673 resultados para fix


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In order to examine the effectiveness of engineering protection against localized scour in front of the south groin-group of the Yangtze Estuary Waterway Improvement Project, Phase I, an undistorted physical model on a geometric scale of 1:250 is built in this study, covering two groins and their adacent estuarine areas. By use of rinsing fix-bed model as well as localized mobile-bed model the experiment is undertaken under bi-directional steady flow. According to the experimental results, waterway dredging leads to the increase in steram velocity, the increase being larger during the ebb than during the flood. Construction of the upstream groin has some influence on the flow patterns near the downstream groin. Localized scour in front of the groin-heads is controlled mainly by ebb flow. In the case of a riverbed composed entirely of silt, the depths of localized scour in front of the two groin-heads are 27 m and 29 m, respectively. In reality, the underneath sediment of the prototype riverbed is clay whose threshold velocity is much higher than the stream velocity in the Yangtze Estuary; therefore, the depths of localized scour will not be much larger than the thickness of the silt layer, i. e. 7.4 m and 4.7 m, respectively. The designed aprons covering the riverbed in fron of the groin-heads are very effective in scour control. Aprons of slightly smaller size can also fulfill the task of protection, but the area of localized scour increases significantly.


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We used an eddy covariance technique to measure evapotranspiration and carbon flux over two very different growing seasons for a typical steppe on the Inner Mongolia Plateau, China. The rainfall during the 2004 growing season (344.7 mm) was close to the annual average (350.43 mm). In contrast, precipitation during the 2005 growing season was significantly lower than average (only 126 mm). The wet 2004 growing season had a higher peak evapotranspiration (4 mm day(-1)) than did the dry 2005 growing season (3.3 mm day(-1)). In 2004, latent heat flux was mainly a consumption resource for net radiation, accounting for similar to 46% of net radiation. However, sensible heat flux dominated the energy budget over the whole growing season in 2005, accounting for 60% of net radiation. The evaporative rate (LE/R-n) dropped by a factor of four from the non-soil stress to soil water limiting conditions. Maximum half-hourly CO2 uptake was -0.68 mg m(-2) s(-1) and maximum ecosystem exchange was 4.3 g CO2 m(-2) day(-1) in 2004. The 2005 drought growing stage had a maximum CO2 exchange value of only -0.22 mg m(-2) s(-1) and a continuous positive integrated-daily CO2 flux over the entire growing season, i.e. the ecosystem became a net carbon source. Soil respiration was temperature dependent when the soil was under non-limiting soil moisture conditions, but this response declined with soil water stress. Water availability and a high vapor pressure deficit severely limited carbon fixing of this ecosystem; thus, during the growing season, the capacity to fix CO2 was closely related to both timing and frequency of rainfall events. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.


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通常,在一台带有托板输送系统的柔性制造设备(如柔性制造单元)上一次在托板上只装夹一个零件进行加工。“虚工件”法是指在一个托板上装多个相同或不同的零件,将它们视为一个零件投入设备中,用对各零件的NC 程序进行相关处理后得到的 NC 新程序进行加工。应用这种方法可以提高生产率,提高柔性并有利于均衡生产。分析了应用“虚工件”法的一些限制条件及其技术实施中的苦干技术关键.


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It is a weighting process to justify the importance of different items. This paper is about how the estimator distributes profiling the weights to different items. This paper is about using design of psychological experiment to figure out the profiles of the weights of different ranked items in three weighting methods, and in the experiment we use five topics as experimental materials. At the same time, we controlled the factors such as the familiarity about the topic and the number of items. Then we use the curve estimation to figure out the exact profiles and use ANOVA to test the topic effects. Curve estimation result shows that there is difference between the profiles of the weights of different ranking items in three weighting methods. To PA, the weighting profile is logarithmic curving style, and to DR, the weighting profile is linear style. ANOVA result shows that there are topic effects to different weighting profiles. But to go ahead, when we use point allocation (PA) to the more important items, the topics seems to have little effects. The methods have relatively more effect than the topics. The result also indicates that to PA methods, there is no significant difference the weight profiles between the fix-sum and the open-sum. This result has a contribution to the basic research to the management science and social science.


