963 resultados para géis de poliacrilamida


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The idea for organizing a cooperative market on Waterville Main Street was proposed by Aime Schwartz in the fall of 2008. The Co-op would entail an open market located on Main Street to provide fresh, local produce and crafts to town locals. Through shorter delivery distances and agreements with local farmers, the co-op theoretically will offer consumers lower prices on produce than can be found in conventional grocery stores, as well as an opportunity to support local agriculture. One of the tasks involved with organizing the Co-op is to source all of the produce from among the hundreds of farmers located in Maine. The purpose of this project is to show how Geographic Information System (GIS) tools can be used to help the Co-op and other businesses a) site nearby farms that carry desired produce and products, and b) determine which farms are closest to the business site. Using GIS for this purpose will make it easier and more efficient to source produce suppliers, and reduce the workload on business planners. GIS Network Analyst is a tool that provides network-based spatial analysis, and can be used in conjunction with traditional GIS technologies to determine not only the geometric distance between points, but also distance over existing networks (like roads). We used Network Analyst to find the closest produce suppliers to the Co-op for specific produce items, and compute how far they are over existing roads. This will enable business planners to source potential suppliers by distance before contacting individual farmers, allowing for more efficient use of their time and a faster planning process.


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The eastern timber wolf (Canis lupus lycaon) once inhabited Maine, as well as the rest of the eastern United States and southern Canada. As a result of human land use and widespread extermination campaigns, wolf numbers dramatically decreased, and by the early twentieth century, no wolves remained in Maine. As large carnivorous and territorial mammals, wolves require contiguous undeveloped areas with abundant prey. This project is a feasibility study that identifies the areas in Maine that are suitable for the reintroduction of wolves. We used GIS modeling to identify contiguous forested areas over 1,000 km2, calculate road and population density, and map the presence or absence of prey throughout the state. These variables were combined in a habitat suitability model to determine the location and amount of suitable wolf habitat in Maine. The northwestern part of the state appears most suitable for wolf reintroduction as it is relatively undeveloped with low road and population densities. There is also a smaller isolated area in Washington County that might be suitable, but further investigation is required.


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Canada releases over 150 billion litres of untreated and undertreated wastewater into the water environment every year1. To clean up urban wastewater, new Federal Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations (WSER) on establishing national baseline effluent quality standards that are achievable through secondary wastewater treatment were enacted on July 18, 2012. With respect to the wastewater from the combined sewer overflows (CSO), the Regulations require the municipalities to report the annual quantity and frequency of effluent discharges. The City of Toronto currently has about 300 CSO locations within an area of approximately 16,550 hectares. The total sewer length of the CSO area is about 3,450 km and the number of sewer manholes is about 51,100. A system-wide monitoring of all CSO locations has never been undertaken due to the cost and practicality. Instead, the City has relied on estimation methods and modelling approaches in the past to allow funds that would otherwise be used for monitoring to be applied to the reduction of the impacts of the CSOs. To fulfill the WSER requirements, the City is now undertaking a study in which GIS-based hydrologic and hydraulic modelling is the approach. Results show the usefulness of this for 1) determining the flows contributing to the combined sewer system in the local and trunk sewers for dry weather flow, wet weather flow, and snowmelt conditions; 2) assessing hydraulic grade line and surface water depth in all the local and trunk sewers under heavy rain events; 3) analysis of local and trunk sewer capacities for future growth; and 4) reporting of the annual quantity and frequency of CSOs as per the requirements in the new Regulations. This modelling approach has also allowed funds to be applied toward reducing and ultimately eliminating the adverse impacts of CSOs rather than expending resources on unnecessary and costly monitoring.


