for cells of yeasts strains belonging to the genera Hansenula, Candida and Saccharomyces. A heterogeneous group of yeasts, comprising strains from the three genera, was identified as showing high flotation capacities (degrees of flotation above 50%), which were practically not affected by variations in medium pH in both the synthetic medium and 2% molasses. Thus, the flotation capacity of the cells in this yeast group seemed strongly dependent on the liquid phase properties and/or growth medium composition, more than on the simple variation in pH of the cell suspensions. A second group of strains, belonging to the Saccharomyces genus, including also brewing yeast strains, was identified as having lower flotation capacities (degrees of flotation below 50% at pH 1.5), which showed no alterations or variations significantly affected by the medium pH. Foam volumes obtained with Saccharomyces strains were greater in synthetic media than in molasses owing to the higher air flow rates required for flotation in molasses. The flotation efficiency decreased in molasses in all cases as well as the foam volume, except in the case of Hansenula cells, which showed an increased foam volume. This was probably due to variations in product excretion by the different yeasts and/or differences in cell wall composition.


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PLZT(9/65/35) obtained by association between the Pechini method (ZT) and partial oxalate (PLZT) was prepared. The stoichiometric phase and monophasic (cubic) PLZT obtained by calcination did not occur after sintering. The sintering process, by using two stages, caused a liquid phase formation due to a PbO excess (5 and 10 wt%). Samples with high density (similar to 8 g/cm(3)) and optical transparency(similar to 12%) were obtained. However, an equilibrium between the excess of PbO of sample/atmosphere PbO leads to a segregated PbO phase on the boundaries of the microstructure. A diffusion of Zr, Ti and La ions from PLZT to PbO phase promoted a stoichiometric deviation of the matrix and modified the optical and dielectric characteristics. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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Ab initio (restricted Hartree-Fock and DFT) and molecular mechanics calculations at MM2 level were performed for N-methylformamide (NMF) molecule and for three dimers in order to investigate the relative stability of the cis and trans conformers. The ab initio calculations show that no intramolecular interaction is relevant for the stability of the conformers explored. The trans conformer is the most stable. The MM calculations revealed that a double H-bonded cyclic cis-cis dimer is the most stable among the studied dimers, followed by a 'linear' H-bonded trans-trans dimer. This 'linear' dimer, however, is prevalent in the liquid phase. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bismuth titanate templates (Bi4Ti3O12) were synthesized by the molten salt method in Na2SO4 and K2SO4 fluxes, using an amorphous Bi4Ti 3O12 precursor and a mechanically mixed Bi 2O3+TiO2 mixture as the starting materials. The templates were characterized by means of X-Ray Diffraction, FT-IR, FT-Raman, FEG-SEM and TEM. The templates are free of secondary phases and present orthorhombic structure with orientation in the c-plane. FT-IR suggests no traces of sulfate groups revealing that the molten salt synthesis was beneficial for elimination of inorganic species and for the arrangement of individual nanocrystals into ordered lattices. FEG-SEM analyses of BIT templates revealed that most of the grains were homogeneous with a length of 3.1 μm and a width of 0.3 μm and had plate-like morphology. TEM investigations show that the c-axis of the perovskite units is parallel to the thickness direction of the grains and no liquid-phase was formed during BIT phase formation. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.


