921 resultados para hazardous waste


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Clay liners have been widely used to contain toxic and hazardous waste materials. Clays absorb contaminant cations due to their exchange capacity. To improve the performance of the clay liner, fly ash, a waste material arising from the combustion of coal has been studied as a pre-filter material. In particular, the retention of lead by two different fly ashes was studied. The influence of pH on retention as well as leaching characteristics are also examined. The results obtained from the retention experiments by the permeameter method indicate that fly ash retains the lead ions through precipitation in the pores as well as onto the surface when the ambient pH value is more than 5.5, and through adsorption when the pH value is less than 5.5. It has been observed that fly ash did not release the retained lead ions when the pH value is between 3.5 and 10.0. Hence, the retention of lead ions by fly ash is likely to be permanent since the pH of most of the municipal landfill leachates are within 3.7 to 8.8. However, for highly acidic or alkaline leachates, the retained ions can get released.


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O tema do presente estudo é o gerenciamento de resíduos químicos em ambientes hospitalares. Os resíduos químicos são gerados nas atividades auxiliares dos estabelecimentos prestadores de serviços de saúde, tais como hospitais, laboratórios, serviços de diagnóstico e tratamento, centros de saúde, clínicas, institutos de medicina legal e outros. Dentre todos, os hospitais, por suas características de atendimento, são, sem dúvida, os maiores geradores deste tipo de resíduo. Controlar e diminuir os riscos inerentes a este tipo de resíduos, além de ser uma exigência legal, passa a ser uma necessidade ambiental e um desafio a ser enfrentado pelos administradores de estabelecimentos assistenciais à saúde. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa passa então por avaliar o gerenciamento dos resíduos químicos gerados nos hospitais públicos da região metropolitana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, abordando às necessidades e dificuldades enfrentadas por estes geradores que incluí aspectos políticos, administrativos, econômicos e em alguns casos físico-estruturais. Para atingir tal objetivo o método empregado foi dividido em duas etapas: I) Pesquisa Aplicada, onde foram visitados alguns hospitais públicos do Estado e utilizou-se um questionário para avaliar as questões relacionadas com o gerenciamento de resíduos químicos e II) Estudo de Caso, onde se considerou, através de observações e entrevistas, o gerenciamento de resíduos químicos de um hospital universitário de grande porte de maneira efetiva. Foram utilizadas como fontes secundárias informações obtidas em seminários relacionados ao tema, reportagens de jornais e entrevistas publicadas em fontes especializadas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que as dificuldades enfrentadas no gerenciamento de RSS, inclusos neste grupo os resíduos químicos, é uma realidade para a maioria dos hospitais da rede pública. Conclusão: o maior problema a ser enfrentado por estas instituições está diretamente ligado à conscientização, ou melhor, a falta de conscientização, de funcionários, médicos e gerência dos hospitais, quanto à importância da correta segregação, armazenagem e manuseio destes resíduos. Além disso, a falta de recursos financeiros e, em alguns casos, até de espaço físico também dificulta o efetivo gerenciamento deste tipo de resíduos. Problemas secundários relacionam-se com a falta de fiscalização dos órgãos sanitário-ambientais competentes e o descaso da própria população que não atenta para os problemas ambientais e de saúde e segurança, decorrentes de um incorreto gerenciamento não só dos resíduos químicos, mas de todos os resíduos de serviço de saúde. Como recomendação, pode-se dizer que se faz necessária uma maior mobilização por parte dos estabelecimentos hospitalares para a discussão e atendimento das legislações aplicáveis e também, o desenvolvimento de uma estrutura gerencial com responsabilidades definidas e ações planejadas, compatíveis com a realidade do serviço público, e que possam levar a alcançar os objetivos e metas de um gerenciamento dos resíduos de serviço de saúde.


