915 resultados para indirect jump
Indirect bridge monitoring methods, using the responses measured from vehicles passing over bridges, are under development for about a decade. A major advantage of these methods is that they use sensors mounted on the vehicle, no sensors or data acquisition system needs to be installed on the bridge. Most of the proposed methods are based on the identification of dynamic characteristics of the bridge from responses measured on the vehicle, such as natural frequency, mode shapes, and damping. In addition, some of the methods seek to directly detect bridge damage based on the interaction between the vehicle and bridge. This paper presents a critical review of indirect methods for bridge monitoring and provides discussion and recommendations on the challenges to be overcome for successful implementation in practice.
Extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) production and the prevalence of the β-lactamase-encoding gene blaTEM were determined in Prevotella isolates (n=50) cultured from the respiratory tract of adults and young people with cystic fibrosis (CF). Time-kill studies were used to investigate the concept of passive antibiotic resistance and to ascertain whether a β-lactamase-positive Prevotella isolate can protect a recognised CF pathogen from the action of ceftazidime in vitro. The results indicated that approximately three-quarters (38/50; 76%) of Prevotella isolates produced ESBLs. Isolates positive for ESBL production had higher minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of β-lactam antibiotics compared with isolates negative for production of ESBLs (P<0.001). The blaTEM gene was detected more frequently in CF Prevotella isolates from paediatric patients compared with isolates from adults (P=0.002), with sequence analysis demonstrating that 21/22 (95%) partial blaTEM genes detected were identical to blaTEM-116. Furthermore, a β-lactamase-positive Prevotella isolate protected Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the antimicrobial effects of ceftazidime (P=0.03). Prevotella isolated from the CF respiratory microbiota produce ESBLs and may influence the pathogenesis of chronic lung infection via indirect methods, including shielding recognised pathogens from the action of ceftazidime.
This paper is concerned with the protection of wind energy systems against the indirect effects of lightning. As wind energy is gaining increasing importance throughout the world, lightning damages involving wind energy systems have come to be regarded with more attention. Nevertheless, there are still very few studies in Portugal regarding lightning protection of wind energy systems using models of the Electro-Magnetic Transients Program (EMTP). Hence, a new case study is presented in this paper, based on a wind turbine with an interconnecting transformer, considering that lightning strikes the soil near the tower at a distance such that galvanic coupling occurs through the grounding electrode. Computer simulations obtained by using EMTP-RV are presented and conclusions are duly drawn. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Over the past few decades there has been some discussion concerning the increase of the natural background radiation originated by coal-fired power plants, due to the uranium and thorium content present in combustion ashes. The radioactive decay products of uranium and thorium, such as radium, radon, polonium, bismuth and lead, are also released in addition to a significant amount of 40K. Since the measurement of radioactive elements released by the gaseous emissions of coal power plants is not compulsory, there is a gap of information concerning this situation. Consequently, the prediction of dispersion and mobility of these elements in the environment, after their release, is based on limited data and the radiological impact from the exposure to these radioactive elements is unknown. This paper describes the methodology that is being developed to assess the radiological impact due to the raise in the natural background radiation level originated by the release and dispersion of the emitted radionuclides. The current investigation is part of a research project that is undergoing in the vicinity of Sines coal-fired power plant (south of Portugal) until 2013. Data from preliminary stages are already available and possible of interpretation.
Gas chromatography (GC) is an analytical tool very useful to investigate the composition of gaseous mixtures. The different gases are separated by specific columns but, if hydrogen (H2 ) is present in the sample, its detection can be performed by a thermal conductivity detector or a helium ionization detector. Indeed, coupled to GC, no other detector can perform this detection except the expensive atomic emission detector. Based on the detection and analysis of H2 isotopes by low-pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (MS), a new method for H2 detection by GC coupled to MS with an electron ionization ion source and a quadrupole analyser is presented. The presence of H2 in a gaseous mixture could easily be put in evidence by the monitoring of the molecular ion of the protonated carrier gas. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The paper is motivated by the valuation problem of guaranteed minimum death benefits in various equity-linked products. At the time of death, a benefit payment is due. It may depend not only on the price of a stock or stock fund at that time, but also on prior prices. The problem is to calculate the expected discounted value of the benefit payment. Because the distribution of the time of death can be approximated by a combination of exponential distributions, it suffices to solve the problem for an exponentially distributed time of death. The stock price process is assumed to be the exponential of a Brownian motion plus an independent compound Poisson process whose upward and downward jumps are modeled by combinations (or mixtures) of exponential distributions. Results for exponential stopping of a Lévy process are used to derive a series of closed-form formulas for call, put, lookback, and barrier options, dynamic fund protection, and dynamic withdrawal benefit with guarantee. We also discuss how barrier options can be used to model lapses and surrenders.