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Os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) são construídos, especificamente, para armazenar, analisar e manipular dados geográficos, ou seja, dados que representam objetos e fenômenos do mundo real, cuja localização em relação à superfície da Terra seja considerada. A interoperabilidade desses sistemas, que constitui-se na capacidade de compartilhar e trocar informações e processos entre ambientes computacionais heterogêneos, se faz necessária, pois, devido ao elevado custo de aquisição dos dados geográficos, as comunidades de informação precisam compartilhar dados de fontes existentes, sem a necessidade de fazer conversões. Porém, pela complexidade e incompatibilidades de representação, de estrutura e de semântica das informações geográficas, a maioria dos softwares de SIG, hoje, não são interoperáveis. Existe também, além do problema da não interoperabilidade, uma crescente preocupação com relação à qualidade e à integridade espacial dos dados geográficos. Contudo, alguns modelos conceituais de dados geográficos e os softwares de SIG não oferecem, ainda, os meios adequados para representar e garantir a integridade espacial das informações. As restrições de integridade definidas durante a fase de projeto conceitual, normalmente, são implementadas durante o projeto físico, seja de forma implícita ou explícita, podendo ser incorporadas diretamente no modelo de implementação do SIG, de forma que o usuário da aplicação apenas mencione a regra e o sistema a implemente e a garanta automaticamente.Este trabalho de pesquisa propõe uma extensão ao Modelo Abstrato OpenGIS, modelo este que deve ser um padrão de interoperabilidade de software para SIG. A extensão proposta incorpora ao mesmo um subconjunto de tipos de restrição espacial, buscando com isso oferecer melhor suporte às regras da realidade geográfica expressáveis na modelagem conceitual do sistema.


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Apolipoproteínas constituem a parte proteica das lipoproteínas e de uma maneira geral desempenham papéis como proporcionar estabilidade estrutural, solubilizar lipídeos altamente hidrofóbicos, servir como ligantes a receptores ou agir como co-fatores para enzimas envolvidas no metabolismo. Diversos estudos têm mostrado que a variabilidade dos genes que codificam estas proteínas podem influenciar os níveis lipídicos em diversas populações. A variabilidade da apo A-IV também foi associada com variáveis antropométricas. Nesta investigação foram analisados 8 RFLPs nos genes das apolipoproteínas C-I (HpaI), C-II (AvaII), C-III (SacI, FokI e MspI) e A-IV (XbaI, HinfI e PvuII). A amostra foi composta por 391 indivíduos caucasóides de Porto Alegre (RS) e dados sobre hábitos de vida, dosagens lipídicas e medidas antropométricas foram obtidas para cada indivíduo. Os fragmentos de interesse de cada gene foram amplificados por PCR e os genótipos foram identificados por eletroforese em géis de agarose ou poliacrilamida corados com brometo de etídio.


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The serum protein concentration of newborn Holstein calves determined by means of sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide (SDS-PAGE) was studied. Blood samples from 40 healthy newborn calves were obtained 48 hours after birth. Calves had been given 3 liters of colostrum within 2 hours after birth, following by dose corresponding by 15% of animal weight each 24 hours. The results showed three different proteinograms: 19 calves had 14 proteins with molecular weights (MW) ranging from 28,000 D to 170,000D (proteinogram 1); 11 calves had 14 proteins with MW ranging from 18,000 to 170,000 D (proteinogram 1); and 10 calves had 12 proteins with MW ranging from 28,000 D to 170,000 D (proteinogram 3). The three groups presented similar IgG levels. The highest serum concentration of ceruloplasmin were verified in proteinogram 3, which had the lowest serum level of protein with MW 58,000D. It was verified a1-antitrypsin only in proteinogram 2, which had no proteins with MW of 42,000 D and 37,000D. The highest serum concentrations of IgA and protein with MW 58,000 D, and the lowest serum levels of transferrin, haptoglobin, and acid glycoprotein were verified in proteinogram 3. Measurement of serum protein concentrations by SDS-PAGE may be useful in monitoring the occurrence of hypogammaglobulinemia and the neonatal disease in calves.


