744 resultados para head teacher´s role in entrepreneurship education
Esta tese traz trs exerccios empricos sobre questes de recursos humanos em escolas pblicas brasileiras, aproveitando-se de uma ampla poltica implantada na rede estadual de So Paulo. Esta poltica aumenta os salrios para os professores que trabalham em escolas urbanas pobres e sua regra de alocao, baseada em um corte arbitrrio em um ndice socioeconmico, permite a identificao de impactos causais. Em resumo, os trs artigos apontam que polticas de subsdios so capazes de, de fato, manter professores nas escolas mais pobres e este efeito, por sua vez, melhora o desempenho acadmico dos alunos. Alm disso, conclumos tambm que esta poltica tambm reduz o absentesmo dos professores. No entanto, como consequncia do desenho dessa poltica, no h evidncias de que o subsdio melhora o perfil dos professores alocados nessas escolas. O primeiro artigo avalia os impactos dessa poltica sobre a rotatividade dos professores. Conclumos que a compensao salarial reduziu a taxa de rotatividade em 7,2 pontos percentuais, o que significa uma queda de 15% sobre a mdia pr-tratamento. Em um modelo em forma reduzida, encontramos tambm evidncias de que esta poltica pode impactar positivamente o desempenho dos alunos. O segundo artigo analisa os impactos sobre a aprendizagem dos alunos, com foco em trs possveis mecanismos: i) a rotatividade; ii) a qualidade dos professores; iii) o aumento do salrio. As estimativas mostram que o nico canal atravs do qual esta poltica compensatria afeta o desempenho dos alunos a reduo da rotatividade dos professores. Ao reduzir taxa de volume de negcios em um desvio-padro, a poltica reduziu a proporo de alunos de baixo desempenho em cerca de meio desvio-padro. O terceiro artigo avalia como a diferenciao salarial criada por esta poltica afeta absentesmo dos professores. Os resultados mostram que, aps controlar efeitos fixos de professores e escolas, pagar um salrio mais elevado (em mdia 26% a mais) provoca uma queda de 8-22% nas faltas dos professores. Ausncias que no levam a desconto de salrio, como por licenas mdicas, no respondem diferenciao salarial e o impacto maior para os professores que recebem maior incentivo.
Head dipping (HD) is a behavioral pattern considered to have a risk assessment or an exploratory role and is used as a complementary parameter to evaluate anxiety in experimental animals. Since rats with electrolytic lesion in the area of the median raphe nucleus displayed high frequencies of HD in a previous study, the present investigation was undertaken to confirm this observation and to determine its anxiety-related origin. HD episodes were counted in adult male Wistar rats (270-350 g) with electrolytic lesion (N = 11) and sham-lesioned controls (N = 12). When HD was measured for 60 min on an elevated open platform, lesioned rats emitted 13 times more HD than controls (264.7 93.3 vs 20.3 7.6 episodes), with the difference being statistically significant (P < 0.05). HD counts during 10-min sessions held 7, 14, 21, 27, and 63 days after lesion showed significantly higher means (range: 28.14 5.38 to 62.85 9.48) compared to sham-lesioned controls (range: 7.37 1.13 to 8.5 1.45). Normal rats stepped down into their home cages when the vertical distance between them and the cage was short (16 cm), and the step-down latencies increased with increasing depths (36.7 7.92 to 185.87 35.44 s). Lesioned rats showed a similar behavior when facing the shortest depth, but had a significantly increased number (23.28 2.35 episodes) and latency (300 0.00 s) of HD compared to normal rats (9.25 1.37 episodes and 185.87 35.44 s) when facing the greatest depth (30 cm). This suggests that HD may be a depth-measuring behavior related to risk assessment.