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The work-family relations included positive relationship (work-family enrichment) and negative relationship (work-family conflict). Along with the development of positive psychology, the researchers turned their focus from work-family conflict to work-family enrichment. On the other hand, the research between work and family had just started and most attention was fix on work-family conflict. This research based on the skilled workers in manufacturing, and tried to discuss antecedents and the machanism of work-family relations through a series research which include action relation among job characteristics, work-family relations and outcomes of work, and the action relation among job resource、work-family relations、marital adjustment、work outcomes and role salience. This subject made the investigation to the workers who are working in manufacturing through literature research, questionnaire surveys and other methods. In this subject, several statistical techniques such as Explore Factor Analysis(CFA),Structural Equation Modeling(SEM), multiple-group Analysis were used to get the following conclusion: Firstly, work-family enrichment was an independent variable in work-family conflict, which had more extensively influence. Work-family conflict would increase accompany with the increasing of job demand, and it also would enhance negative work outcomes; work-family enrichment was effected by both job demand and job resource, and it made positive influence to positive and negative work outcomes. Secondly, marital adjustment penetrated into work domain through work-family enrichment inner effect mechanism, and influenced the work outcomes. The work→family enrichment and family→work enrichment could facilitate mutually, marital adjustment influenced the work outcome by the reciprocal relationship of work→family enrichment ↔ family→work enrichment. Finally, the family-role salience had directed loop-enhanced effect to organizational commitment and the importance could also enhance the positive function of work→family enrichment to organizational commitment.


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Traditionally, language speakers are categorised as mono-lingual, bilingual, or multilingual. It is traditionally assumed in English language education that the ‘lingual’ is something that can be ‘fixed’ in form, written down to be learnt, and taught. Accordingly, the ‘mono’-lingual will have a ‘fixed’ linguistic form. Such a ‘form’ differs according to a number of criteria or influences including region or ‘type’ of English (for example, World Englishes) but is nevertheless assumed to be a ‘form’. ‘Mono-lingualism’ is defined and believed, traditionally, to be ‘speaking one language’; wherever that language is; or whatever that language may be. In this chapter, grounded in an individual subjective philosophy of language, we question this traditional definition. Viewing language from the philosophical perspectives such as those of Bakhtin and Voloshinov, we argue that the prominence of ‘context’ and ‘consciousness’ in language means that to ‘fix’ the form of a language goes against the very spirit of how it is formed and used. We thus challenge the categorisation of ‘mono’-lingualism; proposing that such a categorisation is actually a category error, or a case ‘in which a property is ascribed to a thing that could not possibly have that property’ (Restivo, 2013, p. 175), in this case the property of ‘mono’. Using this proposition as a starting point, we suggest that more time be devoted to language in its context and as per its genuine use as a vehicle for consciousness. We theorise this can be done through a ‘literacy’ based approach which fronts the context of language use rather than the language itself. We outline how we envision this working for teachers, students and materials developers of English Language Education materials in a global setting. To do this we consider Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence as an exemplar to promote conscious language use in context.


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Urquhart, C., Spink, S. & Thomas, R., Assessing training and professional development needs of library staff. Report for National Library of Health. (2005). Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth Sponsorship: National Library for Health (NHS Information Authority)


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Bycatch reduction technology (BRT) modifies fishing gear to increase selectivity and avoid capture of non-target species, or to facilitate their non-lethal release. As a solution to fisheries-related mortality of non-target species, BRT is an attractive option; effectively implemented, BRT presents a technical 'fix' that can reduce pressure for politically contentious and economically detrimental interventions, such as fisheries closures. While a number of factors might contribute to effective implementation, our review of BRT literature finds that research has focused on technical design and experimental performance of individual technologies. In contrast, and with a few notable exceptions, research on the human and institutional context of BRT, and more specifically on how fishers respond to BRT, is limited. This is not to say that fisher attitudes are ignored or overlooked, but that incentives for fisher uptake of BRT are usually assumed rather than assessed or demonstrated. Three assumptions about fisher incentives dominate: (1) economic incentives will generate acceptance of BRT; (2) enforcement will generate compliance with BRT; and (3) 'participation' by fishers will increase acceptance and compliance, and overall support for BRT. In this paper, we explore evidence for and against these assumptions and situate our analysis in the wider social science literature on fisheries. Our goal is to highlight the need and suggest focal areas for further research. © Inter-Research 2008.


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© 2015, Institute of Mathematical Statistics. All rights reserved.In order to use persistence diagrams as a true statistical tool, it would be very useful to have a good notion of mean and variance for a set of diagrams. In [23], Mileyko and his collaborators made the first study of the properties of the Fréchet mean in (Dp, Wp), the space of persistence diagrams equipped with the p-th Wasserstein metric. In particular, they showed that the Fréchet mean of a finite set of diagrams always exists, but is not necessarily unique. The means of a continuously-varying set of diagrams do not themselves (necessarily) vary continuously, which presents obvious problems when trying to extend the Fréchet mean definition to the realm of time-varying persistence diagrams, better known as vineyards. We fix this problem by altering the original definition of Fréchet mean so that it now becomes a probability measure on the set of persistence diagrams; in a nutshell, the mean of a set of diagrams will be a weighted sum of atomic measures, where each atom is itself a persistence diagram determined using a perturbation of the input diagrams. This definition gives for each N a map (Dp)N→ℙ(Dp). We show that this map is Hölder continuous on finite diagrams and thus can be used to build a useful statistic on vineyards.


