981 resultados para intuitive interaction, intuitive use, familiarity, prior knowledge, prior experience, older adults, industrial design, product design, interaction design


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Caries experience is high in the elderly, and barriers to care for older adults include fear and cost. Access to care is especially problematic in the case of frail and homebound elderly. Objective: to compare the survival of restorations placed using Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) and a conventional technique using rotary instruments and a resin-modified glass-ionomer (CT) to treat carious lesions in older patients. Methods: In this randomised clinical trial, 99 independently living adults (65-90 yrs) with carious lesions were recruited from a geriatric day hospital and a community centre and randomly allocated to receive either ART or conventional restorations. They received tailored oral hygiene instructions and scaling and polishing of teeth prior to restoration placement. The survival of restorations was assessed 6, 12 and 24 months after restoration placement by an independent examiner. Results: Ninety-nine patients participated in the trial, 46 males and 53 females, with a mean age of 73.2 (SD: 6.8). In total, 300 restorations were placed, 142 ART in 51 patients and 158 conventional restorations in 48 patients, with an average of 2.8 ART (SD: 1.83) and 3.2 conventional (SD: 2.62) restorations placed per patient. After 2 years, 88 ART and 117 conventional restorations were assessed. The restoration survival percentages were 93.1% and 94%, respectively. Conclusion: ART was found to be as effective as a conventional restorative approach to treat older adults after 2 years and could be a useful tool to provide dental care for older dentate adults.


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A presente investigação pretende examinar se existe uma convergência entre as diferentes percepções dos actores organizacionais, no que respeita à criação e uso/partilha de conhecimento durante o processo de inovação e mudança organizacional. Iremos igualmente tentar compreender se o conhecimento individual – técnico e organizacional – tem impacto na inovação organizacional e no processo de mudança e, consequentemente, no rumo da organização. Iremos conceptualizar o conhecimento individual como conhecimento tácito e assumir que poderá impulsionar a inovação organizacional e, consequentemente, o desenvolvimento da organização. Contudo, iremos assumir que a partilha do conhecimento explícito não poderá ser separada do processo de compreensão, sendo necessário o conhecimento tácito individual para completar a partilha. O conhecimento explícito e o conhecimento tácito serão ambos estudados como dois elementos inseparáveis porque consideramos que o conhecimento explícito necessita de uma compreensão tácita da linguagem que estrutura o conhecimento explícito. Neste contexto, este estudo apresenta as conclusões acerca dos métodos e formas de interacção e partilha de conhecimento entre os actores organizacionais no que toca à inovação organizacional e aos processos de mudança. A informação será recolhida por via de entrevistas e a técnica Group Recall usando a metodologia de investigação-acção. Este estudo contribui, de várias formas, para o desenvolvimento de um quadro teórico e empírico sobre o conhecimento e a partilha de conhecimento tácito em contextos de inovação organizacional e de processos de mudança. Em primeiro lugar, identifica e analisa as diferentes percepções dos actores organizacionais sobre a partilha e o uso do conhecimento individual durante os processos de inovação organizacional. Em segundo lugar, apresenta o impacto do uso do conhecimento individual partilhado e/ou criado durante os projectos de inovação organizacional nos processoe e práticas da organização. Em terceiro lugar, propõe um conjunto de perfis de conhecimento que podem potenciar a criação e partilha de conhecimento entre os actores organizacionais. Em quarto lugar, sugere um modelo facilitador da partilha de conhecimento que pode servir de referência para investigadores e para profissionais das organizações em processos de inovação organizacional e de mudança. Finalmente, este estudo propõe algumas direcções para futuras investigações e sugere algumas questões de estudo que emergiram desta investigação e que poderão ser exploradas.


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Se realizó un estudio cualitativo exploratorio con estudiantes de carreras de Ciencias de la Salud con el objetivo de comprender las representaciones sociales que tienen acerca de la Medicina Complementaria y Alternativa (MCA) para el cáncer. Se desarrollaron grupos focales y la información obtenida fue analizada a través del Análisis Temático e interpretada con base en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales. Se encontraron diversas representaciones sociales asociadas con la definición, los objetivos, los tratamientos, la eficacia, las fuentes de información y el origen de la MCA. En conclusión se evidenció una alta tendencia a la aceptación y a la manifestación de una actitud positiva, aunque ambivalente frente a la MCA, además de un desconocimiento por la diferenciación conceptual entre este tipo de Medicina y la Medicina Popular. La cultura y las creencias sociales predominan en las representaciones sociales que tienen los estudiantes de la MCA para el cáncer, pese a su formación académica.