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Foram avaliadas amostras de soro sanguíneo de 10 cães sadios e de 12 com linfoma, utilizando-se a eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio. Houve diferença entre as médias dos teores de proteína total de cães sadios, 7,68g/dL±0,46 e de cães com linfoma, 7,93g/dL±2,49. As concentrações de IgA e IgG não foram diferentes entre os grupos. Os teores das proteínas de pesos moleculares 142000, 110000, 52000, 49000, 24000 e 18000 dáltons foram mais elevados em cães com linfoma. Os cães com linfoma apresentaram concentrações mais elevadas de ceruloplasmina, 43,95mg/dL±18,19, e haptoglobina, 554mg/dL±449,51, e menores de albumina, 2908mg/dL±476,67, em comparação aos cães sadios (ceruloplasmina: 3,42mg/dL±7,44; haptoglobina: 94,54mg/dL±59,50 e albumina: 4207mg/dL±206,18). Conclui-se que concentrações séricas mais elevadas de ceruloplasmina e haptoglobina e menores de albumina podem estar associadas ao linfoma em cães.


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Aiming to evaluate the puerperal influence on the proteinogram of Saanen goats, 108 samples of blood serum from 12 goats were collected, and the results were presented at nine times: just after parturition, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 21 and 30 days after parturition. Total amount of serum proteins were determined by the biuret technique, and the sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was used to the protein fractionation. In this last method, 17 protein bands were observed, from which molecular weights varied between 25 KDa and 275 KDa. In addition, it was possible to identify the following protein fractions: immunoglobulin A (180 KDa), ceruloplasmin (115 KDa), transferrin (79 KDa), albumin (65 KDa), heavy-chain immunoglobulin G (58 KDa), haptoglobin (45 KDa), acid glycoprotein (37 KDa) and light-chain immunoglobulin G (28 KDa). Another 9 nonidentified protein fractions presented, each molecular weights equal to 275 KDa, 140 KDa, 125 KDa, 103 KDa, 95 KDa, 41 KDa, 35 KDa, 30 Kda and 25 KDa. The results allow us to conclude that by the first week of puerperium, an improvement of acid glycoprotein occurs, whereas those others protein fractions do not suffer any puerperal influence.


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Neste trabalho, a técnica de PCR (polymerase chain reaction) foi utilizada para a sexagem de 92 embriões bovinos fertilizados in vitro. Os embriões originaram-se de fertilização in vitro de oócitos aspirados de ovários de fêmeas bovinas, provenientes de abatedouros comerciais. Os oócitos foram maturados, fertilizados e cultivados até o estádio de blastocisto. Os embriões foram lavados em solução de PBS, transferidos para tubos de polipropileno contendo água ultrapura, e imediatamente congelados a -196ºC. Os embriões foram descongelados sobre isopor contendo gelo picado e tratados com proteinase K. Para a reação de PCR, utilizaram-se alíquotas de 34 µl de cada tudo, onde foram acrescidos dois pares de primers, seqüência BC1.2 e seqüência satélite 1.715, desoxinucleotídeos, MgCl2, tampão PCR 10X, TaqDNA polimerase e água, em um volume final de 50 µl. As amostras foram amplificadas e a eletroforese realizada em gel de poliacrilamida a 8%. Os géis foram corados com solução de brometo de etídio e analisados em transiluminador de luz ultravioleta. Um índice de 93,47% de amplificação foi atingido, com 41 embriões (47,67%) machos e 45 (52,32%) embriões fêmeas. O uso de gel de poliacrilamida a 8% foi eficaz na separação de fragmentos de DNA muito próximos.


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The hydrolysis reaction in alkaline conditions of the commercial polymer poly(acrylamide-co-metacrylate of 3,5,5-trimethyl-hexane) called HAPAM, containing 0.75 % of hydrophobic groups, was carried out in 0.1 M NaCl and 0.25M NaOH solutions, varying the temperature and reaction time. The polymers were characterized by 1H and 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Elemental Analysis and Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC). The values of the hydrolysis degree were obtained by 13C NMR. The viscosity of HAPAM and HAPAM-10N-R solutions was evaluated as a function of shear rate, ionic strength and temperature. At high polymer concentration (Cp), the viscosity of HAPAM solutions increased with the ionic strength and decreased with the temperature. The viscosity of HAPAM-10N-R solutions increased significantly in distilled water, due to repulsions between the carboxylate groups. At high Cp, with the increase of ionic strength and temperature, occurred a decrease of viscosity, due to mainly the high hydrolysis degree and the low amount of hydrophobic groups. These results indicated that the studied polymers have properties more suitable for the application in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) in low salinity and moderate temperature reservoirs