This study explored the relationship between the practical examination and other course evaluation methods~ specifically, the triple jump, tutorial, and written examination. Studies correlating academic and clinical grades tended to indicate that they may not be highly correlated because each evaluation process contributes different kinds of information regarding student knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Six hypotheses were generated stating a positive relationship between the four evaluation methods. A correlation matrix was produced of the Pearson Product Moment correlation co-efficients on the four evaluation methods in the second and third year Occupational Therapy Technique and Clinical Problem Solving courses of the 1988 and 1989 graduates (n~45). The results showed that the highest correlations existed between the triple jump and the tutorial grades and the lowest correlations existed between the practical examination and written examination grades. Not all of the correlations~ however~ reached levels of significance. The correlations overall. though, were only low to moderate at best which indicates that the evaluation methods may be measuring different aspects of student learning. This conclusion supports the studies researched. The implications and significance of this study is that it will assist the faculty in defining what the various evaluation methods measure which will in turn promote more critical input into curriculum development for the remaining years of the program.
The purpose of the present experiment was to determine whether learning is optimized when providing the opportunity to observe either segments, or the whole basketball jump shot. Participants performed 50 jump-shots from the free throw line during acquisition, and returned one day later for a 10 shot retention test and a memory recall test of the jump-shot technique. Shot accuracy was assessed on a 5-point scale and technique assessed on a 7-point scale. The number of components recalled correctly by participants assessed mental representation. Retention results showed superior shot technique and recall success for those participants provided control over the frequency and type of modelled information compared to participants not provided control. Furthermore, participants in the self-condition utilized the part-model information more frequently than whole-model information highlighting the effectiveness of providing the learner control over viewing multiple segments of a skill compared to only watching the whole model.
Introduction : La force d’adhésion à l'interface métal-céramique avec les résines auto-polymérisantes destinées au collage indirect des boîtiers orthodontiques n'a pas été évaluée à ce jour et un protocole clinique basé sur la littérature scientifique est inexistant. Objectifs : 1) Comparer la force de cisaillement maximale entre des boîtiers métalliques et des surfaces en porcelaine préparées selon différentes méthodes; 2) Suggérer un protocole clinique efficace et prévisible. Matériel et méthodes : Quatre-vingt-dix disques en leucite (6 groupes; n = 15/groupe) ont été préparés selon 6 combinaisons de traitements de surface : mécaniques (+ / - fraisage pour créer les rugosités) et chimiques (acide fluorhydrique, apprêt, silane). Des bases en résine composite Transbond XT (3M Unitek, Monrovia, California) faites sur mesure ont été collées avec le système de résine adhésive auto-polymérisante Sondhi A + B Rapid Set (3M Unitek, Monrovia, California). Les échantillons ont été préservés (H2O/24hrs), thermocyclés (500 cycles) et testés en cisaillement (Instron, Norwood, Massachusetts). Des mesures d’Index d’adhésif résiduel (IAR) ont été compilées. Des tests ANOVAs ont été réalisés sur les rangs étant donné que les données suivaient une distribution anormale et ont été ajustés selon Tukey. Un Kruskall-Wallis, U-Mann Whitney par comparaison pairée et une analyse de Weibull ont aussi été réalisés. Résultats : Les médianes des groupes varient entre 17.0 MPa (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique) à 26.7 MPa (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique + silane). Le fraisage en surface ne semble pas affecter l’adhésion. La combinaison chimique (- fraisage + silane + apprêt) a démontré des forces de cisaillement significativement plus élevées que le traitement avec (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique), p<0,05, tout en possédant des forces similaires au protocole typiquement suggéré à l’acide fluorhydrique suivi d’une application de silane, l’équivalence de (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique + silane). Les mesures d’IAR sont significativement plus basses dans le groupe (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique) en comparaison avec celles des 5 autres groupes, avec p<0,05. Malheureusement, ces 5 groupes ont des taux de fracture élévés de 80 à 100% suite à la décimentation des boîtiers. Conclusion : Toutes les combinaisons de traitement de surface testées offrent une force d’adhésion cliniquement suffisante pour accomplir les mouvements dentaires en orthodontie. Une application de silane suivie d’un apprêt est forte intéressante, car elle est simple à appliquer cliniquement tout en permettant une excellente adhésion. Il faut cependant avertir les patients qu’il y a un risque de fracture des restorations en céramique lorsque vient le moment d’enlever les broches. Si la priorité est de diminuer le risque d’endommager la porcelaine, un mordançage seul à l’acide hydrofluorique sera suffisant.