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Apesar dos impactos ambientais ocasionados pela poluição e acidentes químicos, constata-se que algumas organizações ainda investem pouco na prevenção, redução ou eliminação de seus resíduos. Em algumas Instituições de Ensino e Pesquisa (IES) do Brasil, não é incomum o manejo inadequado dos resíduos perigosos gerados em laboratórios de ensino e pesquisa, aumentando tais riscos. Para minimizar ou eliminar tais riscos, há que se realizarem investimentos em processos tecnológicos de tratamento e na seleção de métodos adequados ao gerenciamento. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi modelar um Sistema de Gerenciamento Integrado de Resíduos Perigosos e validá-lo através de sua aplicação em estudo piloto nos laboratórios dos Institutos de Química e Biologia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa empírica e exploratória foi realizada através de revisão bibliográfica e coleta de dados sobre o estado da arte no gerenciamento de resíduos em algumas IES nacionais e internacionais, seguido da seleção do sistema adequado a ser modelado e aplicado nestes contextos. O trabalho de campo consistiu na coleta de dados através de observação direta e aplicação de questionário junto aos responsáveis pelos laboratórios. As etapas do estudo foram: levantamento das instalações dos laboratórios; observação do manejo e geração dos resíduos; elaboração do banco de dados; análise qualitativa e quantitativa dos dados; modelagem do Sistema de Gerenciamento Integrado de Resíduos Perigosos SIGIRPE; implantação do modelo; apresentação e avaliação dos resultados; elaboração do manual para uso do sistema. O monitoramento quantitativo de resíduos foi feito através de ferramentas do sistema para a sua análise temporal. Os resultados da pesquisa permitiram conhecer a dinâmica e os problemas existentes nos laboratórios, bem como verificar a potencialidade do modelo. Conclui-se que o SIGIRPE pode ser aplicado a outros contextos desde que seja adequado para tal fim. É imprescindível ter uma estrutura institucional que elabore o Plano de Gerenciamento Integrado de Resíduos e viabilize sua implementação. A universidade, enquanto formadora dos futuros profissionais, é um lócus privilegiado na construção e disseminação do conhecimento, tendo o dever de realizar boas práticas no trato das questões ambientais, em particular, com relação aos resíduos. Assim, elas devem estabelecer entre suas estratégias de ação, a inclusão de políticas ambientais em seus campi, onde a Educação Ambiental deve ser permanente. Espera-se que este trabalho contribua com o planejamento e o gerenciamento dos resíduos perigosos gerados em laboratórios e com as mudanças necessárias rumo à sustentabilidade ambiental. O SIGIRPE foi elaborado e testado, mas não foi possível verificar sua aplicação por outros usuários. É o que se espera com a continuidade desta pesquisa e no desenvolvimento de futuros trabalhos, tais como: teste do sistema em hospitais, laboratórios, clínicas; estudar outras aplicações na área de segurança química de laboratórios através da inclusão de roteiro de transporte interno de resíduos, rotas de fuga, mapas de risco, localização de equipamentos de proteção individual e coletiva; demonstrar a potencialidade de uso do sistema e sensibilizar os segmentos envolvidos através de palestras, mini-cursos e outras estratégias de informação em revistas científicas especializadas.