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Model based vision allows use of prior knowledge of the shape and appearance of specific objects to be used in the interpretation of a visual scene; it provides a powerful and natural way to enforce the view consistency constraint. A model based vision system has been developed within ESPRIT VIEWS: P2152 which is able to classify and track moving objects (cars and other vehicles) in complex, cluttered traffic scenes. The fundamental basis of the method has been previously reported. This paper presents recent developments which have extended the scope of the system to include (i) multiple cameras, (ii) variable camera geometry, and (iii) articulated objects. All three enhancements have easily been accommodated within the original model-based approach


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Context: Learning can be regarded as knowledge construction in which prior knowledge and experience serve as basis for the learners to expand their knowledge base. Such a process of knowledge construction has to take place continuously in order to enhance the learners’ competence in a competitive working environment. As the information consumers, the individual users demand personalised information provision which meets their own specific purposes, goals, and expectations. Objectives: The current methods in requirements engineering are capable of modelling the common user’s behaviour in the domain of knowledge construction. The users’ requirements can be represented as a case in the defined structure which can be reasoned to enable the requirements analysis. Such analysis needs to be enhanced so that personalised information provision can be tackled and modelled. However, there is a lack of suitable modelling methods to achieve this end. This paper presents a new ontological method for capturing individual user’s requirements and transforming the requirements onto personalised information provision specifications. Hence the right information can be provided to the right user for the right purpose. Method: An experiment was conducted based on the qualitative method. A medium size of group of users participated to validate the method and its techniques, i.e. articulates, maps, configures, and learning content. The results were used as the feedback for the improvement. Result: The research work has produced an ontology model with a set of techniques which support the functions for profiling user’s requirements, reasoning requirements patterns, generating workflow from norms, and formulating information provision specifications. Conclusion: The current requirements engineering approaches provide the methodical capability for developing solutions. Our research outcome, i.e. the ontology model with the techniques, can further enhance the RE approaches for modelling the individual user’s needs and discovering the user’s requirements.


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In areas such as drug development, clinical diagnosis and biotechnology research, acquiring details about the kinetic parameters of enzymes is crucial. The correct design of an experiment is critical to collecting data suitable for analysis, modelling and deriving the correct information. As classical design methods are not targeted to the more complex kinetics being frequently studied, attention is needed to estimate parameters of such models with low variance. We demonstrate that a Bayesian approach (the use of prior knowledge) can produce major gains quantifiable in terms of information, productivity and accuracy of each experiment. Developing the use of Bayesian Utility functions, we have used a systematic method to identify the optimum experimental designs for a number of kinetic model data sets. This has enabled the identification of trends between kinetic model types, sets of design rules and the key conclusion that such designs should be based on some prior knowledge of K-M and/or the kinetic model. We suggest an optimal and iterative method for selecting features of the design such as the substrate range, number of measurements and choice of intermediate points. The final design collects data suitable for accurate modelling and analysis and minimises the error in the parameters estimated. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background. In separate studies and research from different perspectives, five factors are found to be among those related to higher quality outcomes of student learning (academic achievement). Those factors are higher self-efficacy, deeper approaches to learning, higher quality teaching, students’ perceptions that their workload is appropriate, and greater learning motivation. University learning improvement strategies have been built on these research results. Aim. To investigate how students’ evoked prior experience, perceptions of their learning environment, and their approaches to learning collectively contribute to academic achievement. This is the first study to investigate motivation and self-efficacy in the same educational context as conceptions of learning, approaches to learning and perceptions of the learning environment. Sample. Undergraduate students (773) from the full range of disciplines were part of a group of over 2,300 students who volunteered to complete a survey of their learning experience. On completing their degrees 6 and 18 months later, their academic achievement was matched with their learning experience survey data. Method. A 77-item questionnaire was used to gather students’ self-report of their evoked prior experience (self-efficacy, learning motivation, and conceptions of learning), perceptions of learning context (teaching quality and appropriate workload), and approaches to learning (deep and surface). Academic achievement was measured using the English honours degree classification system. Analyses were conducted using correlational and multi-variable (structural equation modelling) methods. Results. The results from the correlation methods confirmed those found in numerous earlier studies. The results from the multi-variable analyses indicated that surface approach to learning was the strongest predictor of academic achievement, with self-efficacy and motivation also found to be directly related. In contrast to the correlation results, a deep approach to learning was not related to academic achievement, and teaching quality and conceptions of learning were only indirectly related to achievement. Conclusions. Research aimed at understanding how students experience their learning environment and how that experience relates to the quality of their learning needs to be conducted using a wider range of variables and more sophisticated analytical methods. In this study of one context, some of the relations found in earlier bivariate studies, and on which learning intervention strategies have been built, are not confirmed when more holistic teaching–learning contexts are analysed using multi-variable methods.