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Este estudo avalia o uso de argila do Estado do Acre de natureza esmectítica (argila original) como precursora na síntese de PCHs (Porous Clay Heterostructure) e na organofuncionalização com mercaptopropiltrimetoxisilano (MPTS-Arg) e aplicabilidade desses materiais como adsorventes de fenol, benzeno e tolueno em fase líquida. A síntese de PCHs envolve as seguintes etapas: preparação de organoargila com hexadeciltrimetilamônio (HDTMA-Argila); aumento do espaçamento basal (d001) da organoargila usando o cosurfactante octilamina e adição concomitante de uma fonte de Si, como o tetraetilortosilicato (TEOS); lavagens com etanol em HCl, secagem a 60 o C (PCH-60 A e B); calcinação a 500 o C e 700 º C (PCH 500 A/B e PCH 700), com a remoção do surfatante/co-surfactante e consequente substituição destas substâncias orgânicas por prótons que permanecem nas paredes das galerias de pilares de SiO2 até novo tratamento porventura realizado no PCH. O material MPTS-Arg foi obtido a partir da intercalação de mercaptopropiltrimetoxisilano na argila original sob agitação durante 1 h (Arg-MPTS 1) e na argila original previamente tratada com HCl 1 mol L-1 e sob agitação durante 2 h (Arg-MPOS 2). Os materiais (argila original, HDTMA-Argila, PCH-60, PCH-500/700 e MPTS-Arg) foram caracterizados por difração de raios-X (DRX), microscopia eletrônica de varredura acoplado a espectroscopia de raios X por dispersão de energia (MEV/ EDS), espectroscopia de absorção molecular IV com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), técnicas de análises térmicas (DTA_TG) e análises texturais, como as medidas de área superficial específica (ASEBET, ASELangmuir), volume total de poros (VTP) e diâmetro médio de poros (DMP). Caracterização complementar por ressonância nuclear magnética no estado sólido acoplada a espectrometria de massa (RMN-M AS) foi realizada para o PCH-500 A. Nos experimentos de adsorção de fenol, benzeno e tolueno foram utilizadas suspensões aquosas dos adsorventes contendo separadamente os adsorvatos. As concentrações de equilíbrio de fenol, tolueno e benzeno foram medidas por espectroscopia de absorção molecular na região ultravioleta, conforme método aceito e aplicado em outros estudos de adsorção. Foram obtidos os seguintes resultados: identificação do argilomineral esmectita na argila natural com espaçamento basal de 1,25nm; intercalação do HDTMA e do MPTS com expansão do d(001) para 1,95nm (HDTMA-Arg 5) e 2,1nm (MPTS-Argila 1h). Após a modificação observou-se através da análise de EDS um decréscimo das concentrações dos elementos Na, Si e Al (%) nas posições interlamelares e aumento na concentração de C. O espectro 29Si MAS NMR do PCH-500 A apresentou sinais químicos dos centro Q3 Si(OSi)3OH e Q4 Si(OSi)4 que indicam a formação de sílica em sua estrutura. Os PCHs (60 e 500 A) foram classificados como mesoporosos, apresentando ASEBET entre 417 a 446 m2 g-1 e volume total de poros (cm3 g-1) = 0,367 - 0,369. O aumento da temperatura de calcinação do PCH 500 para 700 o C (PCH 700) propiciou decréscimos em SBET (305 m2 g-1) e diâmetro médio de poros (0.976 nm). Foi verificado a partir da avaliação das medidas dos diâmetro de poros em PCH 700 que 46% das medidas correspondem a microporos. No estudo do equilíbrio de adsorção foram obtidos os valores de KL (L mg-1), KF (L mg-1) e qMax (mg g-1) nos seguintes processos: (i) adsorção de fenol (1.40; 2.26 e 3.80) e tolueno (145, 7.18 e 135) em PCH-500 A; (ii) adsorção de benzeno (0.33, 41.49 e 69.81) em PCH 500 B; (iii) na adsorção de tolueno em argila-MPOS 1 (1.06, 118.9 e 146) e argila-MPOS 2 (2.1, 92 e 97); (iv) na adsorção de fenol (0.07, 0.48 e 4.44) e benzeno (0.11, 4.95 e 35.8) em HDTA-Arg 5, respectivamente. Os dados obtidos sobre a caracterização dos materiais indicaram que a formação dos PCHs propiciou grande aumento nas concentrações de Si e decréscimo nas concentrações de Al, Fe e outros elementos, devido à delaminação- exfoliação da esmectita original. Foi verificado que os materiais são mais adequados para adsorção de tolueno e benzeno do que fenol.