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A crescente geração de resíduos e desperdício das repartições públicas, os custos de seu manejo e a necessidade de inclusão social dos catadores foram os propulsores para o modelo de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos Recicláveis (MGRSR) desenvolvido, visando à implementação da Coleta Seletiva Solidária em empresas e indústrias públicas. As perguntas que nortearam o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram: Como o programa de coleta seletiva solidária impacta a gestão de uma empresa? Há dificuldades para o cumprimento do Decreto 5940/06? O MGRSR teve como base o modelo do PDCA (NBR 14001:2004), o Manual de Gerenciamento de Resíduos da FIRJAN, além dos requisitos legais que regulamentam o Gerenciamento de Resíduos e a Coleta Seletiva Solidária no Brasil. Foi adotado, como metodologia, o Estudo de caso em uma fábrica pública de Caldeiraria Pesada, por suas características de produção e grande geração de sucatas metálicas e o uso de mapas conceituais, desenvolvidos por meio da ferramenta IHMC Cmap Tools v.05.04.01. Os principais resultados da aplicação do modelo foram: elaboração de procedimentos internos; otimização da segregação dos resíduos com diminuição do percentual de resíduos perigosos gerados e aumento da taxa de reciclagem; sensibilização ambiental e a formalização de termos de doação com cooperativas/associações no período de 2009 a 2011. Porém, foram entraves: a ausência de área adequada ao armazenamento e triagem dos resíduos, de um sistema adequado de logística, de licenças dos galpões das cooperativas, a resistência à doação dos recicláveis, uma vez que a renda obtida com a sua venda estimada em R$300 mil reais/ano, deixaria de compor o orçamento da empresa e o fato do pesquisador ser também um dos atores no processo de implantação do programa. Recomendações foram feitas em análise crítica ao modelo sugerido: incluir na fase de planejamento a elaboração de projetos socioambientais às Cooperativas e a aprovação de verba específica para o Programa de Coleta Seletiva Solidária; criar programa de redução de resíduos; criar relatório para ser enviado ao Comitê Interministerial de Inclusão Social dos Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis e ao INEA/Gerência de Educação Ambiental com as sugestões de alteração do Decreto n 5940/06 e dos relatórios semestrais; e verificar a possibilidade de replicação do modelo MGRSR em outras organizações. Na conclusão, identificou-se que o MGRSR foi aplicável à empresa objeto de estudo e que o Programa de Coleta Seletiva Solidária permite sensibilização ambiental dos atores sociais envolvidos; inclusão social, melhoria da imagem da empresa, redução de resíduos gerados e desperdícios traduzidos em economia a médio e longo prazo, melhoria das articulações entre as diversas organizações públicas; aumento de trabalho e renda com melhoria das condições de saúde e trabalho do catador.


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Following the global stringent legislations regulating the wastes generated from the drilling process of oil exploration and production activities, the management of hazardous drill cuttings has become one of the pressing needs confronting the petroleum industry. Most of the prevalent treatment techniques adopted by oil companies are extremely expensive and/or the treated product has to be landfilled without any potential end-use; thereby rendering these solutions unsustainable. The technique of stabilisation/solidification is being investigated in this research to treat drill cuttings prior to landfilling or for potential re-use in construction products. Two case studies were explored namely North Sea and Red Sea. Given the known difficulties with stabilising/solidifying oils and chlorides, this research made use of model drill cutting mixes based on typical drill cutting from the two case studies, which contained 4.2% and 10.95% average concentrations of hydrocarbons; and 2.03% and 2.13% of chlorides, by weight respectively. A number of different binders, including a range of conventional viz. Portland cement (PC) as well as less-conventional viz. zeolite, or waste binders viz. cement kiln dust (CKD), fly ash and compost were tested to assess their ability to treat the North Sea and Red Sea model drill cuttings. The dry binder content by weight was 10%, 20% and 30%. In addition, raw drill cuttings from one of the North Sea offshore rigs were stabilised/solidified using 30% PC. The characteristics of the final stabilised/solidified product were finally compared to those of thermally treated cuttings. The effectiveness of the treatment using the different binder systems was compared in the light of the aforementioned two contaminants only. A set of physical tests (unconfined compressive strength (UCS)), chemical tests (NRA leachability) and micro-structural examinations (using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD)) were used to evaluate the relative performance of the different binder mixes in treating the drill cuttings. The results showed that the observed UCS covered a wide range of values indicating various feasible end-use scenarios for the treated cuttings within the construction industry. The teachability results showed the reduction of the model drill cuttings to a stable non-reactive hazardous waste, compliant with the UK acceptance criteria for non-hazardous landfills: (a) by most of the 30% and 20% binders for chloride concentrations, and (b) by the 20% and 30% of compost-PC and CKD-PC binders for the Red Sea cuttings. The 20% and 30% compost-PC and CKD-PC binders successfully reduced the leached oil concentration of the North Sea cuttings to inert levels. Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers.