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This research is based on consumer complaints with respect to recently purchased consumer electronics. This research document will investigate the instances of development and device management as a tool used to aid consumer and manage consumer’s mobile products in order to resolve issues in or before the consumers is aware one exists. The problem at the present time is that mobile devices are becoming very advanced pieces of technology, and not all manufacturers and network providers have kept up the support element of End users. As such, the subject of the research is to investigate how device management could possibly be used as a method to promote research and development of mobile devices, and provide a better experience for the consumer. The wireless world is becoming increasingly complex as revenue opportunities are driven by new and innovative data services. We can no longer expect the customer to have the knowledge or ability to configure their own device. Device Management platforms can address the challenges of device configuration and support through new enabling technologies. Leveraging these technologies will allow a network operator to reduce the cost of subscriber ownership, drive increased ARPU (Average Revenue per User) by removing barriers to adoption, reduce churn by improving the customer experience and increase customer loyalty. DM technologies provide a flexible and powerful management method but are managing the same device features that have historically been configured manually through call centers or by the end user making changes directly on the device. For this reason DM technologies must be treated as part of a wider support solution. The traditional requirement for discovery, fault finding, troubleshooting and diagnosis are still as relevant with DM as they are in the current human support environment yet the current generation of solutions do little to address this problem. In the deployment of an effective Device Management solution the network operator must consider the integration of the DM platform, interfacing with many areas of the business, supported by knowledge of the relationship between devices, applications, solutions and services maintained on an ongoing basis. Complementing the DM solution with published device information, setup guides, training material and web based tools will ensure the quality of the customer experience, ensuring that problems are completely resolved, driving data usage by focusing customer education on the use of the wireless service In this way device management becomes a tool used both internally within the network or device vendor and by the customer themselves, with each user empowered to effectively manage the device without any prior knowledge or experience, confident that changes they apply will be relevant, accurate, stable and compatible. The value offered by an effective DM solution with an expert knowledge service will become a significant differentiator for the network operator in an ever competitive wireless market. This research document is intended to highlight some of the issues the industry faces as device management technologies become more prevalent, and offers some potential solutions to simplify the increasingly complex task of managing devices on the network, where device management can be used as a tool to aid customer relations and manage customer’s mobile products in order to resolve issues before the user is aware one exists. The research is broken down into the following, Customer Relationship Management, Device management, the role of knowledge with the DM, Companies that have successfully implemented device management, and the future of device management and CRM. And it also consists of questionnaires aimed at technical support agents and mobile device users. Interview was carried out with CRM managers within support centre to further the evidence gathered. To conclude, the document is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of device management and attempt to determine the influence it will have over customer support centre, and what methods could be used to implement it.


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We propose a preliminary methodology for agent-oriented software engineering based on the idea of agent interaction analysis. This approach uses interactions between undetermined agents as the primary component of analysis and design. Agents as a basis for software engineering are useful because they provide a powerful and intuitive abstraction which can increase the comprehensiblity of a complex design. The paper describes a process by which the designer can derive the interactions that can occur in a system satisfying the given requirements and use them to design the structure of an agent-based system, including the identification of the agents themselves. We suggest that this approach has the flexibility necessary to provide agent-oriented designs for open and complex applications, and has value for future maintenance and extension of these systems.


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This paper explores the potential for using metaphors to enable two and three year old children to interact independently with a computer earlier than is traditionally accepted. They need appropriate cognitive skills, the development of which is dependent on the provision of suitable activities; they need adequately developed physical skills to interact with the hardware and necessary knowledge of expected behaviours for interaction. The authors argue that such expectations can be conveyed via the use of metaphors and will employ a purpose-built multimedia product Television Metaphor (TVM) as an example in order to support their discussion. As the TVM software has hitherto demonstrated, age appropriate metaphors using source domains familiar to young children can guide children in the requisite interactions for independent computer use. TVM was created to contextualise theoretical discussions into interface design and to synthesise the ensuing analysis into an applied form.


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This study examines the effects of prior experience in the context of a cultural arts service. This is an exploratory study designed to investigate the role familiarity plays in shaping visitor expectations. A cross sectional sample of novice and experienced visitors to a major art exhibition was conducted to investigate expectations, perceptions and service quality. Although the results are inconclusive, the findings provide some support for the proposition that novices have more fragmented expectations in certain dimensions.


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The aim of the research is to investigate factors that may explain success in elementary computer programming at the tertiary level. The first phase of the research included the identification of possible explanatory factors through a literature review, a survey of students studying introductory computing, a focus-group session with teachers of computer programming and interviews with programming students. The second phase of the research that was called the main study, involved testing the identified factors. Two different groups of programming students - one group majoring in business computing and another majoring in computer science - completed a survey questionnaire. The findings of the research are as follows. Gender is of little significance for business students but there is an adverse gender penalty for females in computer science. Secondary school assessment is inversely related to outcomes in business computing but directly influences outcomes in the first programming unit in the computer science course. As in prior research, previous knowledge and experience were demonstrated to matter, A range of other variables was found to be of little importance. The research suggests that different problem-solving techniques might be relevant in business compared with those of use in computer science.