The aim of this study was to determine whether there are differences in the attitudes of Dentistry School Professors from two universities, one private and one public concerning HIV-positive patients or HIV-positive health care professionals. A questionnaire Was handled to all profession at the Araatuba Dental School of So Paulo State University - FOA-UNESP (public) and Lins Dental School of the Piracicaba Methodist University - FOL-UNIMEP (private). When asked if they would be willing to be treated by an HIV-infected health care professional, 38.9% of the 77 professors at FOA-UNESP replied that they would accept only non-invasive treatments and 13% would not accept any kind of treatment; the same applied to 42.4% and 15.2% of the 33 FOL-UNIMEP professors. Among the 54 professors at FOA-UNESP and 27 at FOL-UNIMEP providing clinical service, only 31.5% and 18.5% stated that they treat HIV-infected persons like any other patient. The results were very similar in both schools. Although they reported that they taught their students not to act in a discriminatory manner towards HIV-positive patient the professors themselves showed prejudice towards infected patients and professionals. Consequently, this topic trust be further debated in the academic milieu.
Ps-graduao em Cincias da Motricidade - IBRC
There is little empirical evidence establishing the value of schoolhouse education of children and the repercussions on their families; a quantitative analysis of instructional intervention in health and its reflection on the family permits quantification of its effectiveness outside of the school setting. To this end, we utilized instruction on head lice in schoolchildren was conducted. A randomized sample of those responsible for students enrolled from the third to fifth grade, from two public schools who had taken an instructional module on pediculosis, were invited to respond to a questionnaire that aimed to ascertain their opinions on the instruction and what its impact was on their family. The variables were assessed by univariat analysis. Of 155 total respondents, 89.9% were the parents of the students. The students that had infestation, in turn, had greater capacity to influence the family on measures against lice. The majority of those responsible supported the instruction and reported being satisfied with the school for having addressed the theme. When the subject pertains to the reality of the students, the school-family link is strengthened. Instruction on pediculosis in school helps bridge the gap between the theoretical and the practical, a harmonization required in health education.
The purpose of this pilot study was to survey prospective undergraduate music education majors to learn what motivated them to aspire to a career in music education. Respondents were candidates auditioning, but not yet accepted, for music teacher preparation programs at four institutions (N = 228). Findings corroborate prior research that suggests that school music teachers and/or private lesson teachers are highly influential. This study sought to quantify the types of experiences participants had in teaching roles at the time of their college audition, supporting other research suggesting that such experiences may increase interest in a music teaching career. Recommendations include engaging music educators at all PreK12 levels in actively recruiting and encouraging future teachers, providing private instructors and performance majors with teacher recruitment information, emphasizing earlier identification and preparation of prospective educators, and refining and continuing the work begun in this pilot study.
The use of virtual learning environments in Higher Education (HE) has been growing in Portugal, driven by the Bologna Process. An example is the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) that translates an opportunity to leverage the use of technological advances in the educational process. The progress of information and communication technologies (ICT) coupled with the great development of Internet has brought significant challenges to educators that require a thorough knowledge of their implementation process. These field notes present the results of a survey among teachers of a private HE institution in its use of Moodle as a tool to support face-to-face teaching. A research methodology essentially of exploratory nature based on a questionnaire survey, supported by statistical treatment allowed to detect motivations, type of use and perceptions of teachers in relation to this kind of tool. The results showed that most teachers, by a narrow margin (58%), had not changed their pedagogical practice as a consequence of using Moodle. Among those that did 67% attended institutional internal training. Some of the results obtained suggest further investigation and provide guidelines to plan future internal training.