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The first report of report series I, II and III entitled 'basic principles' presented details of the binders and technologies available and used in the stabilisation/ solidification (S/S) treatment of hazardous waste and contaminated land. This second report entitled 'research' presents an overview of the main research work, both experimental and numerical, carried out in the UK concentrating on the last decade or so but also highlighting earlier significant research work. The research work is reported under the headings of the individual binders and for each binder the work is presented in chronological order. In this work, most of the S/S materials are prepared by manual/mechanical mixing. The latter part of this report presents research work on S/S materials prepared using soil mixing with mixing augers. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group.


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The release of heavy metals from the combustion of hazardous wastes is an environmental issue of increasing concern. The species transformation characteristics of toxic heavy metals and their distribution are considered to be a complex problem of mechanism. The behavior of hazardous dyestuff residue is investigated in a tubular furnace under the general condition of hazardous waste pyrolysis and gasfication. Data interpretation has been aided by parallel theoretical study based on a thermodynamic equilibrium model based on the principle of Gibbs free energy minimization. The results show that Ni, Zn, Mn, and Cr are more enriched in dyestuff residue incineration than other heavy metals (Hg, As, and Se) subjected to volatilization. The thermodynamic model calculation is used for explaining the experiment data at 800 degrees C and analyzing species transformation of heavy metals. These results of species transformation are used to predict the distribution and emission characteristics of trace elements. Although most trace element predictions are validated by the measurements, cautions are in order due to the complexity of incineration systems.


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Site characterization is an essential initial step in determining the feasibility of remedial alternatives at hazardous waste sites. Physicochemical and mineralogical characterization of U-contaminated soils in deeply weathered saprolite at Area 2 of the DOE Field Research Center (FRC) site, Oak Ridge, TN, was accomplished to examine the feasibility of bioremediation. Concentrations of U in soil–saprolite (up to 291 mg kg–1 in oxalate-extractable Uo) were closely related to low pH (ca. 4–5), high effective cation exchange capacity without Ca (64.7–83.2 cmolc kg–1), amorphous Mn content (up to 9910 mg kg–1), and the decreased presence of relative clay mineral contents in the bulk samples (i.e., illite 2.5–12 wt. %, average 32 wt. %). The pH of the fill material ranged from 7.0 to 10.5, whereas the pH of the saprolite ranged from 4.5 to 8. Uranium concentration was highest (about 300 mg kg–1) at around 6 m below land surface near the saprolite–fill interface. The pH of ground water at Area 2 tended to be between 6 and 7 with U concentrations of about 0.9 to 1.7 mg L–1. These site specific characteristics of Area 2, which has lower U and nitrate contamination levels and more neutral ground water pH compared with FRC Areas 1 and 3 (ca. 5.5 and


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Iron and Mn redistribute in soil and saprolite during weathering. The geological weathering fronts ofcalcareous sedimentary rock were investigated by examining the bulk density, porosity, and distribution ofCa, Fe, and Mn. Core samples were taken ofsoil, saprolite, and bedrock material from both summit (HHMS-4B) and sideslope (HHMS-5A) positions on an interbedded Nolichucky shale and Maryville limestone landform in Solid Waste Storage Area 6 (SWSA-6). This is a low-level radioactive solids waste disposal site on the Dept. ofEnergy (DOE) Oak Ridge Reservation in Roane County Tennessee. This work was initiated because data about the properties of highly weathered sedimentary rock on this site were limited. The core samples were analyzed for pH, calcium carbonate equivalence (CCE), hydroxylamine-extractable (HA) Mn, and dithionite-citrate (CBD)-extractable Fe and Mn. Low pH values occurred from the soil surface down to the depth of the oxidized and leached saprolite in both cores. The CCE and HA-extractable Mn results were also influenced by the weathering that has occurred in these zones. Extractable Mn oxide was higher at a lower depth in the oxidized and leached saprolite compared with the Fe oxide, which was higher in the overlying soil solum. Amounts of Mn oxides were higher in the sideslope core (HHMS-5A) than in the summit core (HHMS-4B). Iron was more abundant in the deeper weathered summit core, but the highest value, 39.4 g kg-1, was found at 1.8 to 2.4 m in the sideslope core. The zone encompassing the oxidized and partially leached saprolite down to the unoxidized and unleached bedrock had higher densities and larger quantities of CaCO3 than the soil solum and oxidized and leached saprolite. The overlying soil and oxidized and leached saprolite had lower pH and CCE values and were higher in Fe and Mn oxides than the oxidized and unleached saprolite. The distribution of Fe and Mn is important when evaluating soil and saprolite for hazardous waste disposal site assessment.


