953 resultados para fluid flow


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DNS of planar turbulent flame and turbulent V-flame has been conducted to investigate turbulence-scalar interaction in relatively practical turbulent combustion. Several turbulence quantities are examined for the understandings of fundamental characteristics of flow field in V-flame. Due to the additional turbulence production by the hot-rod, turbulence does not simply decay in V-flame. Turbulence-scalar interaction, scalar alignments with the principal strain rate in other words, is then clarified. The competition of turbulence and dilatation can be found in the conditional PDF of flame normal alignment. The results suggests that the alignment characteristics in high Da flames are applicable to low Da flames in the region of intense heat release.


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Natural cilia are hairlike microtubule-based structures that are able to move fluid on the micrometer scale using asymmetric motion. In this article, we follow a biomimetic approach to design artificial cilia lining the inner surfaces of microfluidic channels with the goal of propelling fluid. The artificial cilia consist of polymer films filled with superparamagnetic nanoparticles, which can mimic the motion of natural cilia when subjected to a rotating magnetic field. To obtain the magnetic field and associated magnetization local to the cilia, we solve the Maxwell equations, from which the magnetic body moments and forces can be deduced. To obtain the ciliary motion, we solve the dynamic equations of motion, which are then fully coupled to the Navier-Stokes equations that describe the fluid flow around the cilia, thus taking full account of fluid inertial forces. The dimensionless parameters that govern the deformation behavior of the cilia and the associated fluid flow are arrived at using the principle of virtual work. The physical response of the cilia and the fluid flow for different combinations of elastic, fluid viscous, and inertia forces are identified.


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A numerical model is developed to analyse the interaction of artificial cilia with the surrounding fluid in a three-dimensional setting in the limit of vanishing fluid inertia forces. The cilia are modelled using finite shell elements and the fluid is modelled using a boundary element approach. The coupling between both models is performed by imposing no-slip boundary conditions on the surface of the cilia. The performance of the model is verified using various reference problems available in the literature. The model is used to simulate the fluid flow due to magnetically actuated artificial cilia. The results show that narrow and closely spaced cilia create the largest flow, that metachronal waves along the width of the cilia create a significant flow in the direction of the cilia width and that the recovery stroke in the case of the out-of-plane actuation of the cilia strongly depends on the cilia width. © 2012 Cambridge University Press.


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A heated rotating cavity with an axial throughflow of cooling air is used as a model for the flow in the cylindrical cavities between adjacent discs of a high-pressure gas-turbine compressor. In an engine the flow is expected to be turbulent, the limitations of this laminar study are fully realised but it is considered an essential step to understand the fundamental nature of the flow. The three-dimensional, time-dependent governing equations are solved using a code based on the finite volume technique and a multigrid algorithm. The computed flow structure shows that flow enters the cavity in one or more radial arms and then forms regions of cyclonic and anticyclonic circulation. This basic flow structure is consistent with existing experimental evidence obtained from flow visualization. The flow structure also undergoes cyclic changes with time. For example, a single radial arm, and pair of recirculation regions can commute to two radial arms and two pairs of recirculation regions and then revert back to one. The flow structure inside the cavity is found to be heavily influenced by the radial distribution of surface temperature imposed on the discs. As the radial location of the maximum disc temperature moves radially outward, this appears to increase the number of radial arms and pairs of recirculation regions (from one to three for the distributions considered here). If the peripheral shroud is also heated there appear to be many radial arms which exchange fluid with a strong cyclonic flow adjacent to the shroud. One surface temperature distribution is studied in detail and profiles of the relative tangential and radial velocities are presented. The disc heat transfer is also found to be influenced by the disc surface temperature distribution. It is also found that the computed Nusselt numbers are in reasonable accord over most of the disc surface with a correlation found from previous experimental measurements. © 1994, MCB UP Limited.