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Background Discretionary salt use varies according to socio-demographic factors. However, it is unknown whether salt knowledge and beliefs mediate this relationship. This study examined the direct and indirect effect of socio-demographic factors on salt knowledge and discretionary salt use in a sample of 530 Australian adults.

Methods An internet based cross-sectional survey was used to collect data for this study. Participants completed an online questionnaire which assessed their salt knowledge, beliefs and salt use behaviour. Mplus was used to conduct structural equation modelling to estimate direct and indirect effects.

Results The mean age of the participants was 49.2 years, and about a third had tertiary education. Discretionary salt use was inversely related to age (r=-0.11; p<0.05), and declarative salt knowledge (knowledge of factual information) scores (r = -0.17; p<0.01), but was positively correlated with misconceptions about salt (r = 0.09; p<0.05) and beliefs about the taste of salt (r = 0.51; p<0.001). Structural equation modelling showed age, education and gender were indirectly associated with the use of discretionary salt through three mediating pathways; declarative salt knowledge, misconceptions about salt and salt taste beliefs.

Conclusions Inequalities observed between socio-demographic groups in their use of discretionary salt use can potentially be reduced through targeted salt knowledge and awareness campaigns.


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Background: Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) has been associated with an increased risk for falls among clinical samples of older adults. However, there is little detailed information among population-representative samples. The current study aimed to assess the relationship between EDS and falls among a cohort of population-based older adults. Methods: This study assessed 367 women aged 60-93years (median 72, interquartile range 65-79) and 451 men aged 60-92years (median 73, interquartile range 66-80) who participated in the Geelong Osteoporosis Study between the years 2001 and 2008. Falls during the prior year were documented via self-report, and for men, falls risk score was obtained using an Elderly Fall Screening Test (EFST). Sleepiness was assessed using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and scores of≥10 indicated EDS. Differences among those with and without EDS in regard to falls were tested using logistic regression models. Results: Among women, 50 (13.6 %) individuals reported EDS. Women with EDS were more likely to report a fall, and were more likely to report the fall occurring outside. EDS was similarly associated with an increased risk of a fall following adjustment for use of a walking aid, cases of nocturia and antidepressant medication use (adjusted OR∈=∈2.54, 95 % CI 1.24-5.21). Multivariate modelling revealed antidepressant use (current) as an effect modifier (p∈<∈.001 for the interaction term). After stratifying the data by antidepressant medication use, the association between EDS and falls was sustained following adjustment for nocturia among antidepressant non-users (adjusted OR∈=∈2.63, 95 % CI 1.31-5.30). Among men, 72 (16.0 %) individuals reported EDS. No differences were detected for men with and without EDS in regard to reported falls, and a trend towards significance was noted between EDS and a high falls risk as assessed by the EFST (p∈=∈0.06), however, age explained this relationship (age adjusted OR∈=∈2.20, 95 % CI 1.03-1.10). Conclusions: For women, EDS is independently associated with at least one fall during the previous year, and this is more likely to occur whilst located outside. Amelioration of EDS may assist in improving functional outcomes among these individuals by reducing the risk for falls.


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The positive profile of systemically-administered 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonists in several rodent models of anxiolytic activity suggests an important role for postsynaptic 5-HT(1A) receptor mechanisms in anxiety. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effects of WAY-100635 microinfusions (0, 0.1, 1.0 or 3.0 mug in 0.2 mul) into the dorsal (DH) or ventral (VH) hippocampus an behaviours displayed by male Swiss-Webster mice in the elevated plus-maze. As prior experience is known to modify pharmacological responses in this test, the effects of intra-hippocampal infusions were examined both in maze-naive and maze-experienced subjects. Test videotapes were scored for conventional indices of anxiety (% open arm entries/time) and locomotor activity (closed arm entries), as well as a range of ethological measures (e.g. risk assessment). In maze-naive mice, intra-VH (but not intra-M) infusions of WAY-100635 (3.0 mug but not lower doses) increased open arm exploration and reduced risk assessment. These effects were observed in the absence of significant changes in locomotor activity. In contrast, neither intra-VH nor intra-DH infusions of WAY-100635 altered the behaviour of maze-experienced mice. These Findings suggest that postsynaptic 5-HT(1A) receptors in the ventral (but not dorsal) hippocampus play a significant role both in the mediation of plus-maze anxiety in mice and in experientially-induced alterations in responses to this test. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. BY All rights reserved.