469 resultados para gingiva overgrowth


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O objetivo desta revisão das pesquisas sobre a cara inchada dos bovinos (CI), realizadas no decorrer dos últimos 30 anos, é de elucidar melhor a sua etiologia. A CI geralmente tem sido considerada de origem nutricional, causada primariamente por deficiência ou desequilíbrio mineral. A doença caracteriza-se por uma periodontite rapidamente progressiva, que afeta os tecidos peridentários a nível dos premolares e molares no período de erupção dos dentes e que se inicia geralmente em bezerros jovens. A doença causou grandes perdas econômicas aos pecuaristas da Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil, nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, com a ocupação de novas terras para criação de gado. O freqüente abaulamento lateral dos ossos maxilares nos bezerros, que deu à doença o nome popular de cara inchada, foi demonstrado ser conseqüente à periostite crônica ossificante resultante da alveolite purulenta da CI. Das lesões peridentárias foi isolado, em grande número, Bacteroides melaninogenicus, sempre junto com Actinomyces (Corynebacterium) pyogenes. Bactérias classificadas como pertencentes ao grupo sacarolí-tico e não-sacarolítico dos pigmentados de negro Bacteroides melaninogenicus e Bacteroides spp também foram isoladas, em pequeno número, de bovinos jovens sadios de fazendas CI-negativas. Ensaios in vitro mostraram que os antibióticos estreptomicina e actinomicina, bem como os sobrenadantes de cultivos de actinomicetos do solo de fazendas CI-positivas, aplicadas nas bactérias ensaiadas em concentrações subinibidoras, aumentaram significativamente (até 10 vezes) a aderência de B.melaninogenicus a células epiteliais da gengiva bovina. Esses antibióticos são produzidos no solo em conseqüência de um aumento do número de actinomicetos, incluindo os do gênero Streptomyces, quando há modificação de sua microbiota em áreas previamente ocupadas por mata virgem ou vegetação natural de Cerrado, que foram cultivadas pela primeira vez na formação de pastagem para o gado. em face da epidemiologia da CI, há fortes evidências de que a ingestão desses antibióticos pelos bovinos, junto com a forrageira, seja importante fator desencadeante para o desenvolvimento da periodontite. Através do aumento da aderência de B. melaninogenicus ao epitélio da gengiva marginal, em face da ingestão dos antibióticos pelos animais, as bactérias conseguem colonizar, formar a placa bacteriana e tornar-se patogênicas. Há evidência de que o fator desencadeante (aparentemente, os antibióticos) esteja também presente no leite de vacas-mães de bezerros afetados pela CI. Foi demonstrado que as bactérias envolvidas na periodontite produzem enzimas e endotoxinas capazes de ação destrutiva sobre os tecidos peridentários. A epidemiologia da CI, com a diminuição de sua incidência e o seu desaparecimento no decorrer dos anos, pode ser explicada pelo fato de que o prévio equílibrio da microbiota no solo virgem foi alcançado novamente e a produção dos antibióticos se reduziu. Desta maneira, a CI deve ser considerada como uma periodontite infecciosa multifatorial, causada sobretudo por bactérias anaeróbias pertencentes ao grupo Bacteroides melaninogenicus e, ao que tudo indica, desencadeada pela ingestão contínua, com a forrageira, de concentrações subinibidoras de antibióticos de solos recentememente cultivados. Esta hipótese é reforçada pela observação recente de novos surtos de CI, em áreas anteriormente positivas para a doença, em conseqüência da reforma de pastagens e capineiras após muitos anos. A natureza infecciosa da CI-periodontite foi confirmada através de experimento, em que virginiamicina mostrou-se eficaz no tratamento oral de bovinos afetados pela doença. Os antibióticos espiramicina e virginiamicina, usados como aditivos em suplementos minerais no campo, mostraram-se eficientes na prevenção da CI.


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Foi realizada uma pesquisa visando a avaliação morfológica e o local de inserção dos frênulos labiais superiores e inferiores. A amostra foi constituída de 100 pacientes em condições sócio-econômicas semelhantes, tendo-se observado que o frênulo labial simples foi o mais prevalente, inserindo o superior na gengiva inserida e o inferior, na mucosa alveolar. A distância média da inserção, em relação à borda gengival livre, foi de 4,4 mm para o superior e de 5,6 mm para o inferior. Foi possível, nessas áreas, manter o controle clínico da placa bacteriana


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A estenose congênita da abertura piriforme é uma rara causa de obstrução nasal que pode ocorrer no recém-nascido. É provocada pelo crescimento excessivo do processo nasal medial da maxila causando um estreitamento do terço anterior da fossa nasal. Inicialmente foi relatada uma deformidade isolada, posteriormente a estenose congênita da abertura piriforme foi considerada como apresentação de forma menor da holoprosencefalia. Neste artigo relatamos um caso de recém-nascido do sexo masculino que apresentava desde o parto dispnéia, cianose e episódios de apnéia. O paciente foi submetido a cirurgia com alargamento da abertura piriforme por acesso sublabial. No seguimento apresentou boa evolução durante o acompanhamento. O relato desta deformidade mostra sua importância como causa de obstrução nasal congênita e diagnóstico diferencial de atresia coanal. A estenose congênita da abertura piriforme pode ser reparada adequadamente, quando necessário, através de procedimento cirúrgico.


