980 resultados para horned monster, inscription
Point-by-point inscription of sub-µm period fiber Bragg gratings with good spectral quality, first order Bragg resonances within the C-band is achieved. Distinct polarization characteristics are further observed in these fiber gratings.
We show in-fiber polarizers at 800nm range with polarization extinction ratio (PER) up to 37dB, fabricated by UV-inscribing grating structures tilted at 45° in standard single mode fiber. The results show that the PER of such polarizers increases linearly with the grating length. © OSA 2012.
The spectral properties of long-period gratings (LPGs) fabricated in photonic crystal fibers using femtosecond laser pulses by the point-by-point technique, without oil-immersion of the fiber, are investigated in detail. Postfabrication spectral monitoring at room temperature showed significant long-term instability of the gratings and stable spectra only after 600 h. The stabilized spectral properties of the gratings improved with increasing annealing temperature. The observed changes in resonant wavelength, optical strength, and grating birefringence were correlated to the laser inscription energy and were further used to study the mechanism of femtosecond inscription. Furthermore, the femtosecond-laser inscribed LPGs were compared to electric-arc fabricated LPGs. Comparison of experimental results with theoretical models of LPGs and laser propagation during inscription indicate that the major processes responsible for the index change are permanent compaction and thermally induced strain, the latter can be significantly changed through annealing. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
We inscribe FBGs in all cores of four core fiber simultaneously and investigate their thermal, strain and bending (both direction and magnitude) responses. The influence of fiber core distance on bending sensitivity is also discussed. © 2015 OSA.
The inscription of low insertion loss and negligibly polarization dependent fiber Bragg gratings inscribed using a femtosecond laser system is reported. Insertion losses were <0.4dB/20mm and polarization wavelength shift of <5pm, with transmission changes <0.1dB. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Background A developing body of evidence has provided valuable insight into the experiences of caregivers of people with motor neuron disease; however, understandings of how best to support caregivers remain limited.
Aim This study sought to understand concepts related to the motor neuron disease caregiver experience which could inform the development of supportive interventions.
Design A qualitative thematic analysis of a one-off semistructured interview with caregivers was undertaken.
Setting/participants Caregivers of people with motor neuron disease were recruited from a progressive neurological diseases clinic in Melbourne, Australia.
Results 15 caregivers participated. Three key themes were identified: (1) The Thief: the experience of loss and grief across varied facets of life; (2) The Labyrinth: finding ways to address ever changing challenges as the disease progressed; (3) Defying fate: being resilient and hopeful as caregivers tried to make the most of the time remaining.
Conclusions Caregivers are in need of more guidance and support to cope with experiences of loss and to adapt to changeable care giving duties associated with disease progression. Therapeutic interventions which target these experiences of loss and change are worth investigation.
Squeeze, photograph and notes by A.E. Gordon
Squeeze, photograph, and notes by A.E. Gordon
Photograph and notes by A.E. Gordon