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We present a theory of hypoellipticity and unique ergodicity for semilinear parabolic stochastic PDEs with "polynomial" nonlinearities and additive noise, considered as abstract evolution equations in some Hilbert space. It is shown that if Hörmander's bracket condition holds at every point of this Hilbert space, then a lower bound on the Malliavin covariance operatorμt can be obtained. Informally, this bound can be read as "Fix any finite-dimensional projection on a subspace of sufficiently regular functions. Then the eigenfunctions of μt with small eigenvalues have only a very small component in the image of Π." We also show how to use a priori bounds on the solutions to the equation to obtain good control on the dependency of the bounds on the Malliavin matrix on the initial condition. These bounds are sufficient in many cases to obtain the asymptotic strong Feller property introduced in [HM06]. One of the main novel technical tools is an almost sure bound from below on the size of "Wiener polynomials," where the coefficients are possibly non-adapted stochastic processes satisfying a Lips chitz condition. By exploiting the polynomial structure of the equations, this result can be used to replace Norris' lemma, which is unavailable in the present context. We conclude by showing that the two-dimensional stochastic Navier-Stokes equations and a large class of reaction-diffusion equations fit the framework of our theory.


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Estimation of the skeleton of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) is of great importance for understanding the underlying DAG and causal effects can be assessed from the skeleton when the DAG is not identifiable. We propose a novel method named PenPC to estimate the skeleton of a high-dimensional DAG by a two-step approach. We first estimate the nonzero entries of a concentration matrix using penalized regression, and then fix the difference between the concentration matrix and the skeleton by evaluating a set of conditional independence hypotheses. For high-dimensional problems where the number of vertices p is in polynomial or exponential scale of sample size n, we study the asymptotic property of PenPC on two types of graphs: traditional random graphs where all the vertices have the same expected number of neighbors, and scale-free graphs where a few vertices may have a large number of neighbors. As illustrated by extensive simulations and applications on gene expression data of cancer patients, PenPC has higher sensitivity and specificity than the state-of-the-art method, the PC-stable algorithm.


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Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the leading cause of cervical cancer and the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease worldwide. HPV vaccines require a multi-dose regimen to provide immunity, contributing to low patient compliance. We addressed this problem by formulating biodegradable poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles and assessing their viability for use in controlled-release vaccines. We hypothesized that we could alter fabrication parameters to produce 1-10 μm microparticles in order to encapsulate ovalbumin (OVA) and HPV virus-like particles (VLPs). Microparticles were fabricated using a double emulsion method and used to elicit an immune response in JAWSII cells. Our results contribute to knowledge of vaccine delivery mechanisms and controlled-release technology, and could contribute to the creation of a viable controlled-release HPV vaccine.


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Ultrastructural investigations of eggs can be important in helping to understand embryonic development. There are few transmission electron microscope studies of marine arthropod eggs, however, as they have proved difficult to fix and infiltrate with resin. Here, we describe a modification of a standard method that allows the preparation of the quite different eggs of the marine copepod, Acartia tonsa and the lobster, Homarus gammarus, for transmission electron microscopy. By using double fixation and an extended resin infiltration time we obtained good preparations for electron microscopy. We anticipate that these modifications to the standard protocol will be widely applicable and useful for the study of the eggs and early developmental stages of many marine arthropod taxa. Les recherches sur l'ultrastructure des oeufs peuvent être importantes en aidant à comprendre le développement embryonnaire. Il existe cependant peu d'études en microscopie électronique à transmission sur les oeufs d'arthropodes marins, car il est difficile de les fixer et d'y infiltrer de la résine. Dans ce travail, nous décrivons une modification de la méthode standard, qui permet la préparation pour la microscopie électronique à transmission d'oeufs aussi différents que ceux du copépode marin Acartia tonsa et du homard Homarus gammarus. En utilisant une double fixation et un temps plus long d'infiltration de la résine, nous avons obtenu de bonnes préparations pour la microscopie électronique. Nous prévoyons que ces modifications du protocole standard seront largement applicables et utiles pour l'étude des oeufs et des premiers stades de développement de nombreux taxons d'arthropodes marins.


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The colonial census was a bureaucratic device which provided an essential abstraction from social reality, a ‘statistical fix’ designed to map individual social groups in space. This paper considers the contradictions associated with colonial knowledge systems as reflected in the census grafted onto Burmese society in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It attempts to chart the general adoption and adaptation, in the Burmese context, of a classificatory scheme which categorised labour as either productive or unproductive. Colonialism introduced new attitudes towards work and labour which reinforced patriarchal values which contrasted with more egalitarian Burmese socio-economic systems. The paper suggests that a simple classification of women workers as either productive or unproductive in the Burmese census between 1872 and 1931 resulted in the devaluation of their status as workers. This devaluation was a function of both real economic transformation taking place in the empire and changes in census classification, reflecting a gendering of occupations that undermined the cultural norms of Burmese society. The material result was that women became statistically less visible as economically productive workers. Such ascriptions of value to women workers were largely informed by moral considerations originating in England.