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Background: Bacterial constituents, such as Gram-negative derived lipopolysaccharide (LPS), can initiate inflammatory bone loss through induction of host-derived inflammatory cytokines. The aim of this study was to establish a model of aggressive inflammatory alveolar bone loss in rats using LPS derived from the periodontal pathogen Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans.Methods: Eighteen female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into LPS test (N = 12) and saline control (N = 6) groups. All artimals received injections to the palatal molar gingiva three times per week for 8 weeks. At 8 weeks, linear and volumetric alveolar bone loss was measured by micro-computed tomography (mu CT). The prevalence of inflammatory infiltrate, proinflammatory cytokines, and osteoclasts was assessed from hematoxylin and eosin, immunohistochemical, or tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-stained sections. Statistical analysis was performed.Results: A. actinomycetemcomitans LPS induced severe bone loss over 8 weeks, whereas control groups were unchanged. Linear and volumetric analysis of maxillae by mu CT indicated significant loss of bone with LPS, administration. Histologic examination revealed increased inflammatory infiltrate, significantly increased immunostaining for interleukin IL-6 and -1 beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and more TRAP-positive osteoclasts in the LPS group compared to controls.Conclusion: Oral injections of LPS derived from the periodontal pathogen A. actinomycetemcomitans can induce severe alveolar bone loss and proinflammatory cytokine production in rats by 8 weeks.


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OBJECTIVE: the aim of this study was to determine the oral status of renal transplant recipients receiving cyclosporin A (CsA) or tacrolimus (FK-506) as immunosuppressant.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 88 renal transplant recipients receiving CsA (63 men and 25 women, mean age 51.4 years) and 67 receiving FK-506 (57 men and 10 women, mean age 33.5 years) were included in the study. Donor type, histocompatibility, cold ischemia time and prior delayed graft function were similar between the two groups. Demographics and pharmacological data were recorded for all subjects.RESULTS: the results demonstrated that CsA caused a greater number of oral diseases. A greater number of gingival overgrowth was present in patients treated with CsA. However, the combined use with calcium channel blockers increased the gingival overgrowth number. The occurrence of candida in saliva was observed in 80 renal recipients treated with CsA and 20 treated with FK-506. The presence of squamous oral carcinoma (n = 3) and herpes simplex (n = 10) was observed in patients treated with CsA. These alterations were not observed in renal recipients treated with FK-506.CONCLUSIONS: Renal recipients constitute a high-risk group for oral diseases, as they are immunocompromised. However, the FK-506 regime appears to ameliorate this effect, compared with CsA. Adequate pre- and post-transplant oral health care is recommended for these subjects, irrespective of the time interval for which the drug is administered.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis (South American blastomycosis) is an uncommon, progressive systemic mycosis, virtually only seen in persons who have visited Latin America. Reports of oral lesions are extremely rare in the English-language literature. Thirty-six adults with oral lesions as the first sign of paracoccidioidomycosis are described; this appears to be the largest series in the dental literature. All had chronic proliferative mulberry-like ulcerated oral lesions; the diagnosis was confirmed histologically. The gingiva or alveolar process was the typical site, but lesions were also seen particularly on the palate and lip. Most of the patients proved to have detectable pulmonary involvement. Patients with lesions in the oropharynx, tongue, or floor of mouth all had confirmed pulmonary lesions.


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Background: This article reports a rare case of metastasis of salivary duct carcinoma of the parotid gland to the gingiva and reviews the occurrence of metastatic processes to the oral mucosa.Methods: A 67-year-old white male presented with a chief complaint of a painless nodular tissue growth on the gingiva with reportedly 5 months of evolution. The intraoral examination revealed a reddish, superflcially ulcerated nodular lesion (similar to 2 cm in diameter) on the right mandibular buccal attached gingiva, and the clinical aspect was that of a benign reactive lesion. The patient had undergone a parotidectomy for removal of a salivary duct carcinoma of the parotid gland almost 1 year before. A biopsy of the gingival lesion was performed, and the biopsied tissue was forwarded for histopathologic examination.Results: The analysis of the histopathologic sections of the gingival lesion revealed histomorphologic characteristics very similar to those of the primary parotid gland tumor. The definitive diagnosis was gingival metastasis from a salivary duct carcinoma of the parotid gland. The patient died of complications of a pulmonary metastasis I month after the diagnosis of the oral metastatic lesion.Conclusions: Gingival lesions that mimic reactive and hyperplastic lesions may be metastases from malignant neoplasias of diverse origins. An accurate and timely diagnosis is crucial to establish proper and immediate treatment of the metastatic tumor and possibly identify an occult primary malignant neoplasia.