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In order to study quantitatively the effects of forced solution on crystal growth, we designed a new set of experimental equipment, in particular, a microchannel mixer was used as crystallization container so that the consumption of protein samples was much reduced and thus an exact syringe pump could be used for precise control of the flow rates. Since the mixer’s section was designed to be rectangular, the solution velocity in its center was steady and constant, and thus repeatable experiments were facilitated. Experimental results showed that the effects of forced solution on protein crystal growth were different under different levels of supersaturation, and new results were obtained for cases of high supersaturation. When the supersaturation is σ = 2.3, with increasing flow rates the growth rates of the lysozyme crystal’s (110) face hardly change when the flow rates are lower than 1300 μm/s, and decrease quickly afterwards. When the flow rate reaches 2000 μm/s, the crystal nearly ceases to grow. When the supersaturation is σ = 2.7, with increasing flow rates the (110) face growth rates increase at the beginning then reach the maximum values at 1700 μm/s – 1900 μm/s and decrease afterwards, approaching zero or so when the flow rate reaches 12000 μm/s. The higher the supersaturation, the larger the flow rate at which the crystal ceases to grow. © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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We demonstrate that fluid flow cloaking solutions, based on active hydrodynamic metamaterials, exist for two-dimensional flows past a cylinder in a wide range of Reynolds numbers (Re's), up to approximately 200. Within the framework of the classical Brinkman equation for homogenized porous flow, we demonstrate using two different methods that such cloaked flows can be dynamically stable for Re's in the range of 5-119. The first highly efficient method is based on a linearization of the Brinkman-Navier-Stokes equation and finding the eigenfrequencies of the least stable eigenperturbations; the second method is a direct numerical integration in the time domain. We show that, by suppressing the von Kármán vortex street in the weakly turbulent wake, porous flow cloaks can raise the critical Reynolds number up to about 120 or five times greater than for a bare uncloaked cylinder. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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High-integrity castings require sophisticated design and manufacturing procedures to ensure they are essentially macrodefect free. Unfortunately, an important class of such defects—macroporosity, misruns, and pipe shrinkage—are all functions of the interactions of free surface flow, heat transfer, and solidication in complex geometries. Because these defects arise as an interaction of the preceding continuum phenomena, genuinely predictive models of these defects must represent these interactions explicitly. This work describes an attempt to model the formation of macrodefects explicitly as a function of the interacting continuum phenomena in arbitrarily complex three-dimensional geometries. The computational approach exploits a compatible set of finite volume procedures extended to unstructured meshes. The implementation of the model is described together with its testing and a measure of validation. The model demonstrates the potential to predict reliably shrinkage macroporosity, misruns, and pipe shrinkage directly as a result of interactions among free-surface fluid flow, heat transfer, and solidification.


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This work is concerned with the accurate computation of flow in a rapidly deforming liquid metal droplet, suspended in an AC magnetic field. Intense flow motion due to the induced electromagnetic force distorts dynamically the droplet envelope, which is initially spherical. The relative positional change between the liquid metal surface and the surrounding coil means that fluid flow and magnetic field computations need to be closely coupled. A spectral technique is used to solve this problem, which is assumed axisymmetric. The computed results are compared against a physical experiment and "ideal sphere" analytic solutions. A comparison between the "magnetic pressure" approximation and the full electromagnetic force solutions, shows fundamental differences; the full electromagnetic force solution is necessary for accurate results in most practical applications of this technique. The physical reason for the fundamental discrepancy is the difference in the electromagnetic force representation: only the gradient part of the full force is accounted for in the "magnetic pressure" approximation. Figs 9, Refs 13.


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A 3D model of melt pool created by a moving arc type heat sources has been developed. The model solves the equations of turbulent fluid flow, heat transfer and electromagnetic field to demonstrate the flow behaviour phase-change in the pool. The coupled effects of buoyancy, capillary (Marangoni) and electromagnetic (Lorentz) forces are included within an unstructured finite volume mesh environment. The movement of the welding arc along the workpiece is accomplished via a moving co-ordinator system. Additionally a method enabling movement of the weld pool surface by fluid convection is presented whereby the mesh in the liquid region is allowed to move through a free surface. The surface grid lines move to restore equilibrium at the end of each computational time step and interior grid points then adjust following the solution of a Laplace equation.