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This work describes the synthesis of a series of sialylmimetic neoglycoconjugates represented by 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole-sialic acid derivatives containing galactose modified at either C-1 or C-6 positions, glucose or gulose at C-3 position, and by the amino acid derivative 1,2,3-triazole fused threonine-3-O-galactose as potential TcTS inhibitors and anti-trypanosomal agents. This series was obtained by Cu(I)-catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction ('click chemistry') between the azido-functionalized sugars 1-N(3)-Gal (commercial), 6-N(3)-Gal, 3-N(3)-Glc and 3-N(3)-Gul with the corresponding alkyne-based 2-propynyl-sialic acid, as well as by click chemistry reaction between the amino acid N(3)-ThrOBn with 3-O-propynyl-GalOMe. The 1,2,3-triazole linked sialic acid-6-O-galactose and the sialic acid-galactopyranoside showed high Trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase (TcTS) inhibitory activity at 1.0 mM (approx. 90%), whilst only the former displayed relevant trypanocidal activity (IC(50) 260 mu M). These results highlight the 1,2,3-triazole linked sialic acid-6-O-galactose as a prototype for further design of new neoglycoconjugates against Chagas' disease. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polymeric sensors with improved resistance to organic solvents were produced via the layer-by-layer thin film deposition followed by chemical cross-linking. According to UV-vis spectroscopy, the mass loss of polyaniline/poly(vinyl alcohol) and polyaniline/novolac-type resin based films deposited onto glass slides was less than 20% when they were submitted to successive immersions (up to 3,000 immersion cycles) into commercially available ethanol and gasoline fuel samples. Polyallylamine hydrochloride/nickel tetrasulfonated phthalocyanine films presented similar stability. The electrical responses assessed by impedance spectroscopy of films deposited onto Au-interdigitated microelectrodes were relatively unaffected after continuous or cyclic immersions into both fuels. After these studies, an array including these polymeric sensors was employed to detect adulteration in ethanol and gasoline samples. After principal component analysis, it was possible to conclude that the proposed sensor array is capable to discriminate with remarkable reproducibility ethanol samples containing different amounts of water or else gasoline samples containing different amounts of ethanol. In both examples, more than 90% of data variance was retained in the first principal component. For each type of sample, ethanol and gasoline, it was found a linear correlation between one of the principal components and the sample's composition. These findings allow one to conclude that these films present great potential for the development of reliable and low-cost sensors for fuel analysis in liquid phase.


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The ionization of chlorophyll-c(2) in liquid methanol was investigated by a sequential quantum mechanical/Monte Carlo approach. Focus was placed on the determination of the first ionization energy of chlorophyll-c(2). The results show that the first vertical ionization energy (IE) is red-shifted by 0.47 +/- 0.24 eV relative to the gas-phase value. The red-shift of the chlorophyll-c(2) IE in the liquid phase can be explained by Mg center dot center dot center dot OH hydrogen bonding and long-ranged electrostatic interactions in solution. The ionization threshold for chlorophyll-c2 in liquid methanol is close to 6 eV. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ba0.77Ca0.23TiO3 ceramics were produced in this work starting from nanopowders synthesized via a polymeric precursor method. By adjusting the pH values of the precursor solutions above 7, it was possible to prepare powders weakly aggregated and with a smaller particle size, both facts which traduced into an enhanced nanopowders' sintering process at comparatively lower temperatures. Irrespective of the initial pH value, highly-dense and second phase-free ceramics were obtained following optimal sintering parameters (temperature and time) extracted from dilatometric and density measurements. By considering these and other sintering conditions, moreover, polycrystalline materials with an average grain size varying from 0.35 to 8 mm were produced, the grain growth process involving liquid phase-assisted sintering for heat treatments achieved at 1320 °C. The study of grain size effects on the ferroelectric properties of these materials was conducted, the results being discussed in the light of previous debates, including grain size-dependent degree of tetragonal distortion in such materials, as verified in this work.