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A partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) is a copolymer composed of acrylamide and sodium acrylate. Due to its wide range of applications there are different methods for its quantification and characterization in solution systems. Evaluation of C* is important to describe the transition from dilute to semi-dilute, behavior, when the solution will have its characteristic viscosity at concentrations above C*. This dissertation describes the determination of the critical concentration of overlap C* by potentiometry of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide - HPAM under acidic conditions. Based on the law of mass action and the proper treatment of the constant of aggregate formation, polymer molecular weight, degree of polymerization and hydrolysis were calculated. The inflection point was determined by the intersection of the resulting equation and mathematical development, statistically satisfy the experimental points relating the number of moles of monomers (n), equilibrium constant of formation of the entanglements (K*), pH, C* and acidity constant of the polymer (Ka). The viscometric parameters of C* showed a percentage difference compared to potentiometers. The results for the determination of C*, and degree of copolymerization molar mass proved to be a simple alternative for the characterization of polymers with protonated monomers and water soluble


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This work aims to study the influence of two additives, the monomer, acrylamide and its polymer, polyacrylamide, solubilized in microemulsion systems and applied on enhanced oil recovery. By the microemulsion system obtained, it was chosen points into the phase diagram, presenting these compositions: 25%, 30%, 35% C/T; 2% Fo (fixed for all points) e 73%, 68% e 63% Fa, respectively. However, the monomer and the polymer were solubilized in these microemulsion points with 0.1%; 0.5%; 1% e 2% of concentration, ordering to check the concentration influence at the physicochemical properties (surface tension and rheology) of the microemulsion. Through the salinity study, was possible to observe that the concentrations of 1% and 2% of polymer made the solution became blurred, accordingly, the study of surface tension and rheology only was made for the concentrations of 0.1% e 0.5% of monomer and polymer, respectively. By the surface tension study it was observed that how the concentration of active matter (C/T) was increasing the surface tension was amending for each system, with or without additives. In the rheology study, as it increases the concentration of active matter increases both the viscosity of the microemulsion system (SME) with no additive, as the SME with polymer (AD2). After the entire study, it was chosen the lower point of active matter (25% C/T; 2% Fo e 73% Fa), plus additives in concentrations of 0.1% and 0.5% to be used on enhanced oil recovery. Assays were made on sandstone from Botucatu Formation, where after the tests, it was concluded that among the studied points, the point who showed the best efficiency of advanced shift was the microemulsion system + 0.5% AD2, with a recovery of 28% of oil in place and a total of 96,49%, while the other solution with 0.5% of polymer presented the worst result, with 14.1% of oil in place and 67,39% of efficiency of total displacement


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The knowledge of the rheological behavior of microemulsionated systems (SME) is of fundamental importance due to the diversity of industrial applications of these systems. This dissertation presents the rheological behavior of the microemulsionated system formed by RNX 95/alcohol isopropyl/p-toulen sodium sulfonate/kerosene/distilled water with the addition of polyacrylamide polymer. It was chosen three polymers of the polyacrylamide type, which differ in molar weight and charge density. It was studied the addition of these polymers in relatively small concentration 0,1% in mass and maximum concentration of 2,0%. It was made analysis of flow to determine the appearing viscosities of the SME and rheological parameters applying Bingham, Ostwald de Waale and Herschell-Buckley models. The behavior into saline environment of this system was studied for a solution of KCl 2,0%, replacing the distilled water. It was determined the behavior of microemulsions in relation with the temperature through curves of flow in temperatures of 25 to 60ºC in variations of 5ºC. After the analysis of the results the microemulsion without the addition of polymer presented a slight increase in its viscosity, but it does not mischaracterize it as a Newtonian fluid. However the additive systems when analyzed with low concentration of polymer adjusted well to the applied models, with a very close behavior of microemulsion. The higher concentration of the polymer gave the systems a behavior of plastic fluid. The results of the temperature variation point to an increase of viscosity in the systems that can be related to structural changes in the micelles formed in the own microemulsion without the addition of polymer