Teaching is a dynamic activity. It can be very effective, if its impact is constantly monitored and adjusted to the demands of changing social contexts and needs of learners. This implies that teachers need to be aware about teaching and learning processes. Moreover, they should constantly question their didactical methods and the learning resources, which they provide to their students. They should reflect if their actions are suitable, and they should regulate their teaching, e.g., by updating learning materials based on new knowledge about learners, or by motivating learners to engage in further learning activities. In the last years, a rising interest in learning analytics is observable. This interest is motivated by the availability of massive amounts of educational data. Also, the continuously increasing processing power, and a strong motivation for discovering new information from these pools of educational data, is pushing further developments within the learning analytics research field. Learning analytics could be a method for reflective teaching practice that enables and guides teachers to investigate and evaluate their work in future learning scenarios. However, this potentially positive impact has not yet been sufficiently verified by learning analytics research. Another method that pursues these goals is action research. Learning analytics promises to initiate action research processes because it facilitates awareness, reflection and regulation of teaching activities analogous to action research. Therefore, this thesis joins both concepts, in order to improve the design of learning analytics tools. Central research question of this thesis are: What are the dimensions of learning analytics in relation to action research, which need to be considered when designing a learning analytics tool? How does a learning analytics dashboard impact the teachers of technology-enhanced university lectures regarding awareness, reflection and action? Does it initiate action research? Which are central requirements for a learning analytics tool, which pursues such effects? This project followed design-based research principles, in order to answer these research questions. The main contributions are: a theoretical reference model that connects action research and learning analytics, the conceptualization and implementation of a learning analytics tool, a requirements catalogue for useful and usable learning analytics design based on evaluations, a tested procedure for impact analysis, and guidelines for the introduction of learning analytics into higher education.
In 1999, all student teachers at secondary I level at the University of Bern who had to undertake an internship were asked to participate in a study on learning processes during practicum: 150 students and their mentors in three types of practicum participatedintroductory practicum (after the first halfyear of studies), intermediate practicum (after two years of studies) and final practicum (after three years of studies). At the end of the practicum, student teachers and mentors completed questionnaires on preparing, teaching and postprocessing lessons. All student teachers, additionally, rated their professional skills and aspects of personality (attitudes towards pupils, selfassuredness and wellbeing) before and after the practicum. Fortysix student teachers wrote daily semistructured diaries about essential learning situations during their practicum. Results indicate that in each practicum students improved significantly in preparing, conducting and postprocessing lessons. The mentors rated these changes as being greater than did the student teachers. From the perspective of the student teachers their general teaching skills also improved, and their attitudes toward pupils became more open. Furthermore, during practicum their selfesteem and subjective wellbeing increased. Diary data confirmed that there are no differences between different levels of practicum in terms of learning outcomes, but give some first insight into different ways of learning during internship.
Background: Disturbed interpersonal communication is a core problem in schizophrenia. Patients with schizophrenia often appear disconnected and "out of sync" when interacting with others. This may involve perception, cognition, motor behavior, and nonverbal expressiveness. Although well-known from clinical observation, mainstream research has neglected this area. Corresponding theoretical concepts, statistical methods, and assessment were missing. In recent research, however, it has been shown that objective, video-based measures of nonverbal behavior can be used to reliably quantify nonverbal behavior in schizophrenia. Newly developed algorithms allow for a calculation of movement synchrony. We found that the objective amount of movement of patients with schizophrenia during social interactions was closely related to the symptom profiles of these patients (Kupper et al., 2010). In addition and above the mere amount of movement, the degree of synchrony between patients and healthy interactants may be indicative of various problems in the domain of interpersonal communication and social cognition. Methods: Based on our earlier study, head movement synchrony was assessed objectively (using Motion Energy Analysis, MEA) in 378 brief, videotaped role-play scenes involving 27 stabilized outpatients diagnosed with paranoid-type schizophrenia. Results: Lower head movement synchrony was indicative of symptoms (negative symptoms, but also of conceptual disorganization and lack of insight), verbal memory, patients self-evaluation of competence, and social functioning. Many of these relationships remained significant even when corrected for the amount of movement of the patients. Conclusion: The results suggest that nonverbal synchrony may be an objective and sensitive indicator of the severity of symptoms, cognition and social functioning.
This chapter focuses on teaching practices used in multigrade classes and the importance of them being incorporated in teacher education as promising pedagogies for future use. Multigrade classes - defined as classes in which two or more grades are taught together - are common worldwide. Hence, there is a need for teacher candidates to become familiar with how to teach in split grade classrooms. However, research on multigrade teaching as well as its development in teacher education studies has been neglected, even though multigrade teachers need special skills to organize instruction in their heterogeneous classrooms. We argue that in successful multigrade teaching practices, the heterogeneity of students is taken into account and cultivated. Based on content analysis of teacher interviews conducted in Austrian and Finnish primary schools, we recommend teaching practices such as spiral curricula, working plans, and peer learning as promising teacher education pedagogies for future multigrade class teaching. We also suggest that the professional skills required in high-quality teaching practices in multigrade teaching should be further studied by researchers and educators.