Introduction : Après un traitement orthodontique, la rétention (ou contention) est essentielle pour éviter les récidives vers la malocclusion initiale. Le fil de rétention lingual est un appareil fixe, relativement facile à installer et bien accepté par les patients pour maintenir la position finale des dents antérieures inférieures. Étant de plus en plus utilisé, il devient important de s’assurer de sa fiabilité pour la stabilité de l’alignement dentaire. Objectif : Le but de cette étude clinique randomisée prospective est de déterminer le taux de survie d’un fil lingual mandibulaire de rétention en comparant les méthodes de collage direct et de collage indirect à court et moyen termes. Méthodologie : L’échantillon est constitué de 117 patients consécutifs aléatoirement distribués dans 2 groupes : collage direct (n=58) et collage indirect (n=59). Les fils torsadés de diamètre 0,0175’’ sont préformés par un technicien de laboratoire soit selon la méthode de collage direct, soit selon la méthode de collage indirect. Une matrice de transfert en silicone assure le positionnement précis du fil lingual en bouche. Assure® et Filtek™ Flow ont été utilisés pour le collage direct. Filtek™ Flow, Assure®, and Sondhi™ ont été utilisés pour le collage indirect. Les fils de rétention ont été évalués pour le décollement, l’infiltration, la distorsion et le bris à 2 mois (T1) et 6 mois (T2). Résultats : À T1, le taux de survie du fil de rétention est de 90,2% pour le groupe de collage direct, comparativement à 79,5% pour le groupe de collage indirect (p=0,232). À T2, le fil est resté intact pour 74,1% des participants dans le groupe de collage direct et pour 70,0% des participants dans le groupe de collage indirect (p=0,481). Les différences ne sont pas statistiquement significatives entre les 2 groupes. La fréquence du décollement est plus haute que les autres problèmes enregistrés à T1 (p<0,022), représentant 85,7% des échecs. À T2, le décollement est plus fréquent que la distorsion ou le bris (p<0,04), mais pas statistiquement plus fréquent que l’infiltration (p=0,109). Il représente alors 86,4% des échecs. Conclusion : Le décollement est la principale cause d’échec d’un fil de rétention lingual. Il n’y a pas de différence statistiquement significative du taux de survie d’un fil lingual mandibulaire de rétention entre les techniques de collage direct et de collage indirect à court et moyen termes.
Exhaustive statistical information-gathering operations pose major logistical challenges. By using GISs, managing the associated information becomes simpler, and monitoring the quality control of the information gathered can be stricter
Interaction effects are usually modeled by means of moderated regression analysis. Structural equation models with non-linear constraints make it possible to estimate interaction effects while correcting for measurement error. From the various specifications, Jöreskog and Yang's (1996, 1998), likely the most parsimonious, has been chosen and further simplified. Up to now, only direct effects have been specified, thus wasting much of the capability of the structural equation approach. This paper presents and discusses an extension of Jöreskog and Yang's specification that can handle direct, indirect and interaction effects simultaneously. The model is illustrated by a study of the effects of an interactive style of use of budgets on both company innovation and performance
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The work aims to demonstrate that an indirect expropriation of rights occurs when mining concession agreements are made for subsoil exploitation. The article looks at examples such as when administrative divesture for public utilities or for social interest is decreed to implement projects or environmental works; when any regulation or administrative action is taken determining protected areas or environment control of type; and when environmental control plans are implemented. The indirect expropriation occurs because a conflict exists between general interests and equality principles of the burdens, the contractual right of adherence to agreed upon provisions and the legality of prior legal regulations for the carrying out of such expropriation.
In this paper we introduce a financial market model based on continuos time random motions with alternanting constant velocities and with jumps ocurring when the velocity switches. if jump directions are in the certain corresondence with the velocity directions of the underlyng random motion with respect to the interest rate, the model is free of arbitrage. The replicating strategies for options are constructed in details. Closed form formulas for the opcion prices are obtained.