945 resultados para graphic designers


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The programme contained a performance by the trio FAINT (Pedro Rebelo - Piano and instru- mental parasites, Franziska Schroeder - Saxophone and Steve Davis - Drums). The performance includes short electroacoustic works based on the trio's free improvisation and a performance of Rebelo's Cipher Series graphic scores.


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O presente trabalho é um estudo comparativo de imagem gráfica que visa analisar o estado actual do design gráfico dos jornais diários nacionais de cariz generalista – Público, Diário de Notícias, Jornal de Notícias, Correio da Manhã e 24 Horas. Efectuada a análise dos jornais, é proposto o redesign do Jornal de Notícias, com o objectivo de aplicar as conclusões obtidas de forma teórica num projecto prático. As opiniões resultantes deste trabalho apresentam dois tipos de contributo: em primeiro lugar, permitem caracterizar num determinado período de tempo a apresentação visual das publicações diárias e generalistas em Portugal. Em segundo lugar, contribuem para ultrapassar as soluções de menor eficácia, potenciando a apresentação visual do conteúdo informativo das publicações acima referidas, com o objectivo de fidelizar e aumentar o número de leitores e potenciar as vendas. A metodologia utilizada para a realização da presente tese desenvolve-se em três partes: na primeira parte, a leitura bibliográfica, a investigação e o registo de informações, distribuída ao longo de treze áreas fundamentais para a compreensão e posterior aplicação às restantes partes; na segunda parte, o recurso a entrevistas a profissionais ligados ao design de publicações jornalísticas, bem como a análise de jornais diários nacionais e estrangeiros, tendo como base os resultados obtidos pelo Poynter Institute for Media Sudies no projecto Eye-Trac Research, um dos maiores estudos realizados sobre a importância da cor nas publicações jornalísticas e da forma como o leitor percorre as páginas de um jornal; na terceira parte, a realização de um projecto de redesign para o Jornal de Notícias. Na opinião de alguns especialistas, como Mario García e Rodrigo Fino, no futuro os jornais terão uma função de complementaridade relativamente às restantes plataformas de informação e o público será simultaneamente leitor no ecrã e no papel. Nesse sentido, os designers deverão encontrar novas formas de potenciar o conteúdo e de estabelecer graficamente meios eficazes de ligação entre as diferentes plataformas de informação. Independentemente do suporte, em papel ou no ecrã, a função do designer será sempre a de encontrar soluções mais eficazes para cada caso concreto.


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Constatada que foi uma lacuna na área da história do design gráfico português, a necessidade deste estudo surgiu naturalmente no sentido, se não de a colmatar pelo menos de a diminuir. Consequentemente, realizou-se a investigação desde o séc. XVII ao séc. XX. O trabalho baseou-se primeiramente na pesquisa de material, quer na Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, quer na colecção de Madeira Luís em arquivo na Universidade de Aveiro. Foram ainda realizadas entrevistas a designers no sentido de obter um conhecimento maior sobre a prática de projecto, nomeadamente do projecto do cartaz. Foi selecionada uma amostra que se considerou representativa e criou-se uma base de dados no sentido de sistematizar os conteúdos que interessavam ser estudados. Essa amostra foi posteriormente objecto de uma selecção por parte de dez especialistas convidados. Paralelamente, analisaram-se os cartazes dessa selecção do ponto de vista do design utilizando como metodologia a aplicação do modelo triangular (autoria, tecnologia, programa) de Francisco Providência. Concluiu-se que a história do design do cartaz português é resultado de um conjunto de interacções que se prendem com os acontecimentos políticos, económicos, culturais que se devem mesclar com a prática projectual realçando a importância e a intervenção da autoria nesse processo. Importou revelar uma visão interna da disciplina narrada pela autoria. Considerando as hipóteses de investigação e a abordagem metodológica utilizada, foi possível obter uma perspectiva centrada no design sobre a história do design do cartaz português.


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Autistic adults with limited speech and additional learning disabilities are people whose perceptions and interactions with their environment are unique, but whose experiences are under-explored in design research. This PhD by Practice investigates how people with autism experience their home environment through a collaboration with the autism charity Kingwood Trust, which gave the designer extensive access to a community of autistic adults that it supports. The PhD reflects upon a neurotypical designer’s approach to working with autistic adults to investigate their relationship with the environment. It identifies and develops collaborative design tools for autistic adults, their support staff and family members to be involved. The PhD presents three design studies that explore a person’s interaction with three environmental contexts of the home i.e. garden, everyday objects and interiors. A strengths-based rather than a deficit-based approach is adopted which draws upon an autistic person’s sensory preferences, special interests and action capabilities, to unravel what discomfort and delight might mean for an autistic person; this approach is translated into three design solutions to enhance their experience at home. By working beyond the boundaries of a neurotypical culture, the PhD bridges the autistic and neurotypical worlds of experience and draws upon what the mainstream design field can learn from designing with autistic people with additional learning disabilities. It also provides insights into the subjective experiences of people who have very different ways of seeing, doing and being in the environment


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An interdisciplinary approach is used to identify a new graphic novel genre, 'comics camet', and its key features. The study situates comics camet in a historical context and shows it to be the result of a cross-pollination between the American and French comics traditions. Comics camet incorporates features from other literary genres: journalism, autobiography, ethnography and travel writing. Its creators, primarily European rriales, document their experiences visiting countries that Europe has traditionally defined as belonging to the 'East'. A visual and narrative analysis, using theoretical perspectives derived from cultural and postcolonial studies, examines how comics camet represents the non-European other and identifies the genre's ideological assumptions. Four representative texts are examined: Joe Sacco's Palestine (2001), Craig Thompson's, Camet de Voyage (2004), Guy Delisle's Pyongyang (2005) and Mrujane Satrpi's Persespolis 2 (2004). The study concludes that the comics camet genre simultaneously reinforces and challenges stereotypical assumptions about non-European people and places.


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Le jeu casual est un phénomène majeur de l’industrie vidéoludique, pourtant il reste peu étudié et mal considéré. Les quelques définitions scientifiques recensées présentent des divergences importantes, ainsi qu’un décalage par rapport aux jeux produits. Les modèles théoriques en design de jeu, centrés sur le gameplay, semblent inadéquats face à ce phénomène. En utilisant le modèle du praticien réflexif de Donald Schön, l’objectif de notre recherche est d’apporter un nouvel éclairage sur le jeu casual grâce au savoir professionnel des designers de jeux. Notre approche est qualitative, d’inspiration phénoménologique : nous avons recueilli l’expérience de huit designers de jeux par l’intermédiaire d’entretiens semi-dirigés proches du récit de pratique. Nos résultats montrent que les concepts utilisés dans les modèles vidéoludiques traditionnels restent pertinents pour définir le jeu casual, mais demandent à être retravaillés afin de rendre compte des mutations de l’expérience de jeu. Ainsi, un challenge dans un jeu casual n’est pas un obstacle mais une opportunité d’action pour le joueur. De plus, la progression se fait par la variation des challenges plutôt que par l’augmentation de la difficulté. Ensuite, certains concepts qui semblaient pertinents pour définir les jeux casual, tels que la fiction positive, ont été rejetés par nos participants. Enfin, notre étude a permis de rassembler des informations sur le rôle du designer de jeu casual et le contexte dans lequel il exerce, ce qui permet d’expliquer certaines causes de la vision péjorative du jeu casual.


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Introduction. Graphic medicine is defined as the use of comics in health sciences education and patient care. Graphic stories about personal experiences of illness from patients and their families can be used to illustrate distress, empathy and collaboration between family members and health professionals and thus give students a broader experience of disease. We present a collection of graphic novels and outline collaboration with professors from various faculties in order to use comics as teaching material in health sciences. Method. The university has health sciences faculties of Nursing, Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine and schools of Public Health, Optometry and Kinesiology. The Health Library is offering its patrons a collection of 40 comics mainly on the theme of patient and family illness experience. An ongoing survey gathers feedback from users; results will help us promote the collection. A librarian is working with professors from the facultiesof Nursing, Medicine and Pharmacy in order to integrate comics’ excerpts into e-learning modules for three health and social services interprofessional courses reaching more than 1000 students annually. Other courses teaching empathy and partnership with patients will be identified and professors will be approached to raise awareness of the collection’s potential as teaching material. Results. The collection has been available to patrons since October 2012. Survey responses collected so far are very positive and titles are regularly borrowed. The collection has been added as suggested reading in a physiotherapy course outline. Discussion. The comics’ collection is already widely used by our patrons. Steps are being taken to integrate the collection into more health sciences courses and thus define graphic medicine as teaching material in health sciences education at the university.


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'The problem of the graphic artist' is a small example of applying elementary mathematics (divisibility of natural numbers) to a real problem which we ourselves have actually experienced. It deals with the possibilities for partitioning a sheet of paper into strips. In this contribution we report on a teaching unit in grade 6 as well as on informal tests with students in school and university. Finally we analyse this example methodologically, summarise our observations with pupils and students, and draw some didactical conclusions.


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An introductory 1 hour lecture given in wk2 to x50 year 1 Graphic Arts students at Winchester School of Art. The aims of the lecture are: 1. Explore how to use historical sources appropriately 
to inform design practice
 2. Make connections between contemporary 
designs and the past


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Discussion of ethical issues pertaining to communication design