Detracking and heterogeneous groupwork are two educational practices that have been shown to have promise for affording all students needed learning opportunities to develop mathematical proficiency. However, teachers face significant pedagogical challenges in organizing productive groupwork in these settings. This study offers an analysis of one teachers role in creating a classroom system that supported student collaboration within groups in a detracked, heterogeneous geometry classroom. The analysis focuses on four categories of the teachers work that created a set of affordances to support within group collaborative practices and links the teachers work with principles of complex systems.
An International Professional Development Collaboration in Literacy Education is a report of an international professional development project in Guatemala designed to improve literacy instructional practices and thereby raise student achievement in reading and writing. The opportunity for coaching Guatemalan teachers in teaching literacy strategies and skills provides data for this participatory action research study. This research is intended to contribute to cross-cultural understanding by graduate and undergraduate students in literacy, improved pedagogical techniques, international outreach in developing countries, and student academic success worldwide.
The purposes of this study were to determine the prevalence of food insecurity and factors associated with food insecurity among households with children enrolled in Head Start programs in Houston, Texas, and Birmingham, Alabama. This cross-sectional study utilized data gathered from 688 households recruited by convenience sample from two Head Start districts in each city. Interviewers collected data from primary caregivers on demographic characteristics, dietary intake, and the six-item USDA food security module. Chi-square and logistic regression analysis were used to determine the association of food security and demographic characteristics. Comparison of means was used to analyze the association between the child's fruit and vegetable intake and the household's food security status. The prevalence of food insecurity among the sample was 34.9% (95% CI: 31.3%, 38.5%). Characteristics associated with food insecurity were the caregiver's national origin (Foreign-born (ref.) v. U.S.-born, adjusted OR = 0.36, 95% CI: 0.14, 0.94), gender of the child (male (ref.) v. female, adjusted OR = 1.44, 95% CI: 1.03, 2.01), and city of residence (Birmingham (ref.) v. Houston, adjusted OR = 0.20, 95% CI: 0.10, 0.39). Children in food insecure households consumed more daily servings of fruits and vegetables on average (mean = 2.44) than children in food secure households (mean = 2.16, p = 0.04). ^
Background. With the rapid rise in childhood obesity, physical activity participation among young children has become the subject of much recent attention. Physical education classes have been specifically targeted as a method of providing opportunities for all children to be active. Unfortunately, student participation in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity during these classes still falls far below the current recommendations. While some research to date has reported the levels of activity among elementary-aged children, research is limited on the relationship between these activity levels and the environmental characteristics that exist within the PE classroom. ^ Purpose. The purpose of this study is to examine the association between specific classroom characteristics and contextual characteristics (lesson context, class size, class location, teacher gender, and teacher encouragement for PA) with elementary aged children's moderate-to-vigorous activity during PE class. ^ Methods. A secondary analysis of 211 3rd, 4th and 5th grade physical education classes amongst 39 elementary schools in Harris County, TX and 35 elementary schools in Travis County, TX was conducted using cross-sectional data from the evaluation of a school-based health program. Lesson context and student activity levels were measured using a direct observation measurement tool. Additionally, these variables were further analyzed against a number of classroom characteristics to determine any significant associations. ^ Results. Overall, elementary PE classes are still participating in low levels of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity averaging only 38% of class time. Additionally, close to 25% of class time is spent in classroom management. Male directed classes spent significantly more time in game activities and female directed classes spent more time in fitness, knowledge, and skill activities. Classes that took place outdoors were more active and spent more time in games than those that took place indoors. Significant correlations were demonstrated between class size and time spent in management context. Time spent in management context was also correlated with time spent sitting and standing. Additionally, positive correlations were demonstrated between time very active and teachers that praised students and encouraged physical activity among their classes.^