912 resultados para fundamental principles and applications


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BACKGROUND: We have developed a nonviral gene therapy method based on the electrotransfer of plasmid in the ciliary muscle. These easily accessible smooth muscle cells could be turned into a biofactory for any therapeutic proteins to be secreted in a sustained manner in the ocular media. METHODS: Electrical conditions, design of electrodes, plasmid formulation, method and number of injections were optimized in vivo in the rat by localizing β-galactosidase expression and quantifying reporter (luciferase) and therapeutic (anti-tumor necrosis factor) proteins secretion in the ocular media. Anatomical measurements were performed via human magnetic resonance imaging to design a human eye-sized prototype that was tested in the rabbit. RESULTS: In the rat, transscleral injection of 30 µg of plasmid diluted in half saline (77 mM NaCl) followed by application of eight square-wave electrical pulses (15 V, 10 ms, 5.3 Hz) using two platinum/iridium electrodes, an internal wire and an external sheet, delivered plasmid efficiently to the ciliary muscle fibers. Gene transfer resulted in a long-lasting (at least 5 months) and plasmid dose-/injection number- dependent secretion of different molecular weight proteins mainly in the vitreous, without any systemic exposure. Because ciliary muscle anatomical measurements remained constant among ages in adult humans, an integrated device comprising needle-electrodes was designed and manufactured. Its usefulness was validated in the rabbit. CONCLUSIONS: Plasmid electrotransfer to the ciliary muscle with a suitable medical device represents a promising local and sustained protein delivery system for treating posterior segment diseases, avoiding repeated intraocular injections.


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The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC) is an online university that makes extensive use of information and communication technologies to provide education. Ever since its establishment in 1995, the UOC has developed and tested methodologies and technological support services to meet the educational challenges posed by its student community and its teaching and management staff. The know-how it has acquired in doing so is the basis on which it has created the Open Apps platform, which is designed to provide access to open source technical applications, information on successful learning and teaching experiences, resources and other solutions, all in a single environment. Open Apps is an open, online catalogue, the content of which is available to all students for learning purposes, all IT professionals for downloading and all teachers for reusing.To contribute to the transfer of knowledge, experience and technology, each of the platform¿s apps comes with full documentation, plus information on cases in which it has been used and related tools. It is hoped that such transfer will lead to the growth of an external partner network, and that this, in turn, will result in improvements to the applications and teaching/learning practices, and in greater scope for collaboration.Open Apps is a strategic project that has arisen from the UOC's commitment to the open access movement and to giving knowledge and technology back to society, as well as its firm belief that sustainability depends on communities of interest.