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Geoscience methods are increasingly being utilised in criminal, environmental and humanitarian forensic investigations, and the use of such methods is supported by a growing body of experimental and theoretical research. Geoscience search techniques can complement traditional methodologies in the search for buried objects, including clandestine graves, weapons, explosives, drugs, illegal weapons, hazardous waste and vehicles. This paper details recent advances in search and detection methods, with case studies and reviews. Relevant examples are given, together with a generalised workflow for search and suggested detection technique(s) table. Forensic geoscience techniques are continuing to rapidly evolve to assist search investigators to detect hitherto difficult to locate forensic targets.


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Soils and saprolites developed from interbedded shales and limestones of the Conasauga Group are widespread in the Valley and Ridge Province of East Tennessee. Thin sections from four soil profiles were examined by petrographic and scanning electron microscopy including backscatter electron and energy-dispersive X-ray analyses. Iron and manganese released by weathering had migrated differentially downward and precipitated as crystalline and noncrystalline oxides. Oxides were observed as nodules, granular particulates, pore fillings, and coatings on other minerals, packing voids, vesicles, channels, and chambers. Iron oxides formed predominantly as coatings on packing-void walls and on laminated clays in vesicles and channels. Manganese oxides occurred as an early replacement phase of packing voids and of fracture-filling carbonate minerals. Iron oxides were dominant in moderately well-drained and oxidized horizons of the soil solum, whereas manganese oxides were abundant in the oxidized and moderately leached saprolite zone where the water table fluctuates seasonally. Therefore, a manganese enrichment zone, on a bulk soil basis, occurred generally below the iron oxide zone in the soil profile. Such differential migration and accumulation of iron and manganese have been controlled by localized soil microenvironments. Micromorphologic features observed in this study are important in land-use evaluation for hazardous waste disposal. © 1990.


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This paper revisits work on the socio-political amplification of risk, which predicts that those living in developing countries are exposed to greater risk than residents of developed nations. This prediction contrasts with the neoliberal expectation that market driven improvements in working conditions within industrialising/developing nations will lead to global convergence of hazard exposure levels. It also contradicts the assumption of risk society theorists that there will be an ubiquitous increase in risk exposure across the globe, which will primarily affect technically more advanced countries. Reviewing qualitative evidence on the impact of structural adjustment reforms in industrialising countries, the export of waste and hazardous waste recycling to these countries and new patterns of domestic industrialisation, the paper suggests that workers in industrialising countries continue to face far greater levels of hazard exposure than those of developed countries. This view is confirmed when a data set including 105 major multi-fatality industrial disasters from 1971 to 2000 is examined. The paper concludes that there is empirical support for the predictions of socio-political amplification of risk theory, which finds clear expression in the data in a consistent pattern of significantly greater fatality rates per industrial incident in industrialising/developing countries.


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.


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Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP) have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remoulded, and complex composition of the composite itself. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste, proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements at different load contents and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behavior over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of the GFRP industrial waste reuse into concrete-polymer composite materials.