996 resultados para käsikirjoitukset - 1100-1200-luku


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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ObjectivesThis study aimed to evaluate the fluoride concentration in the fingernails and toenails of children aged 18-30months during use of fluoride-containing toothpastes supplemented with calcium glycerophosphate (CaGP) or sodium trimetaphosphate (TMP).MethodsAccording to the toothpaste used, children (n=56) were randomly assigned into three groups: 500gF/g with 1% TMP, 500gF/g with 0.25% CaGP, and 1100gF/g. Fingernails and toenails were collected monthly over a period of 330days, from the beginning of toothpaste use. Fluoride concentration in the water consumed by the volunteers and fluoride intake from diet and toothpaste were also determined. Fluoride analyses were performed with the electrode after hexamethyldisiloxane-facilitated diffusion or by the direct method, according to the samples. Data passed normality and homoscedasticity tests and were analyzed by 2-way analysis of variance (anova) and 1-way anova followed by Student-Newman-Keuls test (P<0.05).ResultsFluoride levels in the fingernails and toenails as well as fluoride intake from toothpaste were similar for the groups treated with 500gF/g with 1% TMP and 500gF/g with 0.25% CaGP toothpastes, but significantly lower than the 1100 gF/g group (P<0.05). No significant differences were noted among the groups regarding fluoride intake from diet and that by water consumed by the volunteers (P>0.05).ConclusionThe results of the longitudinal study suggest that the level of fluoride present in nails was lower with the use of toothpastes with a low fluoride concentration.


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The results of the investigation on Solution Heat Treatment of Plasma Nitrided (SHTPN) precipitation-hardened steel 15-5PH are presented. The layers have been obtained by the plasma nitriding process followed by solution heat treatment at different temperatures. The influence of the solution heat treatment after nitriding on the dissolution process of the nitrided layer has been considered. The nitrided layers were studied by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray microanalysis (EDX), and X-Ray diffraction. Micro-hardness tests of the nitrided layers and solubilized nitrided layers have been carried out and interpreted by considering the processing conditions. It was found that high nitrogen austenitic cases could be obtained after SHTPN of martensitic precipitation-hardened steel (15-5PH). When Solution Heat Treatment (SHT) was performed at 1100 °C, some precipitates were observed. The amount of precipitates significantly reduced when the temperature increased. The EDX microanalysis indicated that the precipitate may be chromium niobium nitride. When the precipitation on the austenite phase occurred in small amount, the corrosion resistance increased in SHTPN specimens and the pit nucleation potential also increased. The best corrosion result occurred for SHT at 1200 °C.


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Chairman Wehrbein and members of the Appropriations Committee, my name is John Owens. I am the NU Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources and am here today on behalf of the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture.


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The prehistoric cemetery of Barshalder is located along the main road on the boundary between Grötlingbo and Fide parishes, near the southern end of the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. The cemetery was used from c. AD 1-1100. The level of publication in Swedish archaeology of the first millennium AD is low compared to, for instance, the British and German examples. Gotland’s rich Iron Age cemeteries have long been intensively excavated, but few have received monographic treatment. This publication is intended to begin filling this gap and to raise the empirical level of the field. It also aims to make explicit and test the often somewhat intuitively conceived results of much previous research. The analyses deal mainly with the Migration (AD 375–540), Vendel (AD 520–790) and Late Viking (AD 1000–1150) Periods. The following lines of inquiry have been prioritised. 1. Landscape history, i.e. placing the cemetery in a landscape-historical context. (Vol. 1, section 2.2.6) 2. Migration Period typochronology, i.e. the study of change in the grave goods. (Vol. 2, chapter 2) 3. Social roles: gender, age and status. (Vol. 2, chapter 3) 4. Religious identity in the 11th century, i.e. the study of religious indicators in mortuary customs and grave goods, with particular emphasis on the relationship between Scandinavian paganism and Christianity.. (Vol. 2, chapter 4) Barshalder is found to have functioned as a central cemetery for the surrounding area, located on peripheral land far away from contemporary settlement, yet placed on a main road along the coast for maximum visibility and possibly near a harbour. Computer supported correspondence analysis and seriation are used to study the gender attributes among the grave goods and the chronology of the burials. New methodology is developed to distinguish gender-neutral attributes from transgressed gender attributes. Sub-gender grouping due to age and status is explored. An independent modern chronology system with rigorous type definitions is established for the Migration Period of Gotland. Recently published chronology systems for the Vendel and Viking Periods are critically reviewed, tested and modified to produce more solid models. Social stratification is studied through burial wealth with a quantitative method, and the results are tested through juxtaposition with several other data types. The Late Viking Period graves of the late 10th and 11th centuries are studied in relation to the contemporary Christian graves at the churchyards. They are found to be symbolically soft-spoken and unobtrusive, with all pagan attributes kept apart from the body in a space between the feet of the deceased and the end of the over-long inhumation trench. A small number of pagan reactionary graves with more forceful symbolism are however also identified. The distribution of different 11th century cemetery types across the island is used to interpret the period’s confessional geography, the scale of social organisation and the degree of allegiance to western and eastern Christianity. 11th century society on Gotland is found to have been characterised by religious tolerance, by an absence of central organisation and by slow piecemeal Christianisation.