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Résumé L'eau est souvent considérée comme une substance ordinaire puisque elle est très commune dans la nature. En fait elle est la plus remarquable de toutes les substances. Sans l'eau la vie sur la terre n'existerait pas. L'eau représente le composant majeur de la cellule vivante, formant typiquement 70 à 95% de la masse cellulaire et elle fournit un environnement à d'innombrables organismes puisque elle couvre 75% de la surface de terre. L'eau est une molécule simple faite de deux atomes d'hydrogène et un atome d'oxygène. Sa petite taille semble en contradiction avec la subtilité de ses propriétés physiques et chimiques. Parmi celles-là, le fait que, au point triple, l'eau liquide est plus dense que la glace est particulièrement remarquable. Malgré son importance particulière dans les sciences de la vie, l'eau est systématiquement éliminée des spécimens biologiques examinés par la microscopie électronique. La raison en est que le haut vide du microscope électronique exige que le spécimen biologique soit solide. Pendant 50 ans la science de la microscopie électronique a adressé ce problème résultant en ce moment en des nombreuses techniques de préparation dont l'usage est courrant. Typiquement ces techniques consistent à fixer l'échantillon (chimiquement ou par congélation), remplacer son contenu d'eau par un plastique doux qui est transformé à un bloc rigide par polymérisation. Le bloc du spécimen est coupé en sections minces (d’environ 50 nm) avec un ultramicrotome à température ambiante. En général, ces techniques introduisent plusieurs artefacts, principalement dû à l'enlèvement d'eau. Afin d'éviter ces artefacts, le spécimen peut être congelé, coupé et observé à basse température. Cependant, l'eau liquide cristallise lors de la congélation, résultant en une importante détérioration. Idéalement, l'eau liquide est solidifiée dans un état vitreux. La vitrification consiste à refroidir l'eau si rapidement que les cristaux de glace n'ont pas de temps de se former. Une percée a eu lieu quand la vitrification d'eau pure a été découverte expérimentalement. Cette découverte a ouvert la voie à la cryo-microscopie des suspensions biologiques en film mince vitrifié. Nous avons travaillé pour étendre la technique aux spécimens épais. Pour ce faire les échantillons biologiques doivent être vitrifiés, cryo-coupées en sections vitreuse et observées dans une cryo-microscope électronique. Cette technique, appelée la cryo- microscopie électronique des sections vitrifiées (CEMOVIS), est maintenant considérée comme étant la meilleure façon de conserver l'ultrastructure de tissus et cellules biologiques dans un état très proche de l'état natif. Récemment, cette technique est devenue une méthode pratique fournissant des résultats excellents. Elle a cependant, des limitations importantes, la plus importante d'entre elles est certainement dû aux artefacts de la coupe. Ces artefacts sont la conséquence de la nature du matériel vitreux et le fait que les sections vitreuses ne peuvent pas flotter sur un liquide comme c'est le cas pour les sections en plastique coupées à température ambiante. Le but de ce travail a été d'améliorer notre compréhension du processus de la coupe et des artefacts de la coupe. Nous avons ainsi trouvé des conditions optimales pour minimiser ou empêcher ces artefacts. Un modèle amélioré du processus de coupe et une redéfinitions des artefacts de coupe sont proposés. Les résultats obtenus sous ces conditions sont présentés et comparés aux résultats obtenus avec les méthodes conventionnelles. Abstract Water is often considered to be an ordinary substance since it is transparent, odourless, tasteless and it is very common in nature. As a matter of fact it can be argued that it is the most remarkable of all substances. Without water life on Earth would not exist. Water is the major component of cells, typically forming 70 to 95% of cellular mass and it provides an environment for innumerable organisms to live in, since it covers 75% of Earth surface. Water is a simple molecule made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, H2O. The small size of the molecule stands in contrast with its unique physical and chemical properties. Among those the fact that, at the triple point, liquid water is denser than ice is especially remarkable. Despite its special importance in life science, water is systematically removed from biological specimens investigated by electron microscopy. This is because the high vacuum of the electron microscope requires that the biological specimen is observed in dry conditions. For 50 years the science of electron microscopy has addressed this problem resulting in numerous preparation techniques, presently in routine use. Typically these techniques consist in fixing the sample (chemically or by freezing), replacing its water by plastic which is transformed into rigid block by polymerisation. The block is then cut into thin sections (c. 50 nm) with an ultra-microtome at room temperature. Usually, these techniques introduce several artefacts, most of them due to water removal. In order to avoid these artefacts, the specimen can be frozen, cut and observed at low temperature. However, liquid water crystallizes into ice upon freezing, thus causing severe damage. Ideally, liquid water is solidified into a vitreous state. Vitrification consists in solidifying water so rapidly that ice crystals have no time to form. A breakthrough took place when vitrification of pure water was discovered. Since this discovery, the thin film vitrification method is used with success for the observation of biological suspensions of. small particles. Our work was to extend the method to bulk biological samples that have to be vitrified, cryosectioned into vitreous sections and observed in cryo-electron microscope. This technique is called cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections (CEMOVIS). It is now believed to be the best way to preserve the ultrastructure of biological tissues and cells very close to the native state for electron microscopic observation. Since recently, CEMOVIS has become a practical method achieving excellent results. It has, however, some sever limitations, the most important of them certainly being due to cutting artefacts. They are the consequence of the nature of vitreous material and the fact that vitreous sections cannot be floated on a liquid as is the case for plastic sections cut at room temperature. The aim of the present work has been to improve our understanding of the cutting process and of cutting artefacts, thus finding optimal conditions to minimise or prevent these artefacts. An improved model of the cutting process and redefinitions of cutting artefacts are proposed. Results obtained with CEMOVIS under these conditions are presented and compared with results obtained with conventional methods.