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A whisker is a common name of single crystalline inorganic fibre of small dimensions, typically 0.5-1 μm in diameter and 20-50 μm in length. Whiskers are mainly used as reinforcement of ceramics. This work describes the synthesis and characterisation of new whisker types. Ti0.33Ta0.33Nb0.33CxN1-x, TiB2, B4C, and LaxCe1-xB6 have been prepared by carbothermal vapour–liquid–solid (CTR-VLS) growth mechanisms in the temperature range 900-1800°C, in argon or nitrogen. Generally, carbon and different suitable oxides were used as whisker precursors. The oxides reacted via a carbothermal reduction process. A halogenide salt was added to form gaseous metal halogenides or oxohalogenides and small amount of a transition metal was added to catalyse the whisker growth. In this mechanism, the whisker constituents are dissolved into the catalyst, in liquid phase, which becomes supersaturated. Then a whisker could nucleate and grow out under continuous feed of constituents. The syntheses of TiC, TiB2, and B4C were followed at ordinary synthesis conditions by means of mass spectrometry (MS), thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and quenching. The main reaction starting temperatures and reaction time for the different mixtures was revealed, and it was found that the temperature inside the crucible during the reactions was up to 100°C below the furnace set-point, due to endothermic nature of the reactions. Quench experiments showed that whiskers were formed already when reaching the temperature plateau, but the yield increased fast with the holding time and reached a maximum after about 20-30 minutes. Growth models for whisker formation have been proposed. Alumina based composites reinforced by (2-5 vol.%) TiCnano and TiNnano and 25 vol.% of carbide, and boride phases (whiskers and particulates of TiC, TiN, TaC, NbC, (Ti,Ta)C, (Ti,Ta,Nb)C, SiC, TiB2 and B4C) have been prepared by a developed aqueous colloidal processing route followed by hot pressing for 90 min at 1700°C, 28 MPa or SPS sintering for 5 minutes at 1200-1600°C and 75 MPa. Vickers indentation measurements showed that the lowest possible sintering temperature is to prefer from mechanical properties point of view. In the TiNnano composites the fracture mode was typically intergranular, while it was transgranular in the SiCnano composites. The whisker and particulate composites have been compared in terms of e.g. microstructure and mechanical properties. Generally, additions of whiskers yielded higher fracture toughness compared to particulates. Composites of commercially available SiC whiskers showed best mechanical properties with a low spread but all the other whisker phases, especially TiB2, exhibited a great potential as reinforcement materials.


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[EN]Until recently, sample preparation was carried out using traditional techniques, such as liquid–liquid extraction (LLE), that use large volumes of organic solvents. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) uses much less solvent than LLE, although the volume can still be significant. These preparation methods are expensive, time-consuming and environmentally unfriendly. Recently, a great effort has been made to develop new analytical methodologies able to perform direct analyses using miniaturised equipment, thereby achieving high enrichment factors, minimising solvent consumption and reducing waste. These microextraction techniques improve the performance during sample preparation, particularly in complex water environmental samples, such as wastewaters, surface and ground waters, tap waters, sea and river waters. Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) and time-of-flight mass spectrometric (TOF/MS) techniques can be used when analysing a broad range of organic micropollutants. Before separating and detecting these compounds in environmental samples, the target analytes must be extracted and pre-concentrated to make them detectable. In this work, we review the most recent applications of microextraction preparation techniques in different water environmental matrices to determine organic micropollutants: solid-phase microextraction SPME, in-tube solid-phase microextraction (IT-SPME), stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) and liquid-phase microextraction (LPME). Several groups of compounds are considered organic micropollutants because these are being released continuously into the environment. Many of these compounds are considered emerging contaminants. These analytes are generally compounds that are not covered by the existing regulations and are now detected more frequently in different environmental compartments. Pharmaceuticals, surfactants, personal care products and other chemicals are considered micropollutants. These compounds must be monitored because, although they are detected in low concentrations, they might be harmful toward ecosystems.


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This thesis wad aimed at the study and application of titanium dioxide photocatalytic activity on ceramic materials. As a matter of fact, photocatalysis is a very promising method to face most of the problems connected with the increasing environmental pollution. Furthermore, titanium dioxide, in its anatase crystallographic phase, is one of the most investigated photocatalytic material and results to be perfectly compatible with silicate body mixes. That goal was pursued by two different strategies: 1. the addition to a body mix used for heavy clay products of several titania powders, with different mean crystallite size, surface area, morphology and anatase/rutile ratio and a titania nanosuspension as well. The titania addition followed two procedures: bulk and spray addition over the ceramic samples surface. Titania was added in two different percentages: 2.5 and 7.5 wt.% in both of the methods. The ceramic samples were then fired at three maximum temperatures: 900, 950 and 1000 °C. Afterwards, the photocatalytic activity of the prepared ceramic samples was evaluated by following the degradation of an organic compound in aqueous medium, under UV radiation. The influence of titania morphological characteristics on the photoactivity of the fired materials was studied by means of XRD and SEM observations. The ceramic samples, sprayed with a slip containing 7.5 wt.% of titania powder and fired at 900 °C, have the best photoactivity, with a complete photo-decomposition of the organic compound. At 1000 °C no sample acted as a photocatalyst due to the anatase-to-rutile phase transformation and to the reaction between titania and calcium and iron oxides in the raw materials. 2. The second one foresaw the synthesis of TiO2-SiO2 solid solutions, using the following stoichiometry: Ti1-xSixO2 where x = 0, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 atoms per formula unit (apfu). The mixtures were then fired following two thermal cycles, each with three maximum temperatures. The effect of SiO2 addition into the TiO2 crystal structure and, consequently, on its photocatalytic activity when fired at high temperature, was thoroughly investigated by means of XRD, XPS, FE-SEM, TEM and BET analysis. The photoactivity of the prepared powders was assessed both in gas and liquid phase. Subsequently, the TiO2-SiO2 solid solutions, previously fired at 900 °C, were sprayed over the ceramic samples surface in the percentage of 7.5 wt.%. The prepared ceramic samples were fired at 900 and 1000 °C. The photocatalytic activity of the ceramic samples was evaluated in liquid phase. Unfortunately, that samples did not show any appreciable photoactivity. In fact, samples fired at 900 °C showed a pretty low photoactivity, while the one fired at 1000 °C showed no photoactivity at all. This was explained by the excessive coarsening of titania particles. To summarise, titania particle size, more than its crystalline phase, seems to have a relevant role in the photocatalytic activity of the ceramic samples.


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Mit Hilfe von Brennstoffzellen wird eine effiziente Energieumwandlung von chemischer in elektrische Energie möglich. Die kommerziellen PEM-Brennstoffzellen benutzen Membra-nen, die zum Erreichen hoher Leitfähigkeiten eine wässrige Phase erfordern, in der der Proto-nentransport stattfindet. Somit wird die Betriebstemperatur durch den Siedepunkt des Wassers limitiert. Die verwendeten Pt-Katalysatoren zeigen bei niedrigen Temperaturen eine höhere Empfindlichkeit gegenüber CO, dass im Reformierungsprozess bei der Erzeugung von Was-serstoff entsteht. Austausch der wässrigen Phase gegen Heterozyklen, die ein zu Wasser ver-gleichbares Wasserstoffbrückennetzwerk aufbauen, in dem der Protonentransport stattfinden kann, ermöglicht eine höhere Betriebstemperatur. Durch das im Laufe des Brennstoffzellen-betriebs gebildete Wasser, können die Heterozyklen verdünnt bzw. komplett aus der Memb-ran ausgewaschen werden. Daher ist es erforderlich, die Ladungsträger an ein Polymerrück-grat zu binden, so dass sie eine hohe Beweglichkeit und Konzentration, die denen in der flüs-sigen Phase einer konventionellen Membran entsprechen, aufweisen. Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Synthese und Charakterisierung von Protonenleitern, die ohne eine flüssige Phase auskommen, da sie bereits protonische Leitfähigkeit als intrinsische Ei-genschaft zeigen. Es wurden verschiedene imidazol- bzw. benzimidazolhaltige Dimere und Polythiophene, in denen Benzimidazol in der Seitenkette über verschieden flexible Spacer mit dem Polymerrückgrat verbunden ist, synthetisiert. Die Materialien wurden in undotierten Zu-stand und nach Dotierung mit geringen Mengen Phosphorsäure umfassend charakterisiert und auf thermisches Verhalten, Stabilität und Leitfähigkeit untersucht. Die benzimidazolhaltigen Dimere weisen mit 250 °C die höchsten Zersetzungstemperaturen auf. Mit zunehmender Temperatur kann in allen Fällen eine Erhöhung der Leitfähigkeit beobachtet werden, die sich in der Arrhenius-Auftragung durch eine Gerade anpassen lässt, somit kann der Protonentrans-port durch einen Protonen-hüpfmechanismus beschrieben werden. Die höchste beobachtete Leitfähigkeit liegt im Bereich von 10-6 S/cm bei 160 °C. Durch Zusatz von Phosphorsäure kann die Leitfähigkeit z.T. um einige Größenordnungen gesteigert werden. Eine Ausnahme bilden die Polythiophene, die sowohl protonische als auch elektronische Leitfähigkeit besit-zen. Hier führt die Säure zu einer Lokalisierung der Ladungsträger, so dass die elektronische Leitfähigkeit eingeschränkt wird.