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La Tesi Materiale epigrafico per la ricostruzione dei contatti nel Mediterraneo tra il 1200 a.C. e il 500 a.C. si propone di illustrare i complessi rapporti instauratisi tra i vari popoli che si affacciarono sulle rive del Mediterraneo e nelle sue vicinanze, tra il 1200 e il 500 a.C. circa, quali emergono dalle iscrizioni disponibili, principalmente greche e semitiche (soprattutto fenicie, ebraiche, aramaiche e assire), prendendo tuttavia in esame anche iscrizioni ittite, egiziane, frigie, etrusche e celtiche. Le date suddette riguardano due eventi cruciali, che sconvolsero il Mediterraneo: gli attacchi dei Popoli del Mare, che distrussero l'Impero Ittita e indebolirono l'Egitto, e le guerre Persiane. Le iscrizioni riportate sono 1546, quasi sempre traslitterate, tradotte, e accompagnate da un'immagine, da riferimenti bibliografici essenziali e da una breve motivazione del collegamento proposto. Il quadro che si delinea ben testimonia la complessità dei rapporti che si intrecciarono in quel periodo: si pensi alle centinaia di graffiti greci trovati a Naucrati, in Egitto, o alle decine di iscrizioni greche trovate a Gravisca. Anche le iscrizioni aramaiche e assire attestano gli stretti rapporti che si formarono tra Siria e Mesopotamia; ugualmente Iran e Arabia sono, direttamente o indirettamente, collegati a Etruria e Grecia; così troviamo un'iscrizione greca nel cuore dell'Impero Persiano, e un cratere laconico nel centro della Gallia. In realtà lo scopo di questo lavoro è anche quello di mettere in contatto due mondi sostanzialmente separati, ossia quello dei Semitisti e quello dei Grecisti, che solo apparentemente si conoscono e collaborano. Inoltre vorrei soavemente insinuare l'idea che la tesi di Joseph Naveh, che ipotizzò che gli alfabeti greci abbiano tratto origine in prima istanza dalle iscrizioni protocananaiche, nel XII sec. a.C., è valida, e che solo in un secondo tempo i Fenici abbiano dato il loro apporto.


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Il presente progetto è incentrato sull’analisi paleografica della scrittura delle carte dei notai bolognesi del secolo XII (dal 1100 al 1164) ed è stata condotta su un totale di circa 730 documenti, quasi totalmente inediti. La ricerca rientra nell’ambito del progetto di edizione critica delle Carte bolognesi del secolo XII, in corso presso la Cattedra di Paleografia e Diplomatica dell’Università di Bologna. Il lavoro ha previsto un’analisi tecnica e puntuale delle abitudini grafiche di ogni notaio, con particolare attenzione al sistema abbreviativo (al fine di fornire una serie di dati di confronto che potranno essere utili al momento dell’edizione). È stata così realizzata una sorta di database delle diverse grafie esistenti sul territorio, organizzate per notaio e in ordine cronologico. Le caratteristiche della documentazione sono state poi prese in esame sul piano sincronico e nel loro sviluppo diacronico, e si è proceduto a un confronto tra la produzione dei diversi notai, verificando la presenza di nessi e parentele “grafiche”, che hanno permesso di ricostruire raggruppamenti di scriventi con caratteristiche affini.L’analisi dei dati ha permesso di indagare a fondo gli sviluppi della minuscola carolina bolognese e di osservare l’organizzazione e le modalità di apprendimento della pratica notarile. È stato così possibile cogliere le dinamiche con cui la carolina, introdotta da alcuni notai “innovatori”, come Angelo e Bonando, si è diffusa dalla città al contado: si è trattato di un processo graduale, in cui accanto a forme già mature, di transizione verso la gotica, sono convissute forme ancora arcaiche. In linea con quanto la storiografia ha evidenziato, anche l’analisi grafica della documentazione privata bolognese conferma che il processo di rinnovamento della corporazione dovette essere successivo all’impresa irneriana, traendo probabilmente alimento anche dai rapporti diretti e documentati tra Irnerio e alcune personalità più avanzate del notariato bolognese.


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Radiopeptide therapy is commonly performed with a single radioisotope. We aimed to compare the effectiveness of somatostatin-based radiopeptide therapy with a single versus a combination of radioisotopes.