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Les échantillons biologiques ne s?arrangent pas toujours en objets ordonnés (cristaux 2D ou hélices) nécessaires pour la microscopie électronique ni en cristaux 3D parfaitement ordonnés pour la cristallographie rayons X alors que de nombreux spécimens sont tout simplement trop << gros D pour la spectroscopie NMR. C?est pour ces raisons que l?analyse de particules isolées par la cryo-microscopie électronique est devenue une technique de plus en plus importante pour déterminer la structure de macromolécules. Néanmoins, le faible rapport signal-sur-bruit ainsi que la forte sensibilité des échantillons biologiques natifs face au faisceau électronique restent deux parmi les facteurs limitant la résolution. La cryo-coloration négative est une technique récemment développée permettant l?observation des échantillons biologiques avec le microscope électronique. Ils sont observés à l?état vitrifié et à basse température, en présence d?un colorant (molybdate d?ammonium). Les avantages de la cryo-coloration négative sont étudiés dans ce travail. Les résultats obtenus révèlent que les problèmes majeurs peuvent êtres évités par l?utilisation de cette nouvelle technique. Les échantillons sont représentés fidèlement avec un SNR 10 fois plus important que dans le cas des échantillons dans l?eau. De plus, la comparaison de données obtenues après de multiples expositions montre que les dégâts liés au faisceau électronique sont réduits considérablement. D?autre part, les résultats exposés mettent en évidence que la technique est idéale pour l?analyse à haute résolution de macromolécules biologiques. La solution vitrifiée de molybdate d?ammonium entourant l?échantillon n?empêche pas l?accès à la structure interne de la protéine. Finalement, plusieurs exemples d?application démontrent les avantages de cette technique nouvellement développée.<br/><br/>Many biological specimens do not arrange themselves in ordered assemblies (tubular or flat 2D crystals) suitable for electron crystallography, nor in perfectly ordered 3D crystals for X-ray diffraction; many other are simply too large to be approached by NMR spectroscopy. Therefore, single-particles analysis has become a progressively more important technique for structural determination of large isolated macromolecules by cryo-electron microscopy. Nevertheless, the low signal-to-noise ratio and the high electron-beam sensitivity of biological samples remain two main resolution-limiting factors, when the specimens are observed in their native state. Cryo-negative staining is a recently developed technique that allows the study of biological samples with the electron microscope. The samples are observed at low temperature, in the vitrified state, but in presence of a stain (ammonium molybdate). In the present work, the advantages of this novel technique are investigated: it is shown that cryo-negative staining can generally overcome most of the problems encountered with cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified native suspension of biological particles. The specimens are faithfully represented with a 10-times higher SNR than in the case of unstained samples. Beam-damage is found to be considerably reduced by comparison of multiple-exposure series of both stained and unstained samples. The present report also demonstrates that cryo-negative staining is capable of high- resolution analysis of biological macromolecules. The vitrified stain solution surrounding the sample does not forbid the access to the interna1 features (ie. the secondary structure) of a protein. This finding is of direct interest for the structural biologist trying to combine electron microscopy and X-ray data. developed electron microscopy technique. Finally, several application examples demonstrate the advantages of this newly


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In this thesis theoretical and technological aspects of fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) are considered. The fabrication of uniform and chirped fiber Bragg gratings using phase mask technique has been exploited throughout this study. Different requires of FBG inscription were considered and implemented experimentally to find economical and effective procedure. The hydrogen loading was used as a method for enhancement the photosensitivity of the fiber. The minimum loading time for uniform and chirped fiber Bragg gratings was determined as 3 days and 7 days at T = 50°C and hydrogen pressure 140 bar, respectively. The post-inscription annealing was considered to avoid excess losses induced by the hydrogen. The wavelength evolution during annealing was measured. The strain and temperature sensor application of FBG was considered. The wavelength shifts caused by tension and temperature were studied for both uniform and chirp fiber Bragg gratings.


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In liberalized electricity markets, which have taken place in many countries over the world, the electricity distribution companies operate in the competitive conditions. Therefore, accurate information about the customers’ energy consumption plays an essential role for the budget keeping of the distribution company and for correct planning and operation of the distribution network. This master’s thesis is focused on the description of the possible benefits for the electric utilities and residential customers from the automatic meter reading system usage. Major benefits of the AMR, illustrated in the thesis, are distribution network management, power quality monitoring, load modelling, and detection of the illegal usage of the electricity. By the example of the power system state estimation, it was illustrated that even the partial installation of the AMR in the customer side leads to more accurate data about the voltage and power levels in the whole network. The thesis also contains the description of the present situation of the AMR integration in Russia.


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Separations using supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) with packed columns have been re-discovered and explored in recent years. SFC enables fast and efficient separations and, in some cases, gives better results than high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This paper provides an overview of recent advances in SFC separations using packed columns for both achiral and chiral separations. The most important types of stationary phases used in SFC are discussed as well as the most critical parameters involved in the separations and some recent applications.


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Asian rust of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merril] is one of the most important fungal diseases of this crop worldwide. The recent introduction of Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. & P. Syd in the Americas represents a major threat to soybean production in the main growing regions, and significant losses have already been reported. P. pachyrhizi is extremely aggressive under favorable weather conditions, causing rapid plant defoliation. Epidemiological studies, under both controlled and natural environmental conditions, have been done for several decades with the aim of elucidating factors that affect the disease cycle as a basis for disease modeling. The recent spread of Asian soybean rust to major production regions in the world has promoted new development, testing and application of mathematical models to assess the risk and predict the disease. These efforts have included the integration of new data, epidemiological knowledge, statistical methods, and advances in computer simulation to develop models and systems with different spatial and temporal scales, objectives and audience. In this review, we present a comprehensive discussion on the models and systems that have been tested to predict and assess the risk of Asian soybean rust. Limitations, uncertainties and challenges for modelers are also discussed.


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This article discusses three possible ways to derive time domain boundary integral representations for elastodynamics. This discussion points out possible difficulties found when using those formulations to deal with practical applications. The discussion points out recommendations to select the convenient integral representation to deal with elastodynamic problems and opens the possibility of deriving simplified schemes. The proper way to take into account initial conditions applied to the body is an interesting topict shown. It illustrates the main differences between the discussed boundary integral representation expressions, their singularities and possible numerical problems. The correct way to use collocation points outside the analyzed domain is carefully described. Some applications are shown at the end of the paper, in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the technique when properly used.