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The last decades have witnessed significant and rapid progress in polymer chemistry and molecular biology. The invention of PCR and advances in automated solid phase synthesis of DNA have made this biological entity broadly available to all researchers across biological and chemical sciences. Thanks to the development of a variety of polymerization techniques, macromolecules can be synthesized with predetermined molecular weights and excellent structural control. In recent years these two exciting areas of research converged to generate a new type of nucleic acid hybrid material, consisting of oligodeoxynucleotides and organic polymers. By conjugating these two classes of materials, DNA block copolymers are generated exhibiting engineered material properties that cannot be realized with polymers or nucleic acids alone. Different synthetic strategies based on grafting onto routes in solution or on solid support were developed which afforded DNA block copolymers with hydrophilic, hydrophobic and thermoresponsive organic polymers in good yields. Beside the preparation of DNA block copolymers with a relative short DNA-segment, it was also demonstrated how these bioorganic polymers can be synthesized exhibiting large DNA blocks (>1000 bases) applying the polymerase chain reaction. Amphiphilic DNA block copolymers, which were synthesized fully automated in a DNA synthesizer, self-assemble into well-defined nanoparticles. Hybridization of spherical micelles with long DNA templates that encode several times the sequence of the micelle corona induced a transformation into rod-like micelles. The Watson-Crick motif aligned the hydrophobic polymer segments along the DNA double helix, which resulted in selective dimer formation. Even the length of the resulting nanostructures could be precisely adjusted by the number of nucleotides of the templates. In addition to changing the structural properties of DNA-b-PPO micelles, these materials were applied as 3D nanoscopic scaffolds for organic reactions. The DNA strands of the corona were organized by hydrophobic interactions of the organic polymer segments in such a fashion that several DNA-templated organic reactions proceeded in a sequence specific manner; either at the surface of the micelles or at the interface between the biological and the organic polymer blocks. The yields of reactions employing the micellar template were equivalent or better than existing template architectures. Aside from its physical properties and the morphologies achieved, an important requirement for a new biomaterial is its biocompatibility and interaction with living systems, i.e. human cells. The toxicity of the nanoparticles was analyzed by a cell proliferation assay. Motivated by the non-toxic nature of the amphiphilic DNA block copolymers, these nanoobjects were employed as drug delivery vehicles to target the anticancer drug to a tumor tissue. The micelles obtained from DNA block copolymers were easily functionalized with targeting units by hybridization. This facile route allowed studying the effect of the amount of targeting units on the targeting efficacy. By varying the site of functionalization, i.e. 5’ or 3’, the outcome of having the targeting unit at the periphery of the micelle or in the core of the micelle was studied. Additionally, these micelles were loaded with an anticancer drug, doxorubicin, and then applied to tumor cells. The viability of the cells was calculated in the presence and absence of targeting unit. It was demonstrated that the tumor cells bearing folate receptors showed a high mortality when the targeting unit was attached to the nanocarrier.