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In view of the relevance of the mylohyoid nerve to clinical difficulties in achieving deep analgesia of the lower incisors, a dissection study was undertaken. Dissections from 29 adult cadavers of both sexes were studied with the aid of a dissecting microscope. The following observations were made: a supplementary branch of the mylohyoid nerve entered the mandible through accessory foramina in the lingual side of the mandibular symphysis in 50% of the cases; it generrally arose from the right side (76.9%) and entered the inferior retromental foramen (84.6%); the mylohyoid nerve branch either ended directly in the incisor teeth and the gingiva or joined the ipsilateral or contralateral incisive nerve. In view of this information concerning the high incidence of possible involvement of the mylohyoid nerve in mandibular sensory innervation, it is advisable to block it whenever intervention in the lower incisors is indicated. Routine mylohyoid injection is recommended after mental nerve block. If the inferior alveolar nerve is chosen for anesthetic purposes, additional mylohyoid injection should be given only if pain persists. The mylohyoid injection should be given at the inferior retromental foramen on the median aspect of the inferior border of the mandible through extraoral approach.


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The effect of sodium bicarbonate jet (Profident System) on the gingival tissue was tested with comparison of application from 2 different angles: the angulation recommended by the manufacturer and ponted to the occlusal surface. The results showed a definite influence of the angulation on tissue trauma, with lesser degrees of injury when the modified angulation was applied.


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The influence of different non-resorbable suture materials on the healing of tooth extraction wounds was examined in 120 adult male albino rats. Nylon gave the best biological results for healing of the mucosa and dental socket. Silk and cotton produced considerable delay of socket healing. Healing was only mildly delayed by polyester suture, with a short moderate inflammatory reaction at the initial stage.


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The gingival reaction to 4 different suture materials used in periodontal surgery was studied in 36 patients. The gingiva was sutured prior to surgery and biopsies were taken at 3, 7 and 14 days to observe the tissue reaction. The histological examination showed that silk caused the most intense and longest inflammatory response. Polyester and perlon provoked shorter, less intense tissue reactions than silk, and nylon caused the least inflammatory response, with earlier tissue repair.


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OBJECTIVE: To study the nature of multinucleated and mononuclear cells from peripheral giant cell granuloma (PGCG). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of 40 cases of PGCG were immunohistochemically stained for vimentin, alpha I-antichymotrypsin, CD68, S-100 protein, lysozyme, leucocyte common antigen (LCA), factor VIII-related antigen and muscle cell actin. Six cases of PGCG were also studied by transmission electron microscopy. RESULTS: Vimentin, alpha I-antichymotrypsin and CD68 were expressed in both the mononuclear and multinucleated giant cells. Dendritic mononuclear cells, positive for S-100 protein, were noted in 67.5% of the lesions, whereas lysozyme and leucocyte common antigen were detected in occasional mononuclear cells. Ultrastructural examination showed mononuclear cells with signs of phagocytosis and sometimes interdigitations with similar cells. Others presented non-specific characteristics and the third type exhibited cytoplasmic processes and occasional Birbeck granules. Some multinucleated giant cells showed oval nuclei, abundant mitochondria and granular endoplasmic reticulum whereas others presented with irregular nuclei and a great number of cytoplasmic vacuoles. CONCLUSIONS: Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural results suggest that PGCGs of the jaws are composed mainly of cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system and that Langerhans cells are present in two thirds of the lesions.


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THIS IS A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY of 418 patients who received active periodontal treatment between the years of 1984 and 1990. The patients were instructed to return for supportive periodontal treatment (SPT) at 3 to 6-month intervals. The objective of this study was to evaluate patient compliance with periodic recall visits, and to study the relationship of bleeding upon probing in those who returned regularly. The patients were divided into 3 groups: patients who returned periodically for supportive treatment, patients who interrupted the proposed maintenance treatment, and patients who never returned after active periodontal treatment. Analysis was made for each group to correlate the degree of compliance with gender, disease classification, and type of treatment received. To analyze bleeding upon probing, 2 groups of patients were selected: a test group with 39 patients who had attended at least 10 recall visits and participated in the study for more than 40 months, and a control group of 21 patients who interrupted the SPT for at least 12 months. The results showed that 26% of the treated patients returned for SPT and, of those, 40% returned irregularly. There was a statistical significant difference in compliance in relation to disease classification and the type of treatment received, but no correlation was found between compliance and gender. There was a statistically significant difference in compliance between the test group and the control group in relation to the variation of the